April 19, 2023

Secrets To Empowering Negotiation with Dr. Richard Kaye

Secrets To Empowering Negotiation with Dr. Richard Kaye

Do you want to get what you want? In Episode 20 of the Shining Brightly podcast show, my guest Dr Richard Kaye shares his wisdom about negotiations, getting what you want and creating customers for life. Come learn the 5 steps to powerful and winning negotiations. EVERYTHING is NEGOTIABLE. Come listen to the stories and this fun episode.

About The Guest

Dr. Richard Kaye received his Bachelor of Science Degree in business, from Long Island University in 1973. He went on to receive his Doctorate of Chiropractic from the Columbia Institute of Chiropractic in New York. After 30 years in private practice in San Diego, California, he retired to pursue an entrepreneurial life. Prior to entering the field of health care, he was an electronics engineer working in the field of communications. For the past 24 years, he’s worked with CEO Space, the world’s oldest and largest business development organization, assisting entrepreneurs accelerate the growth of their businesses. Dr. Kaye has been featured on KTLA television, Los Angeles, California, on several occasions, discussing two of his specialties: Team Building and Super Networking.  He was also featured in a PBS special show

about him. He’s appeared on numerous television and radio shows, he has authored myriad articles. Dr. Kaye is an internally acclaimed lecturer, having presented seminars and workshops in Australia, France, Japan, and Russia, as well as in the United States. He’s also a faculty member of CEO Space. At the Chopra Center, in La Costa, California, he spoke about: Consciousness, Cooperation, and Contribution— thriving in the developing recession. Richard has a reputation as the business growth strategist, and is the author of the highly acclaimed book: The Secrets of Creating Customers For Life. He speaks around the nation about the Secrets of Empowering Negotiation. Richard resides in Taos, New Mexico.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Howard Brown:

Hello, welcome to Shining Brightly. It's your

Howard Brown:

host, Howard Brown extraordinaire. And we are

Howard Brown:

Shining Brightly. We're putting the spotlight on Richard Kay

Howard Brown:

today. Welcome, Richard. How are you?

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Outstanding is a beautiful Wednesday. And as I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

said before we started love your background shining brightly and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

grow and sun. Nope. No pun intended. rddrIt's brilliant

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Howard Brown:

not not bad for a rainy day in Michigan. I don't

Howard Brown:

know how you're doing. You're in. You're in Taos, right? You

Howard Brown:

gotta go.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Wedhar got about 80 degrees and blue skies,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

so it's good.

Howard Brown:

I'm telling you, you're gonna fascinate our

Howard Brown:

audience today. Richard, you are such a renaissance man. I, I'd

Howard Brown:

like you to just introduce yourself. Give us some

Howard Brown:

highlights of your your stellar stellar career and

Howard Brown:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

Well, let's see, I started out as

Dr. Richard Kaye:

electronics engineer, got a bachelor's degree in business

Dr. Richard Kaye:

management, got a doctorate in chiropractic, drove from Sandy

Dr. Richard Kaye:

from New York to San Diego, practice chiropractic for 30

Dr. Richard Kaye:

years, and retired. My practice doubled through an

Dr. Richard Kaye:

entrepreneurial conference with touch on that later. And I just

Dr. Richard Kaye:

shut it down. I now live in Taos, New Mexico. And I, when I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

retired, I came out here and began serving entrepreneurs. As

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Tony Robbins says not to impress you, but to impress upon you. I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

even had a PBS special about the work that I was doing as a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

doctor back then. And it's much more fun being an entrepreneur

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and serving entrepreneurs. And that's my life. That's what I

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Howard Brown:

You're talking to a serial technology entrepreneur

Howard Brown:

right here. So I'm audience number one for you today. And I

Howard Brown:

appreciate that. I know what we talked about a couple of

Howard Brown:

different topics. And I think we'll have to have you on enough

Howard Brown:

thriving during the pandemic another time. Today, we're going

Howard Brown:

to focus on secrets of empowering negotiations. I think

Howard Brown:

that is such a lost art and skill. It can be learned and it

Howard Brown:

needs to be practised. And how did you how did you come up with

Howard Brown:

that topic. And and I believe it's really important, and it

Howard Brown:

needs to be learned learn skill and in practice,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you know, it's interesting, when I looked back

