Aug. 23, 2023

The Story Teller – “A Positive Social Change Agent” With Buddy Thornton

The Story Teller – “A Positive Social Change Agent” With Buddy Thornton


In Episode 41 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show, meet Buddy Thornton who is a Renaissance Man. A proud Vietnam Veteran (thank for your dedicated service), 27-year professional bowler, mediator, author of lots of books including the Slippery Slope, speaker, writer and very importantly a book editor for many including a collaborative co-authored series called The Art of Connection – 365 Days of Gratitude (volume IV coming out in January 2024). Get STARTED TODAY – “write from your heart and soul with passion”! Authors need to be speaker and speakers need to become authors. Please listen, watch, download, share and review this fun episode about story telling to share your own stories, messages and life experiences.

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(The Slippery Slope and The Art of Connection)

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About the guest – Buddy Thornton and spouse, Sharon, plus their large extended four-generation family have lived in Arizona since the late 1980s. Buddy is a Vietnam-era veteran, earned his BS in Allied Health Sciences (UW-Milwaukee 1984), his MA in Human Services Counseling and Executive Leadership (Liberty University 2014), and is a doctoral candidate pursuing his Human Services doctorate. Buddy has numerous certifications and actively serves on multiple boards in an advisory capacity. Buddy is the creative mind behind the Slippery Slope series and the author of Book I, Contemporary Society Through the Lens of Applied Ethics, and Book II, Contemporary Society Through the Lens of Applied Morals. Book III, The Optimal Journey to Oneself-Teen and Young Adult Edition, and Book IV, The Optimal Journey to Oneself-Parent-Teacher-Caregiver Edition continue the series. Buddy brands as "The Positive Social Change Agent Pro" and has been invited to be a Keynote Speaker and Program Presenter (Conflict Management, Parenting Dynamics, Cross-Cultural Topics), with one notable global invitation to Da Nang Vietnam in November 2017 and invited to speak on cultural topics at the IIRP World Conference in Bethlehem, PA-October 2019. Buddy is a featured regular participant on the Impact of Educational Leadership podcast hosted by Isaiah Drone III.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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Howard Brown:

Hola, it's Howard brown. It's shining brightly. Oh

Howard Brown:

my goodness. You're maestro, the mic is back. Oh, you're gonna

Howard Brown:

love this guest. I've got Buddy Thornton here today. And this

Howard Brown:

guy is so interesting. He is a book editor, a book author, a

Howard Brown:

ghost writer, and so much more. He's a renaissance man, buddy.

Howard Brown:

How are you?

Buddy Thornton:

I'm doing great, Howard. And I really appreciate

Buddy Thornton:

you inviting me on your show.

Howard Brown:

I appreciate it. I'd love for you to just share,

Howard Brown:

give us a quick background a little bio on yourself for for

Howard Brown:

my listening audience.

Buddy Thornton:

Okay, well, I have a doctoral education from

Buddy Thornton:

Grand Canyon University, obviously. I mean, I have a

Buddy Thornton:

master's in a bachelor's. I'm a great grandfather, I have 10

Buddy Thornton:

grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. And, you know, I

Buddy Thornton:

have been married almost 50 years. And my lovely wife, you

Buddy Thornton:

know, supports everything I do. She's been retired for about 17

Buddy Thornton:

years. She just wants to be the loving, great grandma. And I

Buddy Thornton:

give her the opportunity to do that. And so I Oh, I also have

Buddy Thornton:

to work I go. And that's why I'm here. And, you know, it is what

Buddy Thornton:

it is.

Howard Brown:

Did you did you have any other types of careers

Howard Brown:

moving, you know, moving around as far as in your life and

Howard Brown:

things like that?

Buddy Thornton:

Well, I am a Vietnam veteran. A lot of people

Buddy Thornton:

do know that though, because I put that in most of my writing.

Buddy Thornton:

And certainly on my bio page. What a lot of people do not know

Buddy Thornton:

is that I was a professional bowler for 27 years. And, you

Buddy Thornton:

know, because of that I almost virtually have never had a job

Buddy Thornton:

job. I've always worked for myself. But you know, 27 years

Buddy Thornton:

on tour, and I'm almost 70. So, you know, and a lot of people

Buddy Thornton:

would never realise I'm almost 70. But I think the PBA and the

Buddy Thornton:

fact that I still love and enjoy what I'm doing, I plan to keep

Buddy Thornton:

on doing it. As long as I enjoy it. That's my key.

