Unleashing Unshakeable Confidence With Melinda Lee

Welcome to the Speak in Flow Podcast with your host, Melinda Lee, where we explore the art of communication and personal development. In today's episode, we dive deep into the realms of confidence and influence, uncovering strategies to cultivate unshakeable confidence and wield influence effectively.
Unshakeable Confidence Unveiled
- What does it mean to have unshakeable confidence?
- Understanding the mindset shifts required to develop unwavering self-assurance.
- Overcoming self-doubt and embracing authenticity in your journey towards confidence.
Deciphering the Dynamics: Confidence vs. Influence
- Exploring the nuances between confidence and influence.
- How confidence lays the groundwork for influence and vice versa.
- Recognizing the symbiotic relationship between confidence and influence in personal and professional spheres.
Strategies for Cultivating Confidence and Influence
- Practical tips and techniques for fostering unshakeable confidence.
- Leveraging body language, voice modulation, and storytelling to enhance your influence.
- Building credibility and trust to amplify your sphere of influence.
Navigating Challenges and Embracing Growth
- Overcoming setbacks and obstacles on the path to confidence and influence.
- Embracing failure as a stepping stone towards growth and self-discovery.
- The role of resilience and adaptability in maintaining confidence and influence amidst adversity.
Key Takeaways:
- Confidence is the cornerstone of influence, empowering individuals to inspire and lead others effectively.
- Authenticity and vulnerability are key components of unshakeable confidence, fostering genuine connections and rapport.
- Cultivating confidence and influence is an ongoing journey of self-discovery and personal growth, requiring dedication, resilience, and self-awareness.
Join us as we unravel the mysteries of confidence and influence, empowering you to speak with clarity, conviction, and authenticity. Tune in to the Speak in Flow Podcast and unleash your inner confidence today!
About Melinda:
Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.
She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.
Website: https://speakinflow.com/
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Welcome to the Speak In Flow podcast. I am so
Melinda Lee:
glad you're here today, we are going to dive into both stepping
Melinda Lee:
into your Unshakable Confidence and influence. Unshakable
Melinda Lee:
Confidence is when you feel and embody with every fibre
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beingness bone cell in your body you feel and the sense of
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confidence, a sense of peace. Confidence allows for connection
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and trust with you and your audience. Influence is how you
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inspire people to take action. I remember a time when I define
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myself as a number, purely a number, I'd be in my bathroom,
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looking down at that scale, and afraid of what it was going to
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tell me because that number was who I was for that day. When it
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stepped on the scale, and I'd see a number that was higher
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than my ideal weight. broke me, it defined who I was, and, or
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am, I was a failure. It broke my heart, I couldn't bear to see
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heavier weight as a person who had struggled with an eating
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disorder for decades. That's what that meant to me and meant
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the world to me that number. And so it was became so challenging
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because then I couldn't work. I couldn't focus. Sometimes I
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couldn't even help my daughter couldn't have the energy. And I
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finally decided I had enough. I didn't care what was going to
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happen whether I gain weight, loss weight, what I needed to be
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free from this, set myself free from this trap this prison. So I
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got a nutritionist, a Workout Trainer, and also a mindset
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coach, because I knew I was in for a journey, I could not help
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myself anymore. What I was doing to myself was all incorrect. So
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I needed to trust somebody else. And I did. It was not easy. But
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I knew I needed to do this for my daughter. And to finally do
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this for myself, I felt so disconnected from myself. And
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what I learned is I finally learned to give myself food.
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When I was hungry. I wouldn't do that before. If I was hungry,
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I'd starve. And then if I was full, I keep eating sometimes
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because I feel so guilty for being full. So then what that's
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what my mindset coach would work on me to continue to help clear
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my mind clear my thoughts of all this limiting negative feelings
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and emotions I had about myself. It was like a two year process.
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That to myself, the wholeness of myself, I let go of the negative
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thoughts I had about my body so that I can connect back and
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listen to what it needed. I was more focused on doing what I was
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told by these nutritionists doing what I was told. And
Melinda Lee:
finally, I remember the day running down and jogging down my
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block. Feeling free. I had tears in my eyes because I could see
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the trees, I could see the sun beaming to feel the sun beaming
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on my face. comfort to me letting me know that you did it.
Melinda Lee:
You are free. You're no longer bound by a number. You are way
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more than that. You're here to do bigger things. And that is
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why I'm so thrilled to be with you today. Because I'm fully
Melinda Lee:
here I'm fully present, where before I was so focused on that
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number, I couldn't serve anybody else. But I had to do a lot of
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inner work to get here. build my confidence, build my ability to
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connect with others, and to allow others to connect with me.
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If I had felt any doubt about my weight, I wouldn't allow you to
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connect with me because I didn't think I would be good enough. So
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you can imagine the day I felt free I felt excited. I'm like
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I'm ready to do this. I'm ready to get clients Let's go. And
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speaking on that stage and thinking I was gonna get more
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clients It's good. I didn't, I didn't know why I was so
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frustrated. I thought, Wait, I just did all this work to feel
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confident again, but hole again. And yet there was something
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missing. People were not acting. So I studied more again, here's
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another journey, another layer toward influence, how can I
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influence my audience in a way that inspires them motivates
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them to do something. And I realised that storytelling was
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the next key skill that I needed to learn. I had a lot of
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resistance, I don't know how to tell good stories. I don't have
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any experiences to share. But then I started realising that I
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do, because I started diving in asking myself questions, writing
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down on a chart, my life journey. I do have experiences
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to share. And they're meant to be shared. And so I learned a
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framework for telling powerful stories. And including those
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into my presentations, and learning how to include stories
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within my presentations, so that I can continue to connect with
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the audience, continue to engage them, and continue to take my
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audience on the same ride with me. So we're both on the ride
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together. And inspiring people motivating them. Getting them,
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like fired up and passionate about solving our problems, all
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the problems that we have in the world. So let's do this. Let's
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do this together. And I need the support of the people in the
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room. And that is when I started to create influence. And if
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people were out there, naysayers that were out there, I knew I
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could trust myself to be in the moment to answer difficult
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questions. And that is how we can all collaborate, and work
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together. I realised the difference between confidence
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which builds connection, trustworthiness and influence,
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which motivates inspires people to ask people know what the next
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step is. Those two combined is the powerful approach system
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that that we learned in the speaking flow programme, both
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stepping into confidence and influence. So that you can make
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a bigger difference. So that you can inspire and, and have a team
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and have people in your community and, and have
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meaningful relationships because it is finally time that we all
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change the way that we communicate in this world. It
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matters, communication, connection, and influence. With
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the way AI is going, communication is a way that
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we're going to continue to have humanity sustain humanity. So
Melinda Lee:
until I hope that you had taken this, my story and my example to
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inspire you, to let you know that it is possible. Your
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confidence is not far from you. It's always been within you.
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Back to the wholeness of yourself, back to the confidence
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self. A self that trust that you can influence and lead people.
Melinda Lee:
That's the journey that we're on. I'm glad that you're here
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until I see you again on the other side. I'm your sister in
Melinda Lee:
flow. Take care