Jan. 25, 2022

Creating Good Vibes EP:26

Creating Good Vibes EP:26

Living a vibrant life is very important. Feeling good when there is so much unknown seems like a foreign thought but is very important for our wellness.  On today’s episode, you will have the opportunity to raise your vibration!  Everything in the universe is energy and vibrating at a specific frequency.  Feeling good in the moment and being grateful are just a couple ways we can raise our vibration.  Being aware of what brings you down or doesn’t feel good can consume our whole day and on this episode I want to bring you back to the present moment and align yourself with the things you really do love.


About the Host:

When we are inspired by our own thoughts, we feel a true sense of joy, creativity, and the energy of infinite potential or possibilities that are available to us. Then someone needs a snack and the thoughts have gone. I am here to say YOU matter. My name is Carrie Lecuyer, I am an empowerment coach for moms with a feeling that there is more on their hearts and I want to help you reconnect and re-align with your soul's purpose and passion and remain a great MOM.

As a mom of two little boys who love mud, I have visions, goals, ideas, and thoughts. Sometimes they only lasted for seconds, and the rest of the day I spend cleaning up after my kids. 

Over the past 20 years, I spent 15 years in a fast-paced career development and personal development environment. I have completed 26 half marathons, crossed the finish line at Ironman Canada, and became a mom. It has been the most amazing journey with so many lessons. I know for a fact that the moment I made a decision, clarity in all directions appeared.

I am here to help you connect with what lights you up, through 1:1 coaching.

You can learn more & connect with Carrie at:

Website: inspiredbycarrie.com

Instagram: Inspiredcoachingbycarrie 

Facebook: inspired@inspiredbycarrielecuyer

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Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, my friends and welcome. You're listening to soul inspired decisions, a podcast for ordinary moms living extraordinary lives. My intention with this podcast is to teach, motivate and inspire by sharing stories, tools and strategies to help you unlock your greatest fears, annoying habits and old stories and make a move towards the things that have been on your heart. If you have been a little lost, or in a funk, and want to reconnect with your purpose, your passion and feel empowered again, then this is the best place for you to be hanging out. My name is Carrie linkway. And I'm an ordinary mom making extraordinary decisions. This is me putting one foot in front of the other, moving towards my next goal, and hoping to inspire you along the way. Let's get started.

Carrie Lecuyer:

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the soul inspired podcast. I'm your host, Carrie liquid. And I hope you're having a really great day or I hope this will help you move the vibrations of your dick. That's what I want to talk about today, creating good vibrations, what is making you feel good, and understanding what's not making you feel good, and maybe trying to remove it or revamp things a little bit in your day? No, I wasn't going to do a recording today because my asthma is really bad. And my sinuses are up again. And then I listened to a couple other podcasts last week, and they have colds going on. And they didn't sound any much different. I mean, you can tell and that's part of life. But I just think we're very, we're all very hard on our own selves. And so I just thought I sound too ridiculous to do this. But here I am. We're gonna show up. And I want to talk about good vibes today. So what what are where are you at right now today? How are you feeling? A lot of people are feeling really heavy. A lot of people are feeling lost, they're done, they want to give up, they want to shut the door on the world. They don't really see any movement going anywhere with anything. And it's a really sad sort of feeling. So I want to read for you to recognize that your home is your safe place. And that's the best place to start. And that's where I want to start. And I can start there because my home is like a country store, a cottage country store, when people come over, they feel very comfortable. And it's a lot of work. And it's a lot of storing things because I change out different season. But when you come in to our home, it's very comfortable. It's very warming, it's like a big hug. And that's what I want it to feel like for me. And for everyone who comes in and has the experience. It's like a, it's a home of comfort. It's a big, warm blanket. And it smells good. And I've always got things on the go that smell good and the candles and all the different kinds of sense to make it feel really just enjoyable, like a place you just want to be. If you've ever walked into a home or a store or someone's house or a building and you've had that sense of I really want to be here, that's your good, that's a trigger in your mind, giving you good vibrations, and that's something to be aware of. So check your home do you need some shift to shift some things up that make you feel more comfortable because everything in the universe is energy and vibrating at a specific frequency. So we want to check in to see where we're feeling, are we feeling vibrant, and hi, in our own home, we can't change the world outside of it and what's happening, but we can certainly change what's happening in our home in making some shifts. So that could be rearranging your furniture decluttering that's perfect time of year to do some decluttering check in on our wellness for our home and the vibration in the field. If you're into a smudging and clearing, maybe you want to do some of that, or this is your reminder to do some of that. And you can change how you feel let more sunlight in. I have the windows the blinds open all the time, the more sunlight the better. It gives everybody good vibration. And then I have the little crystals in the windows. So there's randomly little rainbows fluttering around my house and down the hallway at different times of the day when the sunlight comes in. And it's just a reminder because that's a feel good moment of good vibrations that I love little little rainbows the to me, they're very good luck. So I have little rainbows that you can identify around the house depending on what time of day it is. So we want to understand where we feel good and where we're not feeling good is are you walking into a room and it doesn't give you good vibrational energy. Maybe you need to switch that up and how we do this as we need to slow down enough To understand what's draining us. And that can be the hard part. Because when we're in our conscious mind, we feel when we're not in our conscious mind, we don't feel so when we're in Akash, as my we can be very empowered and present. And we want to notice where we are and what's around us. And that is very evident when you just take a moment to look around. And if we're not present, we can get out of our head quite quickly by doing a simple little trick. And you just take a look around what's in your room, or what's in your area right now, maybe your office, wherever you are, if you're driving, and just take a look at and identify and say out loud, three things are in front of you. So maybe it's the window, maybe it's o'clock, maybe it's my gold globe, I have going here. So those are three things that are right here in my vision, and I can see them out loud. And that puts us present and when we are present, we're here in the moment. And then we can also identify how we're feeling and that takes us right out of our ego mind are the clutter and puts us where we need to be to start understanding if we're in vibrational match of what we're feeling, where if we want to need to bring it up, or if we are in really good vibrational alignment today. And you'll know that from the moment you wake up, and you can wake up feeling really good. You can check yourself right at the moment you wake up, and that has to become practice. It's not it doesn't just happen overnight. And I find that if the kids wake me up, or the dog wakes me up, and I'm in sudden mom mode, I'm not checked into how I'm feeling or thinking but if I get to wake up on my own with the alarm clock that I had the shut the alarm clock off, then I can take a few minutes to relax and check to see how my body's doing and feeling. Understanding that I've had a really good breast checking with my mindset. And being able to just feel how I'm feeling and taking in that I had a good sleep that I can start the day off however I want to I just need to choose. And that's how I get going with vibrational alignment my day. And that can be completely blown out the window. I mean, the other night, my son has this thing now we're trying to sneak up the stairs to to scare us. Will that backfire on him because he snuck up and he scared our puppy and the puppy then like just I could still visualize the puppy just jumping, because she had no idea what was happening and about be scared her and then we were all scared in the moment. And everybody was up, of course. But so it took us a while it took me for example, then that moment time to shift how I was thinking or the excitement or the panic of what was happening in the moment because you're just waking up and you're not sure what's happening, realizing that my son had come up and he was trying to sneak up without us hearing him or sometimes he'll try to scare us. But he lost out that day. So it was a good lesson for him. But we want to notice what's around us and where our heads at. And then we can take a deep breath in. So if you haven't taken a deep breath in today, here's your chance to just for the moment, wherever you are, just be present. Be here in the moment, say your three things out loud. So window, globe, clock and whatever is in your world right now let's just say three things and then take a very big, deep breath in and let it go. And and that just brings you right into this very moment. So then you can feel all the things that you love around you. And sometimes we're moving so fast that we just don't take the moment to be grateful for what's in the present moment. And we just follow suit