Howard Brown:

That's an awesome share that you're a pro bowler

Howard Brown:

and thank you for your service as a Vietnam vet. I have to tell

Howard Brown:

you, I grew up in Boston, and we had candle pins. And you got

Howard Brown:

three three balls, or a little straight candle bends and and

Howard Brown:

that was a birthday party back. But you know, before the digital

Howard Brown:

age, that was an amazing birthday party to go bowling and

Howard Brown:


Buddy Thornton:

Well, let me give you another little hint I

Buddy Thornton:

spent in Boston while I was in the Navy. Okay, and I not only

Buddy Thornton:

played piano pins, but then when I went south of Washington DC, I

Buddy Thornton:

also played duck fins. Yeah. So I've tried all three different

Buddy Thornton:

types of traditional bowling and I'll stick with the big ball if

Buddy Thornton:

you don't mind.

Howard Brown:

Yeah. So where did you develop this passion for for

Howard Brown:

writing and books and editing? Where did that come from?

Buddy Thornton:

Well, you know, luckily, my mother was very

Buddy Thornton:

insistent on me being educated. And back when I was going

Buddy Thornton:

through schooling in the 60s, they had a thing called the SRE

Buddy Thornton:

reading programme. And I went through the SRE reading

Buddy Thornton:

programme, and I got to where I could read 1300 words a minute.

Buddy Thornton:

And so even when I was in the Navy, when I all throughout my

Buddy Thornton:

entire marriage, I've just always been a consumer of books.

Buddy Thornton:

And I can love to get on stage, I love to tell stories. That's

Buddy Thornton:

one of my passions. And so people were like, you know, you

Buddy Thornton:

should be writing, as well as speaking. And I just didn't

Buddy Thornton:

really gravitate to that real quickly. But then I went to

Buddy Thornton:

speak with another gentleman from the East Coast. And he

Buddy Thornton:

asked me if I would look over one of his books. And he's

Buddy Thornton:

written 12 books. And I got to the point where it's like, oh,

Buddy Thornton:

yeah, let me look at your book. And then I started doing a

Buddy Thornton:

little editing for him. And then it turned into a full blown,

Buddy Thornton:

hey, I'm sending you my book nine, can you edit it and send

Buddy Thornton:

it back to and, you know, he never changed anything after I

Buddy Thornton:

edited it. So I decided, You know what, I am going to write

Buddy Thornton:

my first book, I wrote my first book on ethics. And it took me a

Buddy Thornton:

long time to write it because I was trying to be a

Buddy Thornton:

perfectionist. And I sent it off to be edited. And it took the

Buddy Thornton:

editors over seven weeks to get it back to me. And in that seven

Buddy Thornton:

week time, they only found seven errors to offer to correct. And

Buddy Thornton:

so I asked them, I said, seven weeks to find seven years. They

Buddy Thornton:

said, Yeah, we thought something was wrong with our software. We

Buddy Thornton:

were looking at something wrong, we were missing something. So we

Buddy Thornton:

kept going over it and over and over. And I'm like, I just wrote

Buddy Thornton:

it. And you know, and they said, Well, you obviously know how to

Buddy Thornton:

write. So when I wrote my second book, I did the same thing, but

Buddy Thornton:

they can get it back to me much quicker. And that book was

Buddy Thornton:

105,000 words, and they found 12 errors. So I was like, Well, you

Buddy Thornton:

know what, maybe I should be editing myself. Maybe that's

Buddy Thornton:

another revenue stream. And I talked to Natalie about it. And

Buddy Thornton:

she said, Yeah, you should do that. So I edited some short

Buddy Thornton:

pieces for her. And then I edited a book a full book. And I

Buddy Thornton:

was getting these books back to these people in less than a

Buddy Thornton:

week. Which means they were like, it's just just incredible

Buddy Thornton:

that You wouldn't be able to do that? Well, I'm gonna tell you a

Buddy Thornton:

secret, I do use an AI tool to identify really glaring

Buddy Thornton:

problems. But I don't use an AI tool that does the work for me,

Buddy Thornton:

I use an AI tool that allows me to pick and choose what's right

Buddy Thornton:

and what's wrong. And when I have a question, I go right back

Buddy Thornton:

to exactly the way I did back in the 60s and 70s, I open up the

Buddy Thornton:

stinking dictionary or the whatever I need to do, and I go,

Buddy Thornton:

what's the what's the correct way to do it, I'm not gonna let

Buddy Thornton:

a machine tell me what to do. Well, but and we didn't have

Howard Brown:

aI right before then. So now this, that's a

Howard Brown:

current development, you didn't have that you had to rely on

Howard Brown:

your own words in the dictionary and all that sort of stuff as

Howard Brown:


Buddy Thornton:

Now, I'm actually editing for three

Buddy Thornton:

different publishing houses. And I've done a steady stream of

Buddy Thornton:

business in that on that side. But my gift 1300 words

Buddy Thornton:

submitted, and I can edit and create incredibly fast as well,

Buddy Thornton:

as well as be very competent. Well, I

Howard Brown:

have to tell you, being a first time author, and

Howard Brown:

learning this now, since last October, and going from cancer

Howard Brown:

to COVID, and actually being a published author, and I'm

Howard Brown:

learning. So I'm learning from folks like you, as well. And I

Howard Brown:

love the shout out to Natalie McQueen and to Robert and Renee

Howard Brown:

Jones. That's how that we've been connected and that

Howard Brown:

intrapreneur group and, and Natalie, with her publishing

Howard Brown:

house and things like that, what, what would you say to

Howard Brown:

someone that because during COVID, people had a lot of

Howard Brown:

little more time on their hands, what would you say for a first

Howard Brown:

time author, which was some some advice that you'd give to them?

Howard Brown:

I have one piece of advice, I want to hear what you as the

Howard Brown:

expert has to say?

Buddy Thornton:

Well, it's easy for me. Yeah, right from your

Buddy Thornton:

heart, right with passion, let your soul and your heart do your

Buddy Thornton:

staking for you. If you get muddled up in your brain, like

Buddy Thornton:

most humans, were very imperfect. And we probably

Buddy Thornton:

wouldn't even write the same sentence exactly the same way a

Buddy Thornton:

month apart. So you gotta write everything from your heart and

Buddy Thornton:

soul and just get it on paper. If even if you're not getting a

Buddy Thornton:

paper, you know, get on the zoom by yourself and record it and

Buddy Thornton:

then take the transcript and use the transcript. And you'd be

Buddy Thornton:

surprised when you come from the heart and soul and you just do a

Buddy Thornton:

brain dump, you just get it out there. There are going to be

Buddy Thornton:

tidbits that you never would have put in if you had written

Buddy Thornton:

it purposefully. Now there are some people who say

Buddy Thornton:

intentionality is important. And I do I do focus on your topic,

Buddy Thornton:

don't get way off in a rabbit hole or you know, don't do

Buddy Thornton:

things crazy. But you have to write from your heart and soul.

Buddy Thornton:

And if you need to edit something out, it is out. But

Buddy Thornton:

make sure it's all in there first.

Howard Brown:

I think that's great advice. And my advice is

Howard Brown:

just get started. Because take that positive step forward,

Howard Brown:

because I call myself the least likely author. And I did it non

Howard Brown:

traditionally by zoom. And those transcripts did become drafts,

Howard Brown:

the drafts did become chapters and the chapters then became a

Howard Brown:

manuscript now, but you can't really publish a book too well

Howard Brown:

without a manuscript. So you need some of the basics there to

Howard Brown:

be able to do that. The other lesson that I'm learning is that

Howard Brown:

when the book is complete, and a book cover matters, and

Howard Brown:

authenticity matters. And vulnerability matters. Once you

Howard Brown:

actually press that go button, and it's available on

Howard Brown: That's when the woodwork starts, buddy. That's

Howard Brown:

when the marketing starts. That's when your brand actually

Howard Brown:

needs to be on display. And that's where you said something

Howard Brown:

back in the greenroom a second ago is that that's where an

Howard Brown:

author learns to become a speaker, and has to learn how to

Howard Brown:

become a speaker, tell it tell it tell us about that.

Buddy Thornton:

Authors or speakers and speakers or

Buddy Thornton:

authors, or it could be a speaker who doesn't have a book

Buddy Thornton:

is like a purse, a business person without a website or a

Buddy Thornton:

business card. You know, you really need to put yourself out

Buddy Thornton:

there in a way that shows not only competency in one spot the

Buddy Thornton:

competency over time, when you get to speak, you get to speak

Buddy Thornton:

to an audience, it could be an audience of five, it could be an

Buddy Thornton:

audience of 5000. When you train somebody or you put a course out

Buddy Thornton:

there, the limitation is the people who sign up for the

Buddy Thornton:

course are the people who get together. But when you write a

Buddy Thornton:

book, it's like taking what you could do on stage. And it's

Buddy Thornton:

putting out there it's a timeless thing that will exist

Buddy Thornton:

forever. So you have to a pinpoint the foreverness of a

Buddy Thornton:

publication. And then you have to back it up by saying okay, I

Buddy Thornton:

did one. Why can't I do more than one? When I was a

Buddy Thornton:

professional bowler and I threw my first 300 game on tour. One

Buddy Thornton:

of the guys came up to me and he said, You know what your job is

Buddy Thornton:

now? And I said, Yeah, he said, Yeah, throw another one. You

Buddy Thornton:

have to, you never can rest on your laurels. You have to

Buddy Thornton:

understand that one book is a super accomplishment. Only 2% of

Buddy Thornton:

people who want to write books ever finish a book. But only 4%

Buddy Thornton:

of the people who write a book ever write a second book. When

Buddy Thornton:

you're like me where you've already written more than a

Buddy Thornton:

dozen and you've got five individual self full books, and

Buddy Thornton:

you've got a plan for 24 in two series. It's about out

Buddy Thornton:

publishing 1234 a year, because it's what have I done for myself

Buddy Thornton:

lately? And then how do I project to the world? Marketing?

Buddy Thornton:

For a stagnant one book is difficult. You've already even

Buddy Thornton:

said that yourself. That's what if you have a series of books

Buddy Thornton:

every time you get to bring another book out, guess what? On

Buddy Thornton:

that backdrop, there's your other books, and everyone goes,

Buddy Thornton:

Oh, I really love this book. But what about that book, and all of

Buddy Thornton:

a sudden, the marketing takes on a life of its own. But if you

Buddy Thornton:

don't do the work to get it out there and then continually push

Buddy Thornton:

it in people's faces. You're nobody, there's 8 billion people

Buddy Thornton:

on this planet, you are what do the numbers on that that's an

Buddy Thornton:

infinitesimal amount, you have to fight upstream every day to

Buddy Thornton:

get your books out there.

Howard Brown:

Yeah. And again, speaking about Natalie McQueen,

Howard Brown:

she she really gave me some good learning because she said,

Howard Brown:

Howard, you know, you can't really fake it on on Amazon, you

Howard Brown:

are an author, you're not an author, you're either listed and

Howard Brown:

you have a book by your side. And she said that a book, this

Howard Brown:

took three years for me, I hope the next one doesn't. But she

Howard Brown:

said, there's lots of incremental space that you can

Howard Brown:

do that. So I, my high school coach wrote a chapter for the

Howard Brown:

3030 days with America's high school coaches. And we talked

Howard Brown:

about how coaching in your formative years how it's such a

Howard Brown:

noble profession, and like being a teacher, and then I got to

Howard Brown:

write about my coach. And then I wrote a little 200 word essay

Howard Brown:

essay, I'd love for you to talk about this book, here, I'm

Howard Brown:

holding it up for the people that are just listening, the art

Howard Brown:

of connection, this is a collaborative book, and everyone

Howard Brown:

gets to write a page. And I actually now there's two reasons

Howard Brown:

why I love this book is one, it wasn't like yours to write it.

Howard Brown:

And also the ability to I look at it every day. I opened it

Howard Brown:

every day. And I read I read the inspiration from it. And I have

Howard Brown:

to tell you, the Kindle has been the most amazing thing, because

Howard Brown:

it's become a search engine of this amazing community that you

Howard Brown:

all have built, that people are helping each other. They're

Howard Brown:

joint venturing together, they're being podcast guests.

Howard Brown:

It's really kind of cool. And so I'd love for you to talk about

Howard Brown:

the the Arctic connection, and 365 days and the new book on

Howard Brown:

gratitude coming out.

Buddy Thornton:

Well, number one, you know, compilation books

Buddy Thornton:

are really a a gift from a group as opposed to a gift from an

Buddy Thornton:

individual, I try to paint it that way. And beyond the Arctic

Buddy Thornton:

connection, we'll get to that. But they're accomplishing books

Buddy Thornton:

where people write, like, there'll be 12 authors, or

Buddy Thornton:

there'll be 24 authors with two of mine. There's some that deal

Buddy Thornton:

with 52 authors. So this you have one a week. And then of

Buddy Thornton:

course, you've got your big compilation books that just it's

Buddy Thornton:

a simple ask, Can you write one page? Can you keep it within

Buddy Thornton:

this framework? And can you use that as your Forever Business

Buddy Thornton:

card and get get yourself published? It goes into the

Buddy Thornton:

Library of Congress. You know, this is an international best

Buddy Thornton:

selling book. It's an award winning book, it was the best

Buddy Thornton:

best it was the number one business compilation book that

Buddy Thornton:

2023. So you know, it's very important that you understand

Buddy Thornton:

the framework of a compilation book. Where else in society, can

Buddy Thornton:

you coattail on 364 other people and be considered part of the

Buddy Thornton:

fish in that fishbowl? I mean, there are some incredible people

Buddy Thornton:

in this book. Now. Yeah, in Book Three, I wrote seven pages, and

Buddy Thornton:

I edited the entire book. In book four, I'll be editing the

Buddy Thornton:

entire book, and I will have any work from three to probably

Buddy Thornton:

seven or eight pages. But the bottom line is, for me, it's a

Buddy Thornton:

gift of love to the other people in the book. I want them to

Buddy Thornton:

learn from me as much as I learned from them. And I'm like

Buddy Thornton:

you I have my Kindle and I literally read a page a day I

Buddy Thornton:

stay on the calendar. I like to do that. I wasn't in book one.

