Step Into Your Transformation (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion on the T in SHIFT, Dr. Sheila shares a story about a transformative experience she had in Egypt with the cat goddess, Sekhmet. We must be open to the catalysts of transformation no matter what forms they may take.
The Takeaways:
· A psychological depth charge can happen when you need to shift internally, intrinsically, so that you can move forward.
· Once you start down this path of shifting to your bliss, you'll notice that things show up that push you forward on the journey.
For more insights like these, subscribe to ‘Shift To Your Bliss’ with Dr. Sheila Jaggard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hi there, you're listening to the Shift to Your Bliss podcast series. If you're in your 30s and beyond, with some life experience, and you're looking indeed searching for more in your life, your work and your career, then you're in the right place. In this podcast series, we will show you how to shift to your bliss. My name is Dr. Sheila Jaggard. I'm a world traveler from Machu Picchu, to the pyramids of Egypt. I've studied alongside Thomas Leonard, Bob Proctor, Dean, Grazi, OC, and Deepak Chopra. And after five decades, I created my very own formula to help you shift to your bliss. Welcome to the podcast series shift to your bliss. Are you ready? Let's dive in.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:Hi, there, it's Dr. Sheila, with Shift to Your Bliss. And today we're going to talk about the second part around transform transformation, the T in shift. And we talked last time about transforming our thinking and really welcoming the new and being able to take small steps towards what it was that was going to be our transformation. In this session, what I'd really like to talk to you about is how transformation can also be a massive shift. And we talked last time about Jonathan and having the car accident as that pinnacle piece that actually pushed him into a whole new, transformative transformative way of being. And I think you heard him say in the episode that he was in that, really people have told him that he manifested that. And that accident and that the accident was the stimulus? Well, you know, I believe that to be true. I believe that there are times when we get a nudge. And then there are times when we get the proverbial smack up the back of the head. And for Jonathan, when I said that to me, he said, Well, yeah, it was really, and you know, sometimes we just have to be awake enough to recognize the nudge, because if you don't recognize the nudge, I can almost guarantee you, you will end up with a smack up the back of the head.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:And I had the same experience, actually, when I was in Egypt. And it's this is really one of those stories where you can believe it or not believe it, but it did happen. I was absolutely transfixed by the archaeology and the digging that was going on. And I spoke with one of the guides, I, I always when I travel, I spend a good amount of time beside the guide so that I can learn all kinds of things. And so I said to the guide, this is amazing. And I was just so fascinated by it, and I and the guide said, What do you want to see something really neat? And I said, Sure. And she said, Well, just a second, I have to go ask the lead guide. And I said, Okay, so I mean, there's always things to look at, in Egypt. And so she went and had a conversation with the lead guide, who said, Oh, yeah, sure, go ahead. And then I'll bring the group later. So I thought, Oh, it's okay. So we're not going someplace where she's going to take man, I'm gonna get lost. So she took me, it really was off the beaten track, and it to this little hut, and it had a thatched roof. And there was a little Egyptian man sitting outside and he had this ring of keys, very old keys. And she spoke to him. And he opened the door, unlocked it. And then she said to me, walk in and go 10 Turn to your left and go 10 paces forward. And I said, okay, and she said, when you get there, open your eyes and you will see Sekhmet and Sekhmet was a cat goddess and not very nice actually have to admit a segment really didn't like humans. And so segment wanted to kill them all. And you can look up the story about segment I don't want to bore you with that right now. But so I said okay, so I went in and she shut the door behind me, which should have been a clue. And I turned left walk 10 paces forward. And when I opened my eyes, the little man that had been outside was up on the roof and was taking have as a small portion of the roof so that the sun shone down right on top of this blacks Black Onyx cat that was clearly 10 feet tall. Now I'm allergic to cats don't like cats. They do like me, however, and I'm looking at this cat. And I'm thinking, I have no idea why I'm here. And she said to me before I went in, ask the cat a question. And I thought, Well, okay, I'll ask the kind of question. So I asked the cattle question, and I swear to you, as I sit here today, it came a lot, the eyes shone, and it got this hideous grin on its face. And there was this wind that literally pushed me back against the back wall. That's 10 bases. And I am now terrified. And I try to call out to the guide, but I have no voice. And I'm standing there looking at this cat that's just grinning at me. And finally, Deepak arrived with a group. And so they opened the door, and they saw me.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:And as soon as they opened the door, the cat went back to Onyx. And I ran out. And Deepak stopped me and said, what happened? I said, the cat came alive. He said, Pardon. I said, the cat came alive. He said, What what happened? I saw asked the question, and he said, and, and I said, when I asked the question, the cat started to smile. And this wind came and pushed me to the back of the room. And he said, That's it. We're getting an Egyptologist. So the Egyptologist came along, and I told him what happened. And he said, there is energy here in Egypt, that no one can explain. And he said, I'm reasonably sure that that's what happened to you that you had an exchange of energy with a Black Onyx cat. Now, that was all very, very weird. And I remember thinking to myself, how does that happen? Exactly. So I let it go. And when we got we were traveling on the Nile. And when we got back to the ship, I said to my roommate, boy, I'm tired. I really, I just need to sleep. And she woke me up at dinnertime and said, Do you want some time? I said, No, I'm just really tired. So I'm good. Well, in the morning, I couldn't move. I mean, literally, I couldn't move. It was as if I was paralyzed. And so she ran to get Deepak and he came, because he's a medical doctor. And he said, I have no idea what's going on with you. So of course, he went to get our friendly Egyptologist who said, Oh, that's just energy sickness. Oh, okay. When's it gonna go away? And he's well, you can never tell. Great. So they had to literally carry me off the ship. And we're supposed to be going to ask on that day, I couldn't know because I was supposed to be on a plane couldn't get on the plane. So they left me at the airport. And because later when they came back from us while we were going to fly to Cairo, and so I'm laying there in the airport, not really able to move. And I remember that one of the guides stayed with me and I said, going to the bathroom is going to be fun. And she says, Okay, I'll hold you. And I thought, okay, was an experience. When they came back from us when I was still not able to move. And they loaded me onto the plane, they put me at the black back of this plane, where I could lie down. And I said, This is the weirdest thing. And the Egyptologist said, I have an idea, and he went to the pilot and said, We need to circle the pyramids three times, and make sure you fly over the Sphinx. Okay. On the third pass, I sat upright, and I was perfectly fine. And I said, what happened? And he said, Ah, the Sphinx is the son of segment. And I said, Okay, this is getting weirder and weirder by the moment. So it was an experience. I chalked it up to an experience in Egypt.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:When I came back, I was talking to my psychology Prof. And I said, this is what happened to me. And she said, that's a psychological depth charge. And it happens to you when you need to shift internally intrinsically, intrinsically, so that you can actually move forward. What was segment about I said segment was an angry female cat. And she said, and, and I said, I get it. I was an angry female and SEC Mets was showing me how rage can push you back against a wall, how your anger can have so much control over you. So the transformation for me was realizing that now I had the Black Onyx cat, I will always remember that gave me a transformative experience that I would never have believed, if I hadn't experienced it myself.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:Now, I sincerely hope that you don't end up being pushed back against the wall by an onyx cat. But I will tell you this. It changed everything about the way I saw things. And the anger that I'd had. It was a legitimate anger at the time, but it didn't need to stay in me. And it was about cleansing that out. Transformation is about letting go of those things that don't work for you anymore. It's about moving on to something far greater than you could ever imagine. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't had that experience with segment. But I will tell you this changed my life, and changed my way of looking at things. No, I still don't like cats. But I will tell you this, I have a great respect for energy now that I didn't have in the past. I encourage you think about your story and your new story. Give it a name, have something that you call it, that's a pet name, not necessarily segment been in pet name, so that you can in fact have that title. To go back to when your story comes to haunt you again. And by the way, I said this before the story keeps showing up. The story keeps doing these kinds of things. I tell you these stories so that you can understand that there's more to this than just a very simple Oh, yeah, well, this is the story of my life. And this is how I'm going to be and all those kinds of I get that. But the truth is, there's more work to this. Once you start down this path of shifting to your bliss, you'll notice that things show up that push you forward on the journey. And honestly, every single time something happens, there is a smile that comes to your face, because you think there it is. That's the transformative piece. I encourage you to continue your journey. This is our last session in this podcast series. And I encourage you to not only use this for the story that you're currently resonating with, but you can use it over and over again. Because the stories keep coming. And this gives you an opportunity to make a shift all the time that things are stopping you things that are holding you back. And it's been fun being with you for all these sessions.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:If you want to continue some work with me, please go to shift to your go to the contact page. Sign up and give me a call. Tell me you want to have a call, sign up for a call, do whatever you'd like to do. But I'd love to talk to you. And we can carry on your shift to your bliss. As I've said all along, you know life is a journey. And we're all we're all on that journey. I encourage you shifters continue to do the work. Because I know from personal experience continuing to do the work has changed my life. It's been my pleasure and my privilege to be working with you. I look forward to hearing from you. And seeing you again. We have some webinars that are coming up. Our first series is going to be on happiness. So I encourage you to keep in touch and follow what we're doing. And again, thanks so much for being with us. My pleasure. God bless. Bye bye.