Sept. 22, 2024

Debunking Niche Myths: Overcoming the Six Most Common Fears About Choosing Your Coaching - Ep.216

Debunking Niche Myths: Overcoming the Six Most Common Fears About Choosing Your Coaching - Ep.216

In the final episode of the "Find Your Perfect Coaching Niche" mini-series, we tackle the six most common worries and misconceptions that hold coaches back from confidently choosing their niche. 🌟 From fears of missing out to concerns about getting bored, this episode provides clarity and reassurance, helping you overcome these mental roadblocks. By the end, you’ll feel more empowered to select and commit to a niche that aligns with your strengths and sets you up for success. Don’t let these common myths stop you—tune in and take the next step in your coaching journey!

 Episode Highlights:

1. "I'll Miss Out on Clients" - Understanding why niching down actually attracts more clients by making you a sought-after specialist.

2. "I'll Get Bored with One Niche" - Why being multi-passionate is natural, and how focusing your business allows you more freedom in your personal life.

3. "I Can't Decide Between Niches" - The importance of making a choice and how indecision can keep you stuck in place.

4. "I'll Have to Stick with This Forever" - Recognizing that your niche is not a lifelong commitment but a tool that evolves with you and your business.

5. "I Want to Be a Life Coach and Help Everyone" - Why even with a specific niche, life coaching always plays a role in your sessions.

6. "The Market is Saturated" - Debunking the scarcity mindset and understanding how your unique personality and experience set you apart in any niche.

7. Real-Life Client Stories - How past clients overcame these misconceptions and found clarity and success by choosing a niche.

8. Free Resources - Links to valuable tools and guides to help you continue refining your coaching niche.

9. Opportunities for Further Support - Information on how to work with me, either privately or in group programs, to get personalized help on your niche journey.

This episode is designed to help you move past the common fears and misconceptions about niching down, so you can confidently build a coaching business that resonates with your ideal clients. Listen in and take the first step toward greater clarity and success! 🚀


Featured on This Show:

 Ready to finally get clarity on your perfect coaching niche? Join my Nail Your Niche workshop and build the foundation for a thriving coaching business! Register Here

●     Free Resource: Discover Your Best Coaching Niche Quiz

●     Free Resource: 147 Proven Coaching Niches

●     Free Resource: What Is Your Coaching Superpower Quiz

●     Click here to find out how to work with me

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More Episodes in the Niche Mini Series

The Importance of Niching Down: Benefits of Finding Your Coaching Niche Episode 213

Discovering Your Niche By Leveraging Your Passion and Strengths: Episode 214

Four Proven Strategies to Test and Validate Your Coaching Niche for Profitability Episode 215

Episode 216: Debunking Niche Myths: Overcoming the Six Most Common Fears About Choosing Your Coaching Niche Episode 216

Candy Motzek:

Music, welcome to she coaches, coaches. I'm your host, Candy Motzek, and I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be, if you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. Welcome to this episode.

Candy Motzek:

I am so glad you're here. This is the final episode in the find your perfect coaching niche series. In the first episode, we talked all about what is a niche, what's the difference between a niche and an avatar, and the benefits of niching down for coaches. How does it make signing clients easier? How does it make building your business easier? In the second episode, I gave you some prompts. I gave you nine prompts and some step by step guidance about how to choose your best niche. Then we covered four different approaches that you can take to validate and decide whether the niche that you've chosen is profitable or can be a profitable niche or not. So today, what we're going to dive into are the six most common worries that I hear from clients, misconceptions that they have about choosing their niche. If you haven't already, I would encourage you to subscribe to the show and save this episode, and then be sure to go back and listen to all of the episodes in this mini series. So I was working with my clients, and they're part of a group coaching program that I run, and a couple of them, over a number of week weeks, brought forward their concerns about choosing a niche. We talked it through, and it really opened up their eyes. Finally, they understood why this is such an important topic and how it will really help them to become a successful coach, one who knows how to easily book clients. And once they understood that, then they were all in on choosing a niche, and it has made such a huge difference, they have gained so much clarity. I gathered some of those concerns and other concerns that I've heard from coaches that I've worked with over the years, many of my private clients and in conversations with peers, and I want to share them with you today. Now keep in mind that worries and misconceptions, they're natural, right? This is something that you're doing that's new to you. You've never done this before, so it's normal to have some hesitation, and I trust that this episode is going to help you feel better. It's going to help to dispel some of those common misconceptions that you might be having. All right. So as I said, there's six of these. The first one is, I classify it like this. It's all miss out. I'm going to miss out. If I choose a niche, there's not going to be enough people. I'll be turning away all the clients, and then I'm going to struggle. But in fact, what happens is completely different. Choosing a niche makes you a specialist, and a specialist has an expertise that is really valuable to people. People want a solution to their problem, and they want help from an expert like you who can get them where they want to go. In the last episode, I used that example of a coaching niece that sounds like this, someone who says, I help busy professionals lose weight while juggling their busy schedule and without having to do crazy restrictive diets or hard workouts. Well, if you're a busy professional and you want to lose weight, you're going to bet that you want to know more about this, because you recognize yourself, right? And you recognize the challenge. It's the same challenge that you're experiencing. So because that coach narrowed in on their dream client and narrowed in on their niche, their client, the potential client, recognizes they hear themselves. They see themselves in the message. Let's use the metaphor of a dog whistle. When you blow a dog whistle, you don't hear a thing, but your dog, the one that you're calling, hears it and responds, they come running. Now, of course, I am not by any means equating your dream client with a dog, far from it, but what this does demonstrate is that when you create a signal, a signal that is at a specific frequency, and by that. I mean, you write a post, you meet someone at a networking event, you share a tip with somebody, you have a conversation, you lend a hand in your area of expertise. The person who is searching everywhere for help is going to hear that signal, and they're going to raise their hand and say, hey, I want some help with that. So here's the truth, your niche is your coaching superpower, and that means that trying to serve everyone often leads to you serving no one effectively. Let me say that again. When you try to serve everyone and not narrow down in the end, you don't really help anyone. Effectively. Niching down allows you to speak directly to a very specific kind of person, and it makes your message resonate far more powerfully with them. It's about creating a focused, specific offer for a group of people, which in turn, makes your message that right signal, that right frequency. It makes it so much more compelling and interesting and attractive to the people that you want to work with. So the second is this, I'm going to get bored with just one niche, I'm a multi passionate individual. So if you're one of the coaches who worries that by choosing a niche, it's going to feel super restrictive, and you're not going to be able to live your best life, I want to share with you something, of course, you are multi passionate. You're human. We are all multi passionate. There are so many things that I love that are nothing to do with my business. I love ballet, I love art, I love reading. I love going to my cabin. I love spending time on the water and spending time in nature. I love walking my dog. Multi passionate. I have friends and family that I love to spend time with. None of that has anything to do with my business. You are not your business either. So your business is never going to satisfy all your needs, nor should it. You get to be multi passionate, and I love that you are so give yourself the gift of a simple business practice constraint. Constraint means we narrow down and we focus like a laser. And constraint also means that you're going to have to spend less time and energy marketing and selling and more of the time and energy of your business coaching your clients, that means more time also to enjoy your multi passionate life. The truth is that every single coaching session that you ever do with a client, each session is unique, each client is unique, and they bring to these sessions their specific needs, their unique circumstances, and they're all tailored to your strengths, so you're bringing your multi passionate self with all of your experience and skills and perspectives to those sessions with your clients. All right, so the third, I'm having problems, holding up my fingers, okay. The third is indecision. I just I'm stuck. I don't know. I can't make a choice. I've got two choices, and I don't know which one to choose. The truth is that by not choosing, you are actually making a choice, and the choice that you've made is to stay stuck. Yes, this is an important decision, but it's not life or death, and you don't have to stay with