Jan. 10, 2024



IT IS YOUR STORY TO TELL WHEN YOU ARE READY! In Episode 61 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show, titled THE ESSANCE OF BEAUTY (LINKS IN THE COMMENTS), please meet an absolute dynamo and my guest Cari Kenzie. An incredibly successful entrepreneur, amazing speaker, trainer and coach qualified and ran the Boston Marathon in 2013. The domestic terrorism bombing that took place as she was in the recovery tent had profound effects on her life and she UNPACKS HER FINISH LINE on the show with me. Come listen, download, review and share this incredible show and get a 30 minute free coaching session with Cari by mentioning “Shining Brightly”

Mentioned Resources  

Welcome - Cari Kenzie

Cari Kenzie | Des Moines IA

Instagram (@carikenzie)

LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/carikenzie/

Book a 30 minute coaching session -  https://calendly.com/carikenzie/empowered

About the guest

Cari Kenzie is not just a coach; she's a life-changer. A survivor of the Boston Marathon Bombing, her story is one of incredible resilience and unyielding strength. This experience, combined with her success as an entrepreneur who built and sold a multi-million-dollar marketing empire, makes her a force to be reckoned with in the speaking and coaching world. Cari brings a dynamic energy that transforms audiences. With a blend of raw honesty and insightful strategies, she doesn't just speak; she ignites change. Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Runner's World, Cari is the go-to expert on overcoming adversity, sparking creativity, and driving success. Her sessions are a powerhouse of practical wisdom, infused with an edge that cuts straight to the heart of challenges. In the coaching arena, Cari is a Quantum Healer and Intuitive Business strategist. She doesn't just guide; she revolutionizes. Her approach is direct, personalized, and ruthlessly effective in helping you conquer your limitations and seize your potential.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



Social Media

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howard.brown.36

LinkedIn - https://wwwlinkedin.com/in/howardsbrown

Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown. It's the Shining Brightly

Howard Brown:

Show. I got another good one I seem to every week. Isn't that

Howard Brown:

strange? So I have to tell you that I love athletes. And I love

Howard Brown:

people that want to make real impact for themselves, for

Howard Brown:

others and in their communities. And I want to welcome Cari

Howard Brown:

Kenzi, Cari, welcome to the shining, brightly show. Hey,

Howard Brown:

thanks, Howard. You are smiling up a storm and I love it. I got

Howard Brown:

to tell people about you because we just recently got introduced

Howard Brown:

I say you got a pop on my show. I had to have her. I had to do

Howard Brown:

it. We just We bonded we clicked it's happened and and that's how

Howard Brown:

it works is that we find people and I want to I want them to

Howard Brown:

share their voice just so wide and shine their light as shining

Howard Brown:

brightly tells you to do. Alright, Cari Kenzie is not just

Howard Brown:

a coach. She is a life changer. You're going to learn how she is

Howard Brown:

a survivor of the Boston Marathon bombing. Now listen,

Howard Brown:

I'm a kid from Boston. All right, I can say it correctly. I

Howard Brown:

packed my car. She was there in 2013 a decade ago. We're going

Howard Brown:

to hear about it. It's the deets. Her stories of incredible

Howard Brown:

resilience and yielding strength. This experience okay

Howard Brown:

with many others that were there that day is life changing. And

Howard Brown:

combined with her success as an entrepreneur. She built and sold

Howard Brown:

multimillion dollar Marketing Empire businesses and makes it

Howard Brown:

she's a force to be reckoned with in speaking in the coaching

Howard Brown:

world as well but learn about that. Kara brings a dynamic

Howard Brown:

energy she transforms audiences with a blend of raw honesty,

Howard Brown:

insightful strategies. She doesn't just speak she ignites

Howard Brown:

change. That's what I love. She has been featured in

Howard Brown:

Entrepreneur Magazine Runner's World, she is a go to expert on

Howard Brown:

overcoming adversity, sparking creativity and driving success.

Howard Brown:

Her sessions are powerful and practical wisdom. They're

Howard Brown:

infused with an edge that cut straight to the heart of your

Howard Brown:

challenges. No messing around with this girl. In the coaching

Howard Brown:

arena. She is a quantum healer, intuitive business strategist.