Buddy Thornton:

But I have Book One, Book Two, book three and I will obviously

Buddy Thornton:

have before. It is an inspiration to hear the voice of

Buddy Thornton:

other people who are your peers who may even if they're not in

Buddy Thornton:

your field, they're still your peers. They're an author of the

Buddy Thornton:

book with you. Come on. And if you're a consumer of that book,

Buddy Thornton:

what a business catalogue. Do you have you remember rolodexes

Buddy Thornton:

Howard. Yes, sir. Hey, guess what? AOC is a modern Rolodex,

Buddy Thornton:

it has got some of the brightest, most imaginative,

Buddy Thornton:

creative people in the world writing these compilation books.

Buddy Thornton:

And AOC is special because it focuses on a very direct line

Buddy Thornton:

before gratitude. I teach everybody when I'm doing my

Buddy Thornton:

coaching that you get up in the morning with gratitude and you

Buddy Thornton:

go to bed with gratitude. Why wouldn't you want to participate

Buddy Thornton:

in a gratitude book? I mean, we live for gratitude, don't we? I

Buddy Thornton:

mean, 85% of our thoughts in a drought or day are either

Buddy Thornton:

negative or very flat. When you get that nugget that becomes

Buddy Thornton:

gratitude. Isn't it special? So yes, we need to have gratitude

Buddy Thornton:

and being in a compilation book It is such a simple, easy way to

Buddy Thornton:

do it. I don't understand why anybody wouldn't invest a very

Buddy Thornton:

low amount of money to become an international best selling

Buddy Thornton:

author and be able to say, I am, hey, I'm in the same room with

Buddy Thornton:

ours. I'm in the same room with Robert Jones. I'm in the same

Buddy Thornton:

room with Natalie McQueen. I mean, yes, I work with these

Buddy Thornton:

people. But guess what, it's a it is an honour to be on the

Buddy Thornton:

pedestal with them.

Howard Brown:

I have to tell you, I've realised that now. And

Howard Brown:

it was just such a great awakening for me for the art of

Howard Brown:

connection because I didn't exactly know what I was doing. I

Howard Brown:

came in late for Book Three, and Natalie and I've just reaped the

Howard Brown:

benefits of being part of this collaborative now, on so many

Howard Brown:

ways. And, and I went on Roberts radio show, and I just, every

Howard Brown:

time I see Natalie, I thank her. And I, I've already written my

Howard Brown:

gratitude, because I look in the mirror, being a two time stage

Howard Brown:

four, cancer survivor, and patient and advocate. I'm

Howard Brown:

blessed. I'm grateful. And I'm really lucky every single day.

Howard Brown:

And now it allowed me to express that in my brand. And I

Howard Brown:

especially love the Kindle, because one click and people are

Howard Brown:

getting in touch with me. And that's that's actually again, it

Howard Brown:

helped define my brand and who I am and the shining brightly

Howard Brown:

movement to make the world a better place. So just so many

Howard Brown:

benefits for that. And then I just, I now get to thank you for

Howard Brown:

probably only finding one or two areas in my, my posting. So I

Howard Brown:

appreciate that very much that you gotta go. Go ahead.

Buddy Thornton:

Yeah, the the main thing I really focused on

Buddy Thornton:

and I think people need to do right from the heart. If you

Buddy Thornton:

struggle, getting it in the framework, you know what I'm

Buddy Thornton:

available for extremely minimal cost, I can help you complete

Buddy Thornton:

your page. The other thing is, when you're doing those tags at

Buddy Thornton:

the bottom of the page, when you're identifying your

Buddy Thornton:

profession, and what you have a passion for be very accurate. We

Buddy Thornton:

only allow five tags per author. And the reason we do that is

Buddy Thornton:

because we want you to focus on your your passions, we don't

Buddy Thornton:

want you to say, oh, obviously I was an architect, I was a

Buddy Thornton:

builder. I was, we want you to say, this is what I am. I'm an

Buddy Thornton:

author, I'm a speaker, I'm a writer, I'm an editor and I'm a

Buddy Thornton:

conflict management professional. Those are my five

Buddy Thornton:

tags. And I won't deviate from those because that's me. When

Buddy Thornton:

you talk to me, that's what you get. That's that's how I present

Buddy Thornton:

myself. I'm not going to change that message now, five years

Buddy Thornton:

from now, or 10 years from now doesn't matter.

