March 25, 2025

Winning Hearts in the Age of AI: Mastering Automation Without Losing Authenticity | RR303

Winning Hearts in the Age of AI: Mastering Automation Without Losing Authenticity | RR303

Automation and AI should make business easier—not strip away the personal connections that make it thrive.

Shaun Whynacht, founder of Blue Cow Marketing, has spent over a decade helping businesses use automation without losing the human touch. He believes that the right technology should free up time for deeper client relationships, not replace them. Shaun shares how small business owners can use AI and automation to streamline processes, manage follow-ups, and create more meaningful interactions with clients. From using AI tools to enhancing communication, to creating personalized follow-up systems, Shaun shows how automation can help you work smarter while keeping relationships at the heart of your business.


  • Find out how automation can save time on repetitive tasks while keeping your business personal and engaging.
  • Learn how to categorize tasks so you know what to automate, delegate, or eliminate for maximum efficiency.
  • Discover AI-powered tools that improve follow-ups, note-taking, and client communication without feeling robotic.
  • Explore ways to use automation to enhance—not replace—genuine relationship-building with clients.
  • Get practical strategies to streamline your workflow and free up time for high-value business activities.

Connect with Shaun:



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Janice Porter:

Scott, hello and welcome to this week's episode

Janice Porter:

of relationships ruled, where we explore the power of

Janice Porter:

relationships in building lasting business success in

Janice Porter:

today's world, automation and AI are transforming how we engage

Janice Porter:

with clients. But can we really build genuine relationships

Janice Porter:

while relying on technology. Well, my guest today, Sean. Why

Janice Porter:

not? Is an expert in blending automation with authenticity. As

Janice Porter:

the founder of blue cow marketing and a certified

Janice Porter:

automation specialist, Sean has spent over a decade helping

Janice Porter:

businesses streamline their marketing while strengthening

Janice Porter:

their client connections, and today, we'll explore how you can

Janice Porter:

leverage AI and automation to work smarter without losing the

Janice Porter:

personal touch that keeps your business thriving. Welcome,

Janice Porter:

welcome. Welcome to

Shawn Whynacht:

the show. Sean Janice, thank you so much for

Shawn Whynacht:

having me. You're very welcome.

Janice Porter:

I love that we met on a technical, automated

Janice Porter:

piece. We were on a webinar and and had a mutual connection and

Janice Porter:

started the and I loved what you were doing. You were doing a

Janice Porter:

presentation on this webinar about automation, and you don't

Janice Porter:

have that shirt on today, though. What does that one say?

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

this is another agency that I'm working at

Shawn Whynacht:

building out for a financial smart person.

Janice Porter:

Sean has Sean's logo and branding is, is

Janice Porter:

automation dot, and he's got a different shirt on today. Says

Janice Porter:

enriched. So I'll be curious to hear about that as well. So Sean

Janice Porter:

is definitely, I don't know Sean. I think, I think, I hate

Janice Porter:

to say this, but I think tech guru, I think nerd, I think

Janice Porter:

someone who loves to, you know, get in there. And I, I do notice

Janice Porter:

that you have great equipment there. And you come from a

Janice Porter:

completely different world though you come from, weren't

Janice Porter:

you a DJ or something way back then?

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah, that was my my first kind of step into

Shawn Whynacht:

entrepreneurship was, first of all being discovering the word

Shawn Whynacht:

entrepreneurship and knowing what it meant, and then asking

Shawn Whynacht:

the guidance counselor, and she explained to me, and I became

Shawn Whynacht:

aware because I grew up in an entrepreneurial family without

Shawn Whynacht:

ever knowing it. Oh, really, yeah, my grandfather was an

Shawn Whynacht:

electronics engineer repairing TVs back when, before they were

Shawn Whynacht:

disposable, like and you know, what was really interesting was

Shawn Whynacht:

as a young boy, I would go with him when he would deliver these

Shawn Whynacht:

TVs back to homes. And it wasn't just a transaction of, here's

Shawn Whynacht:

your TV, thanks, here's your bill. We'd get invited in, and

Shawn Whynacht:

people would know him, he would know them. We'd spend hours

Shawn Whynacht:

there. And it was all about the relationship right to this to

Shawn Whynacht:

this day, like even in business, that is a core foundational

Shawn Whynacht:

element of of what I try to bring to businesses is getting

Shawn Whynacht:

to know clients, getting to know their story, getting to know

Shawn Whynacht:

them personally for that relationship side. So from

Shawn Whynacht:

there, I became a DJ in high school, and then did that and

Shawn Whynacht:

got into television production. I went to school for that as a

Shawn Whynacht:

television producer, a technical producer, and started to doing

Shawn Whynacht:

video production as a business and have evolved into, you know,

Shawn Whynacht:

shooting aerial photos from a helicopter in minus 40 degree

Shawn Whynacht:

temperatures in northern BC, to working for the Cancer Society,

Shawn Whynacht:

to other jobs, website design and then automation for the last

Shawn Whynacht:

13 plus years with my own Business.

Janice Porter:

Oh, I love how the story of your grandfather,

Janice Porter:

though, see, okay, so just to break that down in this in a

Janice Porter:

sense, I asked you a question that was really not on my list,

Janice Porter:

because we're talking about automation. We're talking about

Janice Porter:

but I wanted to break the ice a little bit. I wanted a little

Janice Porter:

bit of rapport building, and you just lit up when you talked

Janice Porter:

about your grandfather. So that's exactly what what you

Janice Porter:

were talking about. And what I love to do with my guest is to

Janice Porter:

have them speak about things that make them light up. So I

Janice Porter:

don't know if that just hit the hit the bullseye for me. Thank

Janice Porter:

you, and thank you for sharing that. But it also it's in your

Janice Porter:

blood. Obviously, the technology that electronics. I wonder what

Janice Porter:

your grandfather would say about he's probably, is he still

Janice Porter:

alive? No,

Shawn Whynacht:

no. He passed away when I was really young, so

Shawn Whynacht:

I don't have too many memories Other than this, yeah, but

Janice Porter:

he loved that. He's probably watching over you,

Janice Porter:

yeah, absolutely, exactly. So let's just dive in a little bit

Janice Porter:

to your philosophy around automating, because I'm one of

Janice Porter:

these people that needs your help, and I still haven't done

Janice Porter:

your assessment, but I promise I'm going to, because I'm too

Janice Porter:

much of a control freak, and it's really hard for me to let

Janice Porter:

go of things. And I know there's there's automation. So that can

Janice Porter:

just make things work ease more easily for me. And then there's

Janice Porter:

things that I can hand off to somebody else, right? So how

Janice Porter:

did, how does one decide, as a small business owner, how do I

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

Well, it's a great question like, where do

Shawn Whynacht:

you start with it? And you know, when you think of automation,

Shawn Whynacht:

there are a lot of people that hear the term automation that

Shawn Whynacht:

say, I need to automate. It automate when you start to dig

Shawn Whynacht:

down as to like, why do you need to? They didn't cover, I don't

Shawn Whynacht:

know, like, I'm just told I need to, right? So my philosophy

Shawn Whynacht:

usually is figuring out, what do we actually have to automate,

Shawn Whynacht:

like, is it something that is taking away time that you could

Shawn Whynacht:

use in a better place, in your in your business? And you know,

Shawn Whynacht:

I work with a great VA company that helps me a lot of client

Shawn Whynacht:

projects, and their CEO, Christy, always says that

Shawn Whynacht:

there's a mutual connection that's right, right? She's used

Shawn Whynacht:

this term because I was on her podcast. There's really three

Shawn Whynacht:

core areas of the things that you do in the day, you can

Shawn Whynacht:

either automate, delegate or eliminate. That's right, that's

Shawn Whynacht:

what you do in it. So it comes down to figuring out what it is

Shawn Whynacht:

that you're doing, right? What is it that you're doing that is

Shawn Whynacht:

taking that time away from you? So, you know, things like for

Shawn Whynacht:

me, you know, getting transactions of all my my

Shawn Whynacht:

payments that that clients have made, and things like that, so

Shawn Whynacht:

that my bookkeeper can input it. Well, I would spend so many

Shawn Whynacht:

times on the phone with them, going through transaction, my

Shawn Whynacht:

transaction, and going into multiple systems. And I'm like,

Shawn Whynacht:

there has to be a better way, right? So just putting a little

Shawn Whynacht:

automation where it all puts it into one Excel sheet that they

Shawn Whynacht:

get, and it pulls from all the sources. Was an automated task

Shawn Whynacht:

that saved me hours and just organized it, so that made sense

Shawn Whynacht:

to automate it. Now, if, if it was like I want to automate

Shawn Whynacht:

every email that comes into my inbox and have it automatically

Shawn Whynacht:

reply back to clients so that I don't have to talk to anyone,

Shawn Whynacht:

that's a silly idea, right? Right? Because now you have

Shawn Whynacht:

automation that is removing you from the relationship, right,

Shawn Whynacht:

right? So automation should actually allow you to be more

Shawn Whynacht:

present in the relationship, right? So another example,

Shawn Whynacht:

meetings, right? We're in this world where zoom meetings just

Shawn Whynacht:

like we're recording now have been, you know, common nature

Shawn Whynacht:

now to do business this way, right? So I'm notoriously

Shawn Whynacht:

horrible for taking notes. I'd have a notepad, even in physical

Shawn Whynacht:

meetings, I would do the same thing, and I would leave with a

Shawn Whynacht:

notepad. Nothing written on

Janice Porter:

it. Mine would have doodles on it. Mine would

Janice Porter:

have doodles on it, yeah, so then I'd

Shawn Whynacht:

be forced at the end to be like, All right, what

Shawn Whynacht:

did they say? What did I have to do? Or I'd be trying to think

Shawn Whynacht:

and commit to memory during the meeting. So by bringing a

Shawn Whynacht:

automatic note taker, automated piece into your business, it

Shawn Whynacht:

allowed me to be present in the meeting, talk to the client, ask

Shawn Whynacht:

the question, listen more than I spoke, because I knew there was

Shawn Whynacht:

an automated piece that was taking all the notes. Was then

Shawn Whynacht:

automatically going to put it into the contact record at the

Shawn Whynacht:

end, it was going to give me a summary, it was going to email

Shawn Whynacht:

it to the client, and this was all taken care of. Allowed me

Shawn Whynacht:

now to use automation to build a stronger relationship.

Janice Porter:

I think you've just sold me on that, because I

Janice Porter:

keep fighting that one too. And the reason I was fighting it is

Janice Porter:

because I was thinking, great. So I have this note taker on the

Janice Porter:

screen on my Zoom call, and then it saves it in a file somewhere.

Janice Porter:

Now I've got to go read it, so now it's twice the thing, that's

Janice Porter:

what I'm thinking, right? But really, it reviews where you've

Janice Porter:

had the time to be focused on the meeting. It reviews what you

Janice Porter:

discussed. It probably summarizes it, I think you said,

Janice Porter:

and then action steps, if there are any, can, can be managed as

Janice Porter:

well. But it also allows me to, would allow me to, to go back

Janice Porter:

and and I know sometimes I, when I meet people, I have a process,

Janice Porter:

I think that I go through with, you know, new person I, you

Janice Porter:

know, I'll ask them for their address, I'll send them a card,

Janice Porter:

I'll write them, put them into my my address book, where I'll

Janice Porter:

make some notes. You know, has a son was a DJ, but, you know,

Janice Porter:

whatever I've did, right? But, but that's the extent of it. And

Janice Porter:

so by having that note taker, I might get way more, you know,

Janice Porter:

information, because I don't remember anything anymore. It's

Janice Porter:

just it's much harder. The older you get, the harder it is to

Janice Porter:

remember what you've said five minutes ago. So, so, yeah, I, I

Janice Porter:

hear that, and that sounds like a good place I could start

Janice Porter:

actually, yeah, it makes a lot of sense, you

Shawn Whynacht:

know. And then when it comes to auditing those

Shawn Whynacht:

tasks, you know, it's, it takes a little. Bit of time to remove

Shawn Whynacht:

yourself from your business so you're not, you know, busy with

Shawn Whynacht:

things coming in, but start to think of in your business. What

Shawn Whynacht:

are all the things that you do? And write them down, right? You

Shawn Whynacht:

can write them on you can do post it notes. You can write

Shawn Whynacht:

them on a list, doing your phone, whatever works for you,

Shawn Whynacht:

yeah. But the idea is be as as detailed as possible of all

Shawn Whynacht:

these things, and then we put them into three different

Shawn Whynacht:

buckets. Okay, the three buckets are, is this task non revenue

Shawn Whynacht:

generating? So is it like sweeping the floor in the

Shawn Whynacht:

office? Is it, you know, whatever is if doing this

Shawn Whynacht:

doesn't directly connect me to making more money in the

Shawn Whynacht:

business, then it goes in that bucket. The middle one is, does

Shawn Whynacht:

it have potential? Right? So that's like recording your

Shawn Whynacht:

podcast, you know, writing a blog, doing doing those type of

Shawn Whynacht:

things while they will, if you keep doing them, generate

Shawn Whynacht:

interest in business. You cannot dollar to dollar, directly,

Shawn Whynacht:


Janice Porter:

content that's absolutely your newsletter, all

Janice Porter:

of those things that take time, right?

Shawn Whynacht:

So that's your potential one, and then there's

Shawn Whynacht:

the revenue directly, revenue, so that's doing the work for the

Shawn Whynacht:

client, meeting with the client, right? Your potential one in the

Shawn Whynacht:

middle would be meeting with prospects, consults, those type

Shawn Whynacht:

of things, right? So all those, so once we have those in those

Shawn Whynacht:

three buckets, what we do is the non revenue ones, we either look

Shawn Whynacht:

at, can we automate it or delegate it? Because you're

Shawn Whynacht:

worth way more than, you know, an automated tool, monthly

Shawn Whynacht:

subscription right there, so you pay, you know, $60 whatever the

Shawn Whynacht:

price would be for a monthly tool that could automate it,

Shawn Whynacht:

right? And if it can take two, three hours off your time, it's

Shawn Whynacht:

well worth it. Or you get a VA, or somebody that is a lower rate

Shawn Whynacht:

or entry level junior person to do these tasks for you, or you

Shawn Whynacht:

eliminate it. I mean, if that's the other thing is, like, do I

Shawn Whynacht:

really need to be doing that? The middle one is, we're going

Shawn Whynacht:

to either delegate that or automate to make it more

Shawn Whynacht:

efficient. So if it has the potential to generate revenue,

Shawn Whynacht:

it would make sense if you could do it quicker or more effective,

Shawn Whynacht:

more efficient in there. So, you know, writing, you know, doing a

Shawn Whynacht:

podcast. Yes, you're going to do an interview, but then are you

Shawn Whynacht:

going to, you know, normally, sit down and let's do it back

Shawn Whynacht:

and write out notes. Well, you could, but you could take the

Shawn Whynacht:

transcription, throw it into chat GBT and say, Okay, give me

Shawn Whynacht:

notes. Pull out five quotes that Sean said that I can use for

Shawn Whynacht:

social posts. Write me a blog like all those things. Shortens

Shawn Whynacht:

the amount of time I had a financial advisor client who

Shawn Whynacht:

spent six hours making all of her social content every week.

Shawn Whynacht:

Got it down to just under an hour with using AI tools in

Shawn Whynacht:

place. So using automation to enhance that or do it for you,

Shawn Whynacht:

and then the revenue generating ones, you do not want to

Shawn Whynacht:

delegate that Right, right? Because that is you. That is

Shawn Whynacht:

your business. You're going to use your automation, your AI

Shawn Whynacht:

tools to make you better at doing it, make you faster at

Shawn Whynacht:

doing it, but also make you able to, you know, be more present in

Shawn Whynacht:

those those times. So, you know, going into a meeting with a

Shawn Whynacht:

client, if they sent you an email that's that talked about

Shawn Whynacht:

some of the challenges they had, put it, copy it into a chatgpt

Shawn Whynacht:

prompt and say, I received this email from the client. This is

Shawn Whynacht:

who they are. This is, you know, how can I help? What's some

Shawn Whynacht:

questions I could ask them? And it will give you some ideas. So

Shawn Whynacht:

now you come into that meeting with really, like a, you know,

Shawn Whynacht:

another person with you that's given you some advice, because

Shawn Whynacht:

it is quite smart to be able to analyze and come up with ideas.

Shawn Whynacht:

It's in there. So that's really how we start to audit those and

Shawn Whynacht:

figure out what we're going to do.

Janice Porter:

Okay, so I know that you have a a market, a

Janice Porter:

marketing assessment that does that help? Does that help? Like,

Janice Porter:

if I because I haven't taken it yet, but I said, I'm going to

Janice Porter:

will that'll give me the will that be the exercise of going

Janice Porter:

through and listing my things.

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah, so the marketing, the marketing

Shawn Whynacht:

assessment that I do is, is a fact, gathering tool that allows

Shawn Whynacht:

me to really get a baseline for how I can make recommendations

Shawn Whynacht:

and help people. You know, I've had prospects come through where

Shawn Whynacht:

they've answered the text boxes with one word answers. Not a lot

Shawn Whynacht:

of help I can provide with with that, right? So, like, like,

Shawn Whynacht:

what's your sales process? I don't have one. Well, you do

Shawn Whynacht:

have a sales process, right? I need to know more about it. So

Shawn Whynacht:

the idea behind it is, really figure out, you know, what are

Shawn Whynacht:

you struggling with? Where do you want to go in the business?

