Dec. 13, 2023

ARE YOU A GOAL GETTER? With Debra Eckerling

ARE YOU A GOAL GETTER? With Debra Eckerling

GOAL SETTING SIMPLIFIED! Have you made a list of your big and small personal and professional WINS in 2023? Then plan for your WINS for 2024 with an ACTION PLAN to GET IT DONE! In Episode 57 of the Shining Brightly Podcast Show titled, ARE YOU A GOAL GETTER? Please meet the amazing Debra Eckerling founder of the D*E*B METHOD® and award-winning author of Your Goal

Guide. We talk about goal setting, achievement, success with real corporate training tools and tips. Determine your vision, Explore your Options and Set yourself up for your success! Deb says, “As you close out 2023 for the holidays and prepare to welcome in the new year in 2024 – set an appointment with yourself and plan to set and make your goals. Come listen, download, share and review this episode to help lift you up into the new year.

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The DEB Show:

Taste Buds with Deb:

About the guest Goal strategist - Debra Eckerling is on a mission to change goal culture in and out of the workplace. She is the award-winning author of Your GoalGuide and founder of the D*E*B METHOD® system of goal-setting simplified. A speaker, consultant, and workshop leader, Debra offers personal and professional planning, content development, event strategy, and team building for executives, entrepreneurs, consultants, and companies. Debra has spoken on stages for TEDx, Innovation Women, SCORE LA, and more, and is the host of #GoalChatLive aka The DEB Show and the Taste Buds with Deb podcast. Connect with Deb on LinkedIn or learn more about her at

About the Host:

Howard Brown is a best-selling author, award-winning international speaker, Silicon Valley entrepreneur, interfaith peacemaker, and a two-time stage IV cancer survivor. He is also a sought-after speaker and consultant for corporate businesses, nonprofits, congregations, and community groups. Howard has co-founded two social networks that were the first to connect religious communities around the world. He is a nationally known patient advocate and “cancer whisperer” to many families. Howard, his wife Lisa, and daughter Emily currently reside in Michigan, and his happy place is on the basketball court.



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Howard Brown:

Hello, it's Howard Brown. It's the Shining Brightly

Howard Brown:

Show. Oh my god, we're coming up to year and I have a really

Howard Brown:

important show. And amazing friend and guest, Deb Eckerling

Howard Brown:

Welcome. How are you?

Debra Eckerling:

Oh, well, I get to hang out with you. And I get

Debra Eckerling:

to talk about goals. So I mean, really? How can I not be awesome

Debra Eckerling:

today? Thank you so much for having me on.

Howard Brown:

I'm so glad. We've been trying to get schedules to

Howard Brown:

work. And now we're doing it. So let me tell people about you a

Howard Brown:

little bit. And then I got a little a little question for you

Howard Brown:

after this. So gold strategist Deb Eckerling is on a mission to

Howard Brown:

change gold culture, in and out of the workplace. She is an

Howard Brown:

award winning author of your gold guide, and founder of the

Howard Brown:

DEB method, DEB method, trademark system of goal setting

Howard Brown:

simplified. You're a speaker, consultant, a workshop leader,

Howard Brown:

you offer personal and professional planning for

Howard Brown:

content development and event strategy and team building for

Howard Brown:

executives, entrepreneurs, consultants and companies. Deb

Howard Brown:

has spoken on stages for TEDx, innovation, women, score LA and

Howard Brown:

so many more, you are the host of gold chat live, I've been on

Howard Brown:

a bunch of times, the Deb Show, and you now actually have the

Howard Brown:

taste buds with Deb podcast, and can connect with you at on

Howard Brown:

LinkedIn and learn more at the Dev So you are a

Howard Brown:

amazing friend and woman and you are actually helping

Howard Brown:

corporations. You know, and people move forward because goal

Howard Brown:

setting is the starting point in the foundation. So we're going

Howard Brown:

to talk a lot about this. So first, the the question is, is

Howard Brown:

that something new going on or something that we may not know

Howard Brown:

about you? Sure?