Howard Brown:

She doesn't just guide she revolutionises. Her approaches

Howard Brown:

direct, personalised and ruthless and effective helping

Howard Brown:

you conquer your limitations and sees your potential. Oh my god,

Howard Brown:

I can't wait to dig in on this one. So very welcome. We just

Howard Brown:

read the bio, but tell us something that, you know, give

Howard Brown:

me a fill in some more detail there. Tell me something you

Howard Brown:

might not know about? Yeah. Oh my

Cari Kenzie:

gosh. Well, I absolutely love coffee. And

Cari Kenzie:

first when you asked me this question, I was like, You know

Cari Kenzie:

what? Not everybody knows that. I sat in a birthday cake when I

Cari Kenzie:

was four years old. How fun is that? You

Howard Brown:

wait, wait, we back backstory. You're at a

Howard Brown:

birthday party.

Cari Kenzie:

So I'm at a birthday party. I don't even

Cari Kenzie:

remember whose birthday party it was. It was not even my cake. It

Cari Kenzie:

is somebody else's cake. I'm at a birthday party. I'm playing

Cari Kenzie:

with my aunt uncle's dog who I absolutely adored, who I swear

Cari Kenzie:

was probably taller than me at this time. And freaked me out

Cari Kenzie:

for some reason. And all of a sudden, I take off running

Cari Kenzie:

because now the dogs chasing me playing I think I'm going to be

Cari Kenzie:

eaten. So I run over to everybody and I climb up on the

Cari Kenzie:

picnic table and they turn around and they sit down real

Cari Kenzie:

quick. And then I realise I've just sat number thinking bottom

Cari Kenzie:

in the cake at age four

Howard Brown:

So right so So either they were laughing their

Howard Brown:

butt off at you or they're yelling at you. It

Cari Kenzie:

was a lot of laughter the dog thought it was

Cari Kenzie:

a great. Oh,

Howard Brown:

I'm sure but everyone eats much cake or they

Howard Brown:

went to the cupcakes as backup or cookies. I wanted coffee. My

Howard Brown:

passion. I love it. So just quickly. Do you slow drip? Do

Howard Brown:

you use a carrot cup? What you do for you grind your own beans?

Howard Brown:


Cari Kenzie:

I am a like gotta grind my own beans. I'm a pour

Cari Kenzie:

over coffee type of girl. Yep. And I will either do it black or

Cari Kenzie:

I will do it bulletproof style, which means I'm gonna add a

Cari Kenzie:

little butter, little MCT oil, maybe a little stevia. And it's

Cari Kenzie:

like a perfect little latte with all the fuel I need for the day.

Howard Brown:

Awesome. Well, I make iced coffee. So I actually

Howard Brown:

take the grounds that I make up and I pour that with water in a

Howard Brown:

pickle jar. And then someone from Babson College invented

Howard Brown:

this called brew BRUW, he sold the company to snarky tea, but

Howard Brown:

it's the best little venture is to pickle jars in a filter. You

Howard Brown:

let it sit for 24 hours in the fridge, you can't get out and

Howard Brown:

then you filter it and it takes all the grounds out of it and

Howard Brown:

you get pure coffee and another pickle jar. And I do that always

Howard Brown:

the night before. And I wake up and I have my own cold brew.

Howard Brown:

It's just the coolest thing. Now like if you want to add cream or

Howard Brown:

stevia or whatever, you can do that too. Yeah, but also I grind

Howard Brown:

up the different types of beans and stuff like that. So it's

Howard Brown:

cool but I love my coffee. It's that's our we're aligned as they

Howard Brown:

say in so many ways. So you know I have to tell you when we were

Howard Brown:

introduced by we're going to shout out to Rachel Rose right

Howard Brown:

yes, Maggie Cook Big shout Yes, absolutely love them. Is that I

Howard Brown:

just your energy I mean, you're just a force to be reckoned

Howard Brown:

with. I was so taken when I watched your videos and your

Howard Brown:

presentation. I just love it. We're very similar. We give, we

Howard Brown:

just pour in, we pour in. And so give me some backstory here.

Howard Brown:

Take Take me back a little ways before we get to the Boston

Howard Brown:

Marathon. Tell me a little bit more about, you know, get

Howard Brown:

getting getting there before that.