Shawn Whynacht:

Why haven't you gotten there? Yeah, right. And then figure out

Shawn Whynacht:

more the stuff like, are you running ads? Are you doing this

Shawn Whynacht:

kind of thing? Now, I use tools to automate this process to help

Shawn Whynacht:

me get to the point. Point where it makes sense for me to step

Shawn Whynacht:

in, right? No, it's the same thing. You go to the dentist,

Shawn Whynacht:

you go to the doctor, the nurse comes in, they prep you, they

Shawn Whynacht:

get all the information, and then the doctor comes in at the

Shawn Whynacht:

point, and basically it's like, here's what we need to do, or

Shawn Whynacht:

here's the surgery, right? So how my process, just to be

Shawn Whynacht:

transparent to your audience, is you fill out this form with all

Shawn Whynacht:

these answers. It comes into my CRM system. There's a AI

Shawn Whynacht:

integration in there that that takes all the answers you gave,

Shawn Whynacht:

and I've programmed it with like for this question, I want to

Shawn Whynacht:

know this for this, and it will then process it and formulate an

Shawn Whynacht:

output that emails it to me. Now I could go a step further with

Shawn Whynacht:

Zapier and connect it to chat GPT, but I just do it for this

Shawn Whynacht:

way, and I have it set that, I copy and paste that into a

Shawn Whynacht:

custom GPT that actually creates the base of the report, right?

Shawn Whynacht:

That I put into Google Doc. And now I go into the report and I

Shawn Whynacht:

read what it gave me, and then if I need to add my insight or

Shawn Whynacht:

bit more, sometimes it's bang on. Sometimes it's, I'm like, I

Shawn Whynacht:

don't really know what it's got. There I go, look at the

Shawn Whynacht:

question, but I've cut my time down drastically, but allows me

Shawn Whynacht:

to come in with things at a point that makes sense and I'm

Shawn Whynacht:

not caught in the weeds of it, right? The same thing as having,

Shawn Whynacht:

you know, a junior assistant or whatever, take all the stuff,

Shawn Whynacht:

compile it, and hand it to you, right?

Janice Porter:

Well, I would imagine it also gives you the

Janice Porter:

idea of whether they're going to be a prospect, a B or C type of

Janice Porter:

client, right? That which way to go with them, and that kind of

Janice Porter:

thing too. So yeah, that makes total sense, although it sounds

Janice Porter:

way over my head, but there you go, but, but I have done some

Janice Porter:

work with you that has already made my life easier and and I

Janice Porter:

have to, I have to ask you, because there's so many people

Janice Porter:

today, so I do LinkedIn training, and you know, you like

Janice Porter:

to, You like to think of yourself. You always know more

Janice Porter:

than your client does. You usually right? You're You're the

Janice Porter:

exposed expert. I don't like that term, but, but you know

Janice Porter:

what I mean like and so they're looking to you to guide them, to

Janice Porter:

teach them, to show them the way. So I've always done it with

Janice Porter:

my client. I don't like done for you, because I just that's not

Janice Porter:

the way. I'm a teacher, so I like to teach. So when I do

Janice Porter:

that, it's come sometimes could be really laborious, trying to

Janice Porter:

pull the information out of the client to try to because I start

Janice Porter:

to get Ideas and Brainstorming right with them to create their

Janice Porter:

the big piece on the profile being the about section, and,

Janice Porter:

and, and usually I'm pretty happy with the results, but now

Janice Porter:

I have the opportunity, and I've honed it, and Now even more so

Janice Porter:

with your help to allow AI to help me with the client, build

Janice Porter:

it okay, and I just did it. I've done it two or three different

Janice Porter:

ways now, and I'm not sure what what you would say. So you and I

Janice Porter:

did yours, and we and I, and then you went away and and hone

Janice Porter:

that process more right for the custom GPT. But first, I want to

Janice Porter:

know your thoughts around you're the client. I say, Okay, let's

Janice Porter:

get chat to help us with this and, and, and, because I have

Janice Porter:

the questions set up, it will ask the questions it needs to

Janice Porter:

ask of the client to build it. You with me? Yes. Okay. How does

Janice Porter:

that feel when you're the client and you're paying for my

Janice Porter:

services and now I'm using chat? Does that make sense? Because

Janice Porter:

I'm really I've wanted to ask somebody this for a while.

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah, absolutely. And I can see both

Shawn Whynacht:

sides of it. I mean, it's going to depend on the person from for

Shawn Whynacht:

me, being in this space, when somebody says, I use it, I'm

Shawn Whynacht:

like, let's high five. Like, for you, right? Like, like, what has

Shawn Whynacht:

this allowed you to do in your life now that you would have

Shawn Whynacht:

been stuck to the truth Exactly. But there are many people that

Shawn Whynacht:

are like, Oh, okay, well, you're just using that generic

Shawn Whynacht:

technology, and I'm going to get a generic output,

Janice Porter:

right, and I could do that myself. Yeah,

Shawn Whynacht:

right. Yeah, right. So they think of that,

Shawn Whynacht:

that side of it. So, I mean, I think when you look at it, that

Shawn Whynacht:

it's, it's a process, and it's really just process. You've

Shawn Whynacht:

trained it, right? That's why they say you got to train the

Shawn Whynacht:

GPT is, you know, the questions to ask. You've seen what it

Shawn Whynacht:

outputs, and you're like, Okay, well, I need to tweak a little

Shawn Whynacht:

bit. Let's adjust this. Let's adjust that. It's really helping

Shawn Whynacht:

you not start with a blank slate exactly like, you know. Rap does

Shawn Whynacht:

have that, that writer's block, where it's like, I don't even

Shawn Whynacht:

know where to start, and it doesn't mean that what it

Shawn Whynacht:

outputs is, oh, that's what we have to use exactly. Because you

Shawn Whynacht:

can always reiterate on it and, you know, copy what it what it

Shawn Whynacht:

gives you, and put it in, or even go and start to modify it

Shawn Whynacht:

yourself and use your own language, which

Janice Porter:

I've done, yeah, right. That's another piece.

