May 31, 2023

Learn How To Create Authentic Meaningful Impact That Resonates With your People With Jedidiah McCampbell

Learn How To Create Authentic Meaningful Impact That Resonates With your People With Jedidiah McCampbell

From an early age, Jedidiah understood that the secret to communication is to be clear who you are speaking to, and to speak with clarity.

Jedidiah is crystal clear about his life purpose. he assists Christian-led organizations to be heard. He says it is his God-given purpose to bring people together and create meaningful impact so they can grow.

Even though he admits there may be challenges, he offers you his tried and true strategies for effective communication that resonates.

So break free of old patterns! Begin the transformation into a confident speaker by first knowing "who you serve", speak with authentic conviction, and use his strategies when challenges arise. You now have three key elements for ultimate speakers success


Jedidiah McCampbell has been in marketing since 2007 when he started working while in high school, and holds a BSBA in General Management from Thomas Edison State University. Today, he enjoys the outdoors of Oregon with his wife and three kids, while also operating Boundaryless Marketing. When asked about what he does, Jedidiah had this to say: "I’m here to bring people together to create meaningful impact. It’s my God-given purpose to help Christian-led organizations get heard, creating significant impact and growth. Together, we create a marketing process that resonates so authentically the right people respond."

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.





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Melinda Lee:

I'm trying to be different. I just was looking at

Melinda Lee:

like, what am I different about, you know, between the are

Melinda Lee:

Toastmasters? What is different?

JEDIDIAH McCampbell:

Well, no, it is it's very different.

JEDIDIAH McCampbell:

Because Toastmasters, it was so focused on the mechanics of

JEDIDIAH McCampbell:

speaking. Well.

Melinda Lee:

And what do you mean by that?


Well, it's like counting the counter the oz


provided that kind of level of feedback. And you'd rather try


to get into some of that deeper level, presence. But I think


some of the focusing on the mechanics of it can can


actually, you know, if you focus on the bad, you get more of it.


It's like it almost it almost worsens the problem in some


regards. Yeah. It makes you more aware of it. And then and then


you get all subconscious and, and you start stumbling more.


Yeah, versus focusing in on the heart, and the passion and just


coming from that and being present in the moment with, with


the environment with the people with who you are. And being okay


with who you are. accepting who you are. brings so much freedom


to the speaking that it just comes naturally.


Yeah. Yeah,


that's the difference. That's what I think. I love this


process with you is accomplishing

Melinda Lee:

nothing. It's so funny, because I was debating

Melinda Lee:

yesterday, whether I wanted to start using AI, there's an AI

Melinda Lee:

tool out there called usually, who were you, I could put my

Melinda Lee:

clients in there, and they can start to see their speech, and

Melinda Lee:

then usually will count the followers and then the, then

Melinda Lee:

that what happens is, then it puts them back into a place of

Melinda Lee:

did I not do it? Right? When actually you did like, it's

Melinda Lee:

interesting, because when you put a height, yeah, you put a

Melinda Lee:

shine a light on it, then it brings it out more. So I've been

Melinda Lee:

thinking about? I don't know, it's an interesting tool,

Melinda Lee:

because, because but then maybe I use it at a certain time, I

Melinda Lee:

think when people are because like you said, when they're

Melinda Lee:

super connected to who they are, and their internal dial their

Melinda Lee:

internal strength or internal competence, all the eyes on the

Melinda Lee:

filler words just naturally go. So I want to bring them into

Melinda Lee:

that once they've already connected to it longer deeper

Melinda Lee:

for a while, and then they'll be


decks like Toastmasters is kind of like your first


thing. First

Melinda Lee:

thing. Yeah, it


should be like the last thing. The last thing. Okay,


perfect. Okay, proceed on the mechanics of the last thing.


Well, yeah, it's kind of the last thing once you've become in


tune with yourself. And can speak from that. Yeah, I think


is more powerful. That's what I'm experiencing. And, you know,


I wasn't sure what this was gonna be like, but this is


definitely better.

Melinda Lee:

Oh, yeah. It's like, what is happening? What is

Melinda Lee:

what are we do you know, just kept with me? Of course, right?

Melinda Lee:

You go into any type of programme, you're not sure

Melinda Lee:

what's happening. But you went with your gut, you went with

Melinda Lee:

your intuition you trust, you know, we had a connection and

Melinda Lee:

our first call, and you're like, hey, let's just try this. And so

Melinda Lee:

that's courageousness for you. And I really appreciated that

Melinda Lee:

you took that step, right? Because not everybody will trust

Melinda Lee:

it. You know, they're, they're guarded, they've got a lot of,

Melinda Lee:

you know, difficult. They went in made difficult decisions and

Melinda Lee:

tough decisions that didn't go well, they thought it was gonna

Melinda Lee:

go well, and it didn't. And so I'm glad that you just took the

Melinda Lee:

leap of faith anyways. And so you're now able to experience

Melinda Lee:

what it feels like to get connected back to feeling what

Melinda Lee:

it feels like the flow to be in the moment and be with the

Melinda Lee:

audience speak from your heart. And, and then all of this

Melinda Lee:

inspiration started coming out. This is what I was here to do.

Melinda Lee:

Yeah, right. So true.


And it awakens inspiration that I've had since


I was a teenager, speak and inspire audiences to greatness,


and I love that. And so.

Melinda Lee:

Oh, my gosh, it was so fun to see you. So fun to see

Melinda Lee:

you. It was awesome. It was great. It was just yeah, you're

Melinda Lee:

in your moment you were in I would feel your words. I can

Melinda Lee:

feel your passion. Yeah, when you're speaking and that's what

Melinda Lee:

people that's why when you're counting the odds and the other

Melinda Lee:

the filler words. You're not feeling you don't feel it.

Melinda Lee:

You're just so focused on am I saying the right thing?


Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And, and so I think I think there's a


place for Toastmasters. I think there's a place for that. Yeah.


Are the things like that? You know? But it comes after. After


that. depths

Melinda Lee:

the depths when you can go deep inward first. Yeah.

Melinda Lee:

And connect to that part of us again, that needs to be

Melinda Lee:



again. Yes. Yeah. This is really close to a lot of


coaching level work that I've done. Yeah. It's in that realm


that I think it's really powerful to coach through into


the depth of, of who we are, and knowing who we are becoming


comfortable with who we are loving who we are, and accepting


that and then from that we can pour into others in such a


deeper way. Right. And so that's more valuable. Right? And more


impactful than the mechanics of speaking well,

Melinda Lee:

right. Right. When we can pour into others. That's

Melinda Lee:

when they feel that connection. Yeah, that's when you become a

Melinda Lee:

really great filler words.


Sure. But yeah, you could still have a great


connection with filler words. Totally, totally 100% massive


impact with some filler words with some filler words.

Melinda Lee:

Totally. 1,000% It's just about who you're being

Melinda Lee:

and that connection first. Right so. Oh, my gosh, that makes me

Melinda Lee:

so happy. I was really thinking about it a lot. You