Dr. Richard Kaye:

to see how I got to the place of teaching that my job as an

Dr. Richard Kaye:

engineer, we were selling to the government, were government

Dr. Richard Kaye:

contractors back then, negotiating with vendors,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiating with government inspectors, those kinds of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

things that I didn't know what I was doing. I know most people do

Dr. Richard Kaye:

not learn negotiation, they just do it now give you some examples

Dr. Richard Kaye:

of that. Then I became a doctor. And in the early days, I was

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiating with insurance companies and patients to keep

Dr. Richard Kaye:

coming in and steal vendors. And then I shifted to a cash

Dr. Richard Kaye:

practice because you're responsible for your health, no

Dr. Richard Kaye:

one else's. So that was totally cash is still negotiating with

Dr. Richard Kaye:

patients. Then when I shut that and the negotiating to buy my

Dr. Richard Kaye:

land, and I'll tell the story about that, too. So you can put

Dr. Richard Kaye:

this all real time and working with entrepreneurs.Everything we

Dr. Richard Kaye:

do, Howard, everything is in negotiation. And ladies and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

gentlemen, let's bring that home for you. First negotiation you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

have is with yourself every single morning, watch this. When

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you awaken, it's gonna get out of bed. Oh, boy, hang out here

Dr. Richard Kaye:

for a little while. That's your first negotiation. So I began to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

develop this. And quite frankly, someone asked me, Richard, why

Dr. Richard Kaye:

don't you teach what you do? I said, What? No, your gift is one

Dr. Richard Kaye:

of the things that you do that you don't understand why

Dr. Richard Kaye:

everybody doesn't do. So I was invited to put together a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

programme or teach it all over the country teacher to the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

world's number one rated business conference called CEO

Dr. Richard Kaye:

space. That's what I do. That's the Genesis. That's the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

backstory on how we get here, Howard.

Howard Brown:

I know I appreciate that. I will tell you

Howard Brown:

that sometimes there's alternative factors, like my dog

Howard Brown:

wanting to go out early in the morning that makes the decision

Howard Brown:

for me. There's my negotiation that goes out or PS pees on the

Howard Brown:

floor. Right.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

So he's a better negotiator in that sense.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Sense. Yes.

Howard Brown:

Yes, he is. So you know, negotiations is taught

Howard Brown:

there's, there's practices out there, but there's got to be

Howard Brown:

some secret sauce. What's some of your secret sauce that you

Howard Brown:

bring to the table?

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Well, interesting question. Most

Dr. Richard Kaye:

people when we think about negotiation, it's I went in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

reverse. Now that that's the culture I used to teach i When

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you when level two, and that's nice now, and we'll talk about

Dr. Richard Kaye:

this too, that if you're just negotiating on price, somebody's

Dr. Richard Kaye:

going to feel that in when, and we'll talk about how many other

Dr. Richard Kaye:

things are out there. Then I talked about level three

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation, which is I win, you win, and our cohort wins. So is

Dr. Richard Kaye:

it a secret sauce? I don't know. It's just the world that I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

choose to live in. Let's say I love level four. Level four is

Dr. Richard Kaye:

your is this positivity Street and shining brightly? Because I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

would say that most of the experience that I see in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiations is a lose, lose. And if they want a high price,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you want a low price, and you split the difference. You both

Dr. Richard Kaye:

lost. So let me give you a story. I mentioned I lived in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

San Diego. And I don't know 2530 minutes from Tijuana. The

Dr. Richard Kaye:

culture in Tijuana is your handle, you negotiate for

Dr. Richard Kaye:

everything. So my then wife and I went down to send to Tijuana,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and we saw a wrought iron plant rack that we knew just where it

Dr. Richard Kaye:

would go in the kitchen. And I asked the guy how much he says

Dr. Richard Kaye:

20 bucks. That's okay. 10 Okay, 1995, 10 1/4 we do this. We get

Dr. Richard Kaye:

to the place where it's 15 at 151/2 15.75 15 and a half.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Arlene taps me Lucius given the friggin quarter. Let's get out

