March 11, 2025

Networking That Works: How to Build Trust and Gain Real Connections | RR301

Networking That Works: How to Build Trust and Gain Real Connections | RR301

Networking isn’t about collecting business cards—it’s about building real relationships that create lasting opportunities.

Linda Walters, master connector, referral strategist, and founder of Lead Tribes, shares how authentic connections can transform the way entrepreneurs grow their businesses. She created Lead Tribes to bring together business owners who genuinely want to support each other, exchange meaningful referrals, and thrive in a community built on trust.

She breaks down the importance of staying top of mind, why asking for referrals is a skill that needs practice, and how structured networking can be both productive and fun. Linda also explains how introverts can find their place in networking, how online and in-person events each have their strengths, and why true referrals go beyond a simple name exchange.

This is a great refresher of all the best things about networking – and worth listening to.


  • Strengthen your networking skills by focusing on real relationships instead of transactional connections.
  • Learn how to ask for referrals in a way that feels natural and leads to more business opportunities.
  • Discover how structured networking groups can provide long-term support and business growth.
  • Explore ways to make networking work for you, whether you prefer online, in-person, or a mix of both.
  • Understand why quality referrals require trust, follow-up, and thoughtful introductions


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Janice Porter:

Welcome to relationships rule the podcast,

Janice Porter:

where we explore the power of relationships in business.

Janice Porter:

Today, we're diving into the evolving world of networking,

Janice Porter:

relationship building and referrals with Linda Walters, a

Janice Porter:

master connector referral strategist and the founder and

Janice Porter:

CEO of lead tribes, Linda has built a thriving community

Janice Porter:

centered on real relationships and authentic referrals, and

Janice Porter:

she's here to share her insights on how entrepreneurs can grow

Janice Porter:

their businesses through genuine connections. So let's dive in

Janice Porter:

right away with Linda. Welcome to the show, Linda. Hi

Linda Walters:

Janice, thank you so much. I'm so excited and

Linda Walters:

grateful to be here. Thank you for having me.

Janice Porter:

You're very welcome now, Linda and I go way

Janice Porter:

back, and both I think, think the same way about referrals and

Janice Porter:

networking and connecting, and it's such an important part of

Janice Porter:

the work that we do. And Linda tell us how lead tribes started

Janice Porter:

first of all,

Linda Walters:

yeah. So I had had so many networking

Linda Walters:

experiences and belonged to other groups, and just learned

Linda Walters:

from those groups and decided that, you know, I want to be

Linda Walters:

able to have a networking group, that I want to get up in the

Linda Walters:

morning and be like, I can't wait to go to that meeting. And

Linda Walters:

so I realized that feeling was missing, not just for myself,

Linda Walters:

but a lot of people. And I thought, why is it that we can't

Linda Walters:

make money, you know, do business and have fun all at the

Linda Walters:

same time? And, you know, get serious about business, but have

Linda Walters:

fun while we do it. So I created lead tribes back in 2019 and

Linda Walters:

here we are, five years later. It's fantastic community, and

Linda Walters:

we're having fun as we build all of our businesses together.

Janice Porter:

And you're growing your your your tribe as

Janice Porter:

well, right? You're not you started as a online, because, I

Janice Porter:

think, right. Did you start online because of the COVID

Janice Porter:

thing? It

Linda Walters:

was really, it was really close, like we were

Linda Walters:

about six months in person, and then, wham, we had to go online.

Linda Walters:

Yeah, yeah,

Janice Porter:

you're back in person. And do you do some

Janice Porter:

hybrid as well? Or no,

Linda Walters:

um, I don't have a hybrid group right this

Linda Walters:

moment, but I foresee that will, you know, serve some

Linda Walters:

entrepreneurs. So I absolutely see it in the future. But

Janice Porter:

now you've grown to more than one chapter, right?

Janice Porter:

So that's what you're doing, building your empire. Now. I

Janice Porter:

love it. Yeah,

Linda Walters:

thank you. Thank you. It's growing. It's growing.

Linda Walters:

So, yeah, I'm excited. So

Janice Porter:

what is special and unique about League tribes?

Linda Walters:

Oh, thank you for asking. Um, so our group of I

Linda Walters:

call them unicorns all the time, because we truly already get it.

Linda Walters:

We get it. We don't need to be coached and managed and

Linda Walters:

micromanaged and all the things we are there to, like, help one

Linda Walters:

another roll up our sleeves and say, What can I do for you? And

Linda Walters:

you know that wherever it comes back may not be from the person

Linda Walters:

that you spent the hour with, but it'll come from somewhere in

Linda Walters:

our community, or some connection from our community.

