Why Emotional Marketing is the Key to Business Success | RR299

Most buying decisions aren’t based on logic—they’re driven by emotion, connection, and trust.
Chantal Cornelius helps businesses tap into this by using emotional marketing instead of generic selling points. As an international speaker, marketing mentor, and author of Standout Strategies, she explains why traditional USPs often fall flat and how to stand out by understanding what truly resonates with clients.
She shares five success strategies—Certainty, Connection, Contribution, Growth, and Significance—to help you identify your dominant emotional driver and build stronger customer relationships. From refining your messaging to making sales conversations feel effortless, Chantal’s insights will help you attract the right clients and create a business that feels authentic and impactful.
- Find out how to align your brand with the emotions that truly influence customer decisions.
- Identify the emotional strategy that best suits your business and use it to stand out.
- Uncover the power of language and how the right words can make your marketing more engaging.
- Develop a strategy to attract ideal clients while naturally filtering out those who aren’t the right fit.
- Apply proven techniques to make sales conversations feel more natural and emotionally resonant.
Connect with Chantal:
Website: https://appletreeuk.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chantalcornelius
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chantal_appletreemarketing
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AppletreeMarketing
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Chantal, welcome everybody. Welcome to
Janice Porter:
relationships rule. The podcast that explores the power of
Janice Porter:
connections in business. And today I have with me a second
Janice Porter:
time incredible guest, Chantal Cornelius, an international
Janice Porter:
speaker, marketing mentor and author of the new book, standout
Janice Porter:
strategies outshine your competitors, win new clients,
Janice Porter:
build lasting success. Chantal has spent years researching why
Janice Porter:
traditional USP, unique selling propositions fail, and how
Janice Porter:
businesses can instead leverage emotional marketing to attract
Janice Porter:
and retain clients. And in this episode, we're going to explore
Janice Porter:
why emotions drive buying decisions and how you can
Janice Porter:
identify and use your strongest emotional connection to stand
Janice Porter:
out in a crowded marketplace. So welcome to the show again.
Janice Porter:
Cranial Chantal, sorry.
Chantal Cornelius:
Hi, Janice, thank you so much for having you
Chantal Cornelius:
back. It's it's great to be back again,
Janice Porter:
absolutely. And when we first spoke, which was,
Janice Porter:
I think, around June of last year, we're now in February of
Janice Porter:
2025, and your book came out, I think officially in December, if
Janice Porter:
I'm not mistaken, it
Chantal Cornelius:
was October, October. And then I had an
Chantal Cornelius:
online launch party in in December last year. That's where
Janice Porter:
it was okay and and I just have to tell my
Janice Porter:
audience, because I love connections, and I love how
Janice Porter:
things happen. So when Chantal had her book and we talked about
Janice Porter:
coming back on the show, I said, Can you send me your book? And
Janice Porter:
she said, Well, she would, you know, try, but she's in England.
Janice Porter:
I'm in Canada. And then, of course, we had a postal strike
Janice Porter:
as well that happened in Canada. But she was going to a
Janice Porter:
conference in Costa Rica, which was, I think it was put on by
Janice Porter:
the Canadian the caps Association, right? The Canadian
Janice Porter:
Association of speakers. And I knew several people that were
Janice Porter:
going to be there, and one of them kindly brought the book
Janice Porter:
back for me, our dear friend, Azadeh. So I got to speak with
Janice Porter:
Azadeh and have coffee with her, and a great visit. And I got
Janice Porter:
your book. And so I thought that was really fun, the power of i
Janice Porter:
Chantal Cornelius:
the I love the way that worked out.
Chantal Cornelius:
Because, yeah, I was thinking, How do I get the book out to
Chantal Cornelius:
you? I could post it. And then I heard about the stray, yeah, and
Chantal Cornelius:
then you almost randomly said, Oh, but I know as a day, and
Chantal Cornelius:
she's going to be at the conference in Costa Rica,
Janice Porter:
I know, but yeah,
Chantal Cornelius:
it worked. It all was
Janice Porter:
perfect. So we're international connections. Can
Janice Porter:
can manage, can count. Okay, so your book, I'm we've briefly
Janice Porter:
talked about it, about the the strategies in your book, your
Janice Porter:
standout strategies before it was actually published. But now
Janice Porter:
let's get into the nitty gritty. So you say that USPS don't work
Janice Porter:
for service businesses, and I, I understand that. Now, after
Janice Porter:
looking into your book and reading I'm full disclosure,
Janice Porter:
I've read some of your book, not all of your books. So there you
Janice Porter:
go. So how, what's the difference? Like, I love this.
Janice Porter:
It's based on the five strategies are based on
Janice Porter:
emotions, people's emotions, right? And so USPS are all this
Janice Porter:
marketing gobbledy gook and jargon that people use. Is that?
