Imagineering Your New Story

Are you stuck in your story or the patterns that are keeping you in a place that you want out of but cannot figure out how? In this episode, Dr. Sheila discusses imagining the challenge differently, the story differently, and an outcome that you may never have thought of before. Listen to her story of how she changed her story through the imagination of someone else.
The Takeaways
- The imagination piece of this program is setting yourself free from what you regularly currently do and giving yourself the opportunity to just be and to imagine.
- Uncover what you want in your life that your current story has always told you that you could not have.
- Your diminished thinking may not allow you that opportunity to step out of that which you know but you must keep pushing and working through it.
- You can be thinking and thinking and thinking of something and then all of a sudden when you let it go, there it is the answer.
For more insights like these, subscribe to ‘Shift To Your Bliss’ with Dr. Sheila Jaggard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Hi there, you're listening to the shift to your bliss podcast series. If you're in your 30s and beyond, with some life experience, and you're looking indeed searching for more in your life, your work and your career, then you're in the right place. In this podcast series, we will show you how to shift to your bliss. My name is Dr. Sheila Jaggard. I'm a world traveler from Machu Picchu, to the pyramids of Egypt. I've studied alongside Thomas Leonard, Bob Proctor, Dean, Grazi, OC, and Deepak Chopra. And after five decades, I created my very own formula to help you shift to your bliss. Welcome to the podcast series shift to your bliss. Are you ready? Let's dive in.
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:Hello, again, welcome back to shift to your bliss, the podcast series. Last time we were together, we were talking about heal and healing and moving forward with you know, some of the challenges that are going to take place. What we're going to talk about today is imagine and I kind of love this part, because it's envisioning that which you think could possibly happen, or allowing yourself to be open to anything that you want to have happened. And, to be honest, the reason I like it so much is because it allows you to get out of your logical rational day to day brain and get into that brain that is creative, that thinks differently, that actually wants to give you more information, but you won't let it because you're stuck in not only your story, but you're stuck in the patterns that you have. And you're stuck in the way in which you think you have to address some of the issues that are going on. So today, we're going to talk about imagining a new way of doing things, imagining the challenge differently, imagining the story differently, and imagining an outcome that you might never have thought of before. I call this imaginary. There's a lot of people that use that term. In fact, I think Disney, were the first people to use the term Imagineering and it is all about imagine this or imagine that, or what if or if I do this, then maybe this will happen. Or if I don't do this, then maybe this will happen. The imagination piece of this program is setting yourself free from what you regularly currently do. And giving yourself the opportunity to just be and to imagine. So you think about your story. And you think about the things that have happened, the challenges you've had the opportunities, you've had the things that have taken place, while you have been harboring this story, whether you realize it or not. And then what we're going to do is we're going to take time to imagine it differently. So let me take you back to my story of not being smart enough. So my imagination would never have allowed me to get to the place where I had multiple degrees, and I was able to run my own business, et cetera, et cetera. But when I think back now, to actually how that happened, it was the imagination of someone else, helping me to see the possibility. It's all about possibility thinking, if you can let go of that which you currently know. And open to what could be, you might be a little surprised. You know, I've had a lot of opportunities in my life to experience something that I never, ever would have thought possible. And in my story, it's a stranger, believing in me, a stranger who took me under her wing and said, You're meant for more. And then to have a member of my committee say, now you must go teach. Now you must go forth and teach. I would never have thought of that either. But here's the interesting thing. Their belief in me, spurred me forward. So this is also about finding someone who believes in you
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:And sometimes they come from the most outrageous places. I mean, who would have thought as a new graduate nurse that I would end up at a hospital? And by the way, I don't think I told you the background to that story with the mentor that I had. I was at the orientation session. And she had presented a lot of information about the hospital. And she asked if anyone had a question, and I put up my hand, remember, I'm curious. So I put up my hand and has a question. And before I could say anything, she said, you have a question. I said, Yes, I do. And she said, In all the years, I've done this, clearly over 15, or 20, no one has ever asked a question. Now, where do you think I went immediately? Oh, great. Here we go. The story is beginning. I'm not smart enough. I'm not good enough. And now I'm asking you a question when no one else has ever asked a question. Way to go, Sheila? Well, the truth of the matter was the question I asked. She said she'd never been asked before and it was a good question. And at the end of the orientation session, she said to me, could you come to my office at the end of today, and I thought, That's it. I'm done. I'm fired. And I said, certainly with a smile. And I went back to my unit. And I went to talk to the head nurse who said, I hear you're going to meet with the VP nursing at the end of the day. And I said, How do you know? And she said, Well, she called here, I said, Am I in trouble? She said, I don't think so. That's not the tone I got, but I don't know what she wants. And I said, Great, great. So end of shift, I went down to the VPS. office, she invited me and asked me if I wanted a cup of tea, anything to drink. And I thought, Okay, this isn't normally the way it ends, I don't think when you're losing a job. And she said, I'm, I'm quite enthralled with you, because you had the courage to ask a question. And I never thought it was courage. I thought it was curiosity. And she said, I'd like to be your mentor. I had no idea