Dr. Richard Kaye:

of here. we learned through stories. And by the way, ladies

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and gentlemen, later on in this segment, we're going to give you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

some free gifts that have the potential to transform your

Dr. Richard Kaye:

life. Many years ago, Howard, young man, a friend of mine

Dr. Richard Kaye:

called me up. He's rich, I'd like to teach what you do. This

Dr. Richard Kaye:

was in chiropractic. But yeah, I'd like you to teach what you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

do. I have a series of seminars and you'd be a wonderful fit.We

Dr. Richard Kaye:

talked about where when how long I would have he'll cover

Dr. Richard Kaye:

expenses. He was going to fly me to San Francisco, Chicago.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Orlando spreading our friends and family. So someone's going

Dr. Richard Kaye:

to pay me to go teach and visit family and friends. How cool.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

And ultimately I asked him well, Jay, how much are you paying? He

Dr. Richard Kaye:

says, Well, I'm going to pay you $500 A city as a long, long time

Dr. Richard Kaye:

ago. Seven words, Howard. You'll have to do better than that.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Ladies and gentlemen. Pause. Get something to write with. Write

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that down. You'll have to do better than that. Without

Dr. Richard Kaye:

missing a beat. How are Howard, Jay said, are the best I can

Dr. Richard Kaye:

offer you as $1,000? Howard would what just happened? I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

doubled what he was paying me or he doubled what he was paying

Dr. Richard Kaye:

me. Now, there is an antidote to that. The antidote, keep those

Dr. Richard Kaye:

writing six ready is exactly how much better do I have to do? Now

Dr. Richard Kaye:

watch this. If Jay had taken this programme, and learn the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

antidote, if I said you'll have to do better and he said, How

Dr. Richard Kaye:

much better do I have to do? How would if you were in that same

Dr. Richard Kaye:

situation, someone said how much better do I have to do what

Dr. Richard Kaye:

might you have said

Howard Brown:


Howard Brown:

If I might have said that I normally charge, you know, but

Howard Brown:

for you, you put the onus back on me to set that price ceiling.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Exactly. I might have said, six 650, maybe

Dr. Richard Kaye:

seven, I never would have doubled it. No. So it doesn't

Dr. Richard Kaye:

make a difference whether you're buying or selling. Years ago, I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

had my Jeep Grand Cherokee and the rear transaxle. Blown. And I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

went to pick it up and I said, Doc, how much he showed me the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

bill 1500. I said, and write this down. This is another

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation tip. What's the best price you can do? he said 1500.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Okay, you have to be able to accept that as an answer. He's

Dr. Richard Kaye:

still my mechanic. So little independent guy. And, okay.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Ladies and gentlemen, anytime you do any of these negotiation

Dr. Richard Kaye:

strategies, have a smile on your face and be gentle. Don't be

Dr. Richard Kaye:

obnoxious. That's what gets all of us in trouble. So you have

Dr. Richard Kaye:

two skills there, you'll have to do better than this. And the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

antidote, exactly how much better the lightest, what's the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

best price you can do? I have a philosophy how it never hurts to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

ask me Doc said 1500. Okay, here's my credit card. Many

Dr. Richard Kaye:

people think you can only negotiate it personally. Or if

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you're buying artwork or something like that. You

Dr. Richard Kaye:

remember the days we used to wear suits and ties.

Howard Brown:

I just went to a wedding. Actually, I went to a

Howard Brown:

wedding two weeks ago, I throw on the suit and tie. That was

Howard Brown:

the that was the first time in a while.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

I used to negotiate and Nordstroms when I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

was buying suits. Now, again, ladies and gentlemen, I'm gonna

Dr. Richard Kaye:

give you an example. So you understand how this works. I've

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiated in Best Buy, where a Nordstrom is, they're not going

Dr. Richard Kaye:

to change the price. But the sales lady said, Well, I can't

Dr. Richard Kaye:

do anything in the price. But what if I throw in a couple of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

shirts works for me. You know, And I asked to sell the young

Dr. Richard Kaye:

kid. And I said what's the best price you can do in this. And he

Dr. Richard Kaye:

panicked, says I thought it was a sale. So I can't do anything

Dr. Richard Kaye:

with it. But I can give you this and he gave me this and he gave

Dr. Richard Kaye:

me this and he gave us probably three $400 worth of peripherals

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that go with it. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm telling you these

Dr. Richard Kaye:

stories so that you can understand it's not just

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiating a contract. You negotiated with yourself, Howard

Dr. Richard Kaye:

am I going to wear a suit which suit which tie which shirt. If

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you view the world through that lens that changes doesn't.