Linda Walters:

And so that's what's really great. I've shortened the

Linda Walters:

meeting to what I now call power hours, because I really want

Linda Walters:

people to get back to business, and get back to their business,

Linda Walters:

and not have roles and things like this when they do come to

Linda Walters:

the meeting. So it's this fun, open, networking space that has,

Linda Walters:

you know, structure, obviously, accountability, obviously, these

Linda Walters:

are the things that lead to success. But inside every

Linda Walters:

meeting, you get to connect, you get to network, you actually get

Linda Walters:

to have side conversations. You'll get a boost of

Linda Walters:

inspiration, I can assure you that. And and then go back about

Linda Walters:

your day. And most people, if they weren't feeling up to it,

Linda Walters:

or when they got there, they were having a bit of a down day,

Linda Walters:

you know, it changes the trajectory of their day. And I

Linda Walters:

love having that impact for entrepreneurs, because we beat

Linda Walters:

ourselves up a lot, and or our customers beat us up and things

Linda Walters:

like that, and so we're really hard on ourselves, just

Linda Walters:

naturally. And so this is a space where you can come let

Linda Walters:

your hair down. Have fun, have a breakfast, have a lunch, learn a

Linda Walters:

referral tip, hear a presentation from someone, get

Linda Walters:

to deep dive, know their business and how to refer them,

Linda Walters:

which is super important, but then go back to your office and

Linda Walters:

get on with your business. And I think that's super important. So

Janice Porter:

I'd love to get your opinion on on the art of

Janice Porter:

referrals. And specifically, because I've been listening to

Janice Porter:

somebody lately who actually was on my podcast a long time ago,

Janice Porter:

and she has her she has a podcast, and I was listening to

Janice Porter:

her recently because her premise about referrals is that you

Janice Porter:

don't need to ask for them. You need to be in a in a you need to

Janice Porter:

be worthy of them. You need to get your name out there. You

Janice Porter:

need to have your yourself. Remembered enough and so that

Janice Porter:

people will say, Oh, you want. So I know exactly who, who you

Janice Porter:

need, rather than you asking for referrals. What's your take on

Janice Porter:

that? Because I think it's a really interesting

Linda Walters:

thing. Yeah, great question. And you know, I

Linda Walters:

I understand the school of that thought I do. But here's what I

Linda Walters:

know, okay, is that when you ask number one, you're sharpening a

Linda Walters:

skill, right? You You have to actually sharpen the skill of

Linda Walters:

learning how to ask for business, and whether it's a

Linda Walters:

referral group or your prospect, or you're presenting to a future

Linda Walters:

investors of your of your business, you have to sharpen

Linda Walters:

that skill. So, number one, we want people to keep asking and

Linda Walters:

getting better and at crafting their 30 seconds or 60 seconds,

Linda Walters:

or a promo, you know, and those things in a safe environment

Linda Walters:

where you're going to get great feedback and honest feedback to

Linda Walters:

help you again, sharpen your skills. The other thing is, is

Linda Walters:

that we are human, human nature based. So that means that, you

Linda Walters:

know we're not thinking of you if you are not top of mind. And

Linda Walters:

it's not because we don't like you, right? And it's not because

Linda Walters:

you know you're not the best at what you do. It is but if I, if

Linda Walters:

I don't hear exactly what you need, then I won't know, and I

Linda Walters:

won't go think of it. You know what? I mean, I get the thought

Linda Walters:

of earning the referrals, and just That's amazing, and that's

Linda Walters:

great, and probably everybody's gonna get to that point,

Janice Porter:

you know, in a group, you would certainly hope

Janice Porter:

so, when you're building that community right, that you would

Janice Porter:

hope that, that you would get to that point. Do you meet weekly?

Linda Walters:

100% all of our meetings are weekly. The

Linda Walters:

difference is, you know, I have flexible options for membership,

Linda Walters:

so they don't have to come weekly. But you know, well, the

Linda Walters:

thing is, is that top of mind is just that, if they don't see you

Linda Walters:

and hear you. This is the difference. That is where,

Linda Walters:

humanly, we just won't think of it. It's not personal. It's not

Linda Walters:

because they're not entirely

Janice Porter:

true. I do agree with you there, however, there,

Janice Porter:

as you know, as we both know, there are many different ways to

Janice Porter:

nurture relationships. Okay, so one is about nurturing

Janice Porter:

relationships. The other is about being visible, online,

Janice Porter:

offline, pick up the phone, say hi, send a card here or there,

Janice Porter:

share through your content on the your platform of choice,

Janice Porter:

where your clients, your referral partners are, but keep

Janice Porter:

all of that happening. I remember when I and I'm going to

Janice Porter:

ask you a different question in a minute, but I remember when I

Janice Porter:

first started networking, and this is back in the early 2000s

Janice Porter:

when it first became a thing, and I was just getting into

Janice Porter:

working for myself, and I didn't really know what I was doing,

Janice Porter:

but I do remember being an extrovert at that time, way more

Janice Porter:

than I am now, I would say. But knowing that, I just got myself

Janice Porter:

out there and talked to everybody, and everybody knew

Janice Porter:

who I was, and that started to bring the people to me. Okay? I

Janice Porter:

also did some presentations at the Chamber of Commerce and got

Janice Porter:

my name out there as well. I wasn't on social media to any it

Janice Porter:

had just started happening then, but, um, but that for me was,

Janice Porter:

you know, back in the day, people used to say, oh, you

Janice Porter:

should talk to Janice. She knows everybody, or you should talk to

Janice Porter:

Janice because, and that's how I built my connector piece. And I

Janice Porter:

really think that it can be the same with relation with

Janice Porter:

referrals. However, I don't know. I mean, yes, I like the

Janice Porter:

way you said that you can you need to sharpen your skill, but

Janice Porter:

there's a difference between sharpening your skill on asking

Janice Porter:

for the sale than asking for the referral. I don't know they're

Janice Porter:

different, but I hear what you're saying, and there is

Janice Porter:

definitely some some merit to that. So I forgot what I was

Janice Porter:

going to say. See, I knew I was going to say something, and then

Janice Porter:

I forgot story. You

Linda Walters:

know, the only thing I'll add is that, you

Linda Walters:

know, when markets change and industry changes and things

Linda Walters:

change, your referral is not a status quo referral ask, right?

Linda Walters:

It shouldn't be. I mean, you want to attract different

Linda Walters:

people, different, you know, price points, different things

Linda Walters:

in your business, so you do have to keep asking for what it is

Linda Walters:

you want. And so that changes quarterly, weekly, whatever. And

Linda Walters:

so that's where the asking all the time really, really is

Linda Walters:

helpful. It's really helpful. And not not only that story

Linda Walters:

Janice, there's three things that we do teach as well. Like,

Linda Walters:

you know you when you come into to the tribe or networking in

Linda Walters:

general, is that you know what's your low bottom hanging? Fruit,

Linda Walters:

what's your mid referral? And what is the whale referral? Tell

Linda Walters:

me your biggest referral. Because when you actually tell

Linda Walters:

someone what that is, and it's happened in our community, so

Linda Walters:

many times, it's because they go on a coffee connection and

Linda Walters:

realize what that whale referral is, and by gosh darn it, you

Linda Walters:

know, it's like we're in a spider web here. Somebody knows

Linda Walters:

somebody who knows somebody that can get that whale referral, and

Linda Walters:

it just makes your day. I mean, a whale referral is almost like

Linda Walters:

a once a year, like it's a big one, right? And so it happens

Linda Walters:

more often, because we talk about those different levels of

Linda Walters:

referrals. So that's where the opportunity to talk about it

Linda Walters:

every single week is interesting to people. That's the other

Linda Walters:

thing you know, bring interest, bring conversation, bring

Linda Walters:

connection on a different level. When they go, Oh, I never

Linda Walters:

realized that you are looking for that and, you know, and then

Linda Walters:

it just opens up a whole other thing and a whole other

Linda Walters:

conversation. So that's what I like about asking every single

Linda Walters:

week, you control the narrative. Yeah,

Janice Porter:

that's good. And do you teach? So you're, you're

Janice Porter:

basically, when people join your networking community, you are

Janice Porter:

also teaching them how to network better on a regular

Linda Walters:

You bet, you bet, because it's a skill you know,

Linda Walters:

along with you learning, you know, the master of connections.

Linda Walters:

I mean, that is, that is also what I'm to getting known for is

Linda Walters:

like, Oh, just Linda. Linda will know somebody, and that's great.

Linda Walters:

But is that a referral, right? So it could lead to it, you

Linda Walters:

know? It's just knowing, but, but what I was going to say

Linda Walters:

about that was, now it's left me, see I got what? Yeah, it's

Linda Walters:

not just you Janice, you know. But the thing is, my gosh. Now I

Linda Walters:

have to pause and think I was on a total train of thought there.

Linda Walters:


Janice Porter:

it's not necessarily the right referral,

Janice Porter:

it's it might lead to it, you said, but yeah, and oh,

Janice Porter:

teaching, sorry,

Linda Walters:

well, teaching. And the point being is that what

Linda Walters:

I do love about people coming into lead tribes. As I said,

Linda Walters:

they're kind of seasoned. They already understand the power of

Linda Walters:

networking, and they're really here to, you know, roll up their

Linda Walters:

sleeves and dive in and help other people. But what we teach

Linda Walters:

is how you give a referral is how you will get a referral. So

Linda Walters:

be very cognizant and very purposeful, intentional on

Linda Walters:

making that connection. You know, it's usually a triangle

Linda Walters:

follow up. And let's

Janice Porter:

talk about that for a second. Because, yeah,

Janice Porter:

yeah, some people think a referral means, oh, you need to

Janice Porter:

talk to this person, exactly right? So let, let's talk about

Janice Porter:

that. Because I think it's really important to understand

Janice Porter:

how to give a proper referral?

Linda Walters:

Yeah. I mean, it definitely is all about the

Linda Walters:

level of communication in which you are making that connection.

Linda Walters:

Number one, it has to be on the right platform, right? Is it a

Linda Walters:

LinkedIn connection, you know, through you now i I'm having

Linda Walters:

more connections through LinkedIn. Thank you. But you

Linda Walters:

know, is it that, or is it, you know, a text introduction? Is it

Linda Walters:

an email introduction? So first of all, finding out where is the

Linda Walters:

connection going to come from, like, on what platform? Then

Linda Walters:

you've got the Okay, yes, the client is ready for that. So now

Linda Walters:

you're going to do that connection on that platform, and

Linda Walters:

then you're going to wait and see what happens between the two

Linda Walters:

people you've just connected, they're likely going to talk and

Linda Walters:

take you out of the conversation as very much happens and within

Linda Walters:

the next meeting. So the next seven days, either you're going

Linda Walters:

to see that person at the next meeting or you're going to send

Linda Walters:

a little follow up to say, so how did that go? And we do that

Linda Walters:

because we care. I mean, you this is your reputation. You're

Linda Walters:

actually putting your reputation on the line to refer someone. So

Linda Walters:

you really should have stake in the game and how it went. It's

Linda Walters:

not just a, here's a business card. Good luck. I mean, that's

Linda Walters:

that's not how you give a referral. Same thing kind of

Linda Walters:

Janice. When someone says, Well, go to Janice. She'll connect

Linda Walters:

you. That's great. You could just say, Oh, here's, you know,

Linda Walters:

Joe. Here's his phone number. But really, that's not what

Linda Walters:

you're doing. You want to make the connection to say, actually,

Linda Walters:

here's Joe. This is what Joe does. This is what reminded me

Linda Walters:

to connect you for that same solution you're looking for, or,

Linda Walters:

or, you know, bring the commonality together, right?

Linda Walters:

This is why it's important. This is what's going to benefit you

Linda Walters:

from meeting, you know, Joe, Sarah, Susan, whoever it is, and

Linda Walters:

and the follow up again, it's a triangle. It's from me to you,

Linda Walters:

you to the person, and then me again, following up with you.

Linda Walters:

That closes the triangle. And when the triangle doesn't

Linda Walters:

happen, most likely the referral is not happening either. If

Linda Walters:

you're a seasoned professional, you'll take the time to care

Linda Walters:

what happened. It's your neck on the line to begin with. It's

Linda Walters:

your first impression. And if it is a first time referral

Linda Walters:

opportunity, then you do want to know, how is it being handled?

Linda Walters:

Are you going to be giving another referral based on how it

Linda Walters:

was handled, even if they. Get the business right if they

Linda Walters:

didn't get the business right.

Janice Porter:

So a couple of things out of that. First of

Janice Porter:

all, the the connection, as you called it. It's very important

Janice Porter:

that it is a real connection that is made by you. The the

Janice Porter:

resource to to match those two people together, so you have to

Janice Porter:

introduce them. It's It's just common courtesy that that gets

Janice Porter:

missed. But I will like to back up a second, because, let's say

Janice Porter:

I just met you at lead tribes event, and you're telling me

Janice Porter:

what you are interested in finding for your prospects and

Janice Porter:

what business you're looking for. And I think I know someone

Janice Porter:

who might you know, be the right person. First of all, I want to

Janice Porter:

make sure that I like you and that I think that you're worthy

Janice Porter:

of of me giving you someone from my my my database. Okay, so what

Janice Porter:

I might do in that case, tell me what you think about this. What

Janice Porter:

I might do is say, you know, I might have someone that could be

Janice Porter:

a good fit for you. Let me check with him or her and see if

Janice Porter:

they're open to the connection first, because they're the

Janice Porter:

person in my database. You're the new person I just met, so I

Janice Porter:

have to protect that person first. And if they say, Oh,

Janice Porter:

sure, I'd be open to me, you know, I'll say, I met this

Janice Porter:

person at an event. Here's their LinkedIn profile. What do you

Janice Porter:

think? Do you think? Are you open to a conversation?

Linda Walters:

That's what makes you professional, is that you

Linda Walters:

you already went above and beyond to take the step to vet.

Linda Walters:

You know, the possibility, right? And I

Janice Porter:

don't want to waste my person's time unless

Janice Porter:

they right. Yeah, you don't

Linda Walters:

want to make this connection if it's dead in the

Linda Walters:

water and they're not even interested. You know, one of the

Linda Walters:

other networking groups, so many things I hear about, you know,

Linda Walters:

the way they do referrals is like, Well, I was given a name

Linda Walters:

and a number, and I called, and the person says, Oh, really, why

Linda Walters:

are you calling? You know? And it's like, embarrassing, gosh,

Linda Walters:

so that's not a referral, that was not a referral, and so that

Linda Walters:

doesn't happen here. We just don't even believe in that. I do

Linda Walters:

preface that, you know, if you have to wait three months to get

Linda Walters:

a referral, that you could just go and close because someone has

Linda Walters:

prepped it for you with the bridge of trust. You know, isn't

Linda Walters:

that worth waiting for, versus getting the one who says, What?

Linda Walters:

Who is this? Again, why are you calling people? I don't, I don't

Linda Walters:

even know why they put us in contact, you know, Oh, for God's

Linda Walters:

sakes, let's not waste people's time. It's too valuable. Again,

Linda Walters:

we've honed in at lead tribes, those professional season people

Linda Walters:

that I feel, you know, you can, you can get away from that type

Linda Walters:

of stuff happening. It just doesn't happen. Yeah,

Janice Porter:

yeah. And I think another way I might handle it

Janice Porter:

too, like I had a call this morning with a girl that was

Janice Porter:

introduced to me, because this person said to me, I don't know

Janice Porter:

he prefaced it by saying, I'm not sure if you guys, you know

Janice Porter:

if it's a good person for your podcast or not, but I think you

Janice Porter:

should two should meet. So we did, and I knew before that that

Janice Porter:

really her zone of genius was not a fit for my podcast.

Janice Porter:

However, in the conversation, I really liked her, and I liked

Janice Porter:

the work that she was doing, and I thought of somebody of an

Janice Porter:

organization that might be a good fit for her. And I said to

Janice Porter:

her, you might want to look at this organization. They do a lot

Janice Porter:

of presentations, and you know, might be your people might be

Janice Porter:

there. And I said to her, if you'd like an introduction to

Janice Porter:

the head of it, I'm happy to introduce you. So I wanted to

Janice Porter:

leave it to her, in this case, to say whether she thought maybe

Janice Porter:

she would like to pursue it. But I also wanted to make sure that

Janice Porter:

I was in that mix, because I wanted that person in the

Janice Porter:

organization to know that I had introduced her to it, you know,

Janice Porter:

because it works both ways sometimes for you. So, yeah, I

Linda Walters:

love that you're a great connector that way. And

Linda Walters:

I and I think what's so nice about that when you're, you

Linda Walters:

know, looking at it from a professional standpoint, I mean,

Linda Walters:

you're just making an impact by bringing two people together.

Linda Walters:

And that may not seem like much on the onset, you know, but

Linda Walters:

Janice, it reminds me of a mommy Mimosa Monday that I had in my

Linda Walters:

kitchen with over 20 women, and I just literally threw it on

Linda Walters:

Facebook. I had all these women wanting to come over, and two

Linda Walters:

women that met in my kitchen started a business together. I

Janice Porter:

love it. I can ask you for a story. And I

Linda Walters:

just thought to myself, that is so cool, like I

Linda Walters:

created the space I welcomed people in, and magic can happen

Linda Walters:

when you bring good people together just by the power of

Linda Walters:

connection. As you and I already know we love the power of human

Linda Walters:

connection. And that great book, great. Read and so, you know, it

Linda Walters:

happens all over the place. You know, it could be in a bank

Linda Walters:

lineup, it could be in a kitchen, it could be at the

Linda Walters:

grocery store, and you just don't know, but you know, we

Linda Walters:

never want to go, what's in it? For me, we want to sit back and

Linda Walters:

say, Wow, there was success, because I made an impact,

Linda Walters:

because I took the moment of time to text a person like, Hey,

Linda Walters:

do you think this would be a good connection for you? And we

Linda Walters:

just sit back and say, That is awesome. This is life is good.

Linda Walters:

This is what we were here to do, is to keep bringing people

Linda Walters:

together, you know, for all sorts of reasons. And so if good

Linda Walters:

comes of it wonderful, right? Remembered, forever remembered

Linda Walters:

for that. I mean, that's amazing,

Janice Porter:

exactly so because you work with seasoned

Janice Porter:

professionals, as you call them, do you have you vet people into

Janice Porter:

your organization, right? And so you only have one person per

Janice Porter:

industry, is that correct?

Linda Walters:

That's right. Okay, yeah. So,

Janice Porter:

because I always found my experience with a

Janice Porter:

similar organization that met weekly and did all these things,

Janice Porter:

that sometimes the people in the group, I couldn't, I couldn't

Janice Porter:

refer them if my life depended on it, because they just didn't

Janice Porter:

feel it from them or with them or whatever. So does that ever

Janice Porter:

happen in your group? And if not, why not?

Linda Walters:

So that's a great, great question, and it's

Linda Walters:

been out there, that experience has happened many, many times.

Linda Walters:

And so what we do and it has not happened. Janice to answer the

Linda Walters:

question, no, that has not happened. But what we do is we

Linda Walters:

run by values, and in those values is the word abundance,

Linda Walters:

and that word abundance means that if you go to any of our

Linda Walters:

tribes, you will get the same warm, welcoming feeling, but if

Linda Walters:

there was somebody in your own tribe, that you are just not

Linda Walters:

comfortable for whatever reason that may be, but the same

Linda Walters:

person, let's call it for home and auto insurance, is in

Linda Walters:

another tribe you met at an event. You kicked it off with

Linda Walters:

them. They're not part of your own personal tribe. But that's

Linda Walters:

okay. That is a fair game, because you're still fully in

Linda Walters:

our community, and we want to work with the right fit. So many

Linda Walters:

people are forcing these like, Oh, you must use this person.

Linda Walters:

No, no, you want to attract people that want to work with

Linda Walters:

you. Number one, number two, that just makes life better, and

Linda Walters:

you will get the deal done. And so you'll be of service if you

Linda Walters:

choose the right person to begin with. And so in our community,

Linda Walters:

that type of thing doesn't happen. We always have the right

Linda Walters:

fit. And that's what's really cool. Yeah, that is cool.

Janice Porter:

So how do you feel about I know you've I think

Janice Porter:

I know the answer to this, but what's your take on online

Janice Porter:

versus in person networking. You know, should professionals focus

Janice Porter:

on one over the other? Because I gotta admit, I've become a bit

Janice Porter:

of a recluse. I don't go out as much as I used to. So I yeah,

Janice Porter:

sometimes I feel I need to, and other times I can't be bothered.

Janice Porter:

So I What's your take on it? I think I know the answer, but I

Janice Porter:

want to hear it.

Linda Walters:

Yeah, you know, listen, I, too, am going out

Linda Walters:

more in person since COVID. And then there's the other ones that

Linda Walters:

just are happy at home. They they want to, you know, spare

Linda Walters:

the time, spare the gas, spare the track pants, and all the

Linda Walters:

things that you know, there are benefits. You know, there are

Linda Walters:

benefits. You know, to be honest, the answer is, the more

Linda Walters:

in person you can get, the more traction you will get. You know,

Linda Walters:

there's brilliant relationships that form online, far and wide,

Linda Walters:

over our globe, which is awesome, and I want to promote

Linda Walters:

that. I want to keep building on that, because I know it's

Linda Walters:

possible. So it is a personal preference, right? So again, if

Linda Walters:

I'm happy in that space, that's cool, right? If I'm happiest in

Linda Walters:

my best self on online, cool. If it's in person, then cool. Then

Linda Walters:

you should stick to in person. If it's a hybrid, then great,

Linda Walters:

right? I mean, then you get the best of both worlds, because

Linda Walters:

there really are so many great people. You know, if we just had

Linda Walters:

the time to meet them all would be lovely.

Janice Porter:

Okay, so I had a gentleman on my podcast a while

Janice Porter:

ago, a young man. He's he's actually really cool, and he

Janice Porter:

wrote this book about what's it called the introverts edge, and

Janice Porter:

it's about networking as an introvert, and so I'm sure, like

Janice Porter:

we just talked about how important it is to build those

Janice Porter:

relationships with people and connections with people. But you

Janice Porter:

and I are curious. You know, we ask questions. We know how to

Janice Porter:

bring somebody out of their shell. What about those

Janice Porter:

introverts? Do they even show up at you? Lead tribes. And what do

Janice Porter:

you recommend for those who are more introverted and a little

Janice Porter:

uncomfortable, how do they find success in a networking setup?

Linda Walters:

Yes, such a great question, because there are so

Linda Walters:

many loud introverts that are just not finding their voice.

Linda Walters:

And I have seen them come they either will like dabble in

Linda Walters:

getting to know people and committing to getting to know

Linda Walters:

people. I've had a very successful introvert stay with

Linda Walters:

me for five years and just come out of her shell in terms of,

Linda Walters:

you know, she did her presentation in poetry, and just

Linda Walters:

like, wow. I mean, compared to who we met at the very

Linda Walters:

beginning, it was a wonderful experience. And yet, and yet, I

Linda Walters:

just met someone that I know, like and trust. I think you know

Linda Walters:

her as well, and she has a networking group for introverts

Linda Walters:

only, okay? So I'm like, okay,

Janice Porter:

that girl might have been shy, but not an

Janice Porter:

introvert. So they're the introverts. Get their energy

Janice Porter:

from, you know? They they can't handle the being the center of

Janice Porter:

attention necessarily, right? But they get their energy more

Janice Porter:

by being alone after they can handle some networking, but it's

Janice Porter:

whether they, yeah, I don't know. It's just, I find it, I

Janice Porter:

find it interesting to work with those kinds of people,

Linda Walters:

absolutely. And when you say that, to work with

Linda Walters:

them, it really is the way the friend I mentioned, like the way

Linda Walters:

she has formed a networking group for introverts, is a, it's

Linda Walters:

a beautiful thing, you know, it's not something I could say

Linda Walters:

that's what I do, because I'm not an introvert, no, you know,

Linda Walters:

but, but I love that that's out there. I love that there's

Linda Walters:

networking for them as well as, you know, she teaches like

Linda Walters:

these, you know, conferences and things like that, to get people

Linda Walters:

out of their shell. So it is a whole other. It is a whole other

Linda Walters:

ball game, for sure. That's

Janice Porter:

cool. Um, so if listeners want to strengthen

Janice Porter:

their networking game today, what would you say I'm giving

Janice Porter:

putting you on the spot here, what are three actionable steps

Janice Porter:

that they can take immediately to networking game today.

Linda Walters:

Strengthen their networking game today, I am, and

Linda Walters:

I know that you didn't prep me for this question, but I am

Linda Walters:

going to say, you know, changing my profile on LinkedIn. Thank

Linda Walters:

you. Janice has has actually just brought a wonderful

Linda Walters:

audience to me to engage. And I mean, I'm seeing the difference,

Linda Walters:

so I hadn't paid attention to it. And my own fault, we get

Linda Walters:

busy in our business, as we all do. But that was really, really

Linda Walters:

key for the there's a shift. There's a shift of happening,

Linda Walters:

and it started with my LinkedIn profile that you and I worked

Linda Walters:

on. So that's the number one thing is, you know, who? Who are

Linda Walters:

you to the world of professionals, you know? And are

Linda Walters:

you even on LinkedIn? It does shock me that today, I ask

Linda Walters:

people if they're on LinkedIn, and they still say no. And I'm

Linda Walters:

like, okay, that's the first thing you need to do, you know.

Linda Walters:

But the second thing is, go look at your calendar and book some

Linda Walters:

networking events. Go, go out there and start networking.

Linda Walters:

Because that's the thing, is that if you don't get started,

Linda Walters:

you you can never get going. So just, you know, go out there.

Linda Walters:

That's how you're going to build those connections. So the first

Linda Walters:

thing is to start look at your calendar, whether you're on

Linda Walters:

Eventbrite or wherever you are locally, whether it's a chamber,

Linda Walters:

you know, that's what I love. Like, there's enough networking

Linda Walters:

groups for everybody and so and then please. The third biggest

Linda Walters:

thing is be prepared with your pitch. Be prepared to come off

Linda Walters:

like a shiny Penny, that you're a solid person, that you're

Linda Walters:

professional, that you're well spoken, and take time at home,

Linda Walters:

whether you're talking to the cats and the dogs or your kids

Linda Walters:

on the couch or whatever it is, and take time to practice who

Linda Walters:

you are. So when someone says in a room, like, tell me what you

Linda Walters:

do. It's not this 20 minute story, which it shouldn't be,

Linda Walters:

but like, let's get it down to 60 seconds. Real sharp, right?

Linda Walters:

Give them the three interesting things about you, and in 60

Linda Walters:

seconds time. So those things are worth, you know, again,

Linda Walters:

taking some time your LinkedIn profile, looking up the

Linda Walters:

networking events around you, and get out there. And then the

Linda Walters:

last thing is sharpen, sharpen that skill of saying who you

Linda Walters:


Janice Porter:

fair enough. Thank you. That was great.

Janice Porter:

All right, I'm just going to sidetrack a little bit from the

Janice Porter:

networking thing and the referrals, because all of that

Janice Porter:

is the way we build our business. Mostly. Today, today

Janice Porter:

is through relationships in the people I work with. That's what

Janice Porter:

I teach them, and referrals and connections. So when you're not

Janice Porter:

doing this, Linda, because you're always busy, and I think

Janice Porter:

I would like to give you a little plug here for this new

Janice Porter:

venture that you have that's a sideline from your lead tribes,

Janice Porter:

and that's tribes is your magazine? Like, that's a huge

Janice Porter:

thing. Tell me a little bit about that, because I'm hoping I

Janice Porter:

can get in there someday.

Linda Walters:

Okay. Uh, lovely. Yeah. So I really think, as a

Linda Walters:

small business owner, I wanted to do something next level for

Linda Walters:

all the entrepreneurs in our community. And I, I literally

Linda Walters:

just decided a year ago, because I've done five issues now that

Linda Walters:

you know, I'm going to put it into print. I'm going to get a

Linda Walters:

magazine. I'm going to call it leaders magazine. I'm going to

Linda Walters:

get it into print. I'm going to get some sponsors, have some fun

Linda Walters:

articles, to showcase our entrepreneurs, our experts, are

Linda Walters:

resources and and shine them up again, another level of

Linda Walters:

exposure. And just you know, they're so happy to see it in

Linda Walters:

print. I love the digital copy goes out to about 10,000

Linda Walters:

readership right now, and it's gaining traction, and it's just

Linda Walters:

a fun way for me to give back to our community to boost, boost

Linda Walters:

their visibility, like you said, they have to have visibility,

Linda Walters:

right? So, yeah, I never thought I'd be a magazine editor and all

Linda Walters:

the things. But hey, you know, this is what happens

Linda Walters:

entrepreneurs. They just build it, if it's not fair,

Janice Porter:

yeah, when I first met you, you were a

Janice Porter:

mortgage broker. I mean, like, had so many careers, it's

Janice Porter:

amazing, and you've done well at them all, because you are a true

Janice Porter:

entrepreneur. I really think that you you think like an

Janice Porter:

entrepreneur, and most people don't, alright. My track was

Janice Porter:

meant to be. So what do you do when you're not working? Linda,

Linda Walters:

oh boy. Well, you know what I love? I love my

Linda Walters:

dogs. I love walking my dogs and spending time with them.

Linda Walters:

Obviously, as a family, we always do our family things

Linda Walters:

together. So when I'm not working, it's family 100% that's

Linda Walters:

why we do what we do, right? So, yeah,

Janice Porter:

yeah, awesome. And do you read like traditional

Janice Porter:

books. Or do you read online on Audible, or listen on Audible, I

Janice Porter:

mean, or do you read listen to podcasts? What do you do for

Janice Porter:

that kind of growth? Yeah, um,

Linda Walters:

excellent. So one of the questions I just had in

Linda Walters:

another interview was, what was the one thing that you would say

Linda Walters:

as a business attribute that everybody should know, and that

Linda Walters:

is always, put your investment into personal development,

Linda Walters:

always, always, always, every single year, carve out some

Linda Walters:

money to get some personal development. And with that is

Linda Walters:

reading, reading podcasts and all the things. So my book that

Linda Walters:

I wanted so badly, the kids wanted to get it for me so

Linda Walters:

badly, but it was sold out. Everywhere was Mel Robbins knew

Linda Walters:

let them so I can't put it down. I love it. It is so good. I'm

Linda Walters:

just over half half finished the hardcover. I do like a good

Linda Walters:

hardcover once in a while, but I'm constantly got the

Linda Walters:

university in my ear as I'm driving and as I'm doing things.

Linda Walters:

You know, I've listened to a few of your podcasts as well, and,

Linda Walters:

and so, yeah, I mean, that's, that's what learning is all

Linda Walters:

about. This is just a journey. You gotta keep going, which I

Janice Porter:

know I've listened to Mel Robbins now on

Janice Porter:

about four different podcasts talking about her book, and I

Janice Porter:

haven't ordered it yet. And I keep saying I'm going to, and

Janice Porter:

you have to, and it's so that it's that it's sold out of her,

Janice Porter:

but I will, because it sounds really interesting. I did see,

