April 12, 2022

Trusting Ourselves EP:31

Trusting Ourselves EP:31

When we truly decide to move towards something we really want, you may be very clear on which direction to go. In this episode I talk about trusting yourself enough to move forward and know that you are worthy of your ideas, thoughts, wishes and desires. This is coming up as I work with my clients as the new spring energy is here, We are all inspired to get going on our projects and I am here to tell you, that yes its time and to trust yourself!

About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:

Website: inspiredbycarrie.com

Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started. \

Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to soul inspired decisions. I'm excited to be here today, because I've got some things happening. And although March seemed really tough and really hard, and wasn't understanding what was happening, but I knew something along the lines of resistance was really coming up for me. So happy to be here in April moving through all that because when we level up, when we want to push forward and we do start to move forward, things come up, our ego comes up body resistance come up, it feels like the world may be crumbling, our new habit. And that's essentially to keep us in our comfort zone. And that happens to every one of us not just specific people who are gifted or always moving forward, everything can get really hard when we are ready to move forward and make a decision at big change in our life or big move or career, business life, relationships, whatever that may be. resistance comes up. And I came up for me in March in so many different ways, and really have heard from other people that March was really tough for so many people. And now it's exciting to move through them and expand. And so I just want to share a little bit of what was happening for me in March, not fully because I still don't understand a lot of it myself. But I understand in the moment when things were happening, and how I was looking for the bigger picture of what's underneath it all. And my husband was just like, it's just the logical thought process that you're going through, right. So we, we handle things differently. And because I'm a little bit more on the spiritual side and the woowoo side of things of how the universe works for us, and God works for us and then the divine and the angels, how they speak to us, I really like to look at the full picture of what's happening in our space. And so something that has also come up in fun conversations with clients is, is perspective on how we view seeing so I these things very differently than my husband or my sister or my family and friends. But the best thing about being one on one with me is that when you're focused on what you want, I can come in and support you with going a level up and looking at all your options and circumstances and going real deep into what may be holding you back and what are you trying to move through to get to your better self. And it's really exciting to have the aha moments that come up. When you're vulnerable and you're ready to move forward. It's exciting and scary. And I've done the work myself and move through a lot of things over the years. And that's what I'm really good at helping people with. And that's what I really love, love doing with my clients. And so, March oh gosh, March was like loud and seeing dark and, and we all have these for sure, depending on where you are in your life. But

Carrie Lecuyer:

this month, I have a for clientless which I'm so grateful for people want the shift of spring, which is super nice. But what's happening is the perspective of what they think what these souls think and what's really going on our underlying stories and issues that are holding us because it's comfortable to believe something else than to move forward. And when we truly decide we're ready to move forward. How I know that you are is. First of all, you will reach out for help. When we're ready to acknowledge that we're no longer comfortable, we reach out because we're ready to move forward. So that's the number one sign you're ready to move forward. You're usually ready to invest in yourself, and you're ready to share and be open and admit that you need help. And I can see these patterns in myself when I'm ready and unlocked. Going forward to moving forward in different areas, I'm looking for the people who can help me the best in that area of life or that area of business. And that's what's so great about the clients that come to me is that you won't come to me unless you really want to do the work to move through or passed or level up in the area that you're want. So, for example, last summer, a woman was really ready to level up in her business, and she couldn't get by the $8,000 mark in her business monthly mark. And she really wanted to and she kind of got in her own way. And through the process of moving through her own crap and her stories. Months later, she she hit her next goal 10,000 I think she even beat that. Just by doing the work to move past and through the things that are holding you back, because we get comfortable. And it's never comfortable moving to the next level. And when we move to the next level stuff comes up stuff from our past that we haven't healed that we haven't dealt with. Maybe we have dealt with and it's coming up again. And those are usually the unworthiness that are the comes up deep down inside of us over and over again. And we're human beings, we just want to be loved and be safe and comfortable. And know that we're going to be okay, but there are no certainties in moving forward. And that's the great thing about moving forward is when we're ready to do it. It doesn't hurt anymore, because we're ready to look at it, deal with it, put it where it's supposed to go, thank you, thank you for whatever experience that was meant to teach us or has taught us over the years and we move forward. And that's such a great feeling when there's progress, because you're starting to move forward with the things that you've always wanted and desired. And you're ready to get out of your way. And you're no longer asking for people's opinions on how you should do something, because you no longer care, because you're doing it. And things just start to fall into place and you take the lead, you take the action, people will support you in a different way. Because you're not asking for support, you're there help, you're looking for their support. And that's very different when we're looking for help people have opinions and thoughts and ideas. And they want us to be safe and nurtured and cared for. So they'll still put their own perspective and fears on you because they don't want to see you hurt and it has nothing to do with you. It's them. So while we're on our journey of this new self discovery, this new building of business, this new building, diving into your healing small things from the past healing, traumas, ideas, thoughts, things that you want to move through, when you're really ready, you no longer need the opinions and perspective of others, you want their support to move forward. And that's very different. And you will move very quickly through those things to get you where you need to go.