Janice Porter:

Like you can tell chat what language not to use, what

Janice Porter:

language to use, or what tone to have. And a lot of people that

Janice Porter:

are just getting started with with llms, they don't know that,

Janice Porter:

right, right? Yeah, okay. And it's mainly

Shawn Whynacht:

because most, I would say the majority of,

Shawn Whynacht:

people that aren't in the tech world that hop on and use AI

Shawn Whynacht:

give it very little to go on. Yes, they say, write me a bio,

Shawn Whynacht:

or write me an email or write me a blog post on topic x, and

Shawn Whynacht:

that's all they tell it. And what do they get? A very generic

Shawn Whynacht:

run of the mill thing, because it doesn't have enough to go on,

Shawn Whynacht:

right? It's the exact same thing as, you know, you hire somebody

Shawn Whynacht:

to paint your house, and they show up and you're like, go

Shawn Whynacht:

paint. Yes, where? What color like? You need to give it

Shawn Whynacht:

parameters, right? Yeah. And the best part is, when it gives you

Shawn Whynacht:

something back and you say, I don't really like that. Can you

Shawn Whynacht:

redo it? It's not going to huff and puff inside throw a tantrum.

Shawn Whynacht:

It's going to do what you want it to do and and you could just

Shawn Whynacht:

test, and I would challenge somebody to have a conversation

Shawn Whynacht:

where they they flip back and forth, just play with it, all

Shawn Whynacht:

right, tell it to do something and then be like, actually

Shawn Whynacht:

changed my mind. Like, let's, let's explain this. If you were

Shawn Whynacht:

talking to a fourth grader, let's talk right, and see the

Shawn Whynacht:

the vast abilities of this. Yeah,

Janice Porter:

that's a good idea. Um, I, I find that, since

Janice Porter:

I've been using it for that, that exercise, I will tell my

Janice Porter:

client, hey, do you want? How do you feel about we'll put it in

Janice Porter:

chat and, you know, and try get started this way. And they

Janice Porter:

usually say, Yeah, let's do it. So I do try to make them

Janice Porter:

understand, though, that I have it is more that's not set in

Janice Porter:

stone, and that it's just to get us started, and as best as

Janice Porter:

possible, I have, you know, put in information to help it

Shawn Whynacht:

so. And can I add something to this? Yes, an

Shawn Whynacht:

example I think people will understand, is if you've go, if

Shawn Whynacht:

you ever gone to, like, a financial advisor, somebody's

Shawn Whynacht:

gonna help me with your money. Yeah, they're gonna, well, how

Shawn Whynacht:

much do you mean? And they're typing it into a software.

Shawn Whynacht:

They're typing it into something. You don't stop them

Shawn Whynacht:

Be like, whoa, whoa. Like, where's your abacus? Like, let's

Shawn Whynacht:

get your Calc I want to see you do long division here and figure

Shawn Whynacht:

this out on paper, because that's what I'm paying you for.

Shawn Whynacht:

No, they have tools for this is just a tool Exactly,

Janice Porter:

exactly. And the biggest piece to come right back

Janice Porter:

around is that we don't we make sure that we're not losing the

Janice Porter:

relationship piece or the personal touch, that that's what

Janice Porter:

has to happen. I just, I have a client that he doesn't have a

Janice Porter:

lot of time, and I don't really know him very well. And we

Janice Porter:

started, we worked together for an hour, and we did all of the

Janice Porter:

small stuff on his profile, including his heading and headed

Janice Porter:

heading, and we talked about his banner, and I left the about

Janice Porter:

section for this next session that we're going to do, but in

Janice Porter:

the in the interim, I asked him some questions, which were

Janice Porter:

generated for me by chat, and now I've put it back into chat.

Janice Porter:

It's got out. It brought out an about section, and I've sent it

Janice Porter:

to him as a first draft, so we're going to come together and

Janice Porter:

work on it after that. And that saved me, but it also allowed me

Janice Porter:

to because he gave me who what the pain points were, who his

Janice Porter:

clients were, how he helps them, what's unique about him and what

Janice Porter:

he does for his clients. And so it just put it in a format that

Janice Porter:

you know could be an about section, so we'll see what he

Janice Porter:

says when I when I talk to him tomorrow. So, yeah, it's

Janice Porter:

interesting. Okay, we talked about that. We talked about

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Can you think of a couple of quick wins that you your clients

Janice Porter:

that have, that you have allowed your clients to have these aha

Janice Porter:

moments when you're working, you know, oh my god. Why didn't I

Janice Porter:

think I should have been doing this before? Can you share a

Janice Porter:

couple of those? If you have any?

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah, absolutely. I mean, for most.

Shawn Whynacht:

And businesses. You know, the the fall off in growth happens

Shawn Whynacht:

by a lack of follow up. You know, you you get an email, you

Shawn Whynacht:

forget to respond to it gets lost in the inbound sorry, it

Shawn Whynacht:

got lost in the inbox, lost the shuffle, right? And it's just

Shawn Whynacht:

because you don't have a process in place. You know, that has

Shawn Whynacht:

happened to me many times. I found great tools for that. I

Shawn Whynacht:

have one that I use called hoop dot app right now, and it joins

Shawn Whynacht:

my meetings, and it actually it monitors my email, it monitors

Shawn Whynacht:

my slack, and it monitors my my Zoom calls the three core things

Shawn Whynacht:

the way I communicate in business, and it pulls out all

Shawn Whynacht:

the questions and tasks and puts it into a task manager for me.

Shawn Whynacht:

So that's helped me with that. Now we talk about a client in

Shawn Whynacht:

using automation, I have a client who is a counselor. He

Shawn Whynacht:

has a counseling business, and he is an assessment that he has

Shawn Whynacht:

developed. It's like 25 questions, and it helps people

Shawn Whynacht:

to figure out where they rank within, you know, a certain five

Shawn Whynacht:

different criterias of life. Now, up until the point that we

Shawn Whynacht:

started to work together, it was just an online assessment, and

Shawn Whynacht:

it basically said, in this category, you have a seven out

Shawn Whynacht:

of 10. You have this right ranks, it that way, and then

Shawn Whynacht:

from there, like, what do you do with that? Well, the problem is,

Shawn Whynacht:

it's the follow up, right? It's like people like, well, that's

Shawn Whynacht:

great, but how do I how do you coach me along the way? How do I

Shawn Whynacht:

get those aha moments myself? So using automation, we were able

Shawn Whynacht:

to run it into the CRM system we use, which is go high level,

Shawn Whynacht:

which is integrated with AI as well, and it ranks those scores.

