June 7, 2023

SPEAKER SLAM – Create MOMENTUM In Your Business And Life With Rina Rovinelli

SPEAKER SLAM – Create MOMENTUM In Your Business And Life With Rina Rovinelli

Seventy-five percent (75%) of people are SCARED to SPEAK in PUBLIC - (it’s called Glossophobia) Come learn in this amazing Episode 30 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show (links in the comments) with MY master speaking and branding coach Rina Rovinelli of SPEAKER SLAM – the largest inspirational speaker development agency in North America. Get ready to discover your SPECIAL SAUCE (brand) and get paid to speak on any virtual and live stages. Rina shares the #1 lesson and secret ingredient in your special sauce that takes speakers to new heights to succeed in business and life! UNLEASH your POTENTIAL to the WORLD and BE SEEN / HEARD! Please watch, listen, download, review and share! Keep Shining Always!

Mentioned Resources

Website - https://www.speakerslam.org/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/speakerslam

YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqu-HW22gTc1cGhol26J9Cg

About the Guest - Rina Rovinelli is the Co-Founder of Speaker Slam Inc - a Speaker Development Agency committed to helping Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Authors and Coaches be seen, build momentum and monetize their speaking.  She is a Speaker Coach who works with speakers to create their Signature Talk and has coached many Speaker Slam competitors to victory or viral success. She is a passionate speaker and her own video on Human Connection has gone viral with 5 million views. She is a Top 25 Woman of Influence and the founder of Platform -a program that empowers marginalized individuals to claim their voice and shift their narrative.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



Social Media

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howard.brown.36

LinkedIn - https://wwwlinkedin.com/in/howardsbrown

Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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#speaker #slam #momentum #business #life #stages #paid #speak #branding #community #storytelling #heartcentered #unitedstates #canada #motivation #education #inspiration #podcast #download #share #entreprenuership #shiningbrightly

Howard Brown:

Yeah. Hello, it's Howard Brown is the Shining

Howard Brown:

Brightly show. Oh two, I have a special gift for you today. What

Howard Brown:

an amazing mazing person. I have Rina Rovinelli here. He said,

Howard Brown:

What happens when you bring your coach? Right your teacher, your

Howard Brown:

savant onto your own show. I mean, I just I guess I'm feel so

Howard Brown:

privileged Rina Welcome. How are you today?

Rina Rovinelli:

Thank you. I am amazing. And Howard, you know,

Rina Rovinelli:

I'm a huge fan of yours as well. So I'm happy to be here and

Rina Rovinelli:

excited to do this with you.

Howard Brown:

I appreciate that. Because we're going to get and

Howard Brown:

chop it up here because I've learned so much from you. And I

Howard Brown:

want to talk about that. I want to talk about what you do, and

Howard Brown:

how you change people's lives and how you changed my life. So

Howard Brown:

first, let me tell people about you a little bit. So Rina

Howard Brown:

Rovinelli is the co founder of speaker slam Inc. It's a speaker

Howard Brown:

Development Agency committed to entrepreneurs, speakers,

Howard Brown:

authors, coaches, and it's how to be seen how to build momentum

Howard Brown:

and how to monetize your speaking. You are a speaker

Howard Brown:

coach, who works with speakers to create their signature talk

Howard Brown:

and as created many speaker slam compet competitors into victory

Howard Brown:

and viral success. I would also say that you are a branding

Howard Brown:

coach because you know a lot about that. She is a passionate

Howard Brown:

speaker on her own. The human connection has gone viral on 5

Howard Brown:

million views. You are a top 25 Women of Influence, and a

Howard Brown:

founder of platform a programme that empowers marginalised

Howard Brown:

individuals to claim their voice and shift their narrative. Holy

Howard Brown:

smokes. Well, we got a powerhouse in the house, though

Howard Brown:

I'm excited for that. So Rina, you know what that bio doesn't

Howard Brown:

do justice, but share with my audience a little something that

Howard Brown:

we may not know about yet.

