June 28, 2023

Embrace Your BLISS with Joanna Tress

Embrace Your BLISS with Joanna Tress

Can you ACHIEVE HAPPINESS, SUCCESS AND BLISS in your life? YES! In Episode 33 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show – EMBRACE YOUR BLISS, I welcome the singer, songwriter, actress, musician and coach to share and teach us the path to positive living each moment and each day! Get ready she does some singing to kick it up a bit! We learn the S-T-A-R-T method along with the Five-Dimensional Experience. Come watch, listen, download, review and share this fun and lively show! Keep shining always!

Mentioned Resources –

· Website: https://mattanna.org/

· Social media links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanna-tress-mattanna5dx/

· https://www.facebook.com/tress.joanna

· https://www.instagram.com/joannatress/

· Giveaway - Text "Creative" to 407-577-5413 and I'll send you a copy of "The Creative's Creed," an affirmation to read out loud that helps you embrace your awesomeness. 

About the guest –  

Joanna Tress is a singer, songwriter, actress, and musician based in Orlando Florida, who liberates the creative or performing artist inside each one of us so that we can enjoy more fun, freedom and satisfaction in life as our authentic selves. Her company, Mattanna.org, hosts Five-Dimensional Experiences to help men and women of all backgrounds tap into positive creative energy and express themselves in whatever artistic way they desire.

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.

Website: Http://www.shiningbrightly.com

Social Media

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/howard.brown.36

LinkedIn - https://wwwlinkedin.com/in/howardsbrown

Instagram - @howard.brown.36

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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown Welcome to the Shining

Howard Brown:

Brightly Show. I am thrilled oh we are in force of

Howard Brown:

entertainment. We are going to embrace our bliss with Joanna

Howard Brown:

Tress today how are you?

Joanna Tress:

Hello Hello Howard I'm doing so well and so excited

Joanna Tress:

to be here with you today this shine brightly with you.

Howard Brown:

We are going to shine together. You're looking

Howard Brown:

glamorous. Let me tell let me tell my audience about you

Howard Brown:

because I have to tell you, I am so captivated by you because you

Howard Brown:

are so talented. You do it all you do it all. So let me tell

Howard Brown:

you, Joanna Tress, you are a singer, songwriter, actress,

Howard Brown:

musician, you're based in Orlando, home of Mickey and

Howard Brown:

Minnie and you liberate the Creative and Performing Arts

Howard Brown:

inside each one of us so that we can enjoy more fun, who doesn't

Howard Brown:

want more fun, right? I want more fun, right? And freedom and

Howard Brown:

satisfaction in life, to be our authentic selves. Why that's

Howard Brown:

important. Your company marciana.org It hosts the five

Howard Brown:

dimensional experiences to help men and women of all backgrounds

Howard Brown:

tap into their positive creative energy express themselves in

Howard Brown:

whatever artistic way they desire. Oh my goodness, that is

Howard Brown:

powerful. So what I want you to do is to add on, tell me

Howard Brown:

something more and also share something that we may not know

Howard Brown:

about you something that is a little bit of a secret that we

Howard Brown:

got to let the world know about you.

Joanna Tress:

One of my favourite movies is Coal Miner's

Joanna Tress:

Daughter. The story of up starts with an L. O country music

Joanna Tress:

superstar. It was amazing. She got married when she was 13.

Joanna Tress:

Loretta Lynn Loretta Lynn, the legend got married at 13 started

Joanna Tress:

having babies. Her husband she called them due. He really

Joanna Tress:

believed in her and helped set her up for success. But my

Joanna Tress:

favourite scene is when she's on the porch with her guitar next

Joanna Tress:

to a washing machine old fashioned style. And she's

Joanna Tress:

plucking out tunes and sings with like three or four babies

Joanna Tress:

crawling all over her. It but she's making songs and the

Joanna Tress:

washer sort of stops she's got to kick it to keep it sucking

Joanna Tress:

away I love that are singing while she's planting that movies

Joanna Tress:

so so much about me it reflects me in my life. You know being a

Joanna Tress:

mom. But being created in no circumstance can stop you from

Joanna Tress:

being who you truly were born to be. And she's a singer and

Joanna Tress:

songwriter from the from the get go, regardless of her background

Joanna Tress:

as Coal Miner's Daughter. So that's something maybe people

Joanna Tress:

don't know. Coal Miner's Daughter, whoa, wow, I

Howard Brown:

have to go rewatch it because I haven't seen it for

Howard Brown:

so many years. But wow, I didn't see that comment. So that's

Howard Brown:

exciting. Oh, God, but you saw her talent and it spoke to you.

Howard Brown:

And you emulated that and embraced it. So I actually

Howard Brown:

really love that. So I have to tell you that in getting to know

Howard Brown:

you, you try to help people make their dreams come true. Tell me

Howard Brown:

a little bit about the background. How does that work?

Joanna Tress:

Alright, so that is because many times you'll

Joanna Tress:

we're young, we have so many ideas, you know, what do you

Joanna Tress:

want to be when you grow up? A ballerina an astronaut, a

Joanna Tress:

fireman or scientist, right? So young people are encouraged to

Joanna Tress:

just say, hey, we can do what ever we set our minds to do. And

Joanna Tress:

the your creativity is nurtured in so many ways. Just the public

Joanna Tress:

school system alone gives you an opportunity to find out what you

Joanna Tress:

truly love and what you're good at and experiment and then go

Joanna Tress:

showcase it, we applaud them. But what happens when we get a

Joanna Tress:

little older, we get into our career we get into our

Joanna Tress:

relationships with nificant others kids come along

Joanna Tress:

responsibilities of adulting those bills the rent the

Joanna Tress:

mortgage, okay, wait a minute now? Are we still nurturing

Joanna Tress:

creativity, or always still nurturing or this artistic

Joanna Tress:

expression? For the most part? No. And we all know that most

Joanna Tress:

people have a story where they excelled and showed interest in

Joanna Tress:

something or passion and something earlier on in their

Joanna Tress:

life and go forth and fast forward 123 decades. Where is

Joanna Tress:

that? Where is that dream? Pillow hopes, dreams and

Joanna Tress:

aspirations. They are on a shelf somewhere gathering dust or in a

Joanna Tress:

box somewhere but you down the basement or just on the back

Joanna Tress:

burner of a broken stove of dreams. You know. So that's the

Joanna Tress:

reality for so many people they find themselves stuck and their

Joanna Tress:

reality. It's not the authentic reality. They're not being the

Joanna Tress:

person that they are really naturally He supposed to be that

Joanna Tress:

native creative, like a child with that curiosity and playful

Joanna Tress:

spirit, wanting to explore and just, you know, put a two year

Joanna Tress:

old play some music around a two year old, they're gonna dance,

Joanna Tress:

you know, it's a natural thing so that adulting

Joanna Tress:

responsibilities in our modern world often chokes that and

Joanna Tress:

suppresses it. And then you wonder why is there so much

Joanna Tress:

depression? Why are people so unsatisfied? Why are they? Why

Joanna Tress:

do they binge watching and binge listen and just consuming,

Joanna Tress:

consuming consume other people's creativity, instead of just

Joanna Tress:

naturally maybe producing their own, that is a problem in

Joanna Tress:

society that I would like to solve in my own small way.

Howard Brown:

You know, it's such a valuable point that you

Howard Brown:

make that we get into routine. And then you just can't get out

Howard Brown:

of that routine, right? You go to work, you're taking the kids

Howard Brown:

to soccer practice, you get home, they do their homework,

Howard Brown:

you don't have any time for you and your significant other, and

Howard Brown:

then the next day begins. And same thing. And, you know, we

Howard Brown:

live for those two weeks vacation a year, I have to tell

Howard Brown:

you, that's why a lot of people did the great resignation,

Howard Brown:

they're working from home COVID had us restricted and people are

Howard Brown:

now bouncing out trying to actually get out into nature

Howard Brown:

again, and vie with people again, and but they probably

Howard Brown:

have forgotten their little kid inside of them, that wants to be

Howard Brown:

the astronaut that wanted to be the artists that wanted to be

Howard Brown:

you know, a professional athlete, and those dreams are

Howard Brown:

good dreams, those are things to strive for. And, and we look to

Howard Brown:

not everyone likes to be a role model, but we look to others

Howard Brown:

that are excelling and role model. So that is really cool,

Howard Brown:

creative work to bring that outside of people that have

Howard Brown:

maybe lost it or forgotten about that. And there's some

Howard Brown:

similarities I'll draw because in my book, I call that

Howard Brown:

darkness. And in that darkness, that is the forgotten you, that

Howard Brown:

is the actual place of potentially anxiety and malaise

Howard Brown:

and depression and the stuckness. And I like you want

Howard Brown:

to bring people and bring their light forward, okay to be able

Howard Brown:

to share themselves. And so when you and I are, we are

Howard Brown:

synchronised, yeah. semis to motivate, educate and inspire.

Howard Brown:

So I that's, that's why I really loved it. So who needs this? I'm

Howard Brown:

gonna say everybody needs this. But tell me who to who needs,

Howard Brown:

who needs to actually bring that forth. Now,

Joanna Tress:

the people who know that something's missing.

Joanna Tress:

They have this nagging sense that there's something missing

Joanna Tress:

that they're supposed to do, that they want to do, and they

Joanna Tress:

actually want help. You know how Henry David Thoreau said in

Joanna Tress:

Walden Pond that most people live in a state of quiet

Joanna Tress:

desperation? Yes. You know, so that's what people are, they're

Joanna Tress:

quiet, they're desperate, but they're not really saying it,

Joanna Tress:

they're not calling out for help. They're not necessarily

Joanna Tress:

looking for solutions, or they've given up too soon. These

Joanna Tress:

are people where the, you know, the annual church pageant or, or

Joanna Tress:

karaoke or community theatre is just not quite doing it for

Joanna Tress:

them. Or they go to a little writing workshop at the library,

Joanna Tress:

but they don't have anyone to help them to stay accountable to

Joanna Tress:

their goals and dreams. So you look around what are the

Joanna Tress:

resources that are going to help me to actually live what's in my

Joanna Tress:

heart, to embrace that bliss, that I want to truly be happy.

Joanna Tress:

And when you notice there are a lot available. That's where we

Joanna Tress:

come in? Well, we have this five dimensional experience in

Joanna Tress:

creativity, just a couple of hours, two hours out of your

Joanna Tress:

life, you have a crazy, hectic, busy schedule, we're going to

Joanna Tress:

take two hours of time, to allow you to be in that sacred space

Joanna Tress:

of creativity. It's fun, it's relaxed, it's open, it's fluid,

Joanna Tress:

it's about getting energy. It's about building up the energy

Joanna Tress:

that it takes that inspires to creativity lets you know what's

Joanna Tress:

possible. We're going to meet you where you are right now. And

Joanna Tress:

help you to see what you can do. And you'd be surprised at how a

Joanna Tress:

childhood dream can actually come true when you're innovative

Joanna Tress:

and creative about the way that you bring it out. So you don't

Joanna Tress:

have to take lessons and to learn this and that. Let's see

Joanna Tress:

what we can do with what we have. And by creating a

Joanna Tress:

community of like minded and like hearted people. We're gonna

Joanna Tress:

help one another lift each other up and share to help make it

Joanna Tress:

happen for yourself. So who needs it? It is anyone who who

Joanna Tress:

knows that they need it. They recognise, you know, instead of

Joanna Tress:

being asleep, you know, they're actually awake. And they're

Joanna Tress:

looking, okay, I need some help. And then I want to, I want to be

Joanna Tress:

an answer to somebody's prayers.

Howard Brown:

Well, for I love that now say amen. But I want to

Howard Brown:

pull out one thing that you said, that's the heart of this,

Howard Brown:

you create a sacred space of creativity. And that's the

Howard Brown:

power. It's really powerful. And do you do this? I'm pretty sure

Howard Brown:

you do this for men and women. Also couples?

Joanna Tress:

Yes, absolutely. In fact, I've had several, I've

Joanna Tress:

had several couples have participated. They said, this is

Joanna Tress:

a great date night, they thought it was a fun date night, they

Joanna Tress:

got to know each other. Because when you're participating, this

Joanna Tress:

you're learning about each other, you might share something

Joanna Tress:

that your mate didn't even know was in your heart, it was an

Joanna Tress:

idea that you had. So it is Yep, it's for men, women, couples,

Joanna Tress:

whatever your background is, these principles can help

Joanna Tress:

everyone in whatever situation they are to get to the next

Joanna Tress:

level and see, well, what's next for me about truly embracing the

Joanna Tress:

happiness through creativity that I seek.

Howard Brown:

Right, so So let's dive into it. So the five, you

Howard Brown:

know, dimensions, okay, and I want you to take me through this

Howard Brown:

five step method and just choose it, you know, to tell me through

Howard Brown:

and tell the audience there have kind of what they would kind of,

Howard Brown:

you know, expect when they come join you and join this

Howard Brown:


Joanna Tress:

Very good, very good. And so we use the

Joanna Tress:

principle of five in a number of different ways. First of all

Joanna Tress:

five dimensional, it means it's going to touch on all of our

Joanna Tress:

five basic physical senses. So of sight, touch, taste, smell,

Joanna Tress:

and sound, because that's a full body experience. So that's one

Joanna Tress:

way that we touch on, you know, five dimensionals. And, of

Joanna Tress:

course, is beyond the three dimensionals. You know, it's

Joanna Tress:

another way it has that bet, power that energy behind it.

Joanna Tress:

Now, with the five step system, we it has an acronym of start S

Joanna Tress:

T A R T, because the result is after you go through the five

Joanna Tress:

steps, you are ready to get something started. And we're

Joanna Tress:

gonna help you with that. So the first letter S stands for story.

Joanna Tress:

What is the story that you would like to tell? It could be

Joanna Tress:

something that actually happened, it could be something

Joanna Tress:

you learned about externally that fascinates you that you'd

Joanna Tress:

like to delve in and share and develop. And it could be it

Joanna Tress:

could be fiction, whatever it is, that's it, every art form

Joanna Tress:

starts with a story, it tells a story, whether it's a painting,

Joanna Tress:

or a song, whatever it is, so figure out what story you'd like

Joanna Tress:

to share. Then the T is the tableau. Tableau in theatre is

Joanna Tress:

sort of when everyone is frozen in time for a moment, you know,

Joanna Tress:

like this. Yeah. And then the narrator, maybe tell some

Joanna Tress:

background around me that Tableau because a tableau, it

Joanna Tress:

shows you what something looks like. So when you create a

Joanna Tress:

tableau sort of vision board sort of touch into that, this is

Joanna Tress:

what it looks like, this is what it sounds like. This is the way

Joanna Tress:

that I'm going to tell the story. I'm going to tell the

Joanna Tress:

story through a book, I'm going to tell the story through a

Joanna Tress:

ballet, I'm going to tell the story through a musical theatre

Joanna Tress:

production, you see, so you're gonna choose how are you going

Joanna Tress:

to share this story? It could be a piece of fashion, it could be

Joanna Tress:

a quilt, you see. So when you say no, what is it? What is it

Joanna Tress:

going to look like? What elements are we going to

Joanna Tress:

include? So that people will be able to see this message that

Joanna Tress:

the story has, that's what the T the tableau is. The A is an

Joanna Tress:

assessment of what you have to bring to the table to offer.

Joanna Tress:

What do you already have? In your head, in your heart? In

Joanna Tress:

your hands? What do you have to in your own skill set and gifts

Joanna Tress:

to us to tell this story? In the way that you want to tell it? So

Joanna Tress:

that's the assessment. Some people say audition? No, no,

Joanna Tress:

it's it's an assessment focusing on what you have. Not what you

Joanna Tress:

don't have not what you want, or wish you had. No, let's see what

Joanna Tress:

is now. The after the assessment, that's what we get

Joanna Tress:

into resources. See, I like to use illustration, if somebody

Joanna Tress:

wanted to be you know, a rock star playing that lead to car

Joanna Tress:

just sure and in that guitar. Yay. Yeah. You know, okay. And

Joanna Tress:

guess what if they can't even play one chord on the guitar,

Joanna Tress:

okay. But the thing is with the Reese versus if you want to tell

Joanna Tress:

your song your you want to tell your story? Well, you'll find

Joanna Tress:

somebody else who strikes that guitar, they're going to stand

Joanna Tress:

in for you, you're going to pose with the guitar, while you have

Joanna Tress:

the music in the background and you're going to, you're going to

Joanna Tress:

mind you're going to act it out, see, there's there are different

Joanna Tress:

ways doing it. So see, when we look at resources, you see, what

Joanna Tress:

group what producer, what, editor, whatever it is, you see,

Joanna Tress:

it takes time to do research, just like you do research. I

Joanna Tress:

love Howard, how you research your guests, you want to get to

Joanna Tress:

know us and share us you want to help us to shine brightly, I

Joanna Tress:

just love all the information you shared with me. And I was so

Joanna Tress:

touched by how you thoroughly looked at my website, right. And

Joanna Tress:

that's the same thing, being resourceful. That's something I

Joanna Tress:

have a background with journalism and research, you

Joanna Tress:

know, a lot of us have touched into research skills, you know,

Joanna Tress:

I was a virtual assistant, I'm gonna help you dig up some

Joanna Tress:

resources, I'm gonna help you think of some ideas that

Joanna Tress:

brainstorming of how we're going to take this dream and make it a

Joanna Tress:

reality. And then the T. Sta, RT is for trial, we are going to

Joanna Tress:

have a way of sharing this idea with the world in some form or

Joanna Tress:

fashion. In my intensive programme with daily

Joanna Tress:

accountability, it's six weeks, I promise, we're going to have

Joanna Tress:

something out there to share within six weeks. So that's it

Joanna Tress:

and put it together. And it's stucked, five steps to make that

Joanna Tress:

dream come true to embracing your bliss.

Howard Brown:

This is a great acronym. Oh, wow. I don't want

Howard Brown:

to give away the whole programme, they'll come seek you

Howard Brown:

out after what we'll find out. But that's beautiful. Thank you

Howard Brown:

for that. And taking us through start and to embrace the bliss.

Howard Brown:

It's It's terrific. So I guess my natural question is the kind

Howard Brown:

of What's your why you've chosen to do this now and to make

Howard Brown:

people's dreams come true. Why? Why do you want to do this?

Joanna Tress:

Because I know that there are people who are

Joanna Tress:

like me, I was my ideal client. Back when I was in my mid 30s,

Joanna Tress:

early 30s. I had the biggest gig of my life in 2005 when I was

Joanna Tress:

part of the opening act for air supply or the 70 supergroup on

Joanna Tress:

their 30th anniversary tour here it is 2023 Do you know they're

Joanna Tress:

still touring? Oh my goodness. But and I remember just at that

Joanna Tress:

time in my life, I had three children. I was divorced. I was

Joanna Tress:

struggling financially and even with my mental health because I

Joanna Tress:

wasn't being what? I'm supposed to be on Broadway, okay. I'm

Joanna Tress:

supposed to be writing, singing and dancing and acting and

Joanna Tress:

playing my music, you know, some piano chords, say my flute I was

Joanna Tress:

not really doing that I would do a little something. Something,

Joanna Tress:

you know, I was working through a ham radio station promotions

Joanna Tress:

and community things have these gigs, Wedding Singer, community

Joanna Tress:

theatre, etc. But you know, not to the full extent that I wanted

Joanna Tress:

to, and I felt alone. Where are the fabulous people? Hey, we

Joanna Tress:

Hello, where are you? I didn't see a place for me. I was in a

Joanna Tress:

relatively small town in Alabama at the time. And okay, sure, we

Joanna Tress:

can teach the kids. So I did. I've dealt with I've dealt with

Joanna Tress:

children, I've put on shows with children. But that was not where

Joanna Tress:

my heart was. Because I wasn't ready to finish my stories

Joanna Tress:

performer, pour into the next generation without fulfilling my

Joanna Tress:

dream and doing all that I could with my desires as a performing

Joanna Tress:

artist. So I felt alone, I would have really benefited more from

Joanna Tress:

a sense of community, and to have some guidance from someone

Joanna Tress:

who who was able to overcome certain challenges. So I did the

Joanna Tress:

work, the inner work, I read the books, I did the workshops, I

Joanna Tress:

had the therapy and this and that. And I realised Yes, I'm

Joanna Tress:

going to be the friend, the mentor, the coach, the can do

Joanna Tress:

the motivator, the inspiration to help someone deal with their

Joanna Tress:

circumstances and showing them what is possible, because I

Joanna Tress:

needed it and I'm paying it forward. And I don't see anyone

Joanna Tress:

quite doing exactly what I'm doing today. So there's a void.

Joanna Tress:

There's a place there's something where I need to fulfil

Joanna Tress:

it. And my husband, Matt, Matthew, the mat in Montana,

Joanna Tress:

Matthew and Joanna is Montana. You know, he's an ideal, you

Joanna Tress:

know, ideal client, you know, working hard for his family and

Joanna Tress:

And, you know, paying that child support, quote, taking care of

Joanna Tress:

his children. And for his he was divorced. And he went through

Joanna Tress:

all that, and he didn't get a chance to have his little

Joanna Tress:

outlet. You know, oh, once in a while, you know, he, he

Joanna Tress:

surprised his daughter, you know, by sewing up at the club

Joanna Tress:

with her and he's dancing, he's got the mic. He's a backup

Joanna Tress:

dancer and backup singer for the people in the wild, you know, he

Joanna Tress:

didn't get a chance to go out and get out and get his groove

Joanna Tress:

on. So I know that there are a lot of people like that they are

Joanna Tress:

looking for a solution. And a way to just express himself say

Joanna Tress:

yes to what you want to express is one of our programmes. And

Joanna Tress:

that's when there's a need for it. And I'm ready to fill in on

Joanna Tress:

paying it forward. And being the friend I wish I had at the time

Joanna Tress:

in my life.

Howard Brown:

I love it because you are filling an unmet need.

Howard Brown:

And the number one symptom coming out of COVID, loneliness,

Howard Brown:

loneliness, loneliness. So you are alright, well, let's roll

Howard Brown:

this thing forward now. So what's your vision? What do you

Howard Brown:

see yourself? Five years from now? Where is Joanna Tress five years,

Joanna Tress:

I want to have embrace your bliss retreats,

Joanna Tress:

Mat, Tanna, five dimensional experiences, where you're going

Joanna Tress:

to use a week of your vacation, and be completely immersed in

Joanna Tress:

create the creativity. And before you leave at the end of

Joanna Tress:

that five or six days, your your would have done something that

Joanna Tress:

you only dreamed you could do. We are collaboratively building,

Joanna Tress:

nurturing and going to make that dream come true. I have a vision

Joanna Tress:

of like band camp for grownups. I've even written a story about

Joanna Tress:

that, you know, so you have like the college kids in the marching

Joanna Tress:

band doing their summer bank and getting their marching band

Joanna Tress:

routine for football season. And they think their parents are

Joanna Tress:

just at home going, No, we're missing them. You know, a little

Joanna Tress:

did they know their parents are at the hotel on the other side

Joanna Tress:

of town living acted like they're in college. But alcohol

Joanna Tress:

is legal. And having a good time. And the parents get

Joanna Tress:

together a marching band routine, and come from the other

Joanna Tress:

side of the football field just crash when their rehearsals and

Joanna Tress:

they hear that cadence is that our rival band did our rival

Joanna Tress:

band come here and try to steal our routine? No, it's the

Joanna Tress:

parents getting down to the Bubba with that drum line and

Joanna Tress:

just blowing them away, you're gonna have a showdown, you know,

Joanna Tress:

you got to have the old school versus the new school. That's

Joanna Tress:

the type of thing so the retreats where you can actually

Joanna Tress:

just take that vacation all over the world, exotic places to get

Joanna Tress:

away from the mundane escape from from that life and have a

Joanna Tress:

moment to embrace your bliss, and to live that creative dream.

Howard Brown:

Alright, so I made up destination Hawaii, let's go

Howard Brown:

to Hawaii and we're gonna go maximise that creativity there.

Howard Brown:

Right. So this is the part of the show, actually, is the

Howard Brown:

shining bright, the spotlight where the spotlight is on you

Howard Brown:

and you've been on stage. So you know what this means. It's

Howard Brown:

almost time for a curtain call. I want you to tell people how

Howard Brown:

they can get in touch with you. And then I want you to actually

Howard Brown:

give me some final comments and, and then we're going to take the

Howard Brown:

show home.

Joanna Tress:

Yes, call me. Pick up your cell phone. Okay, you

Joanna Tress:

can call or simply text. If you text the word creative. To this

Joanna Tress:

number, I will get in touch with you. And the first thing I'll do

Joanna Tress:

is find the best way to send you a copy of the creatives creed.

Joanna Tress:

It is an affirmation that you can read to yourself to just

Joanna Tress:

embolden open up and inspire your creativity and your

Joanna Tress:

identity as a creative artist. So text the word creative

Joanna Tress:

24075775413 that's 4075775413. And I'm sure you'll see it with

Joanna Tress:

whatever links you share. And it's right, it's the banner of

Joanna Tress:

my websites. Mattanna.org Has my phone number 407-577-5413 I

Joanna Tress:

would love to have a quick conversation with you. And to

Joanna Tress:

give you this free start this creatives creed to get you

Joanna Tress:

started okay,

Howard Brown:

that's incredible that you give out your phone

Howard Brown:

number and you're speaking to them individually and then

Howard Brown:

you'll email them or or send them back this creative creed.

Howard Brown:

What a nice offer. That is great. Give me Give me a final

Howard Brown:

wrap and then I'm going to close the show.

Joanna Tress:

Yes, I just don't be afraid. Don't be afraid at

Joanna Tress:

this point in life to live that Dream, embrace your bliss. We

Joanna Tress:

have a community for you with resources and support. And I

Joanna Tress:

will do everything in my power to give you that personal

Joanna Tress:

attention to help these dreams come true. Let's have a

Joanna Tress:


Howard Brown:

Oh my goodness. I always say find your happy place

Howard Brown:

find that stress zone you've created that place. So that's

Howard Brown:

why we're so synchronised. Wow, this has been a high energy.

Howard Brown:

Amazing, amazing show. So thank you for being here. So for me,

Howard Brown:

you can always get a hold of me at shining brightly.com. There's

Howard Brown:

booked me for speaking emceeing fundraiser, podcasts. The book

Howard Brown:

is there, it's doing great bestseller and in the podcast

Howard Brown:

can be seen there. Also you can see all my charity work and in

Howard Brown:

cancer, higher education and interfaith work. And there are

Howard Brown:

downloads there on survivorship, mentorship and interfaith stuff,

Howard Brown:

lots of resources. It's very interactive. And so I always

Howard Brown:

close each show by saying, if we shine brightly just a little bit

Howard Brown:

each day for ourselves, for others and our communities, the

Howard Brown:

world will be a better place to Joanna Tress. You are

Howard Brown:

magnificent. Take a curtain call Bow. Thank you. Thank you. Thank

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