Jan. 17, 2024

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL with Sanet Van Breda

YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL with Sanet Van Breda

TRANSFORMATION IS POSSIBLE! In Episode 62 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show, titled YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, I welcome the SPECTACULAR, Sanet Van Breda from South Africa. She calls everyone, MY BEAUTIFUL…and signs every email with MWAH “Moments with Authentic Hearts”. She shares her point of no return moment in getting slim and massive weight loss, dances to “Walking in Sunshine” every day, hosts the POWER HOUR TV show with her Diamond Beauties (700 amazing women worldwide) and now introducing in 2024 the SLIM-Tanzanite Heroes for men. Come dance with us and listen, download, share and review this BEAUTIFUL show!

Mentioned Resources -

Website: www.selflove4me.com

Ladies you are welcome to join us on our amazing, inspiring women – the Diamond Beauties https://www.facebook.com/groups/diamondbeautiesforever

Gentleman you are welcome to join the SLIM Tanzanite Hero international group


Newsletter: https://selflove4me.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/selflove4me

SLIM: https://www.facebook.com/selflove4me/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC83ghcIoVejxKJ8oAAZeEaA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sanetvanbreda/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sanet-van-breda

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sanetvanbreda

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SanetVanBreda

Pinterest: https://za.pinterest.com/sanetvbreda20/

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



Social Media

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howard.brown.36

LinkedIn - https://wwwlinkedin.com/in/howardsbrown

Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard brown. It's the shining brightly

Howard Brown:

show your Maestro with the mic. Your master of sunshine is with

Howard Brown:

us today. And I have this amazing guest Sanet Van Breda

Howard Brown:

all the way from South Africa. Welcome. Welcome, welcome. How

Howard Brown:

are you?

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Oh, well, well, good. Thank you so much for

Howard Brown:

having me. Can I tell you something? So excited

Howard Brown:

this is great. Oh my goodness. So will be a big

Howard Brown:

shout out to to Natalie and McQueen and Robert Jones, who

Howard Brown:

introduced us were in a gratitude book together

Howard Brown:

inspirational quotes, so we'll say hello to them. I have to

Howard Brown:

tell people who you are. And then I have a special request.

Howard Brown:

So we're going to do a special request. So let me tell you who

Howard Brown:

this lovely beautiful woman is. This is Sanet Van Breda from

Howard Brown:

Johannesburg, South Africa. She is so talented because she's a

Howard Brown:

TV host, a producer, publisher, speaker, author, Coach mentor,

Howard Brown:

and she is the founder of self love ignites me and diamond

Howard Brown:

beauties forever and I got introduced to the diamond

Howard Brown:

beauties it's other amazing women and soul of a diamond as

Howard Brown:

well as a newly launched global diamond moments magazine. Oh my

Howard Brown:

god. That's exciting. And it's currently in 35 countries

Howard Brown:

getting worldwide coverage. Here she is the driving force behind

Howard Brown:

the heart centred rant dedicated to promoting self love.

Howard Brown:

Mindfulness personal transformation. You are a

Howard Brown:

certified mindfulness teacher, master certified NLP

Howard Brown:

practitioner, life and executive business coach, and we'll tell

Howard Brown:

people how to get in touch with you at self love for me.com but

Howard Brown:

we'll do that a little later as well. First of all, you are my

Howard Brown:

dancing queen. Can we have this? Can I have this dance with you?

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Well, thank you out. laughs You have a dance if

Howard Brown:

you so my foot ever song is walking on sunshine and you know

Howard Brown:

about the copyrights I am going to sing my husband tells me

Howard Brown:

Please don't Don't quit your day job. But for me my voice is

Howard Brown:

beautiful. So li ne does go my beauty love it. Will you have a

Howard Brown:

dance with me?

Howard Brown:

Yes I will.

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: I'm looking and Sunshine I know I'm looking and

Howard Brown:

sunshine oh I looking and sunshine and it's time to feel

Howard Brown:

I love it so first first musical act on my show

Howard Brown:


Howard Brown:

ever shining brightly we're walking on sunshine together

Howard Brown:

what a way to start the show. Oh my god this is incredible. All

Howard Brown:

right well obviously I need to now know why why is walking on

Howard Brown:

sunshine your forever for your forever song.

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Wow. So I have Mrs. stallion my point of no

Howard Brown:

return was on April the sixth 2019 My children we we stay in

Howard Brown:

South Africa and my children moved to New Zealand. So for us

Howard Brown:

it was very hard because my grandson was my everything. And

Howard Brown:

I have through due to security stuff that happened to my

Howard Brown:

daughter a year in South Africa. She lost her unborn baby as well

Howard Brown:

due to a violent attack side I decided to leave South Africa

Howard Brown:

and go to New Zealand. So we there in New Zealand and we are

Howard Brown:

on this this hike. How it it was three miles five kilometres from

Howard Brown:

the carpark. I struggle I could not get to the cab the family

Howard Brown:

was already in the cave. And I struggle I it was very

Howard Brown:

difficult. I had a lot of weight to carry. Oh yeah. I didn't have

Howard Brown:

what it was an overcast day it was was the it was it was

Howard Brown:

raining but it stopped raining. And at this stage I thought I

Howard Brown:

was gonna get the heart attack. I sit at a Senate. What if my

Howard Brown:

beautiful grandson asked me and in South Africa. My home

Howard Brown:

language is Africans. So granny means Omi it's a beautiful name.

Howard Brown:

Omi. But if my grandson Xander asked me oh me. Why are you not

Howard Brown:

in the picture in the cave? Then I would have told my grandson

Howard Brown:

here Omi is too fat. She could not get to the to the cave. But

Howard Brown:

that day I was overweight. My whole life even as a child, but

Howard Brown:

that I have it. My heart mouth was too full. And I just look

Howard Brown:

over the ocean. It was the Sea was rough. There was no sunshine

Howard Brown:

and as you say to God, I actually screamed I said I

Howard Brown:

cannot do this anymore. I'm 54 years old. I cannot do this. I

Howard Brown:

cannot do this. Please help me God help me. I will do anything.

Howard Brown:

I will do everything please help me I was on diets for many

Howard Brown:

years. I've done this I've tried. And that day my beautiful

Howard Brown:

house with the sun came out. And I still remember if it was just

Howard Brown:

the other day, it eat my face and eat my heart. And I knew

Howard Brown:

that I am safe. And yes, my beautiful of it is my picture.

Howard Brown:

They I am this my beautiful grandson Xander. I got to the

Howard Brown:

cave. I got to the cave. And when we had to walk back, I was

Howard Brown:

not behind the gate. I was walking. God have given me so

Howard Brown:

much power. I laughed at my daughter, my daughter, her name

Howard Brown:

is AC she said Ma. Do you know it's five kilometres back to the

Howard Brown:

car park? And I said yes. I am ready. And I walked with them.

Howard Brown:

My beautiful house that afternoon in the mirror. And I

Howard Brown:

love mirror. And you did an amazing show for the diamond

Howard Brown:

booties about mirror talk. I looked myself in the eye and I

Howard Brown:

said to myself, I said you want to lose the white. Why? I said I

Howard Brown:

wanted us to write for my beautiful Xander us four years

Howard Brown:

old. And I said yes my beautiful Sunday but I didn't say

Howard Brown:

beautiful at that size. I said yes in it. You want the least

Howard Brown:

the rightful Xander. Why and I was like still dancing. I said,

Howard Brown:

I want to run on the beach, I want to swing on a swing because

Howard Brown:

I could not fit in a swing. There's a lot of things I could

Howard Brown:

not do because of my obesity.

Howard Brown:

And then I was like still happy but then I went a little bit

Howard Brown:

closer with and I looked myself in the eye and I said to me, you

Howard Brown:

want to lose the right for Xander you want to play with him

Howard Brown:

on the beach and be on the swing. Why? But that day, I knew

Howard Brown:

I want to live

Howard Brown:

I don't want to die. If I don't make a plan. I am gonna go die.

Howard Brown:

Because my my lungs, my heart, everything my knees. Everything

Howard Brown:

has to carry this. This weight. And that day I made a decision

Howard Brown:

to walk on God's sunshine. Walking on Sunshine is my

Howard Brown:

forever song. I didn't tell the family because I knew they're

Howard Brown:

gonna say oh boy, you always went on a diet. Oh, you always

Howard Brown:

thought that a Monday and then the next Monday you start again.

Howard Brown:

So I didn't say anything to refer him. But that day in front

Howard Brown:

of the mirror, I decided I am going to eat less doesn't matter

Howard Brown:

what we eat less and move more. And that's everyone if they

Howard Brown:

asked me after losing 165 pounds. Yes, my before and after

Howard Brown:

picture. After losing 75 kilogrammes or 165 pounds. If

Howard Brown:

people asked me sinet How did you lose the weight? It was the

Howard Brown:

most difficult thing ever, ever to do. But I knew my why I want

Howard Brown:

to live I always my my my golden nugget is if you know your why,

Howard Brown:

if your why is big enough, you will do anything, you will do

Howard Brown:

everything. And I always tell people if you want to lose

Howard Brown:


Howard Brown:

Go for the reason go and look for your why. And then before

Howard Brown:

you start buying food and going on diets and going, start to eat

Howard Brown:

less and start to eat, exercise more, move more. And the next

Howard Brown:

thing is go on in your mind and see how you are talking to

Howard Brown:

yourself. Without going on a diet don't do diets now. You can

Howard Brown:

go on the eating plan lighter, but now it lays whatever you eat

Howard Brown:

less move more. Then go and write down for a few. I did it

Howard Brown:

for a month. What is it what I'm telling me? What is the word I'm

Howard Brown:

telling me? Is it mostly negative or mostly positive? How

Howard Brown:

it I was shocked. I was walking around with posted notes

Howard Brown:

And every time I spoke badly about myself to myself, I added

Howard Brown:

a T account, positive and negative. I had 79, negative

Howard Brown:

for, for my period I was looking for, and only 23 Positive. And I

Howard Brown:

knew that had to change. So I started to work on the mental

Howard Brown:

side first. And then when I came back to South Africa, I went to

Howard Brown:

the doctor, he sent me to the internist. And then I found out

Howard Brown:

my, my thyroid is not working. So I and I had also a few other

Howard Brown:

things that I take out, I took out my gallbladder, they work on

Howard Brown:

my hernia as an all that. But, but I started with something

Howard Brown:

easy, something simple, because if you're an overweight person,

Howard Brown:

just thinking that you are going to go on a diet wants you to eat

Howard Brown:

more. And sometimes you have to have this now cannot eat or want

Howard Brown:

to do the diet. But if you don't concentrate on the eating, and

Howard Brown:

you concentrate on this eating a little bit less, moving more and

Howard Brown:

start working. What are you telling yourself, because if you

Howard Brown:

keep on telling yourself, you are a fat person, or you keep on

Howard Brown:

telling yourself, you're not good enough, you will never lose

Howard Brown:

the right you have to start going inside yourself and start

Howard Brown:

to love yourself. So my beautiful Howard on the sixth of

Howard Brown:

April 2019, I have

Howard Brown:

changed my life. Or if

Howard Brown:

you have all I just wanted to take a quick

Howard Brown:

breath here because your opening was just fascinating. Because I

Howard Brown:

love I love your golden nugget if I want to repeat this because

Howard Brown:

it's worth repeating. If your why is big enough, you can do

Howard Brown:

anything you can do, you could do everything. And so I you, you

Howard Brown:

looked within yourself and you told this story that you you had

Howard Brown:

tried all the diets you had tried before. But this time you

Howard Brown:

were serious. And you took the small simple steps first, and

Howard Brown:

you looked at your health and you had your grandson to be able

Howard Brown:

to walk those kilometres get in that picture. For those that

Howard Brown:

didn't see the picture. I'll show them on on socials before

Howard Brown:

and after. It's a truly one inspiring and incredible

Howard Brown:

inspiration that you took charge of your life. And I didn't know

Howard Brown:

you then I just I know the beautiful smelt and impressive

Howard Brown:

diamond beauty yourself. There's SONET. But I saw this picture

Howard Brown:

and I was like, wow, that's not healthy. That wasn't healthy. So

Howard Brown:

it's an incredible story. And it takes time. It doesn't happen in

Howard Brown:

two days. And it takes dedication. And it takes

Howard Brown:

tremendous commitment, tremendous resiliency, to do

Howard Brown:

that. And I just want to tell you that just you know, I've

Howard Brown:

gotten to know you now, your inner beauty shows outward. It's

Howard Brown:

just beautiful. It really you have the butterfly because you

Howard Brown:

transformed into a beautiful butterfly behind you for those

Howard Brown:

that are watching on the video and can't see it. But so take me

Howard Brown:

through now because I love walking on sunshine is one of my

Howard Brown:

favourite songs too, because I'm all about sunshine as well was

Howard Brown:

shining brightly. But now that you've now made this, you have

Howard Brown:

big plans to inspire the entire world, you're not thinking

Howard Brown:

small, you're going big or going home, share me what's going on

Howard Brown:

with you because I've just entered your world. And I am

Howard Brown:

just like blown away. So what? How are you going to inspire the

Howard Brown:

entire world?

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Well, thank you my beautiful habit. And I think

Howard Brown:

when I talk about mindset, I really had to change my mindset

Howard Brown:

to go on to this journey. And I tell you sometimes it was

Howard Brown:

difficult when you feel like eating in the quiet nears Nobu.

Howard Brown:

Nobody will know but you know, I could never do that again. I

Howard Brown:

would stand in front of the mirror our play my forever some

Howard Brown:

and I will always go please help me not to go for this avenue

Howard Brown:

attitude and attitude. So with that in mind, knowing that I

Howard Brown:

could overcome a lot of obstacles, a lot of things made

Howard Brown:

it easy and easy to do. And I could do it now and change my

Howard Brown:

life. So I've got this amazing dreams, a beautiful dreams. So I

Howard Brown:

have started an amazing group called Diamond beauties for over

Howard Brown:

two and a half years ago. It's a private group. We are almost 700

Howard Brown:

ladies on the group. I love to call myself a voice of 1000 and

Howard Brown:

the other day somebody said to me but Sydney you don't it for

Howard Brown:

live zoom sessions to elevate Ladies and gentleman, I normally

Howard Brown:

take two ladies of the group and a gentleman to come and tell

Howard Brown:

this story to inspire the world. And you now started I was I

Howard Brown:

wanted to have my own TV show, I put it in my wish list last

Howard Brown:

year, February, and October last year, the beautiful president of

Howard Brown:

the network, ie 360. TV said to Mr. Neat, I love seeing you, I

Howard Brown:

love to give you 12 episodes on E 360. TV. So yes, I have drawn

Howard Brown:

sported from a zoom, exactly the same concept, power hour show

Howard Brown:

went into the Power Hour TV show, and I just told you, I

Howard Brown:

want to be set Africa, Oprah, in California, I want to have a

Howard Brown:

proper show, we will be dancing, and we will be standing sitting.

Howard Brown:

And we will do a lot of things to inspire the world. My vision

Howard Brown:

is to be Earth's most heart centred brand, to provide the

Howard Brown:

experience to fill the world with love, joy and happiness.

Howard Brown:

And you being part of my world, you are helping me to have give

Howard Brown:

people that experience of your light of your beautiful soul.

Howard Brown:

And I can take whatever they can from you. By the thing is how it

Howard Brown:

everybody can listen to a motivational, inspirational

Howard Brown:

talk. But if you don't take something out of that, and make

Howard Brown:

it part of your life and take action, you will not go anyway

Howard Brown:

slowly. So my self love ignites me, I've got my motto is show

Howard Brown:

up, show up for yourself. And then for others, the next part

Howard Brown:

of my motto is step up,

Howard Brown:

do the action take action, if you don't take the action.

Howard Brown:

Affirmations is beautiful. I am a magnificent public speaker.

Howard Brown:

But if you don't get and be on stage, you will say that

Howard Brown:

forever, and you don't experience that you have to take

Howard Brown:

the action. And then when you're ready, and your cup is full, my

Howard Brown:

last motto is so up, give your heart your talents, your wisdom,

Howard Brown:

your love. Importantly, the most important vibration of the world

Howard Brown:

is love give you love to the world. So I know that you will

Howard Brown:

love show up, step up. And so

Howard Brown:

I love it. Oh my god. It's incredible. And also

Howard Brown:

the magazine. Just share a little bit. This you have a

Howard Brown:

worldwide magazine global diamond moments magazine as

Howard Brown:

well, right?

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Yes, I was telling you where this came

Howard Brown:

from. So my book project didn't go well. And I was very sad

Howard Brown:

sitting next to a big river year in South Africa. My husband is

Howard Brown:

an Archer and he went and shoot and I said to him, they did

Howard Brown:

competition. And I said to him, I don't want to work with you

Howard Brown:

today. I want to go and sit next to the river. Because I am very

Howard Brown:

sad about my book. I wanted to do a book for two years. And I

Howard Brown:

was sitting next to the ribbon. And yes, I have not sold this to

Howard Brown:

a lot of people. But when I was sitting there, I was crying and

Howard Brown:

I said to God, I don't know why this book thing happened. And

Howard Brown:

you and God knows how much I wanted this book to go out. And

Howard Brown:

then all of a sudden I saw I said to myself but maybe Senate

Howard Brown:

you must become the diamond beauties publisher. Because

Howard Brown:

there is a quite a few ladies in the group that have lost the

Howard Brown:

poetry that have lost the books privileges through other

Howard Brown:

publishers at this time ticket and didn't publish the books.

Howard Brown:

Yeah. So first thing I saw Yeah, in my mind, I saw an angel ring

Howard Brown:

and a heart and then I got the name love and grace publishes

Howard Brown:

but then I saw with my own my eyes yeah, like this. Three

Howard Brown:

steps to the front and one inside the water. Electric Eel

Howard Brown:

came out of duty about this spot. was I was trying to grab

Howard Brown:

my phone but the chief fall over and I was sitting with my back

Howard Brown:

again so I could not feel the race my phone over to take a

Howard Brown:

photo of the eel but I see the use so it was about two minutes.

Howard Brown:

It was still it was still there, it didn't move. And I asked God

Howard Brown:

is the EU for me and the EU will just turn is it a little bit?

Howard Brown:

And I said, Okay, thank you, God. I said, I wrote down love

Howard Brown:

and grace publishing, and I said to God, but I would love it. If

Howard Brown:

I am in a compilation of a book, I would love to be on a show.

Howard Brown:

And then the next part was incredible. The name soul of a

Howard Brown:

diamond appeared here in front of me. And I was watching the

Howard Brown:

earrings. Well, you wait, and he looked a little bit more to me.

Howard Brown:

And I said, Okay, if I have a soul of a diamond TV show, I

Howard Brown:

must have a magazine. Because now I have the person in front

Howard Brown:

on the television, I have then a printed version in a magazine.

Howard Brown:

So what will be the new magazines name, and I say

Howard Brown:

diamond? Moments magazine, because every way, if you

Howard Brown:

experience love, or just a compensation relationship with

Howard Brown:

somebody, there is moments and it's diamond moments. And then

Howard Brown:

the eel looked at me, but not at me. It's to move. And I thought,

Howard Brown:

you know that chicken soup of your soul? What about a book

Howard Brown:

compilation of beautiful stories of the world of all the ladies

Howard Brown:

in my dorm and Buddhists, and we called it solver diamond, and

Howard Brown:

the you move again, but he didn't look at me. I say to God,

Howard Brown:

what else? I'm sure that that you need to look at me. I don't

Howard Brown:

know what else to do. So my beautiful how would you know I

Howard Brown:

kiss Mwah? Every time I speak to you as a Mwah. That's mouth

Howard Brown:

mouth productions and mah stands for moments with authentic

Howard Brown:

hearts. And I say to God, what a bad moments. Mwah production to

Howard Brown:

do a documentary on all the ladies that in that first book,

Howard Brown:

and the owl, the eel Look at me. And then he went underneath to

Howard Brown:

decide this took about less than two minutes. I had all concepts

Howard Brown:

say when you say dream and dream big, two minutes. I've got well

Howard Brown:

planned out. I know the names. I know exactly how my my logo. So

Howard Brown:

the Logos is already done. The I got sold over diamond nobody

Howard Brown:

I've taken a.com I have it. Yes.

Howard Brown:

And then when I read I speak to the e 360. TV, he was blown away

Howard Brown:

by the idea. Because if the lady comes to the show, and she

Howard Brown:

doesn't have a small amount of pie, she can go to any altar

Howard Brown:

charm. We will have a meeting with the director of the home.

Howard Brown:

And we she can say she can work her love hours for 15 hours to

Howard Brown:

be bored of the TV show and a magazine or the volunteer hours

Howard Brown:

will qualify you for that. Oh, that's yay. Yes. And then if he

Howard Brown:

or she wants a chapter in the book, I don't know why I wanted

Howard Brown:

to have 40 hours I think is because Jesus were 40 hours in

Howard Brown:

the days it i chicken then 40 hours go and do love work at the

Howard Brown:

old age home. And then the director can say to me, Mary has

Howard Brown:

data for two hours an hour say congratulations, Mary, you are

Howard Brown:

part of the chapter of the book. So the President were blown away

Howard Brown:

by this concept. And he said to me, Sidney chicken have to

Howard Brown:

shower in October I said, Okay, I have put it in for January and

Howard Brown:

the magazine for January. So now everything was pushed to the

Howard Brown:

front. So I from April, I have started with my sort of a

Howard Brown:

diamond TV show. I have a my fourth shot. Fourth issue of the

Howard Brown:

diamond moment magazine. And I've got a beautiful editor in

Howard Brown:

Cape Town we when they this I went and visited this week, we

Howard Brown:

went onto a proper magazine profile we doing to do the photo

Howard Brown:

shoot. So how it totally blown away by all the blessings coming

Howard Brown:

my way. And how God I've just seen the right people, my wife

Howard Brown:

So Natalie is going to help us publish the first book, The

Howard Brown:

First A compilation sort of a diamond so I am grateful I

Howard Brown:

cannot say everyday how thankful is everything in my life. The

Howard Brown:

other day I said to somebody, I am privileged to be me. And she

Howard Brown:

was very offended. And I say to her, I want to say to you if if

Howard Brown:

I didn't struggle if I didn't go through everything in my life,

Howard Brown:

it would not have brought me to where I am Am I and if I didn't

Howard Brown:

have this amazing big dreams, and I'm taking action, I didn't

Howard Brown:

leave the TV show and tie up gravity. I went and have a

Howard Brown:

meeting with the President and we never heard it. He was like,

Howard Brown:

oh, send it. That's amazing. So I took the action.

Howard Brown:

you actually you did it. And for those who missed

Howard Brown:

it, MWAH moments with authentic hearts? Why it's beautiful. This

Howard Brown:

is the time of the show. I'm going to ask if you want to put

Howard Brown:

on your sunglasses. I'm putting mine on. For those that are

Howard Brown:

listening. I have my shining brightly shades on because it is

Howard Brown:

shining brightly. We are walking on sunshine as well. I would

Howard Brown:

like people to how's the best way to get a hold of you. Then

Howard Brown:

share a little more inspiration with us and then kick the show

Howard Brown:

off. Back to Me for the close.

Howard Brown:

Sanet Van Breda: Oh, wow. That's amazing. So my beautiful ladies

Howard Brown:

and gentleman, you're all welcome to go to my website.

Howard Brown:

Everything is there. The magazine is there everything is

Howard Brown:

there. It is self love. And how it it's the latest for me.com.

Howard Brown:

The reason why we had to change it people could not spell

Howard Brown:

Ignite. People could not spell it out. It's slim, self love.

Howard Brown:

For me that gum. And the reason what I wanted to have my

Howard Brown:

business name called self love ignites me. It spells slim,

Howard Brown:

yeas, I have them down. I'm very clever. I'm writing the most

Howard Brown:

beautiful poetry I'm very creative, and very creative with

Howard Brown:

like, moments with authentic gods. But in my home language,

Howard Brown:

Afrikaans slim, means wise. I use self love, and mindfulness

Howard Brown:

to change my lifestyle for ever. I went on my Omi and Xander

Howard Brown:

plan. That means eating plan, that means dancing, that means

Howard Brown:

mental health, physical health, everything. So I will be on the

Howard Brown:

wrist for the rest of my life. And I want to be 120 years old.

Howard Brown:

I've got 62 years to go. I will be forever on my life will be on

Howard Brown:

my own and Xander plan. So that's something that a lot of

Howard Brown:

people are no but then something that people don't know that I

Howard Brown:

sometimes dance up to 30 times a day. Wow.

Howard Brown:

So that's my exercise. I start off with walking on sunshine

Howard Brown:

because it brings me back to my essence. And I ain't off. And

Howard Brown:

with all the coffee chats I have with all the meetings are even

Howard Brown:

on my beautiful Power Hour TV show. We are dancing, because

Howard Brown:

dancing makes your vibration. Amazing. And it lifts you up.

Howard Brown:

And it keeps me slim.

Howard Brown:

I love it. Oh my goodness, you are the dancing

Howard Brown:

queen and mwah it's beautiful. So this has been what an amazing

Howard Brown:

transformation. You are so impressive. You are making the

Howard Brown:

world a better place. It's absolutely incredible. I loved

Howard Brown:

your story. And we're going to share this with my audience and

Howard Brown:

the world as well. And the shining brightly podcast is all

Howard Brown:

about inspiration. And you've just heard some ladies and

Howard Brown:

gentlemen. And so if you need to get a hold of me at

Howard Brown:

shiningbrightly.com You can find my book you can find the podcast

Howard Brown:

you can find speaking in my advocacy work where we lift up

Howard Brown:

others, we're shining brightly, she's putting shades on SONET as

Howard Brown:

well. And so just remember, if we shine brightly, just a little

Howard Brown:

each day for ourselves very important for others to lift

Howard Brown:

them up for our neighbours in our communities, the world would

Howard Brown:

be a better place to net ;pove walking on sunshine and shining

Howard Brown:

brightly with you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
