March 5, 2020

Human Design with Jenni Rierson | SSP15

Human Design with Jenni Rierson | SSP15

Jenni Rierson is a Human Design Coach who helps guide and mentor women to fully embrace themselves and step into who they are here to be. Jenni is also a Mom of 3, living in Southern California and she focuses on living her best life, working on her business and nurturing her family, even using Human Design to help guide her children and her own parenting as they grow.

In this episode, we discuss Jenni’s journey to Human Design, and we look at the different Human Design types in-depth, along with the powers and potential drawbacks of each power centre.

Connect with Jenni:


Anastasia Burtnick is a Certified Whole Person Life Coach who specializes in helping you get out of your own way, heal traumas and create a connected, meaningful life.

Anastasia has experienced a lot of pain and trauma in her life and has used these hardships as lessons to help her heal and grow. She learned how to get out of her own way and is now living a life full of purpose and connection. 

Through Anastasia’s Soulful Leadership Method she has helped her clients heal their wounds, release the fears and beliefs that keep them feeling small, and help them step into their radiance and light so they are living their most meaningful life. 

Anastasia’s clients see their hearts open, their visions come to life and their reality shift to a life filled with self-worth, bliss, abundance and purpose. 

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