Debra Eckerling:

Well you kind of teased it with my taste buds

Debra Eckerling:

with them podcast, but the thing not a lot of people know is that

Debra Eckerling:

I am a reformed non cook. Oh, I used to think cooking was too

Debra Eckerling:

time consuming. It was so much easier to go out for dinner. And

Debra Eckerling:

then once I got an instant pot, this was 2017 I realised that

Debra Eckerling:

you could put in ingredients, and then go do things and then

Debra Eckerling:

you're rewarded with a yummy meal. So somehow, over the last

Debra Eckerling:

six and a half years, I've gone from a non cook to a food

Debra Eckerling:

writer, and food podcast are and I have to tell you I am I'm

Debra Eckerling:

having so much fun because first of all food. But second of all,

Debra Eckerling:

there's so many more benefits to cooking than I ever thought

Debra Eckerling:

imaginable. It's great for creativity, meditation, and it

Debra Eckerling:

goes so hand in hand with goal setting and goal getting so I'm

Debra Eckerling:

I'm I invite anyone everyone if you love, it's all about their

Debra Eckerling:

bite size conversations about food, cooking, and community.

Debra Eckerling:

That's my tag for tastebuds with Deb what you can subscribe on

Debra Eckerling:

iTunes or your favourite podcast platform. Or you can even watch

Debra Eckerling:

the apps on my social including my LinkedIn which is at the debt

Debra Eckerling:

method. Oh, I'm sorry, including my YouTube app, the debt method.

Howard Brown:

That's incredible. Oh my god. So you got it. That's

Howard Brown:

great. So that foodie, I am like to cook barbecue, but I love to

Howard Brown:

eat so. Oh, that's cool. So and there's so many angles to it.

Howard Brown:

It's really cool.

Debra Eckerling:

Well, did you ever notice that you could have

Debra Eckerling:

a conversation about food and or cooking with just about anyone,

Debra Eckerling:

even if they don't like to cook? It's another conversation. I was

Debra Eckerling:

talking to someone last week just like oh, my husband's the

Debra Eckerling:

cook. I don't cook. And she went into the reasons why cuz she had

Debra Eckerling:

a y from her childhood. She never wanted to cook. I mean,

Debra Eckerling:

it's it's it's so intriguing. But the other thing that I love

Debra Eckerling:

about my show is it is a mixture of some our cookbook authors,

Debra Eckerling:

some are chefs. Some have just written things to do with food.

Debra Eckerling:

I have Mitch album on because he's got to food philanthropies

Debra Eckerling:

I know you're another Michigan guy. So it everybody has a

Debra Eckerling:

connection to food in some way shape or form. And I just love

Debra Eckerling:

that exploration. And then I get to learn all these fun tips. The

Debra Eckerling:

other thing is to growing up, I was always in charge of like the

Debra Eckerling:

platters the plating would have company so it was the veggie

Debra Eckerling:

trays or the crackers or the whatever I like I'm not

Debra Eckerling:

artistic, but I'm great at designing platters. And then as

Debra Eckerling:

an adult, I'm like, you know, it'd be fun to plate food. But

Debra Eckerling:

now I have to cook it too. Okay, so you know, all these elements

Debra Eckerling:

kind of come together. But the thing that I love the most about

Debra Eckerling:

the cooking process is you can't be on your computer. You can't

Debra Eckerling:

be going through emails or just obsessively watching the news.

Debra Eckerling:

When you're cooking. You're in that moment and that is the

Debra Eckerling:

perfect downtime that you can Use for figuring things out or

Debra Eckerling:

just meditating or, and I love it. So sometimes if I'm writing

Debra Eckerling:

an article and I'm like, Oh, I'm stuck, okay, I'm gonna go cook

Debra Eckerling:

something. And then by the time I'm back at my computer, I'm

Debra Eckerling:

figuring it out, and I'm ready to go. So

Howard Brown:

I love it. Because I talked about it a little bit

Howard Brown:

different terms, I see find your happy place, like I find the

Howard Brown:

basketball court, you found cooking, find art, find

Howard Brown:

meditation, find hiking, find music, but you found your happy

Howard Brown:

place. And I can tell because you're lighting up all about it.

Howard Brown:

Food does make the world go round. So it's incredible. So

Howard Brown:

let's, let's talk about something that I will tell you

Howard Brown:

that many people struggle with. I know that people say I want to

Howard Brown:

get in shape, I want to lose weight into the new year that's

Howard Brown:

coming up. And they sign up for a gym membership, and you sign

Howard Brown:

up for a trainer. And like a month later, you're not doing

Howard Brown:

it. That's a goal gone back Girl Gone Bad. And so tell me just

Howard Brown:

give me a little history. How did you get into, you know why

Howard Brown:

goal setting became such a pursuit and such an expertise

Howard Brown:

for you?

Debra Eckerling:

Well in so I've lived in LA, it's going on 26

Debra Eckerling:

years. It's I moved here, the end of 19th thing is seven. Oh

Debra Eckerling:

my goodness feels like such a million years ago. So back when

Debra Eckerling:

I lived in Chicago, one of my first jobs out of college was

Debra Eckerling:

doing events for Barnes and Noble. And I would always hang

Debra Eckerling:

out in the cafe because it was a community bookstore. So I wanted

Debra Eckerling:

events for the community. In one day, one of my regulars came in

Debra Eckerling:

and he said W start a writer support group. And I said if you

Debra Eckerling:

think people will show up, let's give it a try. And not only was

Debra Eckerling:

it a hit, but I saw the power of goal setting firsthand because I

Debra Eckerling:

would never ask anybody to do anything I wasn't prepared to do

Debra Eckerling:

myself. So it was okay. What did you accomplish? What are you

Debra Eckerling:

working on? What resources do you need? What are your goals

Debra Eckerling:

for next time. And I would set and achieve my goals. And we it

Debra Eckerling:

was such a wonderful community effort. It was great. So fast

Debra Eckerling:

forward, moved to LA I always talked about this wonderful

Debra Eckerling:

group restarted here. And over the years it evolved. So

Debra Eckerling:

originally it was writer support group. Now it's for writers,

Debra Eckerling:

creatives, and entrepreneurs, because if you're one, you're

Debra Eckerling:

you're really all three because we've got to have that

Debra Eckerling:

creativity that writing that entrepreneurial spirit, it all

Debra Eckerling:

kind of goes hand in hand. And so it was a live group that it

Debra Eckerling:

was a hybrid, online, only a hybrid again, and now obviously

Debra Eckerling:

it is a very active Facebook group. So every day it's a

Debra Eckerling:

different post about Monday is what are your networking goals

Debra Eckerling:

for the week? Tuesdays? What are your goals for the week,

Debra Eckerling:

Wednesday, blog share day, Thursdays, toot your horn, and

Debra Eckerling:

then Friday is photo Friday, and then we can plan. So in this

Debra Eckerling:

virtual land I've taken I think I've gone in a couple of

Debra Eckerling:

different circles. But that's okay, I know you can follow me.

Debra Eckerling:

But it's just a way for people to connect with one another

Debra Eckerling:

share their wins and get encouraged along. So let me back

Debra Eckerling:

up because I realised I skipped a very important part. So I

Debra Eckerling:

started this group in LA. And people would come up to me

Debra Eckerling:

You're good at this. I've been trying to write my book for

Debra Eckerling:

years, can I hire you? We got it done in three months, or you're

Debra Eckerling:

good at this, we you speak at my event. So that's where it came

Debra Eckerling:

in. My professional background is project management and

Debra Eckerling:

communication. So all those little things come together as

Debra Eckerling:

well. And then in 2018, my main communications client was going

Debra Eckerling:

away. And I took that as an opportunity to really fully step

Debra Eckerling:

into what I believe I was meant to do, which is help people

Debra Eckerling:

figure out what they want and how to get it. And my name

Debra Eckerling:

worked with the system that I had been teaching for years. So

Debra Eckerling:

that's a How did that method came about? Um, I that's a

Debra Eckerling:

really long answer. But that's okay. Not everything

Howard Brown:

you did you read but now you left us and teased

Howard Brown:

us because people want to what is the Deb Deb method? Hey, take

Howard Brown:

us to the next step. What is the Okay, so

Debra Eckerling:

I believe and I said this before to get what you

Debra Eckerling:

want, you need to know what that is. So Deb is all about setting

Debra Eckerling:

the foundation for your goals. So D is determine your mission

Debra Eckerling:

to get what you want. You need to know what that is, is explore

Debra Eckerling:

your options. Okay, you've got this vision for what you want

Debra Eckerling:

your life to be. It's the research phase so you can

Debra Eckerling:

explore different avenues and see how you want to make that

Debra Eckerling:

mission into your reality. And then brainstorm your path is

Debra Eckerling:

divide and conquer you know, what are all the things that you

Debra Eckerling:

need to do to get to your happy place. So determine explore our

Debra Eckerling:

brain Storm. And when you set the foundation for your goals,

Debra Eckerling:

you set yourself up for success.

Howard Brown:

Love it, I love it. It's really funny that

Howard Brown:

because I have your book, and I've known you for a while, and

Howard Brown:

I'm going through it, it's not difficult, but it's definitely

Howard Brown:

intentional. And we were talking in the green room before coming

Howard Brown:

on that I wrote, you go, did you write your, your your wins down,

Howard Brown:

and I did. And I've accomplished a lot. And you're like, Well,

Howard Brown:

next, right. Next, you got to put your wins planning for 24.

Howard Brown:

So that's my next step. So I love the way that it just takes

Howard Brown:

you through. And it holds you accountable. And that's really

Howard Brown:

important. I think that the biggest thing with making goals

Howard Brown:

is being held accountable to make your goals. And so people

Howard Brown:

slip all the time. Well, they

Debra Eckerling:

slip all the time. But the other thing is,

Debra Eckerling:

they're not gifting themselves, the time and the energy to

Debra Eckerling:

figure out, you know, a year from now, what do you want to be

Debra Eckerling:

celebrating? Great. Now, what do you need to do to get there? And

Debra Eckerling:

it really is. So my motto is goal setting, simplify because

Debra Eckerling:

it is challenging to change your life. So I just made the

Debra Eckerling:

instructions really, really easy. So in the wind factor,

Debra Eckerling:

it's huge, because goals take a long time. But if you're

Debra Eckerling:

counting your wins, either daily or weekly or monthly, then at

Debra Eckerling:

the end of the year, you're like, Okay, these are my top 10

Debra Eckerling:

things that I did. Great. It's all in service of that mission.

Debra Eckerling:

You know, the motto? I mean, you're shining brightly, I mean,

Debra Eckerling:

it's all over the place for you, right? So whatever it is that

Debra Eckerling:

you're all about, use that as your your compass, and then find

Debra Eckerling:

different ways to get that out into the world.

Howard Brown:

I agree. But let's let's even break it down

Howard Brown:

further. Okay, let's go. First step, what do they need to do?

Howard Brown:

You know, just just to get started, because most of the

Howard Brown:

time getting started is where it is like you with cooking,

Howard Brown:

getting started. And then it started to the wheels are moving

Howard Brown:

now on you. But so so what's the first step that someone should

Howard Brown:

take? Well

Debra Eckerling:

determine your mission. If you do if you do

Debra Eckerling:

nothing else, but do everything else. But really, that is the

Debra Eckerling:

key. Because again, to get what you want, you need to know what

Debra Eckerling:

it is I know I repeat myself, but it's so important. But the

Debra Eckerling:

first phase and determine your mission is visualisation. When

Debra Eckerling:

you think about the life you want, what does that look like?

Debra Eckerling:

Are you a best selling author? Are you speaking to millions of

Debra Eckerling:

people on the TED stage or TEDx stage? Is your product in this

Debra Eckerling:

big store? Are you listed in the 40s? The Forbes 50, under 50, or

Debra Eckerling:

50, over 50? What is going to be that pinnacle for you? What are

Debra Eckerling:

you working towards. And once you have it, maybe it's a well

Debra Eckerling:

balanced life, it's you on vacation with your family,

Debra Eckerling:

whatever it is that you want to create, either personally or

Debra Eckerling:

professionally, think about it, and then create some sort of

Debra Eckerling:

visual representation. So if the goal is to be a best selling

Debra Eckerling:

author, you take a copy of The New York Times bestseller list,

Debra Eckerling:

scratch out number one and put your name and your book title.

Debra Eckerling:

I've got my version of that on my board next to me. If it's to

Debra Eckerling:

be on one of those to hop lists in your field, get the current

Debra Eckerling:

list and then put your picture in your bio over it and then

Debra Eckerling:

print it out or put it as your screensaver, whatever it is that

Debra Eckerling:

you want to create, create like something to keep your eye on

Debra Eckerling:

the prize that you can look at that will keep you motivated and

Debra Eckerling:

moving forward.

Howard Brown:

I think it's really important. What do you

Howard Brown:

think some of the reasons are that stop people from, you know,

Howard Brown:

achieving their goals.

Debra Eckerling:

No time, no energy, not gifting themselves,

Debra Eckerling:

that and that's a big thing that people get. They go to school

Debra Eckerling:

for one thing. They think this is what their life is going to

Debra Eckerling:

be and then they're miserable. And they're like, Well, I put in

Debra Eckerling:

all the time and energy, or they've been working at a

Debra Eckerling:

company for years and years. And it's not what it once was. But

Debra Eckerling:

they've done their time, then, you know, they're just like

Debra Eckerling:

biding time. I'm not that and that's a big reason why I do

Debra Eckerling:

what I do is I believe everybody deserves to feel happy, feel

Debra Eckerling:

fulfilled in some, if not all of their life. So let's say you

Debra Eckerling:

can't leave the job. What's something you can do on the

Debra Eckerling:

side? That's going to bring you joy? What's a good side hustle

Debra Eckerling:

or passion project? Whether or not is even for money? Maybe you

Debra Eckerling:

always wanted to write a book. But what is that one thing that

Debra Eckerling:

you could dedicate a little bit of time each day or each week,

Debra Eckerling:

to build to create something that's going to bring more joy

Debra Eckerling:

and fulfilment into your Life.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, I would say that also accountability, self

Howard Brown:

accountability or team accountability. So when you go

Howard Brown:

into a corporation, you know, you're talking to individual

Howard Brown:

performers as well as they're part of teams. So I do think

Howard Brown:

that there and I'd love your opinion on this individual goals

Howard Brown:

versus the team goals. They can be overlapping, but they can

Howard Brown:

also be different, correct. They

Debra Eckerling:

can in one of my fit, and this is what I

Debra Eckerling:

generally do for companies is I go, and I do my goal setting

Debra Eckerling:

simplified workshop, for if it's a small company, the company, or

Debra Eckerling:

if it's a team, if it's a larger company, the team, and we go

Debra Eckerling:

through depth. And it's, we talk about the personal as well as

Debra Eckerling:

the professional goals. In this was a big thing. During the

Debra Eckerling:

pandemic, a lot of people learn new skills. So maybe their job

Debra Eckerling:

is doing one thing, but they learned social media, and they

Debra Eckerling:

really would be better served in the marketing department. But

Debra Eckerling:

they're not going to the boss isn't going to know that because

Debra Eckerling:

it's something that they're doing on the site. So by

Debra Eckerling:

bringing people together in this workshop environment, it and

Debra Eckerling:

I've done it with a boss, and also without the boss, and you

Debra Eckerling:

know, really depends on the company culture. But what I'm

Debra Eckerling:

doing is I'm asking the questions that people don't

Debra Eckerling:

normally ask, you know, what, what is your goal, what is your

Debra Eckerling:

mission in life, as it relates to work, but also as it relates

Debra Eckerling:

to who you are, I mean, your goals may change, but who you

Debra Eckerling:

aren't in your intention, that's not going to change, you know,

Debra Eckerling:

shining brightly. In yours, you are a really good example. It

Debra Eckerling:

can apply to anything and everything that you're doing.

Debra Eckerling:

And that really is your motto, in so I said before, the first

Debra Eckerling:

step is visualisation. And then you do the current bio future

Debra Eckerling:

bio, mission and motto. So that's what makes up determining

Debra Eckerling:

your mission. When you look at everything that you're doing

Debra Eckerling:

through that lens, of your mission, and motto, it makes it

Debra Eckerling:

really easy to stay on track. So if we're doing this workshop, or

Debra Eckerling:

when we're doing this workshop, saying, Okay, what is your goal

Debra Eckerling:

in the company, maybe somebody wants management opportunities,

Debra Eckerling:

but was never seen as a leader before, it's an opportunity for

Debra Eckerling:

people to get in touch with who they are, what their best skills

Debra Eckerling:

are, and how they can benefit the company, but also benefit

Debra Eckerling:

themselves for a richer, more fulfilled life.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, absolutely. And I actually think that, you

Howard Brown:

know, because I'm tracking you that you going in and talking to

Howard Brown:

corporations at the annual review process, because you're

Howard Brown:

really taking stock of what you've accomplished and what

Howard Brown:

you're going to accomplish moving forward. I think that's a

Howard Brown:

really cool timing that you they bring you in before the review

Howard Brown:

process. I think that's the timing of that is stunning,

Howard Brown:

because it's really that. And again, we take stock of

Howard Brown:

ourselves, but year end and into the New Years, when everyone's

Howard Brown:

trying to take stock, right? Everything can be fresh.

Howard Brown:

Hopefully you have a you know, a nice vision board for what's

Howard Brown:

going on there. And so what how are people going to set

Howard Brown:

themselves up for success? We're living in a really complex

Howard Brown:

world, there's lots of politics and and wars and some a lot of

Howard Brown:

negativity going on. AI has changed a lot. I mean, it's,

Howard Brown:

it's, it's screen time is up. But I will tell you, coming out

Howard Brown:

of the pandemic, most people were lonely and depressed. And

Howard Brown:

so what, how are we going to set people up for success moving

Howard Brown:


Debra Eckerling:

Okay, well, the first thing I want anybody who

Debra Eckerling:

is listening or watching to do is to go into your calendar and

Debra Eckerling:

set an appointment for yourself, it can be a half an hour can be

Debra Eckerling:

an hour, the rule is you can move the appointment, but you

Debra Eckerling:

can't delete it. So look at some time in the coming week. And I

Debra Eckerling:

want to do what what you and I discussed before, start by

Debra Eckerling:

writing out 10 wins from this year. And then decide what 10

Debra Eckerling:

wins you want to be touting at the end of 2024. I like to start

Debra Eckerling:

the new year in depth December, because it's and you can start

Debra Eckerling:

it's great. You got like this overlap month where you can

Debra Eckerling:

celebrate the end of December, the wins for the year but you're

Debra Eckerling:

also get a running start into the new year. And think about

Debra Eckerling:

what do you want to be saying about yourself this time next

Debra Eckerling:

year? What things do you need to put in place? And if you don't

Debra Eckerling:

know your mission, you don't know your motto. Give yourself

Debra Eckerling:

the time to figure out what's going to drive you to where you

Debra Eckerling:

want to go and let's say If you don't love your job, you don't

Debra Eckerling:

know if changing your job as an option. But think about maybe

Debra Eckerling:

there are other opportunities at the company where your skills

Debra Eckerling:

can be better utilised, or what kind of side hustle, can you

Debra Eckerling:

start, whether it's for profit or not, it's going to bring you

Debra Eckerling:

joy. But really, like I said, gift yourself this half hour

Debra Eckerling:

this hour, where you're going to take stock of your wins and plan

Debra Eckerling:

a wins for the next year. That is the first step.

Howard Brown:

I love it. So self appointment 10 wins and where

Howard Brown:

you're going to be next year, easy, you should be able to do

Howard Brown:

that. And it is Deb December, and now we know what it means.

Howard Brown:

Any last, you know, favourite goal setting tunes or tips and

Howard Brown:

maybe another one you want to share? Well,

Debra Eckerling:

the other it's just like you set that

Debra Eckerling:

appointment for you know, taking stock of where you are now and

Debra Eckerling:

where you want to go. Give yourself an ongoing appointment,

Debra Eckerling:

whether it's once a week or twice a week. And let that be

Debra Eckerling:

your time. Your goal time, where maybe it's um, you want I always

Debra Eckerling:

have a tonne of examples. And now I'm like, they're all in my

Debra Eckerling:

head at once. Let's say you want to live a healthier lifestyle.

Debra Eckerling:

One of those appointments, you're going to brainstorm out,

Debra Eckerling:

okay, what are all the different things that you need to do? I

Debra Eckerling:

need to exercise more, I need to cook more, eat out less plan my

Debra Eckerling:

meals, plan my exercise, find an exercise I enjoy. You make that

Debra Eckerling:

big list, and then you schedule the time in your calendar to do

Debra Eckerling:

the things on that list. Yeah,

Howard Brown:

I think so I would say add maybe a accountability

Howard Brown:

buddy, that walking buddy, that workout buddy. Sometimes when

Howard Brown:

you you can't let that other person down, you got to show up.

Howard Brown:

So I think that's important if someone else potentially can go

Howard Brown:

with you as well. So I think that's amazing. All right. So

Howard Brown:

this is the part of the show that my favourite part is that

Howard Brown:

we're gonna shine brightly on you. So the sun is shining on

Howard Brown:

you in LA, and you're gonna tell us the best ways to get in touch

Howard Brown:

with you. You've got lots of goodies. But what do you want to

Howard Brown:

share with us today? And then just take us to some inspiration

Howard Brown:

and then kick the show back to me to close out.

Debra Eckerling:

Okay, well, I first of all, thank you so much

Debra Eckerling:

this then a lot of fun time goes so quickly when we're hanging

Debra Eckerling:

out. It doesn't it does, I would say I am at the dev method

Debra Eckerling:

everywhere on social media, you can find you can learn more

Debra Eckerling:

about me at the debt And you can email me info at

Debra Eckerling:

that If you're on LinkedIn, and if you're not,

Debra Eckerling:

that should be another goal. Please find me connect with me

Debra Eckerling:

and say that this is where we met. And if you want to be part

Debra Eckerling:

of I've got two communities on Facebook, I've got right on

Debra Eckerling:

online, which is for goal setting productivity and

Debra Eckerling:

community. So it's on

Debra Eckerling:

online, or, and or if you're a foodie like me, please join at

Debra Eckerling:

his buds with Deb on Facebook. So

Debra Eckerling:

friends with Deb, and you can subscribe to both the Dev Show

Debra Eckerling:

and he spots, WhatsApp wherever you get your podcasts.

Howard Brown:

Yeah, I'll include them all in the notes and on the

Howard Brown:

social media links in the comments and all that as well.

Howard Brown:

So bring us some inspiration.

Debra Eckerling:

i It's the new year, this is exciting, you get

Debra Eckerling:

this clean slate. So I would say when you give yourself the time

Debra Eckerling:

and energy first to figure out you know what you want, and make

Debra Eckerling:

a plan to get it, you have all the power in the world to turn

Debra Eckerling:

that life you want into reality. So schedule the time. Don't Oh,

Debra Eckerling:

very important. When you make these appointments with

Debra Eckerling:

yourself, you need to treat them as if they're an appointment

Debra Eckerling:

with anybody else. You know, when you value, the time you

Debra Eckerling:

spend on you, you do the work, you will get to where you want

Debra Eckerling:

to go. So go for it. Because we know you can do it.

Howard Brown:

I love it. I just companies individuals join the

Howard Brown:

networks, contact Deb by her book. Really, it's you made it

Howard Brown:

simple and digestible and to move forward. So goal settings a

Howard Brown:

big deal for everyone, as far as individually and part of team.

Howard Brown:

So what a great show. So thank you again for being here. So I'm

Howard Brown:

Howard Brown. This is theSshining Brightly Podcast

Howard Brown:

Show. And we bring you real important stuff that you can

Howard Brown:

actually take action on and shine your own light. And it's

Howard Brown:

important so you can reach me at shining You can

Howard Brown:

look all about what I do on the podcast as well as my speaking

Howard Brown:

and the book and my advocacy work. And just if we all just

Howard Brown:

shine brightly, a little bit more for ourselves, for each

Howard Brown:

other and for others and for our neighbours in our communities,

Howard Brown:

the world will become a better place. So thanks again. Deb

Howard Brown:

loved having you It's always great to see you thank you