Cari Kenzie:

Okay. Well, Midwestern girl, I say I'm a

Cari Kenzie:

Midwestern girl with a big city spirit. Nobody can ever imagine

Cari Kenzie:

that I live in Iowa. But small town girl moved to the big city

Cari Kenzie:

of Des Moines grew up and kind of followed in the footsteps of

Cari Kenzie:

my dad went into sales. And from there got the opportunity to

Cari Kenzie:

purchase the company that I was working for. So I bought a

Cari Kenzie:

company when I was 30 years old, I was pregnant with my second

Cari Kenzie:

child at the time. And I ran that company grew it from being

Cari Kenzie:

one employee and under, like $100,000 in sales up to a

Cari Kenzie:

multimillion dollar marketing agency. 18 To 20 employees at

Cari Kenzie:

one time, it was a lot of fun. I just I so enjoyed it, I got to

Cari Kenzie:

travel, I really got to do the thing that I love people that

Cari Kenzie:

asked me I was so good in sales, they go, Gosh, how do you do?

Cari Kenzie:

I'm like, You know what? I would say, I was tapping sales, and I

Cari Kenzie:

never sold anything. I never did. Because I'm a relationship

Cari Kenzie:

girl. Like I really want to understand and know who you are.

Cari Kenzie:

And I want to understand and know what it is that your desire

Cari Kenzie:

is and like, let's figure that out. So that took me up until

Cari Kenzie:

gosh, I ended up selling that business in January of 2019.

Cari Kenzie:

Three kids and two dogs and still living in the Midwest for

Cari Kenzie:

the next a short little period of time before I move on, but

Cari Kenzie:

that's just a little bit about me.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, no, but but you're also a runner. Oh, yeah,

Cari Kenzie:

I picked up running so crazy. I picked up running in

Cari Kenzie:

2009 because I'd had my third child and I wanted to lose the

Cari Kenzie:

baby weight. I mean, I'd run races before I'd done short

Cari Kenzie:

little races around town a little 5k here. Nothing ever

Cari Kenzie:

serious. And I called some girlfriends up because I was

Cari Kenzie:

training for I want to maybe it was like a 10 miler. And I knew

Cari Kenzie:

they ran longer. He said, Hey, can I come out and join you

Cari Kenzie:

guys? Sunday morning? They're like, yeah, absolutely. So I

Cari Kenzie:

joined them for a run. And within a couple of weeks, I kept

Cari Kenzie:

going back because now it's community. I got somebody to run

Cari Kenzie:

with. After a couple of weeks, we were like, You know what, I

Cari Kenzie:

really think that we ought to run a marathon this fall. And I

Cari Kenzie:

was like, Okay, I had no idea what I was getting into. I

Cari Kenzie:

probably at that point, didn't even know a marathon was 26 foot

Cari Kenzie:

two miles. But I liked hanging with the girls. And so that's

Cari Kenzie:

how I ended up running marathons.

Howard Brown:

So, alright, so so then you you, I think you said

Howard Brown:

2010 you qualified so you had to run another marathon before

Howard Brown:

that. Right?

Cari Kenzie:

So 2009 was my first marathon. Then we decide

Cari Kenzie:

oh, we're gonna keep going now let's go to Minnesota Twin

Cari Kenzie:

Cities Marathon. Let's go run that one. Okay, perfect. So end

Cari Kenzie:

up in Twin Cities running the it is the most gorgeous city to me

Cari Kenzie:

to run a marathon in all the trees are changing colours. It's

Cari Kenzie:

happening in the fall. That weather is super crisp. So it's

Cari Kenzie:

perfect for running and you are running through these absolutely

Cari Kenzie:

gorgeous, old stately homes. So I am just absorbing all of the

Cari Kenzie:

beauty I'm running. I'm paying attention to nothing. I've got a

Cari Kenzie:

girlfriend I'm running where she ends up dropping off at some

Cari Kenzie:

point. I just kept going. And I ended up finishing crossing the

Cari Kenzie:

finish line. And as I came to the end, the one of the gals

Cari Kenzie:

that I ran with her husband, we call them our waterboy because

Cari Kenzie:

he went with us. Every training, Ron always had the water. So he

Cari Kenzie:

was everywhere. He meets me at the gate, and he comes walking

Cari Kenzie:

through and he goes, You did it. And I went what? And he goes you

Cari Kenzie:

did it. And I said I did what? And he goes you qualified for

Cari Kenzie:

Boston? What? Wow. I had I had no idea. I didn't even know that

Cari Kenzie:

probably the time that I needed to get I wasn't trying. Yeah,

Howard Brown:

you're just running. Just happened? Yeah.

Howard Brown:

Wow. So in Minneapolis, you qualified and then you said I'm

Howard Brown:

gonna do it. Right. You said you have to

Cari Kenzie:

I mean, when you qualify for Boston, you have to

Cari Kenzie:

do it. Yeah. I mean, it's it's the I say it's the pinnacle of a

Cari Kenzie:

marathon runners dream, right to qualify and then to actually run

Cari Kenzie:

Boston. Oh, absolutely.

Howard Brown:

So I have to tell you something you don't know

Howard Brown:

about me is that I grew up in Framingham, Massachusetts. You

Howard Brown:

ran through Framingham when you ran Boston. So it's it starts in

Howard Brown:

Hopkinton and then goes to Ashland, then Framingham. Then

Howard Brown:

it goes to Natick and then Wellesley, I know the course

Howard Brown:

I've been there as a little kid at the, at the starting line.

Howard Brown:

And then as a college student in Wellesley, I went to Babson

Howard Brown:

College, it runs right by Wellesley College. So and I've

Howard Brown:

been at the finish as well. I mean, this is just part of

Howard Brown:

Boston, if you're from Boston, and you know, it's just part of

Howard Brown:

what we grew up with. I mean, the marathon is it's huge.

Cari Kenzie:

It's a it's a big deal. It is a very big deal. And

Howard Brown:

you don't you don't have to go to school

Howard Brown:

because it's patriots today so you don't have to go to school

Howard Brown:

that day. Like the

Cari Kenzie:

entire incident. big celebration. Everything's

Cari Kenzie:

got the game going on. I mean, it is the

Howard Brown:

restaurants, the Red Sox play in the afternoon

Howard Brown:

and it's a big party. I can turn the faucet on and off. Exactly.

Howard Brown:

Alright, so we'd be up to take me to Boston down to Boston. No.

Howard Brown:


Cari Kenzie:

right. So we're in Boston and started to

Howard Brown:

alone are we with people?

Cari Kenzie:

So I was with my husband at the time and my mom,

Cari Kenzie:

they both went with me. So I have the bus. I go up to

Cari Kenzie:

Hopkinton. I start the race, everything's going amazing. I've

Cari Kenzie:

got my name printed down the sides so people can cheer you

Cari Kenzie:

on, you know. And everything is going absolutely beautifully. I

Cari Kenzie:

make it until Wednesday, it was about heartbreak bill or

Cari Kenzie:

Heartbreak Hill, not surprising at all. And my pay starts to

Cari Kenzie:

slow. And I was like, okay, and then my legs start to cramp and

Cari Kenzie:

like, oh crap, this isn't going to be good. And I'd have to stop

Cari Kenzie:

and stretch. And then I'd run a little bit more. And I'd have to

Cari Kenzie:

stop and stretch. I been through this cadence before. So this

Cari Kenzie:

wasn't new to me. I had learned how to negotiate with myself, I

Cari Kenzie:

am really good at putting plate carrots out in front of myself

Cari Kenzie:

in order to keep me going, which meant I went to the expo before

Cari Kenzie:

the Boston Marathon. Like they always have the Expos for the

Cari Kenzie:

race. And I bought the finishers jacket. Because see, here's the

Cari Kenzie:

key with me, you can buy the finishers jacket, but you can't

Cari Kenzie:

wear it if you don't finish the race, right? Like it's just a

Cari Kenzie:

runner thing. So the whole time I'm having to stop things are

Cari Kenzie:

getting worse bodies completely cramping, and telling myself,

Cari Kenzie:

you have to finish or you can't wear that jacket. Like that's a

Cari Kenzie:

waste, you have to finish so I keep going and then okay, I will

Cari Kenzie:

go to the medical tent. As soon as I'm done, I will go

Howard Brown:

six miles out. And then mentally you're being

Howard Brown:

challenged physically, you're being physically but also the

Howard Brown:

crowds cheering everybody on. It's a it's an event, it


is huge. I mean, people are coming up to it, can we get


you anything? Do you need anything, I mean, is the most


supportive community ever. So I keep going and end up crossing


the finish line and under four hours, which is still freaking


huge. And I kind of collapse over one of the rails volunteer


comes picks me up takes me into the medical time. Okay, cool. So


I go in, they are checking me out. I don't know, I want to say


it was about 20 minutes from the time I went in there to them


checking me out to getting up for them to get up and go get


whatever it was I needed. Some setting on the edge of a cot.


All of a sudden I hear this boom. And I went I did not know


that's how they celebrated Patriots Day I didn't want I


didn't know they let cannons off. As soon as this thought


goes through my mind, the next one hits but it hits in a way


that I the entire universe shook the ground, shook that tent


shook the car. I mean, it felt like the ground was going to


come out from underneath me. And you instantaneously knew what


happened. I looked up, I caught the eyes of a volunteer. And you


knew the bumps had been sent off. So I very quickly then get


up thinking, okay, not injured. I have no idea where my family's


at, I gotta get out of here. So I look around like I am fine.


I'm leaving there are now starting to bring in what I call


a casualty of limb and those who have been directly impacted at


the finish line. So they're starting to come in, I leave I


come out, I look to my right down finishers alley, it is like


sunshine, blue skies, but completely empty. I look to my


left, I see chaos and smoke and people everywhere and all of a


sudden, a line of yellow jackets, the volunteers start


chasing me down the street screaming run as fast as you


can. So I take off running. I don't know how far I don't know


how fast but i direction

Howard Brown:

what direction were you go?

Cari Kenzie:

I have like go the opposite direction of the finish

Cari Kenzie:

line. Like this is everybody's now running away from the finish

Cari Kenzie:

line. I go the opposite direction. I eventually end up

Cari Kenzie:

finding my family. The kicker of this whole thing. I mean, it's

Cari Kenzie:

this is an experience. As you can imagine, I end up going back

Cari Kenzie:

to the hotel room, you collapse you're exhausted not only have I

Cari Kenzie:

run a marathon now I've gone through this entire experience.

Cari Kenzie:

I have no idea how to grapple or to grab hold of anything just

Cari Kenzie:

happened. But the next day we go back down I've got to pick my

Cari Kenzie:

goods up because they were left at the finish. And I'm standing

Cari Kenzie:

at the end of Boylston Street got that finishers jacket on

Cari Kenzie:

proudly wearing it. Reporter comes up says hey, can I ask you

Cari Kenzie:

some questions? Where were you? What was your experience? Can

Cari Kenzie:

you share voice in my head said it's not your story to tell. And

Cari Kenzie:

it turned out I walked away and that then became the experience

Cari Kenzie:

of me post Boston was not as a participant but was as a

Cari Kenzie:

spectator because I completely dismissed my experience as

Cari Kenzie:

somebody who had it worse.

Howard Brown:

So you kept that held within? Oh,

Cari Kenzie:

yeah. I mean you do it plus I own a business. I've

Cari Kenzie:

got young kids at home, I come home I own a business. My role

Cari Kenzie:

has been shaken. I feel like I am have been dumped on the

Cari Kenzie:

ground. I'm completely cracked. I'm holding myself together with

Cari Kenzie:

duct tape because I tell you what, if anybody else sees that

Cari Kenzie:

I'm cracked in any way, if anybody else sees that I'm have

Cari Kenzie:

been hurt or I'm going through some I'm going to lose

Cari Kenzie:

everything. And this is typically what high achievers

Cari Kenzie:

do. Like, we'll go through something. And then you package

Cari Kenzie:

that thing up real quick so that nobody else can see any kind of

Cari Kenzie:

vulnerability and reclaim weakness. Because when that rug

Cari Kenzie:

gets taken out, you don't know what else is gonna crumble.

Cari Kenzie:

Yeah, yeah.

Howard Brown:

That's just I mean, it's incredible. So you're

Howard Brown:

holding this in, and you're and it's just building. And so you

Howard Brown:

just did you just resume life. You you. Basically, you wore the

Howard Brown:

jacket, and

Cari Kenzie:

I went, I went home, I flew home, I went back

Cari Kenzie:

to work. The next day, I watched the news with the rest of my

Cari Kenzie:

staff. I ran in tribute, and I began training, I immediately

Cari Kenzie:

started training because I thought, I'm going to be there

Cari Kenzie:

next year, I'm going back to Boston. That's not how my

Cari Kenzie:

experience is going to, you know, I want to celebrate, they

Cari Kenzie:

can't take that away. Well, I started training, and then about

Cari Kenzie:

three, four months later, I went from running marathons to not

Cari Kenzie:

being able to walk up a flight of stairs, assists without

Cari Kenzie:

assistance. I became debilitating ly ill and nobody

Cari Kenzie:

could tell me what was going on. I was having seizures standing

Cari Kenzie:

up, I have insomnia and migraines and my muscles are

Cari Kenzie:

cramping so bad, I can't sign checks. I mean, everything then

Cari Kenzie:

physically just started to deteriorate and fall apart. And

Cari Kenzie:

that would go on for a number of years. I mean, I would chase

Cari Kenzie:

after diagnoses, I would finally, because I would listen

Cari Kenzie:

to my intuition. After a time period, I'd finally come to

Cari Kenzie:

understand what labels I could place on those physical

Cari Kenzie:

ailments, which were chronic Lyme and Hashimotos, and Epstein

Cari Kenzie:

Barr and multiple autoimmune conditions. But but the labels

Cari Kenzie:

were simply labels, it wasn't actually the issue in 2016.

Cari Kenzie:

Going into 17, I finally figured out what the issue was. And the

Cari Kenzie:

issue was all of the packaged emotions, all the invalidation

Cari Kenzie:

of myself and my experiences, not just from Boston, but over

Cari Kenzie:

the course of a lifetime. Everything that had been

Cari Kenzie:

packaged up needed to be unpacked, and it had to be

Cari Kenzie:

readdressed. Because it was simply manifesting itself

Cari Kenzie:

physically within me. When I did that, when I took that essence

Cari Kenzie:

of bravery that got me through Boston and turn it around to

Cari Kenzie:

look at Boston. That's when healing completely happened. And

Cari Kenzie:

I overcame all the illnesses and the insomnia was gone overnight.

Howard Brown:

That's incredible. Because meanwhile, you're

Howard Brown:

training and doing handling marathons with, you know, a

Howard Brown:

tiredness syndrome Hashimotos and which affects autoimmune and

Howard Brown:

Lyme disease, which, I mean, I know people that have this, and

Howard Brown:

it's just, they're always exhausted,

Cari Kenzie:

always, always, always, but I tell you what I

Cari Kenzie:

showed up to work every day, I went to the ER on Friday, and I

Cari Kenzie:

got out on Sunday, and I went back to work on the day, and

Cari Kenzie:

this became my thing.

Howard Brown:

Okay, so now all of a sudden, you're able to

Howard Brown:

unpack your, your, you're going back through all this, that

Howard Brown:

you've been bottled up, take me through to the next step here.

Howard Brown:

And then be sure to let's talk about manifesting your mind to

Howard Brown:

be your Creator, as well as move into that. Yeah,

Cari Kenzie:

well, and that's really what it became. So what I

Cari Kenzie:

understood after, after I started to figure out that I

Cari Kenzie:

needed to, and I had been kind of shown that I needed to go

Cari Kenzie:

back and unpack and really understand who I was, and the

Cari Kenzie:

experience of all of these things. That's where I really

Cari Kenzie:

started to understand that you know, what we actually create

Cari Kenzie:

the realities that we have, we create the experiences that we

Cari Kenzie:

have. And we do that unknowingly, sometimes

Cari Kenzie:

unconsciously, but it is always for a beautiful reason. So for

Cari Kenzie:

those who kind of know a little bit about Boston, you can I

Cari Kenzie:

qualified in 2010, you only have two years to run that race.

Cari Kenzie:

Otherwise, you have to re qualify again, well, 2011, I

Cari Kenzie:

decided kids too young, I'm going to opt out of 11 and go

Cari Kenzie:

back for 12. So I do all of the paperwork, I booked the flight

Cari Kenzie:

to get the hotel I'm I'm in to run in 2012. And I broke my hip

Cari Kenzie:

in January of 2012. Right? And it has taken a lot of unpacking

Cari Kenzie:

of that experience for me to now see this and go, Oh, I created

Cari Kenzie:

being there in 2013 People go why in the heck would you do

Cari Kenzie:

that? Well, for me, it's actually were my divine path in

Cari Kenzie:

my life, or my life path and my divine purpose collided. Like I

Cari Kenzie:

can see that now it was this huge awakening moment for me.

Cari Kenzie:

But was I going to embrace that or was I not going to embrace

Cari Kenzie:

that? Well, this is the part where we have to get curious and

Cari Kenzie:

really like I say, take that bravery that got you through the

Cari Kenzie:

experience to go back and look at it. So now I understand the

Cari Kenzie:

lessons within it and I can change and shift and become a

Cari Kenzie:

more compassionate and more loving individual. But I can

Cari Kenzie:

also break the patterns of the past that took me there to begin

Cari Kenzie:

with. I mean, could there have been another path that didn't

Cari Kenzie:

include Boston to wake me up? Absolutely. However, my pattern

Cari Kenzie:

of invalidation and tucking myself away and not honouring

Cari Kenzie:

and understanding and knowing who I was. That's what placed me

Cari Kenzie:

in Boston. Yeah. So this when I go to this, like manifest mind,

Cari Kenzie:

which is fun, we were talking about just before, you know,

Cari Kenzie:

people think about I, I manifest and I create, right, so you get

Cari Kenzie:

that job, you're like, Oh, I did that. Totally created that. Or,

Cari Kenzie:

I won the game, or I finished the race, or I qualified for

Cari Kenzie:

Boston, right? I created all of that, because I tried really

Cari Kenzie:

hard, and I put it on my list, and I had it on my vision board.

Cari Kenzie:

I go, okay. One. If you create all the good, then you also

Cari Kenzie:

create all the things that aren't on the board, and aren't

Cari Kenzie:

the things that you truly desire. Okay, how do we end up

Cari Kenzie:

creating those things? Because those are the ones that get in

Cari Kenzie:

the way of everything that you write down. It's the limitations

Cari Kenzie:

that we have. And so my idea is yes, we can manifest and I can

Cari Kenzie:

write things down, and I could have something on my list for

Cari Kenzie:

four or five years. And it's not happening. And why is it not

Cari Kenzie:

happening? Well, it's not happening. Because I don't have

Cari Kenzie:

a mind, I don't have the beliefs, I don't have the

Cari Kenzie:

subconscious power to attract that into my life. Because my

Cari Kenzie:

subconscious is creating this negative thing over here. I just

Cari Kenzie:

got to figure out why it's doing that. Now when I can figure that

Cari Kenzie:

out. And I can shift that subconscious limitation, all of

Cari Kenzie:

a sudden, I can attract the thing that I truly want, but I

Cari Kenzie:

can attract it now. So if it's on your board, if it's on your

Cari Kenzie:

list, and it's not currently in your life, there's something

Cari Kenzie:

that's getting in the way of it now we get to get curious and

Cari Kenzie:

figure out what it is. And truly, that's how I navigate my

Cari Kenzie:

life on a daily basis. And you teach others, and I teach others

Cari Kenzie:

and this is what I do for clients, right? They come in,

Cari Kenzie:

hey, I'm working on this, or I've got this going on, or I had

Cari Kenzie:

this experience, I had this trauma. How do I get to the

Cari Kenzie:

other side of that, like, Okay, so now we get to ask the

Cari Kenzie:

questions and get really super curious and dive into that

Cari Kenzie:

subconscious mind, which I can connect you with, and figure out

Cari Kenzie:

why have you been playing in that sandbox, because clearly

Cari Kenzie:

you don't want to be there anymore.

Howard Brown:

Powerful, really, really, really powerful. I have

Howard Brown:

to tell you that, you know, just just the mental toughness and

Howard Brown:

that physical training, to be able to run a marathon I've not

Howard Brown:

done that. You know, I've been faced with, you know, stage four

Howard Brown:

cancer, but I play basketball and all that, but I've not done

Howard Brown:

a marathon. It's not even on my bucket list. You know, I don't

Howard Brown:

want to climb Mount Everest either. But I still I'm still in

Howard Brown:

awe of people that able to do that. And in the last chapter of

Howard Brown:

my book, my college roommate ran the Boston Marathon for the

Howard Brown:

leukaemia and Lymphoma Society, which is a beautiful team in

Howard Brown:

training. He wrote it for his high school friend that died of

Howard Brown:

leukaemia and memory of him and in honour of me, and I include

Howard Brown:

that. And someone else read an Ironman for me and I include

Howard Brown:

their their ribbon in the last chapter of my book. So I'm just

Howard Brown:

that's just the amount of love that people shared for me that

Howard Brown:

to be able to inmemory run Ironman and run the Boston

Howard Brown:

Marathon, you know, in my honour. I'm just so grateful for

Howard Brown:

that in fact that you completed so I have a question for you and

Howard Brown:

then we're going to do the shining brightly spotlight. Oh

Howard Brown:

yeah. Do you wear the Boston jacket? Do you wear the marathon

Howard Brown:

finishing jacket? No.

Cari Kenzie:

I do not wear the Boston jacket. Now. Actually. It

Cari Kenzie:

took me I packed it away for a while I brought it back out a

Cari Kenzie:

couple of years ago. I actually take that back I did wear it

Cari Kenzie:

last year because I did run. I attempted to qualify for Boston

Cari Kenzie:

again last year. In Illinois. It's called The Last Chance BQ

Cari Kenzie:

Boston qualifier. It was its own experience. I did not qualify at

Cari Kenzie:

that race but beautiful. lot of life lessons in that one. So I

Cari Kenzie:

did wear it for that.

Howard Brown:

So the reason is is because you said you bought

Howard Brown:

that to put that carrot in front of you so I was just curious to

Howard Brown:

see if you are do that. This is a beautiful show. I just I have

Howard Brown:

so much more to unpack I'm gonna have to have you back because we

Howard Brown:

got to you know we'll go deeper. But I love the energy and this

Howard Brown:

is a great little tease for my audience here for you know a

Howard Brown:

quick 30 minutes but I'm going to put on my glasses. If you if

Howard Brown:

you have some Put your glasses on as well. Okay, oh you got the

Howard Brown:

Hollywood games on there. All right, so it's perfect. So we're

Howard Brown:

going to shine the spotlight on you. I'd like you to tell people

Howard Brown:

how best to get in touch with you. If you have anything that

Howard Brown:

you want to give away or and then also leave me with some

Howard Brown:

inspiration and kick the show back to me.

Cari Kenzie:

Now Oh my gosh. Okay, so I am at Cari Kenzie C A

Cari Kenzie:

R I K E N Z I a pretty much anywhere you go Instagram,

Cari Kenzie:

Facebook, LinkedIn. But my website you will find a lot of

Cari Kenzie:

information there on my website. I offer out actually a 15 minute

Cari Kenzie:

a free 15 minute call with me It just I know, people are always

Cari Kenzie:

curious, you know, what is the thing that's getting in my way?

Cari Kenzie:

Is there something that's getting in my way, and I love to

Cari Kenzie:

share my intuitive powers and kind of help to shine a little

Cari Kenzie:

light on that for them. And then, you know, I would say, and

Cari Kenzie:

I don't have the quote, just right in front of me, but

Cari Kenzie:

probably the one of the most powerful things that I now know

Cari Kenzie:

that Maya Angelou said is, there's no heavier burden to

Cari Kenzie:

carry than that of an untold story. And so just to understand

Cari Kenzie:

and to know, that you're worthy of the experience you had, no

Cari Kenzie:

matter what that experience is, that you are valid in your

Cari Kenzie:

emotions and that you have and you are worthy of navigating

Cari Kenzie:

through that to find the power that lies within. Wow,

Howard Brown:

powerful, you are worthy. Oh, thank you for that.

Howard Brown:

Just an incredible show. All of the contact information will be

Howard Brown:

in the show notes and it'll be on all the socials. Please

Howard Brown:

contact Carrie. I mean, I think that you'll, you'll, you'll one

Howard Brown:

find the experience incredible, her energy is just amazing. And

Howard Brown:

she'll get you unstuck and that's that's it you got it got

Howard Brown:

his kind of moved by either baby steps forward or big giant

Howard Brown:

steps, and she'll help get you there. So you've been listening

Howard Brown:

to and watching the shining brightly show. You can find me

Howard Brown:

at shining brightly.com The my book is there. It's selling

Howard Brown:

well, it's it's impacting lives, which makes me feel good. But

Howard Brown:

I'm speaking I'm speaking on a cruise coming up soon. And

Howard Brown:

always trying to lift up others to help them lift, lift up

Howard Brown:

themselves as well. And then you will also find this podcast the

Howard Brown:

speaking stuff and my advocacy. So you know, I'm big on

Howard Brown:

entrepreneurship, big on mentorship and leadership as

Howard Brown:

well as interfaith relations. So and cancer and the cancer world.

Howard Brown:

So go get screened, go to the doctor, please, you're not your

Howard Brown:

optimal cells. And we all know that if you can shine brightly

Howard Brown:

just for a little bit each day, for yourself, for others in your

Howard Brown:

communities, the world will be a better place. Thank you, Carrie.

Howard Brown:

Love to having you great guests. Thanks. Great show. Thank you