Feb. 6, 2025

AI-Powered Communication to Prepare, Create, and Deliver with Impact

AI-Powered Communication to Prepare, Create, and Deliver with Impact

AI sparks a lot of controversy, but for those willing to explore its potential, it's a game-changer for communication. In Episode 95 of the Speak In Flow podcast, host Melinda Lee breaks down how artificial intelligence tools like Chatgpt and Jasper can streamline your preparation, enhance your content creation, and improve your delivery to authentically connect with any audience.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

How to Craft Compelling Content

Learn how ChatGPT and Jasper can enhance your content by refining outlines, generating visuals, and even preparing for tough audience questions.

Breaking the AI Barrier

Understand how working with a coach can help you navigate mindset blocks and embrace AI as a powerful ally in your communication toolkit.

Preparation Simplified

Discover how AI tools like SparkToro and ChatGPT save time on research and help uncover crucial audience insights, including emotional triggers that inspire action.

Mastering Delivery

Hone your presentation skills with AI for instant feedback on tone, clarity, and conciseness as you experiment with different types of audiences.

Memorable Quotes:

"AI is here to stay. Why not use it to enhance your ability to connect and inspire?" 

“Emotional triggers transform a good presentation into one that drives action.”

“Never practice on your stakeholders; let AI and a coach help you perfect your delivery first.”

About Melinda:

Melinda Lee is a Presentation Skills Expert, Speaking Coach, and nationally renowned Motivational Speaker. She holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, is an Insights Practitioner, and is a Certified Professional in Talent Development as well as Certified in Conflict Resolution. For over a decade, Melinda has researched and studied the state of “flow” and used it as a proven technique to help corporate leaders and business owners amplify their voices, access flow, and present their mission in a more powerful way to achieve results.

She has been the TEDx Berkeley Speaker Coach and has worked with hundreds of executives and teams from Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Caltrans, Bay Area Rapid Transit System, and more. Currently, she lives in San Francisco, California, and is breaking the ancestral lineage of silence.

Website: https://speakinflow.com/

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/speakinflow

Instagram: https://instagram.com/speakinflow

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mpowerall

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Melinda Lee:

Welcome, dear listeners, to the speak and flow podcast, where we dive into unique strategies, to help you unlock the power of your voice, to achieve clarity, connection, confidence and flow.


00:00:17,900 --> 00:00:23,749

Melinda Lee: Today's episode is all around artificial intelligence. AI.


00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:27,740

Melinda Lee: The tool is here, and it's here to stay.


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Melinda Lee: So whether you are in wanting to pitch to investors, or sell your ideas to clients, or motivate your team on a big, bold vision.


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Melinda Lee: If you're a leader that truly wants to stand out and really make a difference.


00:00:45,580 --> 00:00:51,970

Melinda Lee: This episode is all for you. I can't wait, so let's dive right in


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Melinda Lee: artificial intelligence is reshaping our communication.


00:00:57,490 --> 00:01:15,729

Melinda Lee: and I think it's great. I mean, it is a powerful tool, and some people find it scary. I'm going to use it to enhance my abilities, to streamline. My processes especially regarding communication.


00:01:15,850 --> 00:01:26,209

Melinda Lee: developing your presentation and pitches. How I think about development and communication are 3 components which are, prepare.


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Melinda Lee: create, and deliver. So in this talk, I'm going to dive into strategies and tools specifically around those 3 aspects.


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Melinda Lee: And when you can understand this and actually implement it, you will save so much time, you will create more effectively, and you will enhance your delivery so you can make a bigger impact with your audience with your clients.


00:01:57,850 --> 00:02:07,400

Melinda Lee: So let's break down each of those components, beginning with the 1st one, prepare or preparing, is all about understanding your audience.


00:02:07,700 --> 00:02:25,719

Melinda Lee: Before you create any content, you really got to take that time to prepare, and in the past it would take me hours and hours, my clients, hours and hours of research, to find all the information that is available right now through AI. In just 5 min or so.


00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:31,449

Melinda Lee: Sparkturo is a powerful tool to help you gather research


00:02:32,110 --> 00:03:01,930

Melinda Lee: and customer insights. So yes, you're going to gather data, facts, statistics which are all very important to spark interest. But I also want you to gather customer insights, such as emotional triggers. Now, this is what really gets me going, because emotional triggers, as you know, are the triggers that spark action without understanding emotional triggers. People will find, will say, Oh, that's a great presentation, and really not do much with it.


00:03:02,410 --> 00:03:08,490

Melinda Lee: Emotional triggers are things such as what is frustrating the person or your audience?


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Melinda Lee: What are those thoughts that are keeping them up at night?


00:03:12,330 --> 00:03:20,130

Melinda Lee: What are their fears, and what are their emotions, such as anxiety, frustration, you know tenseness.


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Melinda Lee: What are those triggers that are limiting


00:03:23,920 --> 00:03:30,800

Melinda Lee: as well as positive ones that drive them to to get them out of the pain?