Shawn Whynacht:

It scores them, and then it figures out what they're really

Shawn Whynacht:

good at, what they're not so great at. And now the follow up

Shawn Whynacht:

nurture for every single person, because it writes the email

Shawn Whynacht:

specific to the person, the scores that are there, they get

Shawn Whynacht:

a unique, custom follow up journey to them, because we're

Shawn Whynacht:

we've layered in the ability for AI to read and know what it's

Shawn Whynacht:

getting and what we want it to output and write it into email

Shawn Whynacht:

and send it to people. So no longer do you have to paint

Shawn Whynacht:

everybody at the same brush, right? The same nurtures and

Shawn Whynacht:

same follow up, right? So when people feel that, like, yes,

Shawn Whynacht:

like, this is to me, you know the right correspondence. Forget

Shawn Whynacht:

the fact of people are like, well, AI wrote that. Well, yes,

Shawn Whynacht:

it can have written it and it's okay. And I mean, the reality,

Shawn Whynacht:

to think that a human business owner is sitting writing to

Shawn Whynacht:

hundreds of people every single day at these long emails is

Shawn Whynacht:

ludicrous to think of that. Right? These tools are in place,

Shawn Whynacht:

but the follow up is what's key, right? It's you. You have to

Shawn Whynacht:

send the right message to the right people the right time.

Shawn Whynacht:

I've heard that term years ago, but what marketing is, and it

Shawn Whynacht:

means that not everybody's ready to buy from you now, right? It

Shawn Whynacht:

could be six months down the road. It'd be six years down the

Shawn Whynacht:

road if you give up after four attempts, because that's all

Shawn Whynacht:

you've manually been able to do you're missing a huge part of

Shawn Whynacht:

the pie that way. So having that, it allowed him to do what

Shawn Whynacht:

he wanted to do and provide by using automation and AI in the

Shawn Whynacht:

mix. I

Janice Porter:

had somebody say to me yesterday about follow up.

Janice Porter:

We were talking about follow up. And he said, I don't know who he

Janice Porter:

was quoting. I can't remember, but he said, I think it was like

Janice Porter:

someone like Jim Rohn, or somebody like that, one of the

Janice Porter:

gurus of network marketing, because we were talking about

Janice Porter:

that. And he says, you follow up till they say no or they die,

Janice Porter:

right? That's basically it. And because that's that's a big one,

Janice Porter:

follow up is huge. And, and I, I'm have enemies in my head that

Janice Porter:

say you don't want to bug them, you don't want to bug them, but

Janice Porter:

you have to keep following up. If they've they haven't said no,

Janice Porter:

you know, like, because you're right. It takes people till it's

Janice Porter:

their time, till they're

Shawn Whynacht:

the difference is so you say, when you said, I

Shawn Whynacht:

don't want to bug them, yeah, I think people feel that they're

Shawn Whynacht:

being bugged when you're reaching out saying, hey, book a

Shawn Whynacht:

call with me. I can help you. I can help you. And they don't

Shawn Whynacht:

actually help you yet, right? So we have an automatic sequence

Shawn Whynacht:

that we recommend both most clients have, which we call it a

Shawn Whynacht:

high value nurture. It's usually a base starting point for people

Shawn Whynacht:

where it's an automatic email, or it could be text, depending

Shawn Whynacht:

on what you want, that goes out every two weeks for an entire

Shawn Whynacht:

year, right? So you've got, you know, you know, 26 pieces of of

Shawn Whynacht:

content, right? So, you know, do you, and it doesn't have to be

Shawn Whynacht:

your content all the time, because, right? Like, I don't

Shawn Whynacht:

have 26 pieces of content. Well, you know, has there been a

Shawn Whynacht:

story? Has there been an email? Is there a video? Is there

Shawn Whynacht:

whatever? Is there a TED talk that you saw that's related? The

Shawn Whynacht:

idea is, add value. We add value. We never ask in there. Or

Shawn Whynacht:

in one of the emails, hey, book a call with me. Because we're

Shawn Whynacht:

smart people. We know that if I receive an email from Janice

Shawn Whynacht:

that's talking about, hey, here's a really cool thing that

Shawn Whynacht:

I learned on LinkedIn that I think you could do with your

Shawn Whynacht:

profile. And I'm in the mindset, I'm like, You know what? I would

Shawn Whynacht:

love to have some help with LinkedIn? Am I going to think

Shawn Whynacht:

of? Yeah, right. I'm not going to be like, Oh, I better go to

Shawn Whynacht:

Google and start to look for somebody to help me. To help me.

Shawn Whynacht:

I'm going to think of the the expert who has been helping me

Shawn Whynacht:

all along. Right? So it's just a mindset shift to, how can we

Shawn Whynacht:

just keep giving and giving and giving?

Janice Porter:

Yeah, but Okay, so, so what I'm hearing you say

Janice Porter:

is, when I think bugging them, I'm talking about like asking

Janice Porter:

you, you know, are you ready to make a decision yet? Right?