Howard Brown:

No, I love that advice. Now, for those that

Howard Brown:

aren't video, you'll see that. But he actually has two books

Howard Brown:

that he's displayed over his right and left shoulder, you

Howard Brown:

want to tell us a little bit about the slippery slope, and

Howard Brown:

then the black and white baseball?

Buddy Thornton:

Yes, well, the slippery slope is my series, you

Buddy Thornton:

can find it on Amazon, there will end up being 12 books in

Buddy Thornton:

that series. And then there'll be a second series that will

Buddy Thornton:

follow that which I'll start when I I'll advertise that when

Buddy Thornton:

I get started on it. The black and white of baseball and

Buddy Thornton:

overcoming bias in baseball in life was written by George

Buddy Thornton:

Reiser. He's a coach who actually spent years in China

Buddy Thornton:

coaching Chinese baseball players. He said in his early

Buddy Thornton:

60s, he's a black author. He's got a grandson who is struggling

Buddy Thornton:

with a lot of prejudice and bias in the baseball sphere. And so

Buddy Thornton:

he came to me and said, Could you please help me tell my

Buddy Thornton:

story? He had a gorgeous manuscript. It just needed a

Buddy Thornton:

little nudge over the top. And so I spent about a week working

Buddy Thornton:

on it. And I sent it back to him. And what was surprising is

Buddy Thornton:

he thought it was going to take two or three months. And when I

Buddy Thornton:

got it back to him in a week, he was like, Are you kidding me?

Buddy Thornton:

And he read it. And he gave it to his wife to read. And they

Buddy Thornton:

both said, we did not believe that Georgia story could sound

Buddy Thornton:

like that and could be like that. I didn't take anything out

Buddy Thornton:

of Georgia story. I just made it to where it would cross every

Buddy Thornton:

racial barrier, every cultural barrier. And it wouldn't reach

Buddy Thornton:

into the heart of people and say, This is wrong, why can't we

Buddy Thornton:

make it right? And so, you know, immediately became an

Buddy Thornton:

international best selling book. I love that all my books are

Buddy Thornton:

international best selling books. You have to write at a

Buddy Thornton:

certain level to make that happen. You cannot just get that

Buddy Thornton:

out of thin air. But at the end of the day, George wasn't a

Buddy Thornton:

writer. He was a coach. He was a coach, but he was very well. He

Buddy Thornton:

was articulate. He was well spoken. He could write very

Buddy Thornton:

well, what he couldn't do as he couldn't put it into the right

Buddy Thornton:

place in the perfect framework. So did I do a little bit of work

Buddy Thornton:

on the book? Yeah. And I also wrote the foreword because I

Buddy Thornton:

love George. He's a great friend of mine now. And I would never

Buddy Thornton:

have met him if he hadn't came to me to help me write this

Buddy Thornton:

book. And I just, I just believe that's the gift that we give.

Buddy Thornton:

The money we make is very minimal compared to the gift we

Buddy Thornton:

get of interacting with people that we care about.

Howard Brown:

And that book has a lesson and it's teaching. I

Howard Brown:

have to tell you now buddy, the reason I was excited to have you

Howard Brown:

on the show Is that I have now gone through this process, a

Howard Brown:

full three year process of, you know, basically doing the Zoom

Howard Brown:

interviews, looking at the transcripts, looking at the jet,

Howard Brown:

the chapters, we cut out so much in order, you know, this, my

Howard Brown:

first book is 300 pages and 62 pictures. And I have such an

Howard Brown:

appreciation of the editorial, because without my wife and my

Howard Brown:

editor, David Crum, French publishing, and read the spirit

Howard Brown:

magazine, my book probably isn't readable. And I think that's the

Howard Brown:

gift. The gift is that of an editor is that the book is

Howard Brown:

readable. If it is a struggle to get through a book and I've been

Howard Brown:

through, you know, I've read some that are been a struggle,

Howard Brown:

even on article, I might stop right there and not and put the

Howard Brown:

book down and never pick it back up again. And I love the fact

Howard Brown:

that the feedback that I'm getting is that it's a page

Howard Brown:

turner, and then I can't put your book down, right, because

Howard Brown:

that's what you want as an author. And the editorial makes

Howard Brown:

all the difference in the world. So I want to actually just tell

Howard Brown:

you that you have a magic to you that, that I don't have, and I

Howard Brown:

appreciate for people like you that do because if it's not

Howard Brown:

readable, it makes it a chore. And you don't want the book to

Howard Brown:

be a chore. And there's some books out there. And I'm sure

Howard Brown:

you've seen them, they're a real chore to get through. And

Howard Brown:

especially looking at my you know, the textbook days and and

Howard Brown:

some of that stuff. I was like, you know, you're trying to teach

Howard Brown:

kids. And boy, is that really a chore some of those textbooks

Howard Brown:

just to get through so we won't get into there as well. Can I

Howard Brown:

ask you? What are you reading now who's your favourite author

Howard Brown:

and why?

Buddy Thornton:

You know, I write nonfiction. So I you know,

Buddy Thornton:

and because I'm a researcher, I read a lot of nonfiction. And in

Buddy Thornton:

the nonfiction space, I tend to stay in the sciences. So like

Buddy Thornton:

Dr. Least Elliot with her book, what's going on in there about

Buddy Thornton:

from conception to five years old with children is definitely

Buddy Thornton:

one of my favourite books. From a religious standpoint, I

Buddy Thornton:

absolutely would recommend Ken Sandy's the peacemaker, it is

Buddy Thornton:

one of the best conflict management books that has ever

Buddy Thornton:

been written. And it follows the Scripture, but it doesn't adhere

Buddy Thornton:

to this, you have to do this. It is we want you to believe in the

Buddy Thornton:

story and the and your own ability to decide what's

Buddy Thornton:

acceptable versus unacceptable. And then, of course, for this

Buddy Thornton:

fiction space, I really do like to read stuff that I know will

Buddy Thornton:

never come to be. In other words, I read it strictly for

Buddy Thornton:

pleasure. Strictly using escapes, I read like Stephen R.

Buddy Thornton:

Donaldson with his unbeliever series. You know, I've read all

Buddy Thornton:

of the different variations of the Star Wars, people that have

Buddy Thornton:

come out. That's, you know, it's when they say, a farfara away

Buddy Thornton:

long time ago, far, far away. You know what? We don't even

Buddy Thornton:

imagine some of the things they could do being possible now. So

Buddy Thornton:

how could that be right? I like that, because it gives me an

Buddy Thornton:

escape, it allows my brain to just turn off and just enjoy

Buddy Thornton:

pleasure. And then when I come back to right, I'm completely

Buddy Thornton:

refreshed. I'm ready to go. I'm ready to rock. I mean, that one

Buddy Thornton:

tidbit nobody will ever know. But I had COVID, three times.

Buddy Thornton:

And when I came out of the hospital after having COVID The

Buddy Thornton:

first time I was going to be at home for 30 days. Yeah. Now I

Buddy Thornton:

had outlined my second book before I went into the hospital.

Buddy Thornton:

I had 30 days, and I completed the entire book 105,000 words in

Buddy Thornton:

30 days. I wrote the book in 30 days, I gave it to my committee

Buddy Thornton:

chair from Grand Canyon University, who wrote the

Buddy Thornton:

foreword to look at it. He came back with a couple of

Buddy Thornton:

suggestions for chapter five. And I made a few changes. And we

Buddy Thornton:

published it. So it was written in 30 days. It was reviewed for

Buddy Thornton:

about 40 days. And then it was published. It was written in

Buddy Thornton:

September, and it was published by December. And you know,

Buddy Thornton:

that's the way you create a book. But you have to know the

Buddy Thornton:

topic, you have to believe in the topic, you have to have

Buddy Thornton:

passion about the topic. And you have to believe in the people

Buddy Thornton:

who give you feedback. Yeah,

Howard Brown:

I also got to, I have to tell you that the lesson

Howard Brown:

learned it was cathartic for me because going from cancer to

Howard Brown:

COVID. I was healing and the ability of what is my memoir, so

Howard Brown:

it's 125,000 words. And I had never done this before. So it

Howard Brown:

was an all new journey. It was healing for me, because I

Howard Brown:

actually in chapter one talked about the lesson that my great

Howard Brown:

grandmother, we call her Bobby bhootish, Bertha from Lithuania,

Howard Brown:

she came and struggled to get to this country had nothing right.

