Mastering Speaking in Flow with Melinda Lee

Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Speak In Flow Podcast! Today, we delve into the art of mastering speaking in flow with the brilliant Melinda Lee. Join us as we explore invaluable insights that will transform your communication journey.
Episode Highlights:
Moving Beyond the Struggle: Melinda Lee shares her profound wisdom on how to transition from the struggle stage to effortlessly speaking in flow. Uncover the mindset shifts and practical techniques that pave the way for seamless communication.
The Three Stages of Flow: Delve into the intricacies of flow with Melinda Lee as she guides us through the three transformative stages. From awareness to immersion and finally, integration, discover how each phase propels you towards eloquent expression.
Unlocking the Key Secret: Gain exclusive access to the key secret of mastering speaking in flow. Melinda Lee unveils the hidden gem that lies at the core of effortless communication, empowering you to captivate audiences with ease.
Navigating Novel Situations: In a world filled with novel situations, learn how to navigate them gracefully while maintaining your flow. Melinda Lee provides invaluable insights into adapting to the unknown, ensuring that you remain poised and articulate in every scenario.
Join us on this enlightening journey as Melinda Lee unveils the secrets to mastering speaking in flow. Prepare to elevate your communication skills to unprecedented heights!
For more captivating discussions and insights, don't forget to subscribe to the Speak In Flow Podcast. Until next time, speak your truth and flow with grace!
About Melinda:
Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.
She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.
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#speakinflow #masteringspeaking #Speakyourtruth #publicspeakingfears #publicspeakingmastery
Welcome to a Speak In Flow Podcast episode, I am
Melinda Lee:thrilled you're here, because this topic is near and dear to
Melinda Lee:my heart, mastering and being successful at flow. Now what is
Melinda Lee:flow anyways, flow is when your potential is skyrocketing,
Melinda Lee:because you're so immersed in the present moment, there's no
Melinda Lee:inner critic, there's no doubt they're gone. And you're just
Melinda Lee:focused, you're here in the moment you're doing or whatever
Melinda Lee:it is that you're doing, whether you're playing an instrument, or
Melinda Lee:you are an athlete out on the court, throwing a basketball or
Melinda Lee:whether you're a speaker, you are focused on the moment,
Melinda Lee:there's nothing blocking you and you're immersed in the
Melinda Lee:situation, your hand gestures, your body language, your words,
Melinda Lee:naturally flow out, everything's in flow your movements. And
Melinda Lee:that's when the opportunities come to you. That's when success
Melinda Lee:comes to you. And, and abundance prosperity. And, and there's
Melinda Lee:three phases, there's no way around it, to get into flow. And
Melinda Lee:that's what I'm going to talk about today. And the three
Melinda Lee:phases are awkward, release, and then flow. Awkward is that the
Melinda Lee:struggle, it's, it's that moment, when we don't know what
Melinda Lee:we're doing, we're so overwhelmed, everything is new,
Melinda Lee:brand new, then you move into release releases, when you may
Melinda Lee:know the steps, you may know the process of whatever it is that
Melinda Lee:you're doing. But you're still thinking about it, you're still
Melinda Lee:wondering whether you can do it or not. And then finally, flow,
Melinda Lee:you're in the mastery, you're in success, you know, you got this
Melinda Lee:and it's just natural to you. So we want to speed up your process
Melinda Lee:to get from awkward to flow. By understanding these three
Melinda Lee:phases. I'm gonna break down each, the first one is awkward.
Melinda Lee:It's that struggle, it's that place that we don't like to be
Melinda Lee:in and we want to get out of there as soon as possible. It's
Melinda Lee:when you're starting something new. Everything is overwhelming.
Melinda Lee:I remember when I first started in my job, and when I was 1716
Melinda Lee:years old, I was working at a prime rib restaurant. And in
Melinda Lee:this restaurant, there was a lot going on, right? You have to
Melinda Lee:talk to the people at the table, then you have to take their
Melinda Lee:order. And then you have to go back to the ticket and give it
Melinda Lee:the salad ready and get the mashed potatoes. And it was so
Melinda Lee:overwhelming. To me. It was a struggle. I didn't like to talk
Melinda Lee:to the people at first. And then I didn't know where to go. I
Melinda Lee:didn't know where to put the ticket. I didn't know where to
Melinda Lee:get the salad. So it was just a lot. It was awkward. I was
Melinda Lee:uncomfortable. Right? Have you ever felt that when you have
Melinda Lee:just started something new, and you can start to feel
Melinda Lee:embarrassed because if you don't know what you're doing, people
Melinda Lee:are seeing you and then you start to feel some shame. Gosh,
Melinda Lee:so it's the same way. Same thing can happen when we're speaking,
Melinda Lee:when we are delivering a presentation. We are feeling
Melinda Lee:overwhelmed, because we're not certain about our what's going
Melinda Lee:to happen. We're not certain about our performance. Now we're
Melinda Lee:not certain about what's going to if we're going to say all the
Melinda Lee:right bullet points. And so there's just too much, right. So
Melinda Lee:how can we speed through this awkward face to go into the next
Melinda Lee:phase, which is relief. You're not in flow yet, but you're in
Melinda Lee:release. So in release, you may know what the process is. So for
Melinda Lee:example, in my restaurant example, after about a month, I
Melinda Lee:started to then know where to how to greet the customers, you
Melinda Lee:know, I was starting to get more comfortable greeting them. I
Melinda Lee:knew where to put the ticket to put in the order. I knew how to
Melinda Lee:get the salad. But I may in your mind, forget something. I may
Melinda Lee:think okay, did I do this right? And I'm so I'm thinking about
Melinda Lee:what I am doing. So it's still mechanical. It's not very
Melinda Lee:natural. You might look at someone. Have you ever seen
Melinda Lee:someone who is on the dance floor, they're they're doing the
Melinda Lee:right moves, but they're mechanical, they're not really
Melinda Lee:going to the beat so they know the moves, but it doesn't look
Melinda Lee:natural. As a speaker, you may know what you're going to say.