one niche forever. Whether you're deciding whether you want to be a fitness coach or a weight loss coach, it is an important decision, but both of those are good choices. There is no perfect choice. There never is and there never will be. You get to choose the best you can with what you know right now, earlier in the series, I shared with you about a marketer, Taki Moore, who I was part of one of his trainings, and he has this really scientific way of helping you make a decision. If you got two perfectly good niches and you just can't decide, I suggest his fool, foolproof method. Here's how he did it. He pulled out a coin and he said, Okay, heads, it's niche number one. Tails, it's niche number two, and then he flipped the coin. I know it sounds funny, but really, if you've got two perfectly good niches, know that there is only the choice that you are making for now, and you can always evolve. You. Will evolve. You will grow, and you will change, but just don't change too soon. Give yourself a number of months to really get settled in that niche, and then use your time wisely the land of indecision, that place where I've got two and I can't make a decision, not making a choice, is making a choice. Don't make that choice to stay stuck. Don't make that choice to not move forward. You don't want that, and I don't want that for you either. So if you need to go ahead and flip a coin, myth number four, Misconception Number four is this, I'll have to stick with this forever. Oh my gosh, that sounds so restrictive and painful. The fourth common niche is that you've got to stay with something forever. But a niche is a niche. It is not a lifetime commitment. It is not a prison, it is a tool, and you can change and evolve over time, as you grow in your business, as you grow as a human, your niche is going to evolve with you. Don't worry. You might feel stuck, maybe, but then you can always change. If you're worried that you're going to feel stuck or maybe even a little bit bored in your coaching business, maybe you're worried you're not going to be able to explore new possibilities or opportunities. I'm going to give you permission right now. You get to choose your niche, and you get to still evolve. You get to learn new things, grow in new ways, and explore those new opportunities that might come your way. The reality is that a niche or any kind of a specialization is not fixed, it is not static. They are dynamic. They are flexible, and they will change and grow with you and your clients. So the fifths, the fifth misconception, is this, and it sounds like this one, my clients say to me, ah, you know, I think it's rather just be a life coach, and then I could coach anyone on anything. So here's what's fun. Every time you sign a client to help them overcome a specific challenge or reach a certain goal, things evolve. They do the work your coaching together. You're spending time together in your coaching sessions, and life happens. And even though you're coaching them on that topic, supporting them into reaching that goal or eliminating that challenge, they bring their whole self their life, what's happening in their life to these coaching sessions. So when life happens, they bring that to your coaching sessions too. And guess what it means you're always doing life coaching every single niche is to help market and sell to solve a specific problem or reach a certain goal, but then, when you're working with your clients, they are bringing their life to you, and you get to do the life coaching too. So the purpose of that niche is to make marketing and selling your coaching services easier and to attract and sign your dream clients, helping the client reach the goal or overcome that challenge is always going to go hand in hand with life coaching. And finally, Misconception Number Six sounds like this. Oh, I don't know. I think that that niche is saturated. There's no room for me, that niche is completely saturated. So of course, there are a lot of fitness coaches in the world. There's lots of stress management coaches in the world too. But when you start to worry about an industry being saturated, it's a myth that is born out of scarcity mindset. Making yourself believe that there's not enough room for you is a misconception. Because, guess what? There are 8 billion people in this world, and there is room for all of us. Your individual sets you apart from anybody else in a similar niche. You are the only one who bring those skills, that knowledge, that unique life experience to the relationship. You are a perfect match for your dream clients. So of course, it's true, the market. May have a lot of people in the market, but no one can do it exactly the way you do it. I remember I used to worry about this too. The coaching world itself seems so saturated. Everywhere I looked, there was coaches, and I started to wonder, could I really do this? Could I really leave a. Mark, and then I remembered a couple of things, the things that I see in the world as a coach. What do I see? I see other coaches. If I go on social media, those social media algorithms do their absolute best to show me things that I'm interested in. So of course, it shows me coaching. So there's a little bit of a mirror effect here. That was a miss the first part of the misconception. The second is it hit me, my unique personality, my perspective, my life experience, my skills. Those were my differentiator. And you know what people started to resonate with it all right, so we've talked about those six common worries, those six misconceptions. These are sticking points that I often see with coaches when they're choosing a niche if you want to learn more and you're ready to take the next step. I invite you to check out the Episode notes. I've got some free resources specifically for coaching niches, and I've put the links in the Episode Notes. I encourage you to sign up and download those resources, listen to them and enjoy them and make good use of them. I'm going to put those links in the Episode Notes. And of course, if you even want more help, I'm here for you. You could check out how to work with me, either privately or in one of my group programs.

Candy Motzek:

So thanks so much for listening, and I look forward to talking to you again next week. Thanks again for listening today. Please hop on over to Apple podcasts and leave a review. Also, I would love to hear from you did something that I say resonate. What else would you like to learn about? Click the link in the player and leave a comment on the post. This is going to give me great ideas for future episodes, so I can help you best. Join me again next week from our coaching support and teaching to help you become the confident coach you are meant to be. You.

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