00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:44,889

Melinda Lee: Right? So think about what are my the audience's goals? What do they really want? And how would that make them feel as a person, as a leader, and describing all that, and asking Sparkturo to help you describe it


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Melinda Lee: in a way that you probably know a lot of it. But Spark Tour will give you additional information, and that's what makes it more comprehensive. And using tools such as that, such as those to make your analysis your research more comprehensive, you're going to get more accurate and understanding your customer and your clients or audience.


00:04:06,750 --> 00:04:29,659

Melinda Lee: and once you have that information, you're now able to move on, to step 2, to create even more compelling. Content with all of this information and support, your content is going to be compelling, because it speaks exactly to your audience's desires, the deep emotional triggers and frustrations I encourage you to use.


00:04:29,920 --> 00:04:49,899

Melinda Lee: like chatgpt or jasper, create some compelling visuals, aesthetics to please the eye, but also give facts to to satisfy the logical side, and don't forget to add the emotional triggers to drive action.


00:04:50,260 --> 00:05:11,700

Melinda Lee: Now, using Chatgpt, I was able to create content for my client, who had really tough audiences. She was about to speak to some attorneys, so we put in her outline into Chat Gpt. We had Chatgpt refine it even more. Ask Chatgpt. What else is missing in this presentation?


00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:19,520

Melinda Lee: And we even asked the AI what are potential, difficult questions that I might get asked


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Melinda Lee: if I were to present these ideas.


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Melinda Lee: and sure enough, the AI. Produced questions as well as relevant answers. So I, as a presenter, and my client as a presenter, is well prepared to answer difficult questions.


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Melinda Lee: So that's the power of tools, such as Chat, Gpt, and Jasper.


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Melinda Lee: to help you create compelling content as well as have questions and answers for the Q&A portion. So you're well prepared and not thrown off by any difficult questions.


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Melinda Lee: So once you have all of this compelling content.


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Melinda Lee: we can move on to step 3, which is delivery.


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Melinda Lee: Now, at this point you might have a long script, and you might be compelled to practice and rehearse from a long script, word for word, and I highly recommend you. Don't do that.


00:06:15,550 --> 00:06:21,000

Melinda Lee: Have key phrases, and then jump into an AI powered coach


00:06:21,030 --> 00:06:46,899

Melinda Lee: such as utilee YOOD. IL utili is amazing, because it gives you instant feedback on your delivery. It'll give you for your tone also, if you had any filler words. If you can be more concise. So it has a lot of powerful insights and feedback, you can get right away. Why wait to get feedback from your clients. That's the worst time, right? You do not want to practice


00:06:46,900 --> 00:07:05,170

Melinda Lee: your content in front of important people, such as stakeholders, investors and and your team. You want to do that 1st in front of a utilee or in front of a coach like me. So how I work with utilee and all these tools. How I support my clients is that I am that person


00:07:05,270 --> 00:07:32,110

Melinda Lee: to be that critical eye. Right? Yes, they're going to give you insights and feedback, but you also need a support like me to therefore elevate and remove any mindset issues. For example, such as AI. Sometimes people don't want to practice in front of AI. It can give you insights and filler words of, you know. Oh, my gosh! I just said 90 filler words, and it oftentimes can be embarrassing. And then you don't want to use it anymore.


00:07:32,190 --> 00:07:40,530

Melinda Lee: So with a coach like me, we can work through any resistance or mind block issues that are preventing you from using these tools.


00:07:40,830 --> 00:07:52,870

Melinda Lee: Because these tools, like, as I mentioned, they're here to stay. So why not use them? If you can see how it can streamline the prepare, create, and deliver aspects of your communication


00:07:53,080 --> 00:08:07,910

Melinda Lee: by having these tools in your back pocket. You're going to be able to have more accurate content, compelling content, and connect with your audience faster in a way that generates courage and confidence. That is the goal


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Melinda Lee: right to allow you to connect more deeply and authentically.


00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:36,970

Melinda Lee: So I hope that you can implement these strategies. Use these tools. Let me know if it worked. Let me know what you liked or did not like. I love to have a conversation. This is going to be ongoing evolution of how to integrate these innovations and blend it with human connection so that you can make a bigger impact in the world.


00:08:38,210 --> 00:08:48,690

Melinda Lee: So remember, anytime you have an opportunity to communicate with your with somebody. This is your moment to connect, to inspire, and make positive change.


00:08:49,590 --> 00:09:01,260

Melinda Lee: If you like this episode, I hope that you will share it with somebody and subscribe for more strategies and tools to help you unlock the power of your voice


00:09:01,760 --> 00:09:06,659

Melinda Lee: until we meet next time. Stay grounded authentic.


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Melinda Lee: and speak your truth in flow.


00:09:10,010 --> 00:09:11,100

Melinda Lee: Much love.