Carrie Lecuyer:

life or a negative path negative pumper station, and then we're just rambling through our day, fleeing, feeling flustered and moving fast and uncontrolled. Another thing that you can do is just understand, too, take a moment to list the things that you love. And maybe you're in a mindset right now that you don't feel like you love anything. But I want to assure you that you do you really do. And you may just be so far removed and in so much anxiety and chaos and whatever it is in your life. I respect that but there are things and wherever you're at you can raise your vibration but you have to choose. So right there if you can't identify anything that you love in your life right now. That's your own check in that's like a knock at the door to be like I really need to change my mindset here because when she asked me If there's anything I love, I don't love anything. And you might have a little rant going on right in your mind. And I'm telling you to stop it right now. And just think of the things that you love, right now in your current home, or maybe something that you loved as a youth or child or teen, and bring yourself back to that place of gratitude for the things that you have cherished throughout your past. So maybe you do like to walk, think of walking, maybe you love candles, or maybe you love essential oils, maybe some music, maybe you really love music and you haven't taken the time. And as mums sometimes we, we used to love listening to music. And as kids come into our lives, we don't listen to as much anymore. And I just a shout out to a mom, who is a listener has brought music back into her life, her son is I think in grade two. And she just started listening to music and she switched up the music that she isn't hasn't listened to before. And she's really finding it helpful to create a new vibrational flow in her own life. So that is a win. That's a simple little win from our podcasts. That's what we do. We give you little tips and tricks to move through your day that you can handle and it's not too much. So what else can we think of here make a lot of people really love baths, checking at the end of the day and having baths and with bubbles, a lot of people really like bubble baths, whatever it is in your life. So I do love running I haven't done a lot of running outside the weather has been extremely, extremely cold. So finding other things to do cross country skiing and snowshoeing walking effect, Mr pup and just being I love watching her be so excited for the walks and the smells and the joy. And then I also love are watching our older dog, just be wondering what she's doing or being watchful for her and just how they maneuver. When I get to walk by myself, I get to be present in what they're doing and what they're finding fascinating about life as dogs. So if you could do one thing today that you love, so light a candle, listen to music on your way home or on your walk,

Carrie Lecuyer:

maybe grab some flowers, maybe you're a person who really loves having flowers in their house, you haven't had flowers in your house in a long time, stop by the Safeway or your grocery store, grab just a very simple bundle of flowers and put them on your table that brings joy and raises your vibration into your home very simply done. Now, one thing you want to be mindful about is conversations that don't bring you good vibes. And this happens so frequently, especially in families, that's one of the things that we relate to the most is negativity and talking about others. So we want to really be aware of the talk that's around you and your family or at work or with the company that you keep, when we engage in that all the time. It's just how we connect. And it really brings us down every time we do that. So you want to maybe shift up the conversation, or just walk away from the conversation that would be new, that would actually give you a really good personal power, it is hard, but it just gives you some personal power. And you're not doing it to be mean, you're just removing yourself and changing it up for you. Okay, not everybody else will understand and not everybody else will follow suit. But you want to be motivated enough to make a shift. If something's bringing you down. If you don't like something, the conversation where you're at walking into a store, then stop doing it. Change it up be but you have to be in your conscious mind to do that. If you're in your mind with the ego taking over of course, you're gonna stand engage in the conversation. There's nothing better than talking about Sally, and everything that she does wrong in her life. Because we know everything and how to live life so perfectly right? It's easy to go down that rabbit hole when you're engaged in that kind of conversation. So it's very easy to just remove yourself. Because you know when you're doing it, and you know, when you walk away, you feel awful. So that's your cue right there to remove yourself from the conversations and walk away. Don't engage, change it up. And it takes practice. It really takes practice and it is uncomfortable. But understand that when we do something uncomfortable, that's when we start to change and those are the little shifts that we need to move. So whether it's at work with all your friendships, changing the negative way you interact with your friends and family is up to you making your home a place where you can have a good vibrational feel is very important. So if you see a piece that you love and you want to buy it, understand that check in with how it makes you feel. If you love it and it feels good, then it's for you to have to bring you really good vibes, change, have something in your home, make sure it gives you good bots, if you don't want to wear something and you look at it, and it gives you awful feelings, then don't wear. Pick something that you feel good with, ask yourself, Does this make me feel good? Will I feel good in this, ask yourself some questions. But we have to take the time to do it. Most of us are moving through the day. So quickly, we grab the first thing that we see we slap it on, and we go about our day. And we're in the same thing every day. Because it's simple. It's we don't have to think and I'm just asking you to shake it up a little bit and understand where you need to make your own shifts to live a more vibrant life because we can't again, change what's happening on the outside of the world. But you can change what's happening right in your own life, your own home, your own workplace, wherever you go. Your conversation with your family, your friends, your kids, that's up to you. So another thing you can do to change your vibrations, and it might be a little bit hard for you is to commit to going to bed at a certain time, a little bit half an hour earlier than you usually do. And commit to no TV or no cell phone. That will really help shift your mindset over the net overnight, and you'll feel refreshed in the morning. And then the next trick is to not pick up the phone and check out social media when you first wake up, if that's the first thing you're doing. And trust me if you're a new mom, or you're feeding or that kind of things, do not listen to this part of it because your phone is your survival piece in the middle of the night at 3am. I completely understand that. But if it's just out of habit to pick up your phone and see what everybody else is doing, then we are trying to compare ourselves and live with everybody else's endorphin hits, trying to make ourselves feel really good. And that's actually what it's doing less of in the long term of everything, we you don't need other people's permission and likes to make yourself feel good, you have to start inside. And once you start inside, then you'll start also raising your own vibration, to help you feel good and your heart will feel fuller. And you'll have more time to be in tune with the vibrations around you. Which then everything starts falling into place. And you'll notice little things that start happening for you, you'll hear your own thoughts, you'll hear your own intuition that things will start happening, people will new people will start popping into your lives if you open it up to allow that to happen. So going to bed early, and getting off your phone and the TV is definitely one of the key positives that you could try for, I would give yourself three four days, see how it feels, check in and see if it is something you need to do more often in your life and most of us truly do, we also really just need to slow down, we rush through life. And when we rush we are living in fight or flight mode. And this is just a moment to understand how we're living. If we're always needing to have our kids and all the things and we're rushing from A to B to C to D all the time, then this is your reminder to take a breath and you are setting yourself up like that. That's how you're setting your life up to be. It doesn't have to be like that. And that's a choice. So taking a deep breath in understanding what needs to go, what you want to really keep and have your family involved in. Because it's not going to really make a difference in 20 years to them or you are not but your sanity and how you are handling everything. Will is life changing. If you have to chip shift something, this is the time to do it. And what I'm going to ask you to do right now to also be present is just name right now some things that you love, like what do you love? Do you love candles? Do you love the smile on your kid's face in the mornings? Do you love the snow falling from the sky? Just name one thing out right now that will bring you present that will raise your vibration automatically because you're seeing in your mind the thing that you love, and maybe you're looking directly at it right now. Understand that when you feel good about something, it raises your vibrations naturally. And you have to take the time to be do and then just say thank you thank you to that object or that thing or that person right now. And that again, raising your vibration very natural, very easy thing to do. And so often we're moving too fast. We're out of breath. And we're kind of grateful, but we never really think about him. And we're moving through our day in such exhaustion, and there's even more exhaustion with everything on the outside world that is kind of like a blur. And we're not really being present or in the moment, and we just want to get to bed. And then we scroll through social media for our in consumer mind with everybody else's crap. And I'm just telling you to wipe the slate clean. This is, wherever you're at, wherever you are, think of this as a brand new day, brand new, our brand new minute, if your surviving minutes, two minutes, and reach out if you need help. That's the thing is you have to understand when you need help yourself. And that's where change really starts to occur. When you understand you need to slow down and you understand you need to be more grateful. And understand that your kids and your spouse and your family are looking at you. They're not judging you like you may think they're looking at you. And are you the role model that you want to be right now? Are you the person that you envision yourself being where you're at right now? Is this how you want to handle things. And that puts you in the direct moment right now, what needs to change, and the first thing you can change is Be grateful for the breath that you had, when you woke up this morning, the things that you have around you, your home that keeps you safe and warm. Those are really good simple things, your children waking up in the morning, smiling and being grateful that well, they're not really that grateful, honestly, but they're just happy to be alive. If you look at them and how they interact, they are really kids are happy. You know, and, and so we need to take a chapter from them. And understand that life doesn't have to feel so hard. And in the moment, you can feel complete joy for where you're at right now. So

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