Janice Porter:
Right? More so much, yeah,
Chantal Cornelius:
yeah. USPS are they're not unique. I know
Chantal Cornelius:
the word unique, yes. And the reason, the reason they're not
Chantal Cornelius:
unique, is because everybody says the same. I first noticed
Chantal Cornelius:
this. I started researching this back in 2015 so it's taken, it's
Chantal Cornelius:
been 10 years, and I started noticing people saying the same
Chantal Cornelius:
lines. I'm different because, you know, I'm I'm a marketing
Chantal Cornelius:
consultant. I can say I'm different because I have 25
Chantal Cornelius:
years of experience, or because I work in partnership with my
Chantal Cornelius:
clients, or because I listen to them. But there's nothing there
Chantal Cornelius:
that is, that is any different to what any other marketing
Chantal Cornelius:
Janice Porter:
say? So, okay, so let's switch it to now the
Janice Porter:
strategies and tell me how that works differently and how it can
Janice Porter:
be more successful.
Chantal Cornelius:
Yeah, this works because people buy based
Chantal Cornelius:
on emotion, right? 95% roughly of our buying decision well, 95%
Chantal Cornelius:
of any decision that us humans make is made. They're made
Chantal Cornelius:
emotionally irrationally and subconsciously. We don't even
Chantal Cornelius:
know that we're making these decisions. Example often use is
Chantal Cornelius:
about first impressions. They say first impressions count, and
Chantal Cornelius:
I walked into a networking event this morning knowing full well
Chantal Cornelius:
that people would be judging me without realizing that they're
Chantal Cornelius:
doing it. So they're forming opinions and having thoughts and
Chantal Cornelius:
making judgments, and it's the subconscious part of their brain
Chantal Cornelius:
that's doing it, and that's. Fine, but it does also mean we
Chantal Cornelius:
have to be very aware of how we walk into networking events
Chantal Cornelius:
depression, and what we then do is we back up the irrational,
Chantal Cornelius:
emotional decision with a rational, conscious decision. So
Chantal Cornelius:
somebody might, I might walk into a networking event and
Chantal Cornelius:
somebody might go, Ooh, I don't know why, but I don't like her,
Chantal Cornelius:
and it's because their brain has gone I don't like the color of
Chantal Cornelius:
her dress or her boots or whatever. And then they try to
Chantal Cornelius:
rationalize, well, oh, well, actually, let me go and talk to
Chantal Cornelius:
her and see so our brains are beavering away underneath. It's
Chantal Cornelius:
like an iceberg. There's an awful lot going on under the
Chantal Cornelius:
service, without us realizing until we kind of get to grips
Chantal Cornelius:
with it. This also happens when somebody is thinking about
Chantal Cornelius:
buying something, and particularly when they're
Chantal Cornelius:
thinking about buying a service, because a service is intangible.
Chantal Cornelius:
It's not like like a book. You can't pick it up and go. I like
Chantal Cornelius:
the color, color. I like the size of it. Services, coaching,
Chantal Cornelius:
consulting, speaking, training, they're intangible. So people,
Chantal Cornelius:
the the buyers, the clients, are doing this even more. They're
Chantal Cornelius:
making subconscious decisions about who to work with. I don't
Chantal Cornelius:
know if you've ever had this Janice, you've met somebody and
Chantal Cornelius:
you think, Oh, I'd really like to work with them, and I'm not
Chantal Cornelius:
quite sure why, yes, yes, that's yeah, that's the subconscious
Chantal Cornelius:
going, I've got an emotional connection with this person,
Chantal Cornelius:
right? I think the working with them will get me the results I
Chantal Cornelius:
want, or will allow me to feel the way in which I want to feel.
Chantal Cornelius:
You know, you might. I've done it. I've worked with people
Chantal Cornelius:
where I've gone. I don't know why. I just started a new
Chantal Cornelius:
coaching program, and I met this lovely lady who's also called
Chantal Cornelius:
Chantal, different spelling, and I just went, I think I want to
Chantal Cornelius:
work with her now. I then thought I put myself through the
Chantal Cornelius:
process. Okay, why am I doing? Oh, it's because my subconscious
Chantal Cornelius:
brain has made a connection based on the language that she
Chantal Cornelius:
uses in her marketing, and it's all about growth and development
Chantal Cornelius:
for her. So
Janice Porter:
I find that I always call it, you know, it's a
Janice Porter:
gut feeling, or there's right, it's something that's, you know,
Janice Porter:
intangible for sure. I know you saying that that gut feeling is
Janice Porter:
really my subconscious bringing up what I need to make that
Janice Porter:
connection. Yeah, exactly.