Carrie Lecuyer:

And it's heavy, it's heavy in the moment, but it's easy, in a way because you're ready to just let it go. Allow the lessons that you learn from it to be in awareness, but not no longer hold you back. You don't need it anymore. So kind of this along the same lines of what I spoke with last week, or a couple of weeks ago with my guest, Amy Ben Yang on the eagle holding us back. So it's kind of all related, in a sense. But I'm talking about now of when people come to me and are ready to kind of acknowledge that stuff, the ego stuff, the things that are holding us back and they're ready to move forward in a way that their body feels loved. And they feel loved and comfortable. And these magical signs and a lot things of alignment happen and you start to flow really easy. Until the next time you're ready to shift. And then you might feel like you're in a sense moving, a couple steps forward, and then all of a sudden you're 10 steps behind. And it's just the Evans ebbs and flows of developing and being aware of your personal development, growth and where you are. It's nothing to do with anybody else. It's just where you are in your story and your patterns. And you're our brain, our brain can stop this and slow us down. And it doesn't serve us when we're trying to move forward. So what I love about what I love about podcasts, I've been listening to him for five or six years, and I've learned so much and I have really grown and been up been open, opened up to so many coaches and possibilities and ideas and met some really great people and joined classes. That's all came through podcasts, we follow people because there's something that we are inspired by and love about them. And we may not agree with everything, we take what we want, and leave the rest behind. But there's something that's drawing you in, it does for me, it does for you, if you're listening for whatever reason, you're listening to me, of course, thank you so much, but there's a reason. And it might be the piece that you just need to hold yourself together, it might be the piece that's helping you to move forward. Whatever your story is, or whatever's going on with you right now, then, that's know that where you are right now is where you're meant to be. And if I no longer serve you in the future, but you'll come back, that's fine. Because that's exactly what I do with the people that I listen to, I learn and I take the lessons I grow, I take what I need, and leave the rest behind. And that's what I'm telling you, right now to do is when you listen to me to take what you need, and leave the rest behind. Because in each episode, and each person that you listen to, you are taking what you need, and growing. And as long as you're doing that, then that's all that matters. You are in a growth mindset. When you're not in a growth mindset. You don't want to listen to anybody, you don't want to hear their opinion, you don't want to hear their thoughts, you don't want to hear anybody else's opinion. And you kind of shut down, you can probably already identify that. I'm saying that where you are right now on where your vision or your identity and or your values are right now in life, it will show up quite quickly. But when we know what we want out of somebody, whether it's spiritual learning, growth, business, comfort, maybe you want help, you're looking for a mentor, you're looking to be taught, you're looking for a way out, you're looking to escape. There are so many reasons we listen to people understand that you're drawn to the people.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Or this, it's an intuitive way. And just trust that you're there for a reason. And that's exactly why I found the people that I have found because I'm, I probably got five people on my list that I'm always like, Hey, listen to this person. Oh, you should listen to this episode. Oh, you need to check this out, right you have those people that you share. And that's how I have picked my mentors and coaches and podcasts through other people doing, hey, you should listen to this, I think you really like it. And oh my god, that's exactly what I needed. That's be open, be open to your actions and your behaviors and how you respond because people are saying things that you should listen to things to better yourself, they might just think there's a piece in there that you share that you might relate to, and be helpful. So don't be too hard on people when they say you should listen to something or do something, you are there for a reason. So my podcast is essentially for women, there's lots of tips for other people. And just recently I have heard of a few men that have listened to my podcasts and they like the content. However, they have said that it's very directed towards women. Yes, right now in this space, that's what I'm doing directing it to the audience I know the most, which is moms women, that's where I am right now. And that's when you speak to. So whatever you can take from me take what you can and run with it. And, and hopefully, maybe I'll expand to a podcast I have asked my husband about coming on here one day with me and chatting. And he's he's all for I don't really thinking I don't think he's ever listened to a podcast. I don't think he knows really what it is. I could be completely wrong. But I'm 100% sure that he has no idea. But when I do of course, I'll announce that but it will come maybe around episode 50. We'll do that for you all so we can have another perspective of what it's like to hang out together in our world. So what I want, my message for you today is for whatever reason you're listening to podcasts or looking at books or talking to the people we're talking to right now understand that there's a need and a reason in your life and you may not understand it right now. And that's okay. Just take what you can from them and move with it.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Find a way to take the tip or the piece that you need and move with it. Some make the call or Google the thing or keep dreaming big, because if it's in your heart, you're meant to do it. And there's something that's getting in your way, and why you're not. And maybe you're not ready, maybe it's that time, maybe you have a lot of fear, maybe you have no support. But here, that's what I'm for. That's what I do I help my clients feel good. I help them move towards the things that they want, and they desire and keep them accountable. Because that's what I do. That's what I keep doing over and over and over again, I show up, I decide, I show up. And it's my journey. It's not my husband's journey. It's on my sister's journey. It's not my parents journey, it's mine. And the lessons I take through it are mine. And the things I learned the things I develop the things I grow, they're mine. And I don't need to share it all with everybody. I'll share the pieces I need to and keep rolling with it. Because it's my desire, it's my dream. So if you have something that you're working towards, it's your journey. It's not anybody else's journey. And understand that you are worth having those dreams and desires and wishes. It's your vision you are allowed to even as a mom, you're allowed to even as a life, you're allowed to have goals, dreams and visions. If you don't, there's some work that you need to do with worthiness, self love, because you're worth it all. Your actions and behaviors are telling your story right now. And if you want to recreate that story, if you're tired of your story, if you don't want to live your life, this way, in five years, then you need to really take a look at what you want. And find some help find some support. And one of the things I've been working with and creating is developing a program for a small group of women because in small groups in little pods, it's very powerful in the way we grow. And that's what I want to create. That's the way I create and grow the best. And I'm taking everything you've learned the last three years and putting into the things that I want. And the way I love learning and teaching and putting that into my own very first online series seminar. I haven't got a name for it. But if you're interested DMA is coming. This month, there'll be only eight spots. And I'm looking so forward to it because it's been something I've been wanting to work on. Oh gosh, for two years, kind of like the podcast. It's it's a work in progress. But once I decide I will never quit. I will work towards it. Just like the career I had just like Ironman just like the podcast just like doing all the things I do. It's my journey. It's there's no timeline, and things will come up and get in our way because life happens. But it's still my journey. And I'm still moving towards that. And this is just one more thing that I'll be able to share and help other women like me move through and carry on their visions and dreams to inspire the people around them, to inspire their children to inspire and evolve their life. And it's really fulfilling and joyous when you're in that space. It's expensive. So I want to share that with you in the coming weeks. If you are on Instagram, I'm on Soul inspired decisions. Carry liquid is my name and I Yeah, essentially work with women. Sometimes men on big career moves and shifts. That's what my husband could really talk to you, you all about is the the big career shifts that he has had based on my teachings and my knowledge in the world of career development and, and career shifts. I help people make big moves. And it's super exciting and fun, but it's a big process and a scary so I am there for support and guidance. And yeah, so we there's lots of things coming together for April. It's been exciting. It's been expansive and a very quick few days. And I hope to share that with you very soon. Thank you for your time. Take care.

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