Howard Brown:

I would say when I moved to Michigan, this is now

Howard Brown:

17 years ago, but I went to Best Buy. And I actually bought a big

Howard Brown:

screen TV as well. And I asked the the sales rep to if he had

Howard Brown:

authority to negotiate. So this is the this is a Richard Kay

Howard Brown:

great story because you all appreciate it. And he said,

Howard Brown:

And they said, Well, that does change the game. And we lowered

Howard Brown:

the price on both of them and threw in free installation.

Howard Brown:

Congratulations. So I executed the Richard K model there but 17

Howard Brown:

years ago, and then I'm reminded Richard, this is fun. You'll get

Howard Brown:

a kick out of this. So there's a young little boy, he puts a sign

Howard Brown:

in front of his house and he says the dog the mother dog just

Howard Brown:

had puppies and he says I'm going to sell a $500 puppy and

Howard Brown:

his mother's like you sure that's what it's worth the $500

Howard Brown:

for a puppy sounds a lot he goes nope, I'm gonna do it. So he

Howard Brown:

come in every day after school that anyone asked about for the

Howard Brown:

$500 Puppies, and nope, nope, nope. A week goes by and the

Howard Brown:

sign is still up there. And the little boy runs into the kitchen

Howard Brown:

to see his mom with the sign. And he said, Mom, I got someone

Howard Brown:

to, you know, to take the puppy. And she was like, shocked. She

Howard Brown:

said, Someone paid $500 for one of these puppies. He said, No,

Howard Brown:

he goes, I traded for two $250 cats.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

That's a great story. That is a wonderful,

Howard Brown:

so I just reinforces what you're saying, I

Howard Brown:

have to say that you're bringing it down to a much basic level of

Howard Brown:

what you do. Because people think about going around a table

Howard Brown:

and sitting across the table in negotiations. And it's not that

Howard Brown:

it's everyday interactions. I'm about to have a big negotiation

Howard Brown:

about what's for dinner with my wife.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

That's it. That's the when you view the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

world through that lens, and your laughter. It's funny. I you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

may be old enough to remember a television show called Rhoda. It

Dr. Richard Kaye:

was a spin off for The Mary Tyler Moore Show. And Rhoda

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Morgenstern was, and her boyfriend Joe is in her

Dr. Richard Kaye:

apartment. And he says she's going to come home. And she's

Dr. Richard Kaye:

going to say this. And I'm going to say this. And she's going to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

say this. And this is I'm having an argument with myself, and I'm

Dr. Richard Kaye:

losing. I send out emails about some of the work I do in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation. And a woman wrote back and said, I work with

Dr. Richard Kaye:

solopreneurs that I have no need for your work because they don't

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

I, I couldn't laugh at her. I was email anyway. And I presume

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and I wrote back. And in text, I told the story that I just

Dr. Richard Kaye:

shared with the viewers here about doubling what someone was

Dr. Richard Kaye:

paying me. I said everything is negotiation, and solopreneurs

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiate more than anybody else. Never heard back from her,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

of course. So anytime you've been in negotiation, ladies and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

gentlemen, someone says, I'll have to think about it. Of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

course you have, whether you are you've said it, you're going to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

buy a car and the salesperson gives you a question I think

Dr. Richard Kaye:

about it, or you're selling something and I don't care what

Dr. Richard Kaye:

your business is, you're selling a workshop, a programme, a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

seminar, your artwork, your house, some still have think

Dr. Richard Kaye:

about it. Well, at the end of this programme, I'm going to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

give you a gift that is a PDF download. And how to get around

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that to the other side of that as part of it's a 14 page PDF.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

And it's got five tips from the secrets of empowering

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation. And another story, Howard about negotiation when I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

came out here to Taos 20 years ago, and bought 80 acres. And my

Dr. Richard Kaye:

then wife and I said that someday we'll move here. Well,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

someday happened. She got a job as the assistant district

Dr. Richard Kaye:

attorney and they said be here in two weeks. It was raw land

Dr. Richard Kaye:

off grid we didn't have time to build. So we bought a home.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Divorce. I mean, sold 40 divorce, she got 20 I got 20.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