Chantal Cornelius:
Your gut and or your heart will make a
Chantal Cornelius:
decision initially, and then your head will get involved and
Chantal Cornelius:
say, Yes, Janice, actually, you can work with that person
Chantal Cornelius:
because look at their credentials or look at their
Chantal Cornelius:
website, it looks nice. So yeah,
Janice Porter:
so let's just, let's just start with what your
Janice Porter:
five success strategies are, and then, because I've taken your
Janice Porter:
test twice, I want to know how I can make this work for me, and I
Janice Porter:
think that will be helpful for for my audience as well. So go
Janice Porter:
Chantal Cornelius:
Yeah, yeah. Okay. There are five strategies,
Chantal Cornelius:
and every business will have one major strategy, one of the five
Chantal Cornelius:
that that is the best one for their business. This isn't about
Chantal Cornelius:
trying to use all five. Remember. This is about being
Chantal Cornelius:
unique. It's about it's about one. Number one is called
Chantal Cornelius:
certainty. It's about being a safe pair of hands. It's where
Chantal Cornelius:
people want to they want a supplier with whom they feel
Chantal Cornelius:
safe and secure, who just gets the job done, who turns up, does
Chantal Cornelius:
the work or or tells them what to do,
Janice Porter:
like like your contractor. You definitely want
Janice Porter:
to have someone that makes you feel safe
Chantal Cornelius:
absolutely and it's the strategy that I use
Chantal Cornelius:
all the time in my marketing business, my client, I do a lot
Chantal Cornelius:
of mentoring, and they want me to tell them what to do. There's
Chantal Cornelius:
no guesswork. It's like, okay, client, do this, this and this
Chantal Cornelius:
to promote your business. And it'll, it'll work. So that's,
Chantal Cornelius:
that's certainty, okay. The second one is connection. This
Chantal Cornelius:
is where people will work with a supplier, or they'll look for
Chantal Cornelius:
somebody who can bring them into a family or a tribe, or help
Chantal Cornelius:
them, help them feel a sense of belonging. And I think you do
Chantal Cornelius:
this to a certain extent with your business. Through LinkedIn,
Chantal Cornelius:
you help people to feel connected to each other. So this
Chantal Cornelius:
isn't about you having a connection to them, it's about
Chantal Cornelius:
you helping them to connect with other people. Okay, it's a
Chantal Cornelius:
brilliant example, actually, of connection. We use LinkedIn in
Chantal Cornelius:
order to connect with colleagues, clients, prospects.
Chantal Cornelius:
Janice Porter:
you you use examples of that in your book.
Janice Porter:
All a lot about LinkedIn being a great community for a great
Janice Porter:
platform for that? Absolutely,
Chantal Cornelius:
it's one, one of the best. Yeah, the third
Chantal Cornelius:
strategy is called contribution. This one is, oh, there's a,
Chantal Cornelius:
there's a, there's a fabulous company in the in the UK called
Chantal Cornelius:
stand out socks. I love it because, because they're called
Chantal Cornelius:
stand out and my book is called stand out strategies. Yeah, the
Chantal Cornelius:
company was set up by two. Brothers, and one of them has
Chantal Cornelius:
Down syndrome, which is a learning disability, and his
Chantal Cornelius:
older brother wanted, I've seen a video on them. Ah, okay, yeah,
Chantal Cornelius:
they, they want Dragons Den over here. Yes, a load of funding.
Chantal Cornelius:
I'm wearing stand out socks as
Janice Porter:
well. You need to use those as gifts for your
Janice Porter:
company. Stand out. That's right,
Chantal Cornelius:
yeah. And I did. I ran a big conference last
Chantal Cornelius:
year, and we gave all the speakers stand up as thank you
Chantal Cornelius:
gifts. The colors and the designs are fabulous. They're
Chantal Cornelius:
really they're really bright and funky. I've got yellow and blue
Chantal Cornelius:
ones on today. But of course, you promote. They promote, aside
Chantal Cornelius:
from making great socks, they promote their business on the
Chantal Cornelius:
fact that it was set up to give Ross a job somewhere where it
Chantal Cornelius:
works safely. I've seen the video. It's fantastic. It's
Chantal Cornelius:
brilliant, isn't it? Yeah, and the majority of the people who
Chantal Cornelius:
work there have some sort of learning disability, so when you
Chantal Cornelius:
buy their socks, you get a lovely pair of socks. But you
Chantal Cornelius:
also feel this sense of giving back and helping other people.
Chantal Cornelius:
So that's a really nice example of contribution. The fourth
Chantal Cornelius:
strategy is called growth. This one is about helping. This is
Chantal Cornelius:
where clients either want personal growth or business or
Chantal Cornelius:
both. The two often go together. So this might be somebody
Chantal Cornelius:
wanting to feel motivated, inspired, empowered, excited to
Chantal Cornelius:
go off and do, to do, do new things. I have a coach who
Chantal Cornelius:
motivates me and inspires and excites me about about new
Chantal Cornelius:
projects. So that's that. That's great fun, okay? And the fifth
Chantal Cornelius:
one is called significant, which is all about wanting to feel,
Chantal Cornelius:
wanting to feel seen and heard, wanting to be respected and
Chantal Cornelius:
recognized make a bigger impact that that sort of thing so,
Janice Porter:
but not necessarily making a difference.
Chantal Cornelius:
It could be making a difference. We are
Chantal Cornelius:
making a bigger impact. Yeah, that's an interesting point.