Howard Brown:

And she taught us as five year olds to live a life of kindness

Howard Brown:

we can choose to do that live a life of giving, we can choose to

Howard Brown:

do that and to heal yourself and then go heal others and on your

Howard Brown:

communities. And God I remember that today that she's talking to

Howard Brown:

me right now. And for me to actually take that lesson and

Howard Brown:

put that in chapter one, right is so special to be able to do

Howard Brown:

that. How many times you know, at least in my memoir walked

Howard Brown:

back my entire life. And we're going through photos and we're

Howard Brown:

going through stories and we're talking about family customs. We

Howard Brown:

actually In one chapter, we fight about whose grandmother's

Howard Brown:

brisket is better and which recipe is better. So it's just

Howard Brown:

cool. And so I love that expressionism of that. And then

Howard Brown:

I got to pick, you know who I wanted to write the foreword,

Howard Brown:

you talked about that. And there's a book from Dr. Robert

Howard Brown:

wicks called bounce. He's probably published 29 books. His

Howard Brown:

book said, I read his book, and I said, He's talking about me

Howard Brown:

bounces about resilience, right? And I said, He's talking about

Howard Brown:

me. And then I do a lot of interfaith work. And the

Howard Brown:

actually, Rabbi David Rosen in Israel, I've known him from the

Howard Brown:

American Jewish Committee, we do a lot of diplomacy, and a lot of

Howard Brown:

interfaith relations. And I live here in Michigan, where we have,

Howard Brown:

you know, Muslims, Christian, Jews, Hindus, and we all in the

Howard Brown:

same melting pot, and we seem to be able to get along most of the

Howard Brown:

time. And so Rabbi Rosen wrote an afterword about my book about

Howard Brown:

welcoming people into your tent, know your neighbours, and

Howard Brown:

understand the richness of their history and their culture and

Howard Brown:

their foods and their diversity. And I think we're lacking a

Howard Brown:

little bit in these days, I hope we can recapture that. But boy,

Howard Brown:

was that fun to be able to choose the actual people and the

Howard Brown:

honour that they accepted, to be able to be part of my book, and

Howard Brown:

everyone who endorsed my book, too, it was an ask a personal

Howard Brown:

asked that they would actually put their name in or on my book.

Howard Brown:

And so what a great thing for me and I, you've now got me all

Howard Brown:

excited to get to book too. And to see what I'm gonna do, and I,

Howard Brown:

I've already got booked to you, they are they always say if

Howard Brown:

you're an author, what's your next book, and you got to have

Howard Brown:

that so I do. And so I wanted to actually transition a little bit

Howard Brown:

here to the shining, brightly spotlight I'm putting on for

Howard Brown:

those that are listening, these magnetic white glasses that you

Howard Brown:

know, I do each week, and I'm putting the shining bright the

Howard Brown:

spotlight on you, buddy, I want people to know how to find you.

Howard Brown:

And then I want you to actually finish up the show with a little

Howard Brown:

bit of inspiration and kick it back over to me.

Buddy Thornton:

I can do that. Well, if you look at my logo,

Buddy Thornton:

buddy psca Pro, and you want to get a hold of me, all you have

Buddy Thornton:

to do is put in buddy psca It's very simple.

Buddy Thornton:

It comes right out of my logo. I was it was a gifted brand, from

Buddy Thornton:

one of my peers about five, six years ago, because of all the

Buddy Thornton:

pro social work that I do. And I'm telling you right now, I

Buddy Thornton:

wouldn't be doing anything writing, editing or anything if

Buddy Thornton:

I didn't believe it was going to be a gift to other people. My

Buddy Thornton:

gift to the world is I'm a positive social change agent. I

Buddy Thornton:

want to change your perspective, I want to change your life. I

Buddy Thornton:

want to change your future. I want to change your family tree

Buddy Thornton:

by teaching you how to just be you in an optimal, best way. And

Buddy Thornton:

if I can do that for your people, Howard, and they can get

Buddy Thornton:

a gift out of your book shining brightly, which is a great book

Buddy Thornton:

and I can get gifts from people like me. How much better will

Buddy Thornton:

the world be? It's all up to you.

Howard Brown:

Oh, I love that. Oh, my goodness. And I will

Howard Brown:

definitely have in the links in the show notes. The art of

Howard Brown:

connection and the gratitude book is there's still room for

Howard Brown:

more authors and all that way you get a hold of me is shining

Howard Brown: my speaking the podcast, the book, my advocacy,

Howard Brown:

what I care about there is lifting, lifting up yourself and

Howard Brown:

lifting up others in our communities. If we do shine

Howard Brown:

brightly, just a little bit each day for ourselves, for others in

Howard Brown:

our communities, the world will be a better place. And Buddy,

Howard Brown:

what a terrific episode. What a great guest what a great message

Howard Brown:

you have. And I just I'm very glad to call you my new friend

Howard Brown:

and in share this time together. Thank you.

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