And I've had it on the market for a while. And one day a guy

Dr. Richard Kaye:

calls me up, he says so you notice on the bulletin board,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

can I come out and take a look? So I drove him out there and he

Dr. Richard Kaye:

says I'm buying it. I'm gonna take you through some numbers,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

but don't get lost in the numbers because it's a concept

Dr. Richard Kaye:

we're talking here. It was 26, five an acre. And we'll talk

Dr. Richard Kaye:

about that in a moment. Not 20, not $2,650, but 26 Five an acre.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

And so at 20 acres, it's about 52 to $53,000 total. The terms

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that I offered him were $15,000 down and paying it out over

Dr. Richard Kaye:

three years. Conversation conversation. He says can I put

Dr. Richard Kaye:

$5,000 down? Sure. Can I pay it out over five years? I said,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Okay. He says, and then another conversation? Well, I need

Dr. Richard Kaye:

capital for he just moved here and he says I need liquidity.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Can I do no money down? And as owner financing.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

He's got no money down. First payment starts in less than a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

month starts at the beginning of next month. So it's 2000

Dr. Richard Kaye:

something a month, upfront load. He's got no money down and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

deferred payment for two months. Well, ladies and gentlemen, if I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

was in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

intransigent on point $15,000 down and no three years might

Dr. Richard Kaye:

not have sold them. He wanted it so much. And we'll talk about

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that time permitting. He wanted it so much that he was willing

Dr. Richard Kaye:

to pay 20% More than I was asking solopreneurs don't

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiate, people negotiate everything you do, oh,

Howard Brown:

he needed more time. He needed some on the

Howard Brown:

upfront and he wanted more time extended from the three or two

Howard Brown:

or three years to five. And for that there's a there's a cost.

Howard Brown:

There's a price that you apply today.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

So yes, it's my for me, it's outstanding.

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

It's just a demonstration that when you get off the thing of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

price only? Where can you go with this virtually anywhere?

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Now, I mentioned that dollars, I said it's not 26, not $2,650 and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

equals 26. Five or 2650. The word dollars has a huge

Dr. Richard Kaye:

emotional anchor. Someone once asked me why I don't know. But

Dr. Richard Kaye:

we grow up with dollars, dollars dollars, everything is dollars.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

When you use the word dollars, it amplifies the value of the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

employees the emotion. And because of that the value.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

University of Chicago I believe it was many years ago did a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

survey. How have you been to restaurants? Yes.

Howard Brown:

I mean, not as much during COVID. Now, but

Howard Brown:

we're getting back there.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

When you look at a menu, what's the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

overwhelming thing that pops up? Dozens

Howard Brown:

is usually hopefully if it's a good menu,

Howard Brown:

there's the scription, but that you'll see the price always on

Howard Brown:

the right side of it or right below the description of the

Howard Brown:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

And what's right before the price is $1

Dr. Richard Kaye:

sign. That's right. Dollars dot and they're flooding you.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

University did research, they remove dollar signs from the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

menus, same menu, no dollar signs. What do you think

Dr. Richard Kaye:

happened to their sales?

Howard Brown:

It probably went up because people didn't. That

Howard Brown:

dollar sign is kind of a negative connotation, I guess. I

Howard Brown:

mean, things used to be like 999 or 95. I'm now seeing $97. Or

Howard Brown:

they're the 99 is now you know, some type of a negative

Howard Brown:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

it yes and no, it's psychology. You know, you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

look at the gas. And if it's fourth 457 99, you don't say you

Dr. Richard Kaye:

don't say 458. Most people says 457 We tend to round out. But

Dr. Richard Kaye:

the point is, it's the dollar sign. So lose the dollar sign

Dr. Richard Kaye:

when you're selling something and use it when you're buying

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Howard Brown:

And that's interesting with gas because gas

Howard Brown:

here in Michigan is about 529 A gallon over the holiday weekend

Howard Brown:

and in some places 565. And the negotiation I had was do I want

Howard Brown:

to wait in line for Costco or Kroger gas at eight cents less,

Howard Brown:

or use the upside card and save another eight cents and go

Howard Brown:

through that and plug it in and pay less or stop off at the idea

Howard Brown:

that the gas station that's a mile down the road and then pull

Howard Brown:

right in and pump and pay pay full price. So

Dr. Richard Kaye:

again, ladies and gentlemen, a beautiful

Dr. Richard Kaye:

example of our internal negotiation. That's all it is

Dr. Richard Kaye:

everything you've heard me say this everything is in

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation. So there's also an antidote to the dollar signs, by

Dr. Richard Kaye:

the way. And I said use it to amplify whether you're buying or

Dr. Richard Kaye:

selling, if any of you listening happened to be a realtor, for

Dr. Richard Kaye:

example. And you may say, Well, this house is on the market for

Dr. Richard Kaye:

575,000 conspicuous no dollars, and 575,000. Now, ladies and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

gentlemen, when the check clears the bank, you know, it's the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

same amount. The bank doesn't care. However, I have a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

motivated seller, and she may be willing to take $75,000 off,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

which makes it an even whatever I said 500,000. So the dollar

Dr. Richard Kaye:

sign is absent in the offer and totally present in the reduction

Dr. Richard Kaye:

because you're now amplifying the number the emotional weight

Dr. Richard Kaye:

of that. And when when you download the gift that Howard

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Howard asked me so I'm gonna give you a couple of things

Dr. Richard Kaye:

here. One of them is again, those five tips. And there are

Dr. Richard Kaye:

five things that I promise you won't do anything for you unless

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you read them. You know how many of us are on webinars, podcasts

Dr. Richard Kaye:

seminars, and you get free stuff, and you download it. And

Dr. Richard Kaye:

a day later you don't even remember Are you download? So

Dr. Richard Kaye:

this is an invitation to take the opportunity and transform

Dr. Richard Kaye:

your life. I'd like to believe you're getting some valuable

Dr. Richard Kaye:

information. I just didn't say write it down when we talked

Dr. Richard Kaye:

about dollars, but hopefully you did. It's a wealth of

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Howard Brown:

You got to apply it, you got it, as you know it,

Howard Brown:

you got to take action and apply it. So hopefully a good

Howard Brown:

percentage will and tell me how to if you've been in some

Howard Brown:

negotiations, Richard, that just, you can't seem to break

Howard Brown:

the deadlock or you have always found a way

Dr. Richard Kaye:

outstanding questions like getting my, my,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

my jeep repaired. Sometimes you have to accept the outcome. And

Dr. Richard Kaye:

what we have to learn is when to walk away, how committed are

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you? And I alluded to this earlier, this guy is was

Dr. Richard Kaye:

committed to buying the land, he sends me pictures every day of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

cornice planting, that's all for it was beautiful, was 700 feet

Dr. Richard Kaye:

out here. And his off grid and his wants to plant corn what he

Dr. Richard Kaye:

was so committed, he couldn't walk away from the deal. Now I

Dr. Richard Kaye:

made it easier for him to stay present. Now. If you are so

Dr. Richard Kaye:

committed to have something, you have already lost the

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiation. Friend of mine was an ER doc back in San Diego and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

a Datsun 280. Z came out and you say gotta have it to why Steve?

Dr. Richard Kaye:

I just wanted his wife thought he was crazy. Also the overpaid

Dr. Richard Kaye:

for it, because it was the first addition. And he had to have it.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Ladies and gentlemen, if you have to have something

Dr. Richard Kaye:

reevaluate in any negotiation is like how are you going to

Dr. Richard Kaye:

negotiate with your wife tonight over dinner, you know, and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

there's fun in that you can have the relationship or you can be

Dr. Richard Kaye:

right. In business, you can have the deal or you can be right.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

This is the only thing get satisfied the ego. And the ego.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Ego is a friend Joe Bower says your your ego is not your Amigo,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

you got to get rid of it. You got to get rid of it. It will

Dr. Richard Kaye:

serve you in the worst ways.

Howard Brown:

So I have a few friends that went on the Tesla

Howard Brown:

waiting list and they paid whatever, charge them and they

Howard Brown:

got their their Tesla, six months, eight months a year

Howard Brown:

later. And they're pretty proud of it. But again, if you they

Howard Brown:

put themselves in a disadvantaged position, but

Howard Brown:

that's what they chose. They had to have it. So you know, you

Howard Brown:

have to evaluate that tremendous.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Yeah, and they get bragging rights, which

Dr. Richard Kaye:

nobody cares about.

Howard Brown:

Wow, they do, I guess but so fantastic. For it

Howard Brown:

can apply to to husband wife negotiations, your children,

Howard Brown:

business partners, I think it really has great applicability.

Howard Brown:

And I think that these these giveaways, which will include

Howard Brown:

the links to them, it's really important. And then those those

Howard Brown:

words is that I just now have to apply it. Because that's that

Howard Brown:

that that really is the thing that you just skip over. You

Howard Brown:

just go and you press the buy button, and you're talking to a

Howard Brown:

computer, right? You're buying something on Amazon, there's

Howard Brown:

you're negotiating with either to get free shipping or not

Howard Brown:

apply. Yeah. limits your options.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Yeah. And I want to speak to one other

Dr. Richard Kaye:

thing, because and I mentioned earlier, a couple of different

Dr. Richard Kaye:

gifts. Yes. I said my practice doubled. And I went to this

Dr. Richard Kaye:

conference named CEO space,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

the world's largest oldest Forbes magazine, citizen number

Dr. Richard Kaye:

one business conference. And I came home, I didn't change

Dr. Richard Kaye:

prices, I didn't change anything in the office, my practice

Dr. Richard Kaye:

doubled. And I assure you my BS degree in business management is

Dr. Richard Kaye:

not the reason why because that's just that that's BS,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that's I learned how to go have a job. So the other thing,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Howard that I'm going to give you and your audience is 30 days

Dr. Richard Kaye:

free membership, when we used to do live programmes, it was seven

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and a half $1,000. And we fed everyone three meals a day and

Dr. Richard Kaye:

snacks for a week, which was more than the room rental and AV

Dr. Richard Kaye:

and all that stuff. Well, we now do stuff online. So I'm giving

Dr. Richard Kaye:

your audience free membership for 30 days. And yeah, it'll

Dr. Richard Kaye:

blow your mind is what happens.

Howard Brown:

I like that try before you buy see if it's for

Howard Brown:

you see if you want to take it seriously. Yeah, I think that's

Howard Brown:

amazing, amazing offer. So I I'd like to see how do people get in

Howard Brown:

touch with you Richard? What's the best way if after they're

Howard Brown:

hearing this they want to actually you know, talk to the

Howard Brown:

man the myth. You know the negotiating legend Richard Kay,

Howard Brown:

well, your website's on your on your on your

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Yeah, and when you ladies and gentlemen And

Dr. Richard Kaye:

when you go to either of those places, the free tips or the one

Dr. Richard Kaye:

month free, there's a place to enter your phone number. And it

Dr. Richard Kaye:

says, if you'd like to have a business strategy conversation,

Dr. Richard Kaye:

reach out, and I'll call you or sit, we'll set up an

Dr. Richard Kaye:


Dr. Richard Kaye:


Dr. Richard Kaye:

So reach out email. Again, put your phone number in one of

Dr. Richard Kaye:

those I'll share another funny story. How do I have an email

Dr. Richard Kaye:

with my name? Ladies and gentlemen, if you can secure

Dr. Richard Kaye:

that, that's cool. I checked it over and over again some

Dr. Richard Kaye:

mathematician some high level math guy had it. And I just kept

Dr. Richard Kaye:

checking looking for the expiration date and one day he

Dr. Richard Kaye:

forgot to renew now that yet actually my email my domains

Dr. Richard Kaye:

right on the name there. That's another thing. If you have a

Dr. Richard Kaye:

domain like that is just marketing tips. Put it every

Dr. Richard Kaye:

time you're on a chat so people can get in touch with you.

Howard Brown:

Absolutely and shiningbrightly.com And you'll

Howard Brown:

find me So Richard, this has been an absolute pleasure. I

Howard Brown:

always want to put on my glasses because you're shining so

Howard Brown:

brightly with amazing information about negotiation so

Howard Brown:

important today. I want to thank you I amazing stories and when

Howard Brown:

this publishes, we're going to share it all around social media

Howard Brown:

and people get back in touch with you. But thank you, thank

Howard Brown:

you. Thank you invaluable advice today, and I'm grateful for

Howard Brown:

having you on Shining Brightly.

Dr. Richard Kaye:

Thank you for the opportunity, Howard. Stay