Janice Porter:
Yeah, because I think of contribution as making
Janice Porter:
a difference. And yeah, definitely the people who are
Janice Porter:
influencers, and you know, want to be seen and heard? Do they
Janice Porter:
also want to make a difference? I don't know
Chantal Cornelius:
if they do, then that's even better. Yes,
Chantal Cornelius:
yeah, okay,
Janice Porter:
okay, so, as you mentioned in your book, and as I
Janice Porter:
experienced when we spoke last time, on your website, you offer
Janice Porter:
people the an opportunity to go through a test to determine
Janice Porter:
which their strengths are, which of the five strategies are their
Janice Porter:
dominant ones. And I so have questions, because I did it. I
Janice Porter:
not only did it once, I think I did it twice, and and you've got
Janice Porter:
the results there. So I want you to because I was surprised. So I
Janice Porter:
think my primary one was growth, yes. And when I think of growth,
Janice Porter:
I think of my background as a teacher, and I think of, I think
Janice Porter:
of helping others do better in whatever it is like, so teaching
Janice Porter:
them LinkedIn, so doing better, so that giving them more tools
Janice Porter:
to work with. But I actually thought the one that came up
Janice Porter:
more secondary would have been my strength, one which is
Janice Porter:
Chantal Cornelius:
connection, yeah, so
Janice Porter:
can you speak to me about how to use both of
Janice Porter:
those are why one would be more stronger just
Chantal Cornelius:
to leave, go on, yeah, of course. And also,
Chantal Cornelius:
for anyone listening, the reason that Janice took the test twice
Chantal Cornelius:
is because I changed the test. Oh, that's right. Initially the
Chantal Cornelius:
test on my website, there were five columns of words, and I
Chantal Cornelius:
asked people to pick the words that they so if you ask your
Chantal Cornelius:
clients, how do you feel when you work with me, you listen out
Chantal Cornelius:
for the words, and then you you tick those words that they say
Chantal Cornelius:
and that, that was the first version of the test, and it
Chantal Cornelius:
worked pretty well, but a lot of people either ticked too many
Chantal Cornelius:
words or not enough. So some, some of the results came out a
Chantal Cornelius:
bit a bit strange. What I've since done is I've combined all
Chantal Cornelius:
of the words into one great big alphabetical test list, and I
Chantal Cornelius:
ask people to tick no more than 15, that's right, and they're
Chantal Cornelius:
the same words. I then run them through a clever system that
Chantal Cornelius:
we've set up, which comes up with a result. And what we're
Chantal Cornelius:
finding is that the second version of the test is more
Chantal Cornelius:
accurate because it's not leading people, right? And if
Chantal Cornelius:
somebody's heard me speak, or they've read the book, or they
Chantal Cornelius:
read articles on my website, and they're thinking, Oh, I think
Chantal Cornelius:
I'm growth. I'm going to tick all the words in the purple
Chantal Cornelius:
column, right? You can't do that anymore, right?
Janice Porter:
I find it confusing as well, because some
Janice Porter:
are nouns, some aren't some. And I always found that being a
Janice Porter:
grammar nerd, I was like frustrated by it. But anyway,
Chantal Cornelius:
that helps too. It's the sort of test to
Chantal Cornelius:
take without thinking about it too, exactly, rattle through it
Chantal Cornelius:
in a couple of minutes. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So both times your
Chantal Cornelius:
top strategy. Came out as growth, which is about helping
Chantal Cornelius:
people and and or businesses to grow personally or
Chantal Cornelius:
professionally. Now, if you're training somebody in how to
Chantal Cornelius:
build better relationships and how to use LinkedIn, more that,
Chantal Cornelius:
for me, definitely says growth, both on the personal and the
Chantal Cornelius:
business side. You could have somebody who is looking for a
Chantal Cornelius:
new job and is using LinkedIn personally to find a job. So by
Chantal Cornelius:
using LinkedIn more and by looking for a new job, they're
Chantal Cornelius:
growing personally, okay. Equally, there are people like
Chantal Cornelius:
me using LinkedIn to grow my business and looking for better
Chantal Cornelius:
ways of better ways of growing it. So it doesn't surprise me
Chantal Cornelius:
that that's that's high for you, because at the end of the day,
Chantal Cornelius:
particularly with businesses using LinkedIn, is about growing
Chantal Cornelius:
a business, about finding more clients and more contacts.
Janice Porter:
So what you're saying then, if growth is my
Janice Porter:
highest result, my strategy. Then in my marketing materials,
Janice Porter:
I need to speak about how I help you the the prospect. Build more
Janice Porter:
relationships, grow your business through visibility,
Janice Porter:
things like that. That would help. Okay,
Chantal Cornelius:
that makes sense. The best thing you can do
Chantal Cornelius:
is actually not use the word growth, okay, because potential
Chantal Cornelius:
clients won't. They don't. What I've noticed is they don't use
Chantal Cornelius:
the five strategy words. You know, people don't come to me
Chantal Cornelius:
and say, I want certainty. They come to me and say, I want to
Chantal Cornelius:
feel safe, I want to feel confident in my marketing. I
Chantal Cornelius:
want to feel clarity. So for you, Janice, have a look at page
Chantal Cornelius:
15 of the book, because that's got the lists on right? This is,
Chantal Cornelius:
this is how they used to appear on the test. Look at the purple
Chantal Cornelius:
list. Yeah, says purple list. So these are the these are the
Chantal Cornelius:
words, these are the emotions and the feelings. This is how
Chantal Cornelius:
your clients want to feel when they work with you. So they want
Chantal Cornelius:
to feel challenged. They want you to challenge them. To be
Chantal Cornelius:
saying, well, okay, why are you using LinkedIn like that? Or
Chantal Cornelius:
actually don't do that, do this. They want a sense of courage and
Chantal Cornelius:
education from you, where you're supporting them, pushing them in
Chantal Cornelius:
the right direction. They want to feel energized and excited,
Chantal Cornelius:
rather than you, rather than coming by going, Oh, I can't
Chantal Cornelius:
stand LinkedIn. I don't know what to do with it. They
Janice Porter:
want my client. This is great. Love it. Yeah.