what mentor meant, but I knew I didn't want to do anything that was going to upset her. And I said, Oh, sure. And she said, Great. We will meet once a week, for a half hour. And in this mentorship experience, I'll help you with your career sounded good to me. So I started meeting her once a week, can I tell you those times meeting with her, were just so pivotal, in my learning to understand more about myself, she was amazing. I kept in touch with her for years before she died. And you know, the truth of the matter is, if she hadn't had the belief in me, I don't know that I would have. And the very first program she got me into. And the very first course I took, I was so excited about it, that I spent hours and hours and hours on it and got an exceptional mark. That was again, realizing that after nursing school, remember I did really well in nursing school because I really liked it. And I did really well in all the courses that I took. And then of course, I took my BA and I really did well in that and and it just went on and on and on. The truth is somebody believed in me. And she helped me to imagine a career as opposed to a job. So the imagination is the part of getting outside of yourself. giving yourself the opportunity to picture something different, something new, something that could happen for you that perhaps hasn't happened before. I love the commercial right now that is on a round of the lottery. Dream coach, who says the lottery bonus this week is $60 million. Imagine what you could do with $60 million. And most people think small, because that's what we're conditioned for. But then he starts prodding you to think bigger, to think more expansively to think of things in a very, very different way. And before long, you've got hella pads, you've got a house in the country with a golf course you've got all these kinds of things that you would never have thought of before. What I'm wanting you to do is I'm wanting you to take a look at your story and I want you to imagine something entirely different. That the story doesn't matter now. What matters is you going forward. What is it that you're going to want in your life? That's different than what the story has always told you. What is it that you really want to do
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:And imagine it, close your eyes, visualize it, and visualize every single aspect of it. You know, many, many years ago, well, I'm gonna say it was back in the 80s. Yeah, that's the last century. For those of you who are only from this century, in the last century, I had the opportunity to take a course on Dream building. And this person, it was at the University, and this person talked about being able to imagine anything that you wanted in your life. And at the time, I thought, you've got to be kidding me. How can you do that? And then I realized that by Imagineering, you can create the world you want to have. So for me, after grad school, the Imagineering was my own business. Now, I have to tell you, my business has undergone a number of metamorphosis services, a number of changes a number of new opportunities. And I will say that I'm really pleased with the direction that we're going in now. Now that, you know, we're, we're doing podcasts, we're going to be starting some webinars, and of course, retreats. I'm very excited about the retreats. Because now as the world is coming back together, I'm hoping for a retreat this fall. But in the beginning, I thought it was having a job. In fact, I have people in my life that continue to tell me to have a job, don't consult have a job. And the truth of the matter is, I had to imagine a different life for myself. So I want you to think about your current story. And imagine yourself away from it. Remember, during our sessions on heal, we talked about bringing in a new way to look at how in fact, that story has affected you what you have allowed that story to be in your life, what I'm going to ask you now is to take a look at that story and say thank you very much. Here's where I really want to go. Here's what I really want to do. You know, when we do face to face sessions with people, I use a technique called quantum jumping. And quantum jumping is taking you to that future place. But you have to have the imagination first. And some of us have lost our imagination. Because we're so caught up in problem solving every day, we're so caught up in our routine, we're so caught up in what we believe is, we can't see the possibility of what could be. I encourage you to give yourself a few minutes to think about what could be based on your story. By the way, in my story, it's still evolving. It's still evolving. There are things that I'm learning things that I'm doing people that are in my life now that I never knew before. But people that have been able to bring new ideas to me, helped me to see things differently. helped me to expand my thinking. Your brain will go where you want your brain to go. Do you want it to stay where it is? And stifled? Or do you want it to be open with new opportunities? You know, I had the opportunity to talk to one of my colleagues the other day, and we're talking about opportunities for her. And she's brilliant. She truly is brilliant. And I love working with her. And I can see such a future for her. She can't quite see it yet. So I said to her, I really want you to imagine something entirely different than what you're doing now. Well, okay, but she doesn't get very far. And you know why? It's not because she's not able to. It's because our diminished thinking doesn't allow us that opportunity to step out of that, that which we know, we're working on it. And even today, when I talked to her, she said, You know, I'm really thinking about this. And I said, you know, the interesting thing about this is maybe you need to let it go for a while. Just let it go. Because it will come to you. That's the beauty of our mind is that you can be thinking and thinking and thinking of something and then all of a sudden, when you let it go, there it is the answer. So for homework today, what I really want you to do is I want you to go to shift to your There is a short video there on
Dr. Sheila Jaggard:visually visualization imagining Reading. And what I really would like you to do is listen to it in a relaxed, comfortable place. And then apply your story and see what comes up for you. It's an opportunity to shift, an opportunity to take a look at what you have, and go to where you want to go. I'll see you next time, the same place. Remember, we're all a work in progress, and it is a journey. Only this time you're gonna get to imagine a new part of the journey. This is Dr. Sheila saying. Until next time shifters. Get out there. Find your bliss. start imagining. Bye bye.