Melinda Lee:But it doesn't seem natural. You may have your talking points.
Melinda Lee:And you may have even memorised your script. But it does not
Melinda Lee:seem natural. You seem like a robot. And that is the release
Melinda Lee:phase. So you're starting to get to the place where you're not
Melinda Lee:completely overwhelmed and debilitated. But at the same
Melinda Lee:time, you're starting to release some of the fear some of the
Melinda Lee:doubt and starting to move into more mechanical I know the steps
Melinda Lee:I know the process but still overthinking it still not
Melinda Lee:completely certain whether I can do it or not. And the key to
Melinda Lee:getting out of this phase from really If releasing doubt, and
Melinda Lee:releasing being mechanical into flow is, is repetition, and
Melinda Lee:consistency, keeping yourself doing what you're meant to do.
Melinda Lee:And I'm going to share with you something, it is not when it
Melinda Lee:comes to speaking not about repeating your script, you're
Melinda Lee:gonna start to get to a point where you are in flow with your
Melinda Lee:words. When I was at the restaurant, I started to just
Melinda Lee:know where to go what to do with the customers, I just, I started
Melinda Lee:to see where to put the ticket and see everything, I started to
Melinda Lee:see how I interacted with the other waiters, and how I
Melinda Lee:interacted with all the different tables that I was
Melinda Lee:supporting, and how to multitask. Right. So I was
Melinda Lee:seeing a bigger picture how to solve problems in the moment,
Melinda Lee:even if things were ambiguous. And so that is what flow is
Melinda Lee:because you're not focused. And you're releasing the mechanical,
Melinda Lee:the process the steps, you are able to move into flow, and do
Melinda Lee:some problem solving when things are chaotic, and things are
Melinda Lee:uncertain. And so when you are in the release phase, and still
Melinda Lee:going through the mechanics of your talk, right? Thinking about
Melinda Lee:what am I going to say, it's going to be difficult for you to
Melinda Lee:move into flow. And that's what most people are stuck in. That's
Melinda Lee:where most people, they get into the habit of writing out their
Melinda Lee:entire script and memorising it word for word. And then, and
Melinda Lee:then they then they think that okay, I'm gonna memorise it word
Melinda Lee:for word, then I'll finally get into flow. The truth of the
Melinda Lee:matter is, if you have this as a habit, you're really not in
Melinda Lee:flow, because I want you to start trusting your words. That
Melinda Lee:is true flow. When you can move into the place of mastering,
Melinda Lee:I've got this, I know, even if I don't have all my script, or if
Melinda Lee:I don't know all the words, I know my bullet points and I can
Melinda Lee:run and go with it, I can be the moment solve problems, step into
Melinda Lee:the ambiguity, step into the uncomfortable in this and
Melinda Lee:embrace, not knowing, and continually continuing to do
Melinda Lee:that over and over again. And most of us, don't give us the
Melinda Lee:opportunity and the Yeah, the experience of trusting
Melinda Lee:ourselves. And so we are stuck in the mechanical the release,
Melinda Lee:still releasing trying to release the script, but we will
Melinda Lee:never let go of it. Or many of my clients are like, I'm so
Melinda Lee:afraid if I don't have my script, I want to blank out I
Melinda Lee:don't know what to say. And I created so many beautiful words
Melinda Lee:in my PowerPoint, and they're not going to come out. So when
Melinda Lee:you are holding on to in this phase, and not finally stepping
Melinda Lee:into flow, which does mean to step into to embracing the
Melinda Lee:unknown, having your bullets, embracing the uncertainty,
Melinda Lee:trusting that your words will flow out. And of course, in the
Melinda Lee:beginning, it will be uncomfortable. Of course, in the
Melinda Lee:beginning, you may stumble on your words, but eventually
Melinda Lee:you're going to get to the point where I've got this, I know my
Melinda Lee:words, I know the content, I'm the expert, and stepping into
Melinda Lee:that place of the unknown and still trusting that you can
Melinda Lee:problem solve at the same time. That is when you've mastered
Melinda Lee:flow. That is when you are in the moment focused on your
Melinda Lee:audience. Focus on connecting with the audience, inspiring
Melinda Lee:them moving your initiatives, because you can sense what they
Melinda Lee:want what you need. And then you problem solve, and you
Melinda Lee:collaborate and you communicate in a way that inspires people
Melinda Lee:and is aspirational. So those are the three steps to moving
Melinda Lee:into flow. Yes, of course, it's going to be awkward, awkward
Melinda Lee:that you have to let go of the script, awkward that you have to
Melinda Lee:just trust your bullet. And it's going to seem a little bit
Melinda Lee:mechanical, you're going to have to release some of the doubt
Melinda Lee:that you can't do this. But as you continue to repeat and get
Melinda Lee:some feedback, you're going to start to get to the place of
Melinda Lee:flow. And being able to speak on the cusp without your script.
Melinda Lee:Trusting that you can embrace uncertainty problem solve,
Melinda Lee:because you're so focused in the moment you're so focused on your
Melinda Lee:clients, your audience, and the connection that you have with
Melinda Lee:them.
Melinda Lee:And I hope that you take this process and embrace it and use
Melinda Lee:it for your next opportunity whether it's speaking or even
Melinda Lee:just mastering a new skill, something that you've embraced
Melinda Lee:whether it's learning how to ride a horse, whether it's
Melinda Lee:learning how to cook, those are the three steps to moving from
Melinda Lee:awkward Released and into flow and success until I see you
Melinda Lee:again I'm your sister in flow love you take care