Janice Porter:
Okay. These
Chantal Cornelius:
words in the purple list, and there are lots
Chantal Cornelius:
more. These are the ones for you to use in your marketing. So
Janice Porter:
even the ones that I didn't highlight that
Janice Porter:
brought me to that list,
Chantal Cornelius:
got it? Yeah. Okay, absolutely, yeah. So you
Chantal Cornelius:
highlighted a certain number of growth words. You highlighted
Chantal Cornelius:
proportionately more growth words than right? You're when
Chantal Cornelius:
you're writing in your marketing, you can be saying, my
Chantal Cornelius:
clients work with me because they want to feel a sense of
Chantal Cornelius:
hope and imagination about where they could go next and how
Chantal Cornelius:
LinkedIn can help them get to where they want to go. And
Janice Porter:
it was interesting that you said, gosh,
Janice Porter:
now I've just gone from my head.
Janice Porter:
Nope, gone, have to come back to it. So I'm sorry. That's
Janice Porter:
probably why I started to interrupt you, because I forget
Janice Porter:
things. I apologize that it's not, no, I'm moving on. So, so
Janice Porter:
Well, I think it's, it's, it's interesting, because we tend to
Janice Porter:
focus too much on us, and we don't think enough about the
Janice Porter:
other person. Like, there's all these lots of coaches I've
Janice Porter:
talked to and and business owners that have taken NLP, you
Janice Porter:
know, they think about the other person more than those who
Janice Porter:
haven't. But the the whole thing is about emotion. It's like,
Janice Porter:
right? And it's funny, you know, I actually, I talked to somebody
Janice Porter:
yesterday who reached out to me from an organization that I
Janice Porter:
belong to, and I thought I knew who he was, because I thought
Janice Porter:
I'd met him before, and I had I was right, but I was also right
Janice Porter:
about my preconceived notion about him, and so he was calling
Janice Porter:
me to see what my take on LinkedIn was, and if I could
Janice Porter:
help him. And I knew, like right away, I knew he wasn't my
Janice Porter:
person. I right. I didn't want that person as my client,
Janice Porter:
because he he wasn't all about connection and about he was
Janice Porter:
about growth, but he was more about give me the numbers, tell
Janice Porter:
me the ROI, if I work with you, it was all of that, that things
Janice Porter:
I couldn't answer, really, because. Because you, you have
Janice Porter:
to do the work. I can't promise it, right, that it's going to
Janice Porter:
happen if you don't go there and do the work. But yeah, I could
Janice Porter:
tell very distinctly that I wasn't going to work with this
Janice Porter:
person. Yeah,
Chantal Cornelius:
and that's, that's one of one, something
Chantal Cornelius:
that I really love about these strategies. I I've, I've had it
Chantal Cornelius:
in the past where I've, I've got it wrong. I've worked with
Chantal Cornelius:
somebody I shouldn't have done because I wasn't concentrating.
Chantal Cornelius:
I thought, well, I need the money, but the more I focus on
Chantal Cornelius:
my certainty type clients, the more I get it right. If somebody
Chantal Cornelius:
comes to me and says, Oh, I'm looking for really fast growth
Chantal Cornelius:
in my business, and can you help me get loads of results in and
Chantal Cornelius:
lots more clients, I say, No, that's that's not who I am.
Chantal Cornelius:
That's not, that's not the way I do marketing. I do marketing
Chantal Cornelius:
with. It's not fun, exciting or sexy. It's it's steady, it's
Chantal Cornelius:
regular. It's telling people what to do. So it means that
Chantal Cornelius:
when we know which is the right strategy for our business, we
Chantal Cornelius:
can get the marketing out there which attracts the right people.
Chantal Cornelius:
And it's wonderful, because it actually detracts the wrong
Chantal Cornelius:
people. It's the wrong people from getting in touch, because
Chantal Cornelius:
they look at our marketing go, oh, actually, well, I don't
Chantal Cornelius:
think I want to work with so I don't want to feel like that
Janice Porter:
well, or they see and they see your name, and
Janice Porter:
they're curious, but they haven't really done their
Janice Porter:
homework to see right whether there's a fit
Chantal Cornelius:
and it means that if, if they do slip through
Chantal Cornelius:
the net, and we end up having client, potential client calls
Chantal Cornelius:
with them, the way I do is I listen to their language. Now,
Chantal Cornelius:
I've been researching this and writing about it for nearly 10
Chantal Cornelius:
years, so it's it's in my head. I can't get it out. But practice
Chantal Cornelius:
this Janice, because the more you talk to people, the more
Chantal Cornelius:
you'll get used to listening to the language that they're using.
