Nov. 3, 2007

EP013: Live Presentation Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast

EP013: Live Presentation Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast

Episode 13 Live Presentation Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast, Podcamp Boston 2, Making the World a Better Place, Song of the week Never by Natalie Gelman. Call in 206-888-6606

Please share Comments and call in at 206-888-6606 or email us at


Episode 13 – Listen to a live interactive recording of The Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast presented on October 26, 2007 at Podcamp Boston. We will explore how to Find the ‘voice’ for your podcast, where to host your podcast, the software and hardware needed to produce a podcast, how to do show preparation, ideas for developing great content for a podcast, strategies and tactics paid promotion and unpaid ideas to promote a podcast.


Episode 13 – Listen to a live interactive recording of The Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast presented on October 26, 2007 at Podcamp Boston.  We will explore how to Find the ‘voice’ for your podcast, where to host your podcast, the software and hardware needed to produce a podcast, how to do show preparation, ideas for developing great content for a podcast, strategies and tactics paid promotion and unpaid ideas to promote a podcast.

Also a call in from Led Edgerly, Twittering at  Podcamp Boston 2, How Social Media is Making the World a slightly Better Place, the Song-of-the-Week  ‘Never’  by Natalie Gelman . Please call in questions and comments to 206-888-6606.

This Episode is dedicated to a future famous Podcaster Dr. Reese Halter

Click here to view the companion to the audio, the Power Point presention “The Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast”

Amazing People We Met!

Podcast History

A Home for Your Website

Hardware I Use

Software I Use

Create Great Content – Interviews


Paid Promotion


Ten Golden Rules for Launching and Promoting a New Podcast

  1. Set Your Strategy
  2. Find Your Voice
  3. It needs a Home
  4. The Tools of the Trade
  5. Show ‘Prep’
  6. Content is King
  7. Post Production
  8. Make Your Show Searchable
  9. Paid Promotion
  10. Free Promotion

Song of the Week “Never” by Natalie Gelman


Please share Comments and call in at 206-888-6606 or email us at