My 28th Half Marathon EP:34

Our mindset teaches us lessons all the time. I just completed my 28th half marathon and lessons always reveal themselves on the journey. When we decide to commit to something that is on our heart, that is just the first step. In this episode, I will share three tips to keep you focused on your why. Lessons always show up as we navigate, and move through life. As a mom training for races looks very different, but I still choose to show up!
About the Host:
When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.
As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids.
Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.
I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.
You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:
Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie
Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer
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Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie Lecuyer. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started.
Carrie Lecuyer:Welcome back to soul inspired decisions are podcast for women who consider themselves to be super ordinary, but in their own unique lives are doing things that light them up. So that makes you super extraordinary. So welcome back. And my message today is based on my half marathon, which I ran yesterday, and I am super sore today. If you don't know, I'm 43, I have two kids. And I'm trying to still do some running races, and now the world is opened up again. And we can get together and have these races and I'm still trying to push myself in what I find, I don't know if I find it fun, there's got to be some part of it that I find fun. But it's the chase that I like the most honestly of deciding that I'm going to do something and then the process to get to it and then participating in in the event. And that's what I love and thrive on. So I have a mindset, and my mindset each year becomes clearer. And as we grow up in our worlds, we make mistakes, and we learn from those mistakes. And we learn from our habits. And the most important thing is to recognize the habits that don't serve us anymore, and move forward in in making changes in our lives at whatever age we are to cut them out or work really hard at them and cut off the noise from others and the other beliefs and beliefs of others. And we get every time we do those every time we get clear on our habits we get cut out the noise from others, we learn from our mistakes, and we identify our mistakes and acknowledge them and take ownership and then we become a better version of ourselves, we become more clear on the things we want. And so are when we decide to do something, our vision is bigger. And it is part of our journey to get to where we want to go. So I make up my mind to do something. And the word very, the word that is very powerful to me, which I discovered in 2011. Through my coaching program is the word decide I decide to do something on going to do it by I don't back out very easily. This was my 28 Half Marathon since 2009. Running looks very different now than it did in 2009. Because 2009 I didn't have kids. Life is very different. So I ran I have in my world in my eyes, I had really good times, I can't reach those times anymore. And that's based on life right now. It's just not doable for me. But I can move forward with a new version of times that works for my life right now. So with training, I have to set up my year. So I basically take a calendar and I write down the events that I would love to do. And then I have to pick and choose and then I have to figure out which family members will take and look after the boys on that particular day. So it's a it's a game of organization. So this weekend, it worked out for my sister to look out for the boys. So we went for the weekend and and had a visit and helped her with some things and then they got to play with their cousins. And then they get to stay with Auntie well. I go run my race and
Carrie Lecuyer:they still make me feel guilty when I leave even though when I get back. It's like I never even left. And some of you may relate to this, but they make you feel super guilty. I actually even took my son to the hospital the night before because he was super crying super bad. And I'm like, oh my god, I have to sleep tonight because I do have to run tomorrow. So at 930 At night I packed him up to come to the hospital. He's he did have an ear infections, got some medicine got him settled, was able to was able to get some rest and then get up early. Go to the city and do my run. If this was my 20, half marathon, beautiful morning, I had no expectations, none whatsoever, just across the line, whether that looked like I was running, jogging, crawling, walking, whatever, it may be limping, I was gonna cross the finish line. That's my goal. Other than that, there was no expectations from the race. Because this was the weekend that it worked out. And from the moment I decided I was going to do this half marathon, I was lacking quite a few weeks in training, and then the boys were sick, and then I got sick. The weather was really bad for one week. So those weeks got taken out of training. And I just, I just go with it, because I'll do the best I can for what my life looks like. Now, being a mom, and trying to do all the things that I want to still do I still want to work towards things. And they ask me, of course, am I going to win? That's always the question that everybody asks, am I gonna win. I'm not a fast runner. I've never won a race. I never intend to win a race. But I do push myself to train and I do push myself to commit to a schedule of what works for me and I do push myself to not walk typically don't walk in a half marathon or or race. I always keep moving, even though it may not be very fast. And I probably be quicker to fast one, honestly, sometimes. But it has nothing to do with anybody else's time. It has to, doesn't have to do with anything else anybody else is doing. It's me showing up and committing and moving through the process of the fool. If you don't know, it's half marathon is 21.1 kilometers, or it's 13.1 miles, whatever, you know, for distance wise. So my, my message for you today is whatever you're working on or working towards, number one, keep moving forward. So it doesn't have to look like what anybody else is doing. Doesn't have to be as smooth, it doesn't have to be as fluent. It may take some time away from it to revamp, things come up, obviously, we get sick, life happens. But the thing is, when it's on our heart, we keep moving forward. And that, in a sense, is what you do when you're when you start and you move through the start line of a race. To get to the end, you have to keep moving forward, no one's coming for you. Because if you don't cross the finish line, you don't get a medal. It's that simple. So however it looks to you, you might have to slow down, you may have to stop to go to the washroom, you may stop for water, whatever it looks like to you, you have to keep moving forward. Number two is just remember that whatever you're working towards, whenever you want to change or create or move towards, you are choosing it. Nobody else is choosing it for you. And that message is very loud and clear. When I'm you know in kilometer eight, I always find comet or eight really tough thing and kilometer 13 really tough. It's like why am I doing this? Why am I putting myself through this pain, it's hot, it's cold, I'm limping, there's something wrong with my foot or all the things that it's those, that mental noise, it starts to come through us. And it's number one, we need to keep moving forward. And number two, I chose this. So whatever you're looking at, or trying to decide to move towards, if you're committed, you're choosing it, your partner Your family is not choosing it for you're choosing it. And that's that that's what gives you power. That's your own personal power.
Carrie Lecuyer:And then the third thing I would like you to understand is remember your why in what you're doing in what your plan is. So we all have these pockets of things we want to do and accomplish and achieve. Remember your why what is the reason why you want this. For me for running. I just I love getting the medal at the end. Knowing that I chose to sign up. I chose to train however that looked and I chose to push myself to the race whether I trained enough or not. I kept moving forward to receive that metal receive the time and I can put it on on my board as another one checked off my list. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to we all know this but when you choose and you decide that's where your power comes into play, lessons come our way all the time. And those lessons might bring in a lot of fear. They may be bringing a lot of hurt they may bring in some joy all the feelings of any journey comes with a whole baggage full of lessons. And, you know, when I'm sitting here today completely exhausted, Superstorm, there's not a lot of extra I can do today, but we are home and I can hang out with the boys and get them what they need. But the above and beyond that. And of course I'm recording to this today, even though I'm super exhausted, and I thought I would want to record about on the run, but I wasn't sure. But lessons come our way all the time. lesson for me was, I did need to start earlier, I'm I'm hurting, I'm hurting a lot. But I do have a medal. So it's a win win. The lesson is that my kids are seeing me push forward and do this. Others around me are seeing me push forward and do this. It's not for everyone. And my sister was like, Well, how did it go? You know, and she sees the pain when I come home and I'm limping or hurting. And she shakes her head every time in, in this not disapproval but it just cannot believe that I continue to do this to myself year after year after year. But it really is not about anybody else. And it's about me pushing myself forward. It's my own personal goal and achievements to find my way through these lessons and this journey of life to show up for myself. And on kilometer 13 When I'm thinking this is tough, and this is hard. And why do I do this. And I can't believe I'm here. It could just be sitting and resting and having coffee on this beautiful long weekend. And and then once you get to kilometer 14, it's like that little checkmark, check. I mean, it's 14? Well, I gotta keep going. Because I fifteens right around the corner. And in anything we do, we check off these little checkbox, and we are slowly moving forward. Is it as fast as someone else might Absolutely not. But this is my my Game of Life. And we do only at one one shot at this right. And I have run into her and I have had really super slow times. But I keep showing. And I can't tell you how much it means to me when I'm done on that I actually just decided to go ahead and commit. Even though I have all the feelings come up above the fear, the doubts the should i
Carrie Lecuyer:Those are true and honest for every single one of us. And it's what's important to you and why you keep moving forward. This is a challenge for me. And while I'm running, I'm also understanding that I chose this and I've chose everything I've done in my life, and I choose to keep moving forward. And that's on me. I can quit at any time. I can walk away at any time. But we still have a lot of life and a lot of years left, hopefully, hopefully we all get that. And what do we want to look back on? And say that we did? So wherever you are in your life? What is your vision of moving forward? What do you want to accomplish? What do we want to achieve? What is your why behind that? What will it give you? Not will? What will it give everybody else in your family or around you? What will it give you? What is the one thing you're still looking to find? And what is your power? Do you know your power? So these are the sorts of things that I work with all my clients on? Where are you at life? Where do you want to meet yourself? And how do you want to move forward with this? Because when we work with someone and push ourselves forward, we commit to our goals? How do we achieve it? Do you know how you achieve it? Do you need to get clear on what the things you need to do? The skills you may need to learn the things you may have to Google the course you might have to take the court the coach you may need for specific thing you're working on. actions need to be taken always, we can decide but until we take action, nothing's actually happening. I can sign up for the brace. But if I'm not training, nothing's happening. What are you going to do this week to move you forward? What is the one action step you're going to take this week to move you forward? What is something that happens to your heart when you take the action step forward? How do you feel because that's what you want to feel moving forward? That's what's gonna give you more power. Who are you becoming when you decide to do something bold in your life? Who are you want to be? Who are you becoming who who is that person that you've been looking for and missing? Because she's been there a long time. You just may have lost her a little bit. So now it's time to get clear on what you want and how you want to move forward. tons of time left in this year. There are many ways to fail. There are many ways to improve. And you got to decide what's important to you right now. And how you want to show up, there needs to be a reason for you to get up in the morning. And that's going to look different for you than it will for me or your, your, your circle. So if you need to want to start that business, if you want to take the course, if you want to hire a coach, you want to sign up for a walk or run an obstacle course. If you want to start teaching again, if you want to leave your job, if you want to start a new job, do what lights you up, follow the nudges that come your way. Create your vision, understand who it is you want to become and where you're going. Because that's important. You want to know why it's important. And the one thing that you can do to start this week, so 28 half marathons, I've completed 28, half marathons, nobody else has done that nobody else that I know can say that. Will there be a 29? Absolutely. Now I can't even wait to get to 3029 might be brutal, but I can't wait to get to 30. It's this thing I do in my brain, that it's what keeps me moving forward. It's what keeps me active, it keeps me I wouldn't stay in shape all the time. That's, that's a little overboard. Because I still like to have lots of fun in the summer with my kids and my family and do all the things. But I do take steps to keep active and start where I need to when I when I sign up. And what's very important is that it has to light you up. It has to have meaning behind it. Even if you don't understand it right now. It's a feeling that lights you up and gives you this sense of accomplishment that you are working towards something that nobody else understands. And trust me if there's no one around you that understands when you're on your journey, you will find the people that do understand and welcome them into your life. Welcome them into your world. That's what creates meaning for you to keep moving forward. And remembering why you're choosing to do the thing you are doing. And understand that you are powerful. You are worth all the things, good things coming to you. But it's you have to show up and decide and choose. And remember your why on what you want to accomplish. You don't have to do a half marathon.
Carrie Lecuyer:It's not for everybody. But if you want to start a 5k figure out where you want to start, what race you want to try. Maybe it's just moving from your couch to 5k. There's tons of things out there for all sorts of people at different levels. Maybe you've been injured. It's a mindset move through the pain keep moving walking, you did you know that you can do these races walking, there are tons of people who walk there's really no excuse on on how old you are, what kind of shape you're in your injury. Because there's people go by on wheelchairs, the wheel bikes, they walk, I've seen I've had an 82 year old woman pass me in a race. That's inspiring. She chose to be there she chose up. And I'm just in awe that at that age that can still be possible. So don't give up. Wherever you are. Don't give up. Choose your why. Choose the thing you want to do. Keep moving forward and understand that there is pain in the middle. And it might feel long and hard and your kids may come at you and life happens. But keep moving forward and always show up. That's my message for you today. If you'd like to know anything about the races, I do anything around Alberta that I can help you with with signing up for something I've done 20 half marathons there. There you are. But yeah, give yourself credit and just start where you're at and move forward. And I wish you all a great week and I'll talk to you soon. Take care.