Rina Rovinelli:

Okay, so I'm gonna go way back when I was in

Rina Rovinelli:

grade seven or eight, I had a chance to become a page at the

Rina Rovinelli:

parliament in Queen's Park. That's our parliament building

Rina Rovinelli:

in Canada. And it was a huge honour out of 800 students, I

Rina Rovinelli:

was one of the 20 that had the opportunity. And I got to come

Rina Rovinelli:

to Toronto from a small town and live there and be in the

Rina Rovinelli:

parliament. And it began with my love of politics, and also my

Rina Rovinelli:

love of Toronto in the big city. And so I got a head start when I

Rina Rovinelli:

was a youth to kind of move towards this life.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, yeah. So we write, we have to distinguish

Howard Brown:

that you're from the great up north, Canada. But this is

Howard Brown:

great, because we're going to share you with the USA, which is

Howard Brown:

amazing, amazing. Amazing. Wow, that's a great experience. Well

Howard Brown:

as a young person and all that I forgot to also mention you are a

Howard Brown:

supermom, I love your daughter, and I love you as well. So you

Howard Brown:

do it all. Alright, so let's what? First of all, give me

Howard Brown:

like, how does this ideation How does speaker slim start? I'm

Howard Brown:

always so impressed where people get the that Inkling in their

Howard Brown:

gut to actually start and be an entrepreneur and start something

Howard Brown:

new and meet that unserved need. So start with how you and Dan

Howard Brown:

came together and how this all started to rock and roll.

Rina Rovinelli:

So I'm an entrepreneur at heart, but I

Rina Rovinelli:

actually met my business partner in Toastmasters. And we were

Rina Rovinelli:

both passionate about kind of stealing the show being centre

Rina Rovinelli:

stage in the class and we became instant friends. And he was in a

Rina Rovinelli:

programme called landmark at the time, where they had to do a

Rina Rovinelli:

special community project. And he asked so many people to

Rina Rovinelli:

partner with him on this and people are busy. And people said

Rina Rovinelli:

no. And he finally came to me and I said, Listen, we're gonna

Rina Rovinelli:

have 12 people in the library. But if you're okay with that,

Rina Rovinelli:

I'm okay with that. Let's try. And so we decided we're going to

Rina Rovinelli:

create an event, we started going to all kinds of different

Rina Rovinelli:

speaking events, seeing what was out there. And Dan turned to me

Rina Rovinelli:

in the middle of winning, he said, We should do a

Rina Rovinelli:

competition. And I said, Oh, my God, Speaker slam. And we both

Rina Rovinelli:

love to compete, it was a natural fit. And we started and

Rina Rovinelli:

from the day, we opened the door, people flooded in, we've

Rina Rovinelli:

had sold out crowds, it's been a huge hit. We never had to do

Rina Rovinelli:

that to all people in the library. But it's been magical.

Howard Brown:

So you've evolved though, because, you know, it's

Howard Brown:

people, one of the greatest fears I looked this up is

Howard Brown:

actually speaking, public speaking is one of the top fears

Howard Brown:

that actually people have, so you are serving a major need,

Howard Brown:

but a lot of people want to learn this skill. Okay. And it's

Howard Brown:

a learned skill. I definitely know that. And so, you start

Howard Brown:

with the small kind of classes, right? That are people that are

Howard Brown:

just learning, right? You know, they're not experts in any way.

Howard Brown:

But they come in and they, you know, whatever level they are,

Howard Brown:

and they come in, and they basically you have a formula and

Howard Brown:

a process that you take them through, right?

Rina Rovinelli:

Yes, so we run the emerging speaker programme

Rina Rovinelli:

for new speakers. But very quickly, we learned that our

Rina Rovinelli:

competition was so much about the actual skill of speaking

Rina Rovinelli:

that you might learn it another speaking programme, it was the

Rina Rovinelli:

power of storytelling. And the interesting thing is that the

Rina Rovinelli:

story is the great equaliser. You can be a paid professional

Rina Rovinelli:

speaker, you can be someone shaking in your boots, but if

Rina Rovinelli:

you have them As powerful inspirational story, you can

Rina Rovinelli:

move parts. And we saw all kinds of people winning people that

Rina Rovinelli:

you wouldn't have thought could have won, but they were winning

Rina Rovinelli:

because they had that ability to impact with the story. So

Rina Rovinelli:

quickly, we saw this. And we started to focus on

Rina Rovinelli:

storytelling. And we brought that through our programme.

Howard Brown:

I want to tell you the other thing that that

Howard Brown:

because, you know, I'm also, you know, a client and a customer

Howard Brown:

and in your community, the one thing that I noticed was the

Howard Brown:

warmth and the welcoming of the people into the community. I

Howard Brown:

just joined you in last September. And I just felt so

Howard Brown:

welcome. You know, your cohorts are small and manageable, you

Howard Brown:

know, under 12 people, and everyone seems like they get

Howard Brown:

like a real customised approach to what they're doing to meet

Howard Brown:

their needs and where they're at. And I've not seen a

Howard Brown:

programme like that there's lots of speaker programmes out there

Howard Brown:

that will charge you a lot of money. And so I am grateful for

Howard Brown:

that opportunity. So you've seen a lot of people come through,

Howard Brown:

and what some of the top lessons that in watching speakers kind

Howard Brown:

of get get processed, mature and can come through.

Rina Rovinelli:

So in the beginning, I think for us, when

Rina Rovinelli:

they I just want to address something you just said

Rina Rovinelli:

actually, okay, so important. When we started speaker slam,

Rina Rovinelli:

we'd have these 10 amazing speakers share their story,

Rina Rovinelli:

heart centred, mission driven people, and they would bring up

Rina Rovinelli:

their audience and our audience would fall in love. And then

Rina Rovinelli:

they would join, and then they would share and then other

Rina Rovinelli:

people would join. So our community slowly developed by

Rina Rovinelli:

word of mouth, so that everybody that came was the same energy.

Rina Rovinelli:

So you'd come to an event with two 300 people and they will be

Rina Rovinelli:

hugging. They will be connecting, they will be

Rina Rovinelli:

cheering for each other. It's been beautiful from the

Rina Rovinelli:

beginning, because we had that organic growth. And you'll see

Rina Rovinelli:

sometimes other other speaking businesses, they're kind of like

Rina Rovinelli:

doing Facebook ads, and they're just kind of getting anyone they

Rina Rovinelli:

can. But because we grew from each other, like word of mouth,

Rina Rovinelli:

it has this beautiful energy. Okay, so to your question,

Rina Rovinelli:

though, some of the lessons I've really learned is that, you

Rina Rovinelli:

know, the, like I said, the people that embrace the power of

Rina Rovinelli:

their story, are the most powerful, but it's the people

Rina Rovinelli:

that don't really stay in the adversity, but that really move

Rina Rovinelli:

into the victory. Because we all have these adversity stories,

Rina Rovinelli:

we've all been through a tonne. And we can all share those

Rina Rovinelli:

problems. And a lot of times we want to share them because we

Rina Rovinelli:

want validation, we want we want our page that purpose, we want

Rina Rovinelli:

to be able to acknowledge that we've been through something and

Rina Rovinelli:

survived. And if we stay too long in the pain without coming

Rina Rovinelli:

out with the the lessons, the inspiration, the hope, the

Rina Rovinelli:

resilience, it can bring people down. But the speakers that

Rina Rovinelli:

bring people back up are the ones that tend to be most

Rina Rovinelli:

successful. And, and that's the first thing. And then the second

Rina Rovinelli:

thing, the people that are most successful in our programme, are

Rina Rovinelli:

the people that are just driven, they're just and how you're one

Rina Rovinelli:

of those people, they are just driven with this burning desire

Rina Rovinelli:

to make an impact. And you know, to have their pain, have a

Rina Rovinelli:

purpose, to have meant something and to be able to transform

Rina Rovinelli:

other people's lives because of it. And then they are just

Rina Rovinelli:

propelled forward. And so we see them, they don't stop at a

Rina Rovinelli:

competition, they get pressed they, they launch, you know,

Rina Rovinelli:

movements, they write books they get they get older, they go on

Rina Rovinelli:

stages, because they want their message to mean something. And I

Rina Rovinelli:

love watching that, and I love watching you.

Howard Brown:

Well. So I have to tell you, what you just talked

Howard Brown:

about was coaching. You talked about mentorship, and you

Howard Brown:

actually talked about accountability. And I have to

Howard Brown:

tell you, I've gotten all three of those things for you. You've

Howard Brown:

called me out when I haven't been able to do it or get

Howard Brown:

through, but you've also been one of my biggest fans and

Howard Brown:

cheerleaders. When I do and we've worked hard at at my

Howard Brown:

brand, and and being able to stay in the lane and have sub

Howard Brown:

brands as well to be able to be you know, have some within some

Howard Brown:

some value and not just one area but in others. And I've put the

Howard Brown:

work in and I continue to put the work in and one of the

Howard Brown:

things that I realised because I remember talking to you, I said

Howard Brown:

listen, I've spoken my whole life, I'm in sales. I said I'm a

Howard Brown:

good speaker and you said something to me. It's stuck with

Howard Brown:

me. You said Howard, I'm gonna make you a great speaker. And

Howard Brown:

the way that you made me a great speaker was you didn't change

Howard Brown:

me. You up levelled me, you refined and polished what I

Howard Brown:

already had in me and it's just so beautiful. But then you took

Howard Brown:

me to the extra level because you actually added the brand

Howard Brown:

component. I want you to speak about that because I have to

Howard Brown:

tell you, you're right, the speaking part is really a much

Howard Brown:

smaller part of the brand perception and so you've really

Howard Brown:

now focused on building people's brand and helping them define

Howard Brown:

their brand and I think it's brilliant.

Rina Rovinelli:

So I say the speaking business is 80% brand

Rina Rovinelli:

20% speaking because the people that are booking you don't even

Rina Rovinelli:

really know if you're a great speaker they're booking you

Rina Rovinelli:

based on your brand what they can see your video your lunch.

Rina Rovinelli:

Each your position in the marketplace, the cleverness of

Rina Rovinelli:

your title, they're booking on that brand. And so for a lot of

Rina Rovinelli:

people with speaking they come in they they have this burning

Rina Rovinelli:

desire to, to keep speaking and often to get paid to speak. And

Rina Rovinelli:

they want to speak about everything, every story,

Rina Rovinelli:

everything, they can speak on anything, they've been through

Rina Rovinelli:

100 things. And it's a challenge to get people to focus on a lane

Rina Rovinelli:

to focus on a very specific niche, but to build their brand

Rina Rovinelli:

around it and like everything's in alignment. So like one of the

Rina Rovinelli:

things I love about you, here you are mister shining brightly,

Rina Rovinelli:

your backdrops shining brightly, that the gold shining brightly

Rina Rovinelli:

bug, you got the sunglass, like you're you live the brand, when

Rina Rovinelli:

I can think of you I can think of that brand. And when people

Rina Rovinelli:

start to see that with any speaker, when they have a

Rina Rovinelli:

conference coming up, or they have an event coming up, they

Rina Rovinelli:

don't want the wishy washy person or the mediocre person or

Rina Rovinelli:

the average person, they want the shining star in the in the

Rina Rovinelli:

industry in the lane that they're dealing with. So if you

Rina Rovinelli:

can create that around yourself, it just elevates you in the eyes

Rina Rovinelli:

of the event organiser and gets you to the front of the line.

Howard Brown:

Right. And again, we've we've had these

Howard Brown:

discussions, but you know, I have now my my mantra is that I

Howard Brown:

motivate I educate and I inspire. And that's that's kind

Howard Brown:

of what I'm here to do. And that's my goal. And I've been

Howard Brown:

it's been great. And also the other thing that I love the

Howard Brown:

cheerleading part of you because you always say keep hustling,

Howard Brown:

keep hustling, you keep pushing me forward. And I have to tell

Howard Brown:

you, I've been on 58 podcasts as a guest since the book came out.

Howard Brown:

And it's pretty amazing, right? But what happens then is that

Howard Brown:

they make me the star, and they push me out to their networks,

Howard Brown:

and people have to have confidence in you to push you

Howard Brown:

out to their networks. And I really liked that. But so this

Howard Brown:

has been a seven year journey. I mean, tell me some of the high

Howard Brown:

points and the low points. Where are you at because every

Howard Brown:

entrepreneur goes through the the wall that they gotta climb.

Howard Brown:

So what have you and Dan faced,

Rina Rovinelli:

you know, we've had a lot of high points,

Rina Rovinelli:

because each of that was amazing. And we I remember, we

Rina Rovinelli:

got to this point where we had a grand slam, and we had 600

Rina Rovinelli:

people. And I had convinced Dan that we were going to waltz out.

Rina Rovinelli:

So you have to imagine this hack theatre. And like, I'm a tall,

Rina Rovinelli:

ample woman and Danzel littler guy. So you can imagine the

Rina Rovinelli:

picture of us waltzing out onto stage, and then we broke into

Rina Rovinelli:

hip hop dancing, I'll never let down because he plays that video

Rina Rovinelli:

clip everywhere. But I've seen it. It was magical, when when

Rina Rovinelli:

the Black Eyed Peas hit it just the crowd erupted. And it was

Rina Rovinelli:

just, it was such a highlight that we filled this venue that

Rina Rovinelli:

it was just was so beautiful. I think for Danna, we both quit

Rina Rovinelli:

our jobs at one point a few years ago to go all in on

Rina Rovinelli:

speaker sound that was a highlight our speakers

Rina Rovinelli:

successes, we've had some mind blowing success stories. So

Rina Rovinelli:

that's been a highlight. And I mean, we've had a couple low

Rina Rovinelli:

moments. And I think the biggest low and it's everybody can

Rina Rovinelli:

relate to this was that how COVID really affected things

Rina Rovinelli:

because we're in the industry that was fully in person, our

Rina Rovinelli:

events were live, our training programmes were live, we didn't

Rina Rovinelli:

do a single thing online. So immediately, we had to adapt.

Rina Rovinelli:

And you know, it's interesting, because when you have the energy

Rina Rovinelli:

of a crowd, and a speaker wants to be on stage in front of

Rina Rovinelli:

people, and to have to quickly pivot to sort of create online

Rina Rovinelli:

competitions or online training, it was a dark period. In the

Rina Rovinelli:

beginning, it was a little bit sad. But the beautiful part of

Rina Rovinelli:

it is over the year, we've been able to reach people across the

Rina Rovinelli:

states all over the world, actually people in Australia and

Rina Rovinelli:

our programmes in Europe and Africa, we would have never ever

Rina Rovinelli:

been able to have that reach without this. So, you know, in

Rina Rovinelli:

the darkness, there's light.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, and but you definitely had to pivot to an

Howard Brown:

online strategy, with everything closing down, right and not

Howard Brown:

being able to speak live. And so and you did that. And then also,

Howard Brown:

quite frankly, teaching online on Zoom is actually okay, that

Howard Brown:

works out that actually allows you to expand because you can be

Howard Brown:

from anywhere and sometimes some people are too in the morning

Howard Brown:

taking your class, but that's okay. It's no, it's important.

Howard Brown:

But you've kind of gotten through that. And now we're back

Howard Brown:

to speaking in person. And I got to drive up to Toronto for

Howard Brown:

momentum. And it's just such a, what a great feeling because

Howard Brown:

it's so warm and embracing and to be able to deliver the

Howard Brown:

message with the shiny lights and the camera going. And the

Howard Brown:

other thing that you said to me and this is really important,

Howard Brown:

you know, you have to actually be prepared and packaged up in

Howard Brown:

order to be hired. Okay, professional event planners,

Howard Brown:

okay, are not looking for you unless you're packaged up. And

Howard Brown:

what that meant to me was working really hard on what's

Howard Brown:

called the one speech speaker sheet that was in brand. And

Howard Brown:

then I needed a highlight reel, a sizzle reel, and I needed

Howard Brown:

stage time. I needed stage time they need to actually see who

Howard Brown:

they're hiring. And if they're if they want to spend money on

Howard Brown:

bringing you in to meet they're already Chances need. And so I

Howard Brown:

was grateful that I had won a pitch competition for you. And I

Howard Brown:

got to be paid to come up to Toronto. I've been on TV, I've

Howard Brown:

been on pharmaceutical website. And again, I'm building those

Howard Brown:

assets. And it's really incredible. And I've had your

Howard Brown:

support 150% along the way. And I can tell you that most people

Howard Brown:

from your community will say that as well. So what's the

Howard Brown:

secret sauce? How are you able to do this? Okay, because I'm

Howard Brown:

living the moment right now. I'm, you know, I'm still, you

Howard Brown:

know, nine months into your programme, but but I'm getting

Howard Brown:

there. And I'm going to climb in the mountain. And you're right

Howard Brown:

there with me along the way. But there must be a secret sauce.

Howard Brown:


Rina Rovinelli:

Well, so the interesting thing is just

Rina Rovinelli:

starting back with what you said about getting packaged up, which

Rina Rovinelli:

is so important is that, as the momento conference was the first

Rina Rovinelli:

time we actually paid speakers, because we've always had people

Rina Rovinelli:

compete on our stage. So I really got to look through the

Rina Rovinelli:

different lens of someone who books speakers. And as I would

Rina Rovinelli:

look through each person, I would quickly click to watch

Rina Rovinelli:

their video, I want to see them on stage, I want to see if

Rina Rovinelli:

they're powerful, I want to look at how professional their

Rina Rovinelli:

marketing is. And if they have nothing, I know that they're not

Rina Rovinelli:

up to par. And so there's just a couple little tweaks just show

Rina Rovinelli:

an event planner, you're worth hiring you're you're worth

Rina Rovinelli:

taking a risk on, but the choosing people and that's an

Rina Rovinelli:

art as well as recognising their, their their special

Rina Rovinelli:

sauce, right, their uniqueness. And I talk about this all the

Rina Rovinelli:

time. And you know, that's I speak about this in our

Rina Rovinelli:

programme all the time is that all things considered, there are

Rina Rovinelli:

many great speakers. There are many great keynotes, there's

Rina Rovinelli:

lots of great marketing, like they're across the board. It's

Rina Rovinelli:

very competitive. And what sets you apart is having that special

Rina Rovinelli:

sauce, that uniqueness. You know, when you go to McDonald's,

Rina Rovinelli:

you don't order a hamburger, you order the Big Mac, right, like

Rina Rovinelli:

you order the one with the special sauce, because it's the

Rina Rovinelli:

special one. And so when you see people who are starting to get

Rina Rovinelli:

into speaking, it's something where they have to put that

Rina Rovinelli:

effort into create something around themselves, whether it's

Rina Rovinelli:

aligning with the charity, or having something kind of

Rina Rovinelli:

gimmicky that people can think of when they think of them, and

Rina Rovinelli:

thinking of someone in our programme that wears red,

Rina Rovinelli:

sparkly boots from the Wizard of Oz. Yeah. And I think about Mike

Rina Rovinelli:

Sherman, he did this paddles that movement where people

Rina Rovinelli:

around the world would hold paddles above their head for him

Rina Rovinelli:

and supportive and it's just creating something special about

Rina Rovinelli:

you that you can just stand a little bit further ahead of

Rina Rovinelli:

other people.

Howard Brown:

You have to stand out. So why do I have this, you

Howard Brown:

know, bright yellow background? Because I want to stand out

Howard Brown:

Yeah, and people remember, they remember you, I think it takes

Howard Brown:

like seven times before they actually really remember you. So

Howard Brown:

you know, I am the Mr. shining brightly guy, and I stick to it.

Howard Brown:

And I stay in brand. And I want to tell you that I changed my

Howard Brown:

Facebook and my LinkedIn and is all kind of in brand now. And I

Howard Brown:

want to thank you for that. So who would be the ideal person to

Howard Brown:

consider, you know, coming up to Speaker slam and getting

Howard Brown:

involved and getting inside the programme.

Rina Rovinelli:

So Dan, and I really structured our programme

Rina Rovinelli:

where we see people who are emerging speakers who might want

Rina Rovinelli:

to come in. And on the other end, we call them kind of

Rina Rovinelli:

platinum speakers. They're paid professionals. And we have

Rina Rovinelli:

services for both whether it's creating speaker reels or

Rina Rovinelli:

creating intro programmes. But our target demographic, the

Rina Rovinelli:

ideal person that we love to work with, and who benefits from

Rina Rovinelli:

us, is someone we call a momentum speaker. And they are

Rina Rovinelli:

people that are already good speakers, they already have a

Rina Rovinelli:

message, they already have a story. They want to get paid,

Rina Rovinelli:

maybe they're just starting to get paid, or they want to and

Rina Rovinelli:

they're they're ready to go because our whole programme is

Rina Rovinelli:

around building momentum. You know, getting the pieces getting

Rina Rovinelli:

on stage, getting the brand new and getting the photos, getting

Rina Rovinelli:

the action around them. And it's those people that are just

Rina Rovinelli:

there, they're good, they're good, and they're ready to be

Rina Rovinelli:

great. Those are ideal are ideal people.

Howard Brown:

I want to tell you, it's a very special skill

Howard Brown:

that you're you're offering to people, because we as you know,

Howard Brown:

I do a tonne of work in the cancer world. And we want people

Howard Brown:

to learn to use their voice. Okay, one because I think it's

Howard Brown:

healing, too. It helps them build their confidence. And to

Howard Brown:

those stories need to be told and heard. And I tell my story

Howard Brown:

very proudly. Okay, and you came up with this, as you know, you

Howard Brown:

know, two time cancer survivor 30 years apart, right? I

Howard Brown:

unfortunately, that was a deck of cards I got dealt, but I can

Howard Brown:

deliver a very powerful keynote on how to get back up again,

Howard Brown:

because life throws you lots of curveballs. And we all have to

Howard Brown:

get back up again. And that's our job. And so really, really

Howard Brown:

important on that. So what's the future of speakers slam? What's

Howard Brown:

What's What do you think is coming up? I think you're

Howard Brown:

evolving, you're growing with

Rina Rovinelli:

solving. So our big thing right now that we're

Rina Rovinelli:

really excited about is like over the past year, I've had

Rina Rovinelli:

lots of people reach out to me for speakers, and we've gotten

Rina Rovinelli:

what I love is getting new speakers entry level speaking

Rina Rovinelli:

gigs to get them start Did you know because you can, you can

Rina Rovinelli:

speak for free for a while, and then you need that $500 That

Rina Rovinelli:

$1,000, that $2,000 gig to start going to really build a speaking

Rina Rovinelli:

business. So we want to create a little mini speaker Bureau,

Rina Rovinelli:

we're working on an experiential training programme, we want to

Rina Rovinelli:

bring it to corporate to get people not just listening to a

Rina Rovinelli:

keynote speaker, but doing activities engaging like dealing

Rina Rovinelli:

with like values and empathy and connection and storytelling

Rina Rovinelli:

within the workplace. And we want to have the people coming

Rina Rovinelli:

to our programme actually go out and facilitate this programme.

Rina Rovinelli:

And that, to me is going to be like the full circle, right?

Rina Rovinelli:

It's like, it's being able to take all the storytelling in the

Rina Rovinelli:

branding, and finally have our speaker getting paid and

Rina Rovinelli:

working, and bringing the same inspiration and storytelling

Rina Rovinelli:

into a corporate environment. So I'm really excited about that.

Howard Brown:

Rina, I just, I think you you've even we've

Howard Brown:

discussed this, the magic of storytelling, it changes lives,

Howard Brown:

it changes lives, the impact. I mean, I have to tell you that

Howard Brown:

when I've watched some of the competitions live and online, I

Howard Brown:

mean, I am sometimes brought to tears, sometimes I am just

Howard Brown:

jumping for joy, the I mean, it is emotional at times. So that's

Howard Brown:

that's what the community is all about. And it's really, really

Howard Brown:

is heart centred, and I want to just tell people out there that

Howard Brown:

get started. Now, there's no reason to wait because it's not

Howard Brown:

intimidating, you meet people where they're at. And that's

Howard Brown:

beautiful. Because some people it's just not, they want you to

Howard Brown:

actually just run on the speed train, you gotta go on your own

Howard Brown:

course in your own past. So some people are on this speed train

Howard Brown:

like me, but not everyone has to be. And again, it is great to

Howard Brown:

connect to people from all over the world. It's really cool that

Howard Brown:

you do that. It's an international business that what

Howard Brown:

you're doing and things like that, wow.

Rina Rovinelli:

However, what we love to do is merge. You know,

Rina Rovinelli:

the power of storytelling, when you get into corporate corporate

Rina Rovinelli:

has traditionally been a very kind of cold place where you're

Rina Rovinelli:

you're teaching, you know, you're giving these takeaways,

Rina Rovinelli:

you're educating an audience. And you don't want to be messy,

Rina Rovinelli:

you don't want to be super emotional, but being able to,

Rina Rovinelli:

you know, carefully bring in storytelling to connect with an

Rina Rovinelli:

audience. It just elevates presentation. So I love seeing

Rina Rovinelli:

speakers bring their humanity into corporate.

Howard Brown:

So I have to tell you, you're right. But what I

Howard Brown:

do, though, it's okay to actually show a little

Howard Brown:

vulnerability, because you're human, and that's relational.

Howard Brown:

And people do that. I speak corporate, I speak to

Howard Brown:

pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies,

Howard Brown:

therapeutics, companies, hospitals, med schools, their

Howard Brown:

corporate, but I actually tell it, and there's some emotion and

Howard Brown:

some, you know, part of me that I'm sharing that's, that's

Howard Brown:

vulnerable. It still can be corporate, because I actually my

Howard Brown:

second lane, which I don't do as much right now, because I'm more

Howard Brown:

in demand on lane one, but entrepreneurship, leadership

Howard Brown:

mentorship, interface, stuff, that all happens. And I have

Howard Brown:

that as my my other things, but you got to go where the shiny

Howard Brown:

latest is bringing you right now as well. So I love the fact that

Howard Brown:

the possibility of you actually being able to get people there

Howard Brown:

their first second or third paid gig, because you have to build

Howard Brown:

on that. Okay, usually don't go up to become a $25,000 speaker,

Howard Brown:

one day out of the program, you need to build to that. And and

Howard Brown:

that's okay. That's it's a process to that. And I'm working

Howard Brown:

towards that. And it's amazing that way. What didn't we cover?

Rina Rovinelli:

Oh, we covered a lot. You know, I do want to go

Rina Rovinelli:

back to our inspirational speaking competitions. Yeah.

Rina Rovinelli:

They're really the heart of what we do. And I know we have a

Rina Rovinelli:

couple left this season. And my business partner really handles

Rina Rovinelli:

that. I love that moment when someone competes on stage, and

Rina Rovinelli:

has this like, transformative moment. And Dan is all about

Rina Rovinelli:

building the brand, who's been getting our last month's winner

Rina Rovinelli:

on on all kinds of news, TVs, all kinds of pocket, just all

Rina Rovinelli:

kinds of press, just blowing up her library, which is amazing.

Rina Rovinelli:

And so we have two competitions coming up on the theme of

Rina Rovinelli:

belonging in July, and empowerment in September. And

Rina Rovinelli:

we've had people start coming in from the states we've had, we've

Rina Rovinelli:

had four or five come in each competition. So we're always

Rina Rovinelli:

looking for new people who are really wanting to get their

Rina Rovinelli:

start on our stage. And they can just go to Speaker slam.org and

Rina Rovinelli:

sign up to apply to compete and have a conversation with my

Rina Rovinelli:


Howard Brown:

Yeah, I know you had body beautiful and then you

Howard Brown:

actually make this very important. It's personal. And

Howard Brown:

it's just amazing. And then they are inspirational. I have to

Howard Brown:

tell you that people want inspiration. There's plenty of

Howard Brown:

negative stuff going on out there as well. So it's really

Howard Brown:

good. And then lat last thing that you you have an intensive

Howard Brown:

coming up as well, but I'm not sure this will air before then

Howard Brown:

but you'll have it again. But what is what's the purpose of

Howard Brown:

that intensive?

Rina Rovinelli:

Yes. So the intensive is really the roadmap

Rina Rovinelli:

to paid speaking you know, a lot of times people come into

Rina Rovinelli:

programmes in their three to six months. And we'd like to offer

Rina Rovinelli:

this intensive and we will be doing it going forward where is

Rina Rovinelli:

it's one day, it's the roadmap, it's everything you need is the

Rina Rovinelli:

checklist, you know, is the pathway and you know, the

Rina Rovinelli:

templates to create the one sheet, the the time to work on

Rina Rovinelli:

the position, the branding the keynote, so you can come away

Rina Rovinelli:

after one day, like, so many steps ahead of where you were on

Rina Rovinelli:

your journey.

Howard Brown:

No, I think that's important. I have to tell you,

Howard Brown:

you take this old PowerPoint dog and made him a Canva guy now. So

Howard Brown:

I'm learning a whole new skill. So all right, so this is this is

Howard Brown:

the time of the show, I'm putting on my sunglasses, you're

Howard Brown:

in the shining, brightly spotlight, tell people how they

Howard Brown:

can get in touch with you. Give me some final comments, and

Howard Brown:

we're gonna wrap.

Rina Rovinelli:

Okay, so the final common I would love to say

Rina Rovinelli:

is that the essence of everything we do is about

Rina Rovinelli:

momentum. I'm such a fan, I use the word all the time and

Rina Rovinelli:

momentum starts with just taking one step upon the next, you

Rina Rovinelli:

know, and all of a sudden, the energy is rolling around you and

Rina Rovinelli:

just opportunities are attracted. So if you are all

Rina Rovinelli:

interested in getting on stage, and getting paid to speak,

Rina Rovinelli:

building your brand, attracting clients by using your voice, we

Rina Rovinelli:

are here for you in many different capacities. And you

Rina Rovinelli:

can find just simply just speaker slam.org Everything you

Rina Rovinelli:

need is there. We have a Facebook group, maybe we'll link

Rina Rovinelli:

it below if you want to join the community. We have the best

Rina Rovinelli:

community in the world, which Howard is a part of. So thank

Rina Rovinelli:

you for having me.

Howard Brown:

Well, you are Shining Brightly Rina. And so

Howard Brown:

Speaker Slam. So what a great show. This is so helpful people

Howard Brown:

are this is amazing. You're you're changing what people's

Howard Brown:

lives and you've changed mine. So of course you can get a hold

Howard Brown:

of me for at shiningbrightly.com The book, my podcast and

Howard Brown:

speaking also my community service with colon cancer, and

Howard Brown:

please come visit me I'll be very interactive. And again,

Howard Brown:

shining brightly just a little bit each day for ourselves, for

Howard Brown:

others in our communities. It actually does make a huge

Howard Brown:

difference of positive change in this world.

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