Janice Porter:

Because I do that as well, but I also, but I wouldn't do that as

Janice Porter:

often. It depends, you know, like you have to have a sense of

Janice Porter:

who the client is as well, or the prospect is. But I like this

Janice Porter:

idea. I mean, I do a newsletter every week. I try to do one

Janice Porter:

every week, and I'm and I do a podcast every week, and I send

Janice Porter:

out the podcast newsletter as well, or announcement, or

Janice Porter:

whatever you want to call it. And those are touch points,

Janice Porter:

right? And so, and in my newsletter, I really am giving

Janice Porter:

something of value each week. I'm giving a tip on LinkedIn,

Janice Porter:

and I'm giving a tip about staying connected, right? Some

Janice Porter:

kind of strategy or a tip or something I've wanted to share,

Janice Porter:

and I think that's what you're talking about, right? Yeah, but

Janice Porter:

I don't have it. I don't have it automated. And

Shawn Whynacht:

to your point of the you know, let's say, in that

Shawn Whynacht:

process of, you know, you meet with a potential client, you're

Shawn Whynacht:

doing a proposal, and you send it off, and then there's, like,

Shawn Whynacht:

crickets, you know, they don't, they don't respond back to you,

Shawn Whynacht:

like, just checking in, just checking in. Like, that term,

Shawn Whynacht:

just checking in. I hate that term, yeah. So one thing that I

Shawn Whynacht:

started to do was, when I'm on that consult, I say, Okay, I'm

Shawn Whynacht:

going to take a couple days to put a proposal together. I'm

Shawn Whynacht:

going to send it to you by email, and then I'm going to

Shawn Whynacht:

follow up in a couple days. How would you prefer I follow up

Shawn Whynacht:

with you? And they're like, I've had people say, Don't bother

Shawn Whynacht:

emailing me, because it's going to be in there. Like, actually

Shawn Whynacht:

call me or send me a text, right? And so, so when I follow

Shawn Whynacht:

up to by that text, I'm like, I haven't heard back from you, you

Shawn Whynacht:

know, just wanted to see if you had a chance to review the

Shawn Whynacht:

proposal and whatever, the response level is much higher,

Shawn Whynacht:

because they've actually given me permission verbally to do

Shawn Whynacht:

that follow up. Right? Exactly? Yeah. And the last one is, once

Shawn Whynacht:

you get through a couple of those and you still don't get a

Shawn Whynacht:

response. I don't know why this works, but I've sent an email

Shawn Whynacht:

that says, Where do we go from here? Yes, what's our next step?

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah. Like, even if they've, like, where do we go from here?

Shawn Whynacht:

Yeah. And that's all it was. And it was like a subject line, and

Shawn Whynacht:

then the same thing in the body of the email, and that's all it

Shawn Whynacht:

was. And people would respond, but, oh, I'm so sorry. I like,

Shawn Whynacht:

right? That's a good one, and it's so weird, because you

Shawn Whynacht:

wouldn't think that, yeah, but I've gotten responses from that

Shawn Whynacht:

more than anything else.

Janice Porter:

I had a guest one time on my podcast who's a sales

Janice Porter:

guy, sales trainer, and he's written a few books on sales

Janice Porter:

training, and super nice guy and and I always forget his name

Janice Porter:

anyway. He always talks about the next step, and he's asking

Janice Porter:

the client to make that with him, that decision. And I think

Janice Porter:

that, you know, where do we go from here? Same thing. I love

Janice Porter:

it. The other thing you just mentioned that I try when I'm

Janice Porter:

when I'm formulating an email. I just wanted to say, just say it,

Janice Porter:

yeah, you don't have to say, I just want to check in, or just

Janice Porter:

want to, like, I just wanted to see where you are. How are you

Janice Porter:

doing with that? Or, you know, whatever I think, just say it. I

Janice Porter:

always start, and then I take that off. And how we've

Janice Porter:

programmed, or I have anyway, I think I don't know if it was

Janice Porter:

with you or myself with chat to not say in an email? I hope this

Janice Porter:

note finds you well, or something like that, or any

Janice Porter:

form, form of that, because same thing is just checking in. So I

Janice Porter:

have, I do have to ask you this question now, because I know

Janice Porter:

you're organized. I know you automate so many things. Do you

Janice Porter:

have a like a zero? You inbox,

Shawn Whynacht:

you said zero. I'm like, Are you gonna say that

Shawn Whynacht:

next? My inbox is never zero. I go through these phases where

Shawn Whynacht:

I'm like, Okay, I've gone through a couple pages of it.

Shawn Whynacht:

There's nothing of that's there. And I highlight select all

Shawn Whynacht:

several 1000. Yeah, I don't go delete I go archive Google. I

Shawn Whynacht:

can still search for them if they're archived, but if I

Shawn Whynacht:

delete them, they're gone. And that kind of sense of hitting

Shawn Whynacht:

zero, yes, is great, short lived, but it's great that's in

Shawn Whynacht:

there. So I more so have used i. Like flags and labels in mind to

Shawn Whynacht:

to do follow up. So if I'm reading through it and I'm like,

Shawn Whynacht:

Okay, there's action that needs to be taken I need to do. I flag

Shawn Whynacht:

this action needed, or review or waiting reply so that I have on

Shawn Whynacht:

this the right side, these emails kind of sorted by that is

Shawn Whynacht:

that outlook? But I'm using Google.

Janice Porter:

Oh, look. Oh, Google one. Okay, I don't know.

Janice Porter:

I'm on Mac mail, and it doesn't do all that stuff quite the

Shawn Whynacht:

same. So it helps that way. And this hoop

Shawn Whynacht:

app that I'm using is, yeah, what is it? Dot? What hoop dot

Shawn Whynacht:

app? It doesn't record the meetings, it just pulls out all

Shawn Whynacht:

the tasks that are in there and then puts it in a kanban format.

Shawn Whynacht:

So then I can have move them over set deadlines, but I have

Shawn Whynacht:

been amazed, because it pulls out things that clients are

Shawn Whynacht:

asking or things that I have to do that I would have missed if I

Shawn Whynacht:

was trying to read through emails.

Janice Porter:

So you've got that. And the note taker, well,

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

don't use the note taker anymore in the

Shawn Whynacht:

meetings. I just use Zoom to record and then the transcript,

Shawn Whynacht:

and then use chat GPT to do that. It was an extra

Shawn Whynacht:

subscription that I didn't Yeah, but for people that are doing a

Shawn Whynacht:

lot of consults and things, advisors, the I was fathom that

Shawn Whynacht:

I was using, which was great, because you could go in and send

Shawn Whynacht:

them the recording, you could ask it questions, and it would

Shawn Whynacht:

then take it and find the answers from the recording. So

Shawn Whynacht:

it did a whole bunch of stuff. I just for what I needed. I didn't

Shawn Whynacht:

need it, yeah, I used it enough to know how to make it work.

Janice Porter:

There's so much this is so much fun. Um, so

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

I hope to see, sorry, yeah, come to my head,

Shawn Whynacht:

where I hope to see AI in the meeting sense, come is being

Shawn Whynacht:

able to have a an assistant that comes with you in the meetings,

Shawn Whynacht:

this virtual assistant type thing. And you know the the

Shawn Whynacht:

goals you want to get over the meeting, and you kind of ask,

Shawn Whynacht:

tell it that, and it will listen and pop up suggestion questions

Shawn Whynacht:

to you on your side, to be like, yes, ask about this. Ask about

Shawn Whynacht:

this, because it's mostly far more intelligent and faster than

Shawn Whynacht:

you could think of, yeah, definitely, right. So that would

Shawn Whynacht:

be a fantastic thing to have. So just

Janice Porter:

before we go, Are we allowed? Am I allowed to ask

Janice Porter:

what enriched is all about? Which is the thing? Yes,

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

So I had a great it's through relationships. So I

Shawn Whynacht:

have a client of 10 years who I was looking to build a program

Shawn Whynacht:

for female financial advisors to do automation. She had a podcast

Shawn Whynacht:

guest, she told her about what I was doing, and then made the

Shawn Whynacht:

connection through LinkedIn. Since then, I've been to

Shawn Whynacht:

Northern Ontario. Owen Sound last year with her and two other

Shawn Whynacht:

guys from the US, and now we're building a marketing agency for

Shawn Whynacht:

financial professionals, which is talking about building

Shawn Whynacht:

relationships with your clients, not just selling products. So

Shawn Whynacht:

we're calling it enriched life cycle marketing, or lifestyle

Shawn Whynacht:

marketing. I

Janice Porter:

love it. And look at how Send Out Cards would fit

Janice Porter:

into that so beautifully, right? Yeah, I've had a lot of

Janice Porter:

financial planner clients use that product, mortgage brokers,

Janice Porter:

realtors, financial planners, they all need to stay in touch

Janice Porter:

so that they're top of mind, so that they can get referrals

Janice Porter:

without being asked, right? All of that good stuff, right? I

Janice Porter:

love the name. Very clever. Who came up with that?

Shawn Whynacht:

Kim? Who's the brains behind the organization.

Shawn Whynacht:


Janice Porter:

love it. That's great. Well, I wish you well

Janice Porter:

with that. And sounds like Kim might be someone when we're

Janice Porter:

ready to put her on podcast, because I love, oh, absolutely,

Janice Porter:

yeah, that's awesome. So some last words, a few your your best

Janice Porter:

business advice for my audience, off the top of your head,

Shawn Whynacht:

don't lose, lose track of of the relationship. I

Shawn Whynacht:

think the relationship in everything that you is far more

Shawn Whynacht:

important. I know I've had a client that reached out and was

Shawn Whynacht:

obviously doing some auditing of their systems and figuring out

Shawn Whynacht:

what they were spending monthly on and they were using our

Shawn Whynacht:

software, and they're basically like, well, you know, we'd like

Shawn Whynacht:

to look at canceling and moving to something else. And, you

Shawn Whynacht:

know, it was all about the relationship. And I said, You

Shawn Whynacht:

know what, let's, let's reduce you 70% down on your feet,

Shawn Whynacht:

because I just want you to keep like, oh, wow, it's moving.

Shawn Whynacht:

That's, it's a bad thing, right? And she's like, wow. Like, I

Shawn Whynacht:

love this relationship. Like, so when they say that, and they

Shawn Whynacht:

feel it, it's not about the, you know, the dollars all the time,

Shawn Whynacht:

right? Those will come. Money comes, money goes, but the

Shawn Whynacht:

relationships stick

Janice Porter:

forever. Oh, my goodness, that's it, right

Janice Porter:

there. And what you just said, in so many ways, if you've had a

Janice Porter:

client for 10 years, and you've had clients for that long, then

Janice Porter:

we know it's about the relationship. That's amazing,

Janice Porter:

that's very special, right? Right? When? Yeah, very special.

Janice Porter:


Shawn Whynacht:

said, when I, when I grew a business, if I, if

Shawn Whynacht:

I started to only know clients by their client number, I was

Shawn Whynacht:

not in the place I wanted to be.

Janice Porter:

Yeah, no, I love that. I feel the same way. And

Janice Porter:

it's all about the people. It really is, and you're one of the

Janice Porter:

good ones. So thanks for being here, Sean, well, thank you.

Janice Porter:

Thank you for having me. You're very welcome, and I know that

Janice Porter:

I'll just just top it off by saying that technology is

Janice Porter:

changing so fast, but one thing remains the same, which we've

Janice Porter:

just agreed on, that relationships are still at the

Janice Porter:

heart of business success, and Sean has reminded us today that

Janice Porter:

AI and automation can be powerful tools, but they work

Janice Porter:

best when paired with authenticity and human

Janice Porter:

connection. So if you're ready to embrace smarter systems

Janice Porter:

without losing that personal touch, start small, stay

Janice Porter:

intentional, and let your values lead the way. And Sean, how can

Janice Porter:

they get in touch with you?

Shawn Whynacht:

Blue owl, I'm CA, okay,

Janice Porter:

and everything is there under that.

Shawn Whynacht:

Everything is there, everything there. We'll

Shawn Whynacht:

have a conversation. There you go. And I encourage

Janice Porter:

you to reach out to Sean and find out more about

Janice Porter:

how he can help you with the kinds of things I was talking

Janice Porter:

about. Oh, my God, don't be that control freak. Let automation

Janice Porter:

help you. So until next time, keep building those connections

Janice Porter:

and remember to stay connected and be remembered. You.