Chantal Cornelius:
And if you say to somebody, how would you like to feel at the
Chantal Cornelius:
end of a session working with me, or at the end of six months,
Chantal Cornelius:
if they're saying, oh, I want to feel inspired and motivated. I
Chantal Cornelius:
want to feel optimistic and I want you to, I want to, I want
Chantal Cornelius:
to feel stretched, those are all growth words. Whereas if they're
Chantal Cornelius:
saying, oh, I want, I want, I want to feel safe, that's a
Chantal Cornelius:
really big one for certain. So, yeah, you can, you can be
Chantal Cornelius:
listening out to for what they say well, and
Janice Porter:
just that, that whole questioning piece is
Janice Porter:
something I don't ask. I don't have an I don't find myself
Janice Porter:
saying, how do you want to feel at the end of it? So that's
Janice Porter:
something in itself that I think, you know, or how did you
Janice Porter:
feel at the end of our session? Or, you know, I'm not a
Janice Porter:
psychiatrist or a coach even. I'm right, but I think I um, I
Janice Porter:
often, if I'm talk, if I'm teaching and I'm doing a
Janice Porter:
training on on LinkedIn, let's say, and I'm and I'm talking,
Janice Porter:
and I'll say, I do a little bit, and then I'll say, does that
Janice Porter:
make sense? So I'm getting looking for feedback to make
Janice Porter:
sure that I'm on the right track, or that I don't have to
Janice Porter:
say it again, but that's got nothing to do with marketing
Janice Porter:
strategies. That just has to do with teaching technique. I'm
Janice Porter:
guessing, yes,
Chantal Cornelius:
yes. And what you could do at the end of a
Chantal Cornelius:
session is, is be saying, how was that? How do you feel as a
Chantal Cornelius:
result of that training session? That's and it's get that word
Chantal Cornelius:
feel in Yes, because you could say, how was that for you? And
Chantal Cornelius:
they'll go, oh, Janice, that was amazing, which is lovely, but
Chantal Cornelius:
there's no emotion in there. So if you say, how do you feel at
Chantal Cornelius:
the end of this, yeah, and then it's not what they say,
Janice Porter:
Yeah, that's good. I know that if I've had
Janice Porter:
conversations with prospects and maybe they're not ready to do
Janice Porter:
the work yet, and and they don't want to do it yet. They know
Janice Porter:
that they're waiting to get some money saved up, or they're or
Janice Porter:
they're waiting till they finished some major thing that
Janice Porter:
they're doing. And I remember this girl said to me a couple
Janice Porter:
months ago, I When I'm ready, I know I'm going to work with you,
Janice Porter:
because we had that conversation that built more of the
Janice Porter:
relationship, I think. And then, you know, I've checked back with
Janice Porter:
her just to say hi and whatever, and she says, Hey, I'm, I'm
Janice Porter:
still, you're still on the list, you know. So they get that, but
Janice Porter:
you do have to do that too. You have to follow up. That's
Janice Porter:
another whole story, but you do have to follow up to make that
Janice Porter:
happen. So that was one practical way to incorporate
Janice Porter:
emotional marketing into branding and messaging. Can you
Janice Porter:
give me a couple of other examples that people could use
Chantal Cornelius:
to absolutely it's, it's, it's a three stage
Chantal Cornelius:
process. The first, the first part is using language in your
Chantal Cornelius:
marketing. So, on your LinkedIn profile, on your website,
Chantal Cornelius:
wherever, however you you do marketing is use the language.
Chantal Cornelius:
So use literally, use the words. And I've had clients write
Chantal Cornelius:
phrases like, when clients work with me, they feel x, y z. How
Chantal Cornelius:
would you like to feel? X, Y, Z? That at the end of working with
Chantal Cornelius:
me, so that's that's using in your marketing the second stage
Chantal Cornelius:
is using it in sales conversations. I know that my
Chantal Cornelius:
ideal clients are really looking for confidence and clarity.
Chantal Cornelius:
Those are big certainty words. They are looking for confidence
Chantal Cornelius:
in sharing their marketing message and getting it out their
Chantal Cornelius:
confidence in standing up at a networking event saying, Hello,
Chantal Cornelius:
this is what I do. But also they're looking for clarity of
Chantal Cornelius:
that message. So being able to say what I do is boom, rather
Chantal Cornelius:
than one of the people I met this morning who took about five
Chantal Cornelius:
minutes to tell me all the 69 different things she did. So
Chantal Cornelius:
when people say to me in a sales conversation, what will I get
Chantal Cornelius:
from working with you? Chantal, I say things like, you will get
Chantal Cornelius:
the confidence to deliver your message and the clarity of what
Chantal Cornelius:
that message is. And they go, Oh, that's exactly what I want.
Chantal Cornelius:
And I've been practicing this because I know how to do it. So,
Chantal Cornelius:
yeah, you know it's, it's weaving, it in. If somebody
Chantal Cornelius:
doesn't say to you in a sales call, what will I get? Tell them
Chantal Cornelius:
what you'll get from working with me is, now we can't make
Chantal Cornelius:
anybody feel anything. So you can't say I will make you feel,
Chantal Cornelius:
but you can say you will get a sense of you will feel. So
Chantal Cornelius:
that's part two, that's the sales. The third bit super
Chantal Cornelius:
important is the actual delivery. So the work that
Chantal Cornelius:
you're doing when I'm working with mentoring clients, I tell
Chantal Cornelius:
them what to do. I don't say what marketing do you think
Chantal Cornelius:
would work? I just say, this, this and this. Just do that. I'm
Chantal Cornelius:
very bossy. I'm very straight talking. I have clients who
Chantal Cornelius:
phone me up, saying, Should I be doing this? And I say no,
Chantal Cornelius:
because so so and I've seen, I've seen businesses in the past
Chantal Cornelius:
that sell themselves, let's say on growth, but then try to
Chantal Cornelius:
deliver connection, and there's a huge mismatch, and you'll lose
Chantal Cornelius:
clients. If you do that, it definitely say that again. Say
Chantal Cornelius:
that again. If you so your your strategy dances growth. If you
Chantal Cornelius:
use growth in your sales and marketing. And potential clients
Chantal Cornelius:
came along and went, Oh, that's exactly what I want. That's how
Chantal Cornelius:
I want to feel. They buy in. They pay you some money if you
Chantal Cornelius:
then deliver something like connection rather than growth,
Chantal Cornelius:
they're not going to be happy clients, because that's what
Chantal Cornelius:
not. That's not what they bought from you, that's not what
Chantal Cornelius:
they're expecting. So you have to deliver. It's the same
Chantal Cornelius:
emotion. I used to think there was some leeway. I've changed my
Chantal Cornelius:
mind. There isn't. If people buy certainty from me, I deliver
Chantal Cornelius:
Janice Porter:
Okay, so, okay, now I have to back up, because
Janice Porter:
do I mix things up? Is? Is now the question, right? Because I
Janice Porter:
know that if I'm talking to a client or prospect, let's say
Janice Porter:
about LinkedIn training, and they they're looking because,
Janice Porter:
well, they might have, they might already be on LinkedIn,
Janice Porter:
but they don't really use it properly, and they want to up
Janice Porter:
the level of their visibility, and they want to Use it for
Janice Porter:
connecting to people, I usually say quite clearly up front and I
Janice Porter:
don't know I think it's more connection than growth. Is that
Janice Porter:
the thing that I focus more on than not is building
Janice Porter:
relationships on LinkedIn, right? Yeah, because I believe
Janice Porter:
that most people are so focused on content, for example, on
Janice Porter:
LinkedIn, which is you still have to do that but, but it's
Janice Porter:
not, it's more passive, whereas you need to be building those
Janice Porter:
relationships, building connections to boards,
Janice Porter:
relationships to really, I think, to connect with the right
Janice Porter:
people. Because, again, it comes back to the emotion, is the
Janice Porter:
connection to people. So I'm babbling, but do you understand
Janice Porter:
Chantal Cornelius:
I do? I get it totally, yeah. So, and this
Chantal Cornelius:
it, you're right some, sometimes it's okay to have two
Chantal Cornelius:
strategies. Okay, one major one and then a little bit of
Chantal Cornelius:
something else. You can't have more than two. Doesn't it
Chantal Cornelius:
doesn't work. So what people are probably doing is they're coming
Chantal Cornelius:
to you because they want to feel more energized and excited about
Chantal Cornelius:
using LinkedIn, right? Which means that in your delivery, you
Chantal Cornelius:
have to energize and excite them. You can't sit there going,
Chantal Cornelius:
well, LinkedIn is not really very helpful, is it? And I don't
Chantal Cornelius:
really like it anyway, you laugh. I went to a workshop
Chantal Cornelius:
recently, and the presenter was teaching us a tool, and then he
Chantal Cornelius:
said, I don't actually think this tool works. Waste of time.
Chantal Cornelius:
Yeah. So, yeah. So, so they buy into you because they want to
Chantal Cornelius:
grow through LinkedIn, so you've then got to give them that
Chantal Cornelius:
excitement motivation. But because you're doing LinkedIn
Chantal Cornelius:
training, you Janice, you only are allowed to sprinkle in a bit
Chantal Cornelius:
of connection, because when you took the test, your second
Chantal Cornelius:
highest was connection one time, yeah, and with LinkedIn, the
Chantal Cornelius:
people, the reason that people use it is it's all, you're
Chantal Cornelius:
right? It's about, it's about building relationships. So it's
Chantal Cornelius:
about, I'm looking at the list of words. It's about friendship
Chantal Cornelius:
and harmony and being part of something bigger. So look on
Chantal Cornelius:
page 15 at the red Yes, those are the connection words, right?
Chantal Cornelius:
You I would really focus mostly on the purple words, the growth
Chantal Cornelius:
words, but you can sprinkle in a little bit of a little bit of
Chantal Cornelius:
the red
Janice Porter:
well. And I also think that it's because some
Janice Porter:
people aren't comfortable building relationship. They
Janice Porter:
would rather do the other so I also have to gage it to the
Janice Porter:
people, right? I
Chantal Cornelius:
think as well, people are coming to you.
Chantal Cornelius:
They are buying growth from you. Got it. They're not initially
Chantal Cornelius:
buying connection, okay? They're buying growth and then you're
Chantal Cornelius:
delivering growth with some connection. If you promoted your
Chantal Cornelius:
business purely on connection, you'd be saying, come and work
Chantal Cornelius:
with me, and I can help you become part of a big community.
Chantal Cornelius:
Yeah, yes, you can, because LinkedIn is one great big
Chantal Cornelius:
community. But they don't want that. That's not, that's not
Chantal Cornelius:
what they buy. So they want, they want to know how to build
Chantal Cornelius:
those connections, yeah, but in order to get growth for
Chantal Cornelius:
themselves or their correct
Janice Porter:
the ROI, yeah, yeah, okay, this is amazing, and
Janice Porter:
I know we could go on forever. So what I'm going to suggest is,
Janice Porter:
first of all, it was very insightful, and thank you for
Janice Porter:
indulging me a little bit there. I hope that my audience will see
Janice Porter:
the power of that, that exercise that we did. And I do believe
Janice Porter:
that, as you that the key to winning clients isn't about the
Janice Porter:
lowest price or the fastest service, it's about making a
Janice Porter:
deep, emotional connection. And I would like to encourage my
Janice Porter:
audience to go to your website, which will be on the apple tree
Janice Porter:
marketing, which will be on the show notes, under the show
Janice Porter:
notes, and to take your test as a start, and then to take your
Janice Porter:
to buy your book, because the it's it's there. I mean, it's
Janice Porter:
really all there. And if they want to work with you,
Janice Porter:
absolutely, to reach out and do so and but dive deeper by
Janice Porter:
looking into Chantal book stand out strategies, which I think
Janice Porter:
they can find anywhere as well as on your website, correct?
Chantal Cornelius:
It's the best place at the moment, is on the
Chantal Cornelius:
website. Okay? This podcast goes out, I will. It is on Amazon.
Chantal Cornelius:
I'm not sure it's working internationally. If you can
Chantal Cornelius:
contact me and I can, we can sort it out.
Janice Porter:
So, yeah, perfect. Okay, so any last words
Janice Porter:
for my audience? Oh,
Chantal Cornelius:
yes. If you're not sure how your your
Chantal Cornelius:
clients feel about you, ask them. Yeah, love that. And the
Chantal Cornelius:
best thing to do is very old fashioned. It's very simple,
Chantal Cornelius:
pick up the phone. Oh, how? You know, have a zoom conversation.
Chantal Cornelius:
Meet somebody for coffee, take them out for lunch. I've done a
Chantal Cornelius:
lot of this, of saying to clients, why is it you work with
Chantal Cornelius:
me? I did a lot of this in the early days when I was first
Chantal Cornelius:
researching this. Why do you work with me? What do you like
Chantal Cornelius:
about what I do? How do you feel when you work with me, and yeah,
Chantal Cornelius:
it's I am also developing another version of the test, or
Chantal Cornelius:
a couple of versions, where you can send the test to clients and
Chantal Cornelius:
ask them to fill it in, and I will then collate all of those
Chantal Cornelius:
results so you could send it to 10 clients. Yes, yeah. I will
Chantal Cornelius:
then collate all of those, all of their answers to make sure
Chantal Cornelius:
that it's growth, pretty darn sure it is, but it's just going
Chantal Cornelius:
to be an extra extra well. And
Janice Porter:
here's something somebody that I know wrote about
Janice Porter:
the other day, and I went at the light bulb went on, and it was
Janice Porter:
basically like, I'm it's about, okay, I do LinkedIn training.
Janice Porter:
One of the things that I encourage people to do is to
Janice Porter:
start, unless they are not allowed to buy compliance
Janice Porter:
issues, is to get recommendations on LinkedIn,
Janice Porter:
because that's the only social proof that we have on social on
Janice Porter:
LinkedIn. So with those recommendations, and I've been
Janice Porter:
very fortunate, and I have a lot of them on there because I ask
Janice Porter:
for them, I can take that information and use it in my
Janice Porter:
marketing as well.
Chantal Cornelius:
You can very definitely one word of caution
Chantal Cornelius:
is that the majority of people, when they write a LinkedIn
Chantal Cornelius:
recommendation do not use any emotional words,
Janice Porter:
oh, I'm going to look at. That. So that's okay,
Chantal Cornelius:
because people, when I was people, have
Chantal Cornelius:
asked me a lot, you know, Can I can I find out from my LinkedIn
Chantal Cornelius:
recommendations how people feel when they work with me?
Chantal Cornelius:
Generally? No, it doesn't work because we don't say to people,
Chantal Cornelius:
could you write me a LinkedIn recommendation that explains how
Chantal Cornelius:
you feel when you work with me? I actually
Janice Porter:
sometimes do ask that. So that's interesting.
Janice Porter:
Okay, I will look, I will look, and I'll let you do
Chantal Cornelius:
it. Definitely, okay, but, but
Chantal Cornelius:
generally, it's much better to just, just pick up the phone,
Chantal Cornelius:
just have a conversation and ask and then, and then listen to
Chantal Cornelius:
what they say. Yes, that's great for building relationships.
Chantal Cornelius:
Janice Porter:
I know, I know magic. It's all magic. So thank
Janice Porter:
you again, and thank you for thank you to my audience for
Janice Porter:
tuning in to relationships rule until next time, stay connected
Janice Porter:
and be remembered. I lost my recording. There we go. Stop
Janice Porter: