The S.H.I.F.T. Formula

In today’s episode of Shift To Your Bliss, Dr. Sheila describes the history behind the acronym ‘SHIFT’ she chose for her podcast coaching and program name, where she walks you through each step and sets her listeners up for the next episode. A journey into the personal story and why it’s so important to get to the bottom of when beginning your S.H.I.F.T towards your own personal achievements.
- S - Story
- H - Healing
- I - Imagine/Imagination
- F - Focus (Strategy)
- T - Transformation
About Sheila Jaggard
Facilitator, Executive Coach & Organizational Consultant
An agent of change and transformation, whose work in the areas of human and organizational development has provided rapid recognition and analysis of organizational problems, opportunities for development, and successful implementation of solutions. A broad-based eclectic background including healthcare, business, government, and academia provides a base for consulting on organizational issues relating to strategy, structure, culture, and human skills. A recognized leader, with energy and enthusiasm that engages clients as they move forward in their paradigm-shifting to embrace the fast-paced requirements of the work world.
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Hi there, you're listening to the Shift to Your Bliss podcast series. If you're in your 30s and beyond, with some life experience, and you're looking indeed searching for more in your life, your work and your career, then you're in the right place. In this podcast series, we will show you how to shift to your bliss. My name is Dr. Sheila Jaggard. I'm a world traveler from Machu Picchu to the pyramids of Egypt. I've studied alongside Thomas Leonard, Bob Proctor being Grazi, OC, and Deepak Chopra. And after five decades, I created my very own formula to help you shift to your bliss. Welcome to the podcast series shift to your bliss. Are you ready? Let's dive in.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:Welcome to the podcast series shift to your bliss. I'm glad you're here. My intention for this podcast series is to work with you to shift your story and shift your life. If you shift your life you can do what matters to you, your family, your friends. And to fulfill that intended reason that you're here on this planet. It is to provide you the opportunity to use practical tools, skills and knowledge to grow and learn about yourself. This podcast series will utilize the format for the shift year plus formula, there's five pieces to that formula. And the five pieces actually relate to the letters in shift. So S is for your story. The one you tell yourself H is for healing, what must change. And what you must do in order to move forward the eye is far imagine this is where you get the opportunity to see what your life could be like. This is called Imagineering. The F is for focus, strategically focusing your thoughts, your actions, your plans and your energy, and the T is for transformation. Shift your bliss and then shift the whole shift will transform your life. So let's get started. My story, I'm not smart enough. I learned that at a very early age, actually, school grades were low average. I wanted to socialize and have lots of friends, which I did. And I was having a great time I got to tell you, I was having such a good time that my grades in high school were really not good at all. And so my parents made the decision that they were going to send me away from the public high school where all my friends were to a private Catholic girl school. Because I was having too much fun. Here's the kicker. I think the real clincher to this whole thing was why 36% In geography in grade nine. Now I know you're thinking to yourself who gets 36 in geography? Well, someone who doesn't care about geography, and frankly, we were talking about Africa, and I didn't care about Africa. So I think that cemented the deal of my being transferred to another school. And to boot. I went to a Catholic girls school, and we weren't Catholic. So I ended up at a school that was very religion based. And I knew nothing about that religion.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:It was a new environment. I wasn't smart. scholastically. So I knew that I just had to be friendly with people and make friends. You know, the whole four years that I was at that school, to grade 13 It was fun. I mean, I enjoyed it. But I was bored. I didn't like school. I didn't like what they were teaching me. And so to be honest, and not being a scholar and not being someone who was academically oriented. It really was in grade 13 a matter of them just passing me so I could get out of school. Well, all through the summers. As a teenager, I worked as a swimming instructor and a lifeguard. And so I decided when I graduated from grade 13, that's exactly what I was going to do. I was going to be a lifeguard and a swimming instructor. After about two years of that I realized that might not be a good job at 40. Being in a bathing suit might not be my idea of a good thing. And you know what? I was absolutely right, one of the best decisions I ever made. So what I did was I saw a brochure about nursing. And I went to my dad and I said that I want to be a nurse. He was shocked, because I'd never talked about nursing until that very moment. And luckily my dad had a friend who was the Director of Nursing at one of the nursing schools in Hamilton, where I lived, and he was able to get me into the nursing school. It was so amazing. The first day I arrived, there were all these people that were saying, Oh, I'm so excited to be a nurse. And I was sitting there going, I just didn't want to be a lifeguard. So now I'm in nursing. But I will tell you, I had loved it. I loved it because it was interesting. It was coursework that I could get into that I could really dive into fully. So all of a sudden I'd found that going to school was not that bad. In fact, I really enjoyed nursing school. So I graduated, became an RN, and ended up going to us a hospital in Scarborough, Ontario. And when I was in that hospital, the director of nursing, the VP nursing, took an interest in me and wanted to mentor me, I didn't know what that meant. But I don't think he argued with the VP nursing. So she started to mentor me, she is the reason why I went back to school, she is the reason why I have a BA, an MA, and a PhD, she was the one that convinced me that school after public elementary, high school is different, because you can choose what you want to study made everything so different for me. So I graduated with my doctorate. And I have to say, loved every minute of all the education that I had. And I should say, I graduated with a, an A average in my PhD. So then what I realized was that I wasn't really not smart, I wasn't really average, I just had not been applying myself because I wasn't interested. So the story I had told myself, all my life wasn't true. But it managed to show up everywhere in my life, you know, it took me 30 years, 30 years to find out that the story changed. What I'm trying to do with you is to say you can change your story long before 30 years, and you can get the most out of your life. You know, to be honest, if I had known that I could change that story, my life would have been probably very different. But the story served me. And it served me in a way that I hadn't thought about and that way that it served me was to be able to say, oh, no, I can't do that. I couldn't possibly do that. The I can't became my go to phrase. And what I learned is that I can, and I did. And I will. And that's where I want you to get to, as we go through this program. The story is the message in your head, it's what you give credibility to because it keeps showing up. And there's a pattern that comes with the story.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:I kept telling myself, I'm not smart enough, I'm not good enough. So the more you tell yourself that the more embedded it becomes, in your thinking pattern. Why do you keep saying I don't know, or I can't? Probably because of your story. So the key here is your belief system and your mindset. My belief system was set up in a story. That wasn't true. But for me, it seemed to be manifesting that way. And the pattern of behavior continued. The question for you is, is your mindset limited? Or expansive? Is it narrow? Or wide? Is it positive? Or is it negative? Is it growing or stifled? Here's the truth. My friends, we've all got a story. And sometimes more than one, as we go through this program, you'll see that you probably have more stories, I have more stories about myself too, by the way, what you're doing in listening to your story stops you from doing all the things that you're potentially able to do. You have a gift, you are given a gift. And the problem that we have is that if we listen to the story, we miss our gift. So what we need to do is identify the story. We need to work through the process move forward. And is it going to be easy? No. Is it going to take some time? Yes. Is it going to take some hard work? Certainly. Is it worth it in the end? Well, you can be the judge of that at the end. But I will tell you this change my life. And now when I look at my life, I have my own business. I'm a consultant to a number of different organizations. And I'm a coach. Here's the thing, if I had stayed with the story, that I'm not smart, I'm not really scholastically able, would I be where I am today? No. Would I have the life I have today? No. Would I have the friends colleagues and relationships not? But I do now. And that's what makes it all worthwhile. All the work that you put in comes back to you. I think the phrases it comes back to you tenfold. Well, it certainly has in my life. So let's get started on your journey. And here's what I'm going to have you do each podcast I'm going to give you homework. Remember, I do like to do the education piece. And by the way, I've taught at two Canadian universities and a college actually I taught for 14 years part time at a college in Ontario. And it was all about the homework. So I'm giving your homework what I'd like you to do is I'd like you to go to shift to your and what you will see there the format For the story, and I'd like you to take some very quiet time, sit down and start to fill out the format for the story. There are some prompts there that will help you fill in the blanks and, and add more to it. Can I tell you, it might be shocking to you, when you realize what it is that is the story that's held you back, please don't stifle the work that you're going to do. If a number of things come to you just make notes, keep track of them. Because things will start to come up. And you'll start to see the patterns as they fulfill the format that you're going to get. Answer all the questions. And if you wish, send some comments. You can also book a call with me and we can have a conversation about your story. So I'll see you next week, right back here. And yes, this is being recorded. So you will be able to go back and play it over again. And remember, we're all here on a journey together. And remember, you know, we're a work in progress. Always. Thanks so much for being here. So long for now. Bye Bye.