How Leaders Can Achieve Peak Performance in Complex Situations

In this solo episode of the Speak In Flow Podcast, Melinda Lee dives into the concept of flow state and why it’s critical for leaders in today's complex world. Flow is an optimal mental state where distractions fade, and performance is heightened, allowing leaders to communicate authentically and effectively. Melinda explores the science behind flow, how it reduces stress, and shares practical strategies for tapping into this state. Drawing examples from influential leaders like Barack Obama and Serena Williams, she emphasizes the transformative power of flow in leadership and communication.
In This Episode, You Will Learn:
What is Flow State?
Discover the definition of flow and how it’s a key tool for leaders to achieve peak performance in presentations and communication.
The Science Behind Flow
Learn how flow alters brain waves, reduces self-doubt, and promotes creativity and confidence during high-pressure situations.
Real-World Examples of Flow
See how leaders like Barack Obama and Serena Williams have harnessed flow in their fields to perform under pressure.
Techniques to Access Flow
Melinda shares actionable tips such as goal setting, mindfulness, and self-awareness exercises to help you achieve flow in leadership settings.
Why Flow Matters for Leaders
Understand how tapping into flow can improve your leadership, helping you connect more deeply with your team and audience.
Memorable Quotes:
"Flow is activating your peak performance – when distractions disappear, and everything flows naturally."
"In a world of complexity and ambiguity, flow allows leaders to find peace and clarity within the chaos."
"Imagine your leadership team in flow: confident, clear, and building strong relationships. That is when real growth happens."
About Melinda:
Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach, and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.
She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and has worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.
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Welcome to the speak and flow podcast where we dive into the strategies to help you and your team unleash the power of their voice and achieve maximum potential and flow.
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Melinda Lee: My name is Melinda Lee, and I am your host. Today's topic is so near and dear to my heart
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Melinda Lee: because it's about unlocking flow.
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Melinda Lee: Many people are still wondering, what does it mean? So I've dedicated this episode to define it, to talk about the science around it. Talk about why it's important today, and as well as who are the leaders out there that have demonstrated flow because it is possible
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Melinda Lee: some of you may be thinking.
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Melinda Lee: what is it even possible to access flow? I mean, what is it? So flow is
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Melinda Lee: activating your peak performance. It is known as the Zone.
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Melinda Lee: So when you are immersed in something and you're so focused, laser focused, everything around you seems to disappear. The time seems to fade away because you're just immersed distractions are no longer there.
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Melinda Lee: Have you ever felt that whether you're playing with your child, or playing an instrument, or immersed in a sport, that feeling that you get when you just feel natural at ease, and you're
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Melinda Lee: performing so creatively
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Melinda Lee: in neuroscience, they studied that when you're in flow.
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Melinda Lee: our brain waves start to slow down. Normally, when we are doing a lot, there's a lot going on. There's lots of distractions, complications. I mean, in today's world. We have so much information we have so much coming at us. It starts to bring overwhelm and distractions from ourselves. It starts to be.
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Melinda Lee: We start to have concerns about others, and what's going on in the world. And so, therefore, our brain waves are constantly in Beta. They're in this rapid pace of moving beta waves.
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Melinda Lee: But scientists and sports, psychologists and psychologists have found flow
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Melinda Lee: to have our brain waves slow down. So even in all this distraction and all the complexity our brain waves are slowed down.
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Melinda Lee: We're in creativity.
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Melinda Lee: we're in innovation, we're in peace and acceptance.
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Melinda Lee: that is flow. And it is possible to access flow even amongst chaos and complexity and ambiguity.
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Melinda Lee: That is the truth. And that is the science.
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Melinda Lee: When leaders today
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Melinda Lee: are accessing flow, you're in connection with yourself and with others. And this is important for us leaders, because
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Melinda Lee: we're going to have so much more come at us. So we need to constantly go within us to access this place of peace and calm.
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Melinda Lee: And so imagine you as a leader.
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Melinda Lee: with all of your leadership team
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Melinda Lee: and the people around you in flow, in resilience, in creativity, even when there's high pressured situations.
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Melinda Lee: because it's accessible within all of us. And so when your team is there with you, representing the face of your company
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Melinda Lee: talking to people, your clients, potential partners, team members in flow. Their doubt is gone. The prefrontal cortex which is known to
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Melinda Lee: ask a lot of questions. What if this goes wrong and criticize? What if it starts to say something like, what if you stumble on your words? What if you can't connect with them. What if they judge you so? All of these thoughts
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Melinda Lee: are separating from you and flow?
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Melinda Lee: So what if imagine your leadership team no longer had that? How much more could you do? How much more could the company do each of your leadership team? The members within them are building your company in flow in confidence, in clarity. That is, when you build relationships. And that is when you're having strong relationships with your people and with clients.
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Melinda Lee: That is why it is so important today
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Melinda Lee: because
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Melinda Lee: things are going to move really quickly, and we need to be able to access our own flow in chaos and complexity.
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Melinda Lee: And people do it all the time.
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Melinda Lee: Sports psychologists have found Serena Williams in flow when there's distraction when there's a lot coming at her people. There's cameras everywhere, and she's still able to be in the zone
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Melinda Lee: and focus laser, focus on the competitor on the game and be free, flowing, and move gracefully and quickly and think on her feet, even when she doesn't know what's about to happen.
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Melinda Lee: She's so fast.
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Melinda Lee: Barack Obama, known as one of the great orators, even if you don't support Barack Obama. You can see that the way he speaks. People are judging him. People are criticizing him. There's distractions everywhere, and yet he's in the zone. When he's speaking. He's I call it speaking in flow
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Melinda Lee: because the words are natural, because his body language is natural. Even in this complex environment he's still able to speak confidently, clearly, and move. People inspire people because it's his energy that he's tapped into. Then he's bringing forth from in here to out
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Melinda Lee: around him.
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Melinda Lee: How cool is that
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Melinda Lee: it has been done before, and I want to encourage you
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Melinda Lee: that you can do it too.
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Melinda Lee: And how do we bring this to our daily lives. Well, 1st acknowledge that it is possible.
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Melinda Lee: 2.
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Melinda Lee: Start to put yourself in situations that will allow you to open up flow, because if we're consistently in this comfort space and we're not putting ourselves out there, then you wouldn't have the opportunity to even try to access flow.
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Melinda Lee: So put yourself in these uncomfortable situations. It doesn't have to be situations that are completely out of reach, and the risk is so high that you're completely scared. But put yourself in that zone in that place where it's just a bit of a stretch, and it's uncomfortable. And you can therefore, practicing practice that muscle of accessing flow within you
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Melinda Lee: a pace of a place of creativity and calm. And when you're in this uncomfortable situation.
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Melinda Lee: go into noticing your body, and when you may start off really tense and afraid, and when you notice your body is feeling tense or tight, or there's butterflies, then you breathe and remind yourself to go into calm and flow and connection.
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Melinda Lee: and then it may go away, and then you might need to do it again. So, placing high awareness and self awareness of your own body will then allow you to self. Regulate
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Melinda Lee: self-awareness means access to self regulation. So, placing awareness of what is happening inside of you and around you, and reminding yourself that you're safe.
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Melinda Lee: you're safe within you and around you that will help you to breathe into it and access your flow, and when you're in flow your brain waves are calm.
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Melinda Lee: You can start to be creative. You can start to be immersed in the situation and step into your greatness and your confidence and courage, speaking from truth, of wisdom, of connection to your audience.
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Melinda Lee: allowing for that space
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Melinda Lee: of pause to come in
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Melinda Lee: practice doing that there's opportunities every single day.
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Melinda Lee: because, as I mentioned, we are in a time of complexity, of ambiguity. And remember, in this exact time, when we are in this chaos
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Melinda Lee: of misinformation, of things moving so quickly, we can then turn inward to go into flow to a place of peace
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Melinda Lee: acceptance.
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Melinda Lee: and knowing that you are right where you need to be, and reminding yourself that all is well.
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Melinda Lee: access your flow, and that's how you unlock your flow. I'm going to have a next episode of how doubt, when our doubt comes in, what to do with it, because it is those doubts, the thoughts that come in in our prefrontal cortex that therefore block your flow. So what do we do in that moment when that happens?
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Melinda Lee: So stay tuned for that next episode? But until then, I hope you have a better understanding today of what does flow mean?
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Melinda Lee: It's the zone
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Melinda Lee: and the science behind it. What is happening in our brain waves so that we can learn how to access, more flow
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Melinda Lee: and know when we're not in flow, and finally giving you some practical strategies and tips to start to exercise that muscle, stretch yourself, and give yourself more opportunities to be in the state of flow. Even in all this complexity.
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Melinda Lee: I hope you enjoyed this episode. If you do like comment, engage. I want to hear from you
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Melinda Lee: until I see you. Next time I am your sister in flow. May prosperity flow to you and through you, and use your voice to bring people together to say, I love you, to
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Melinda Lee: create community and support
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Melinda Lee: until next time.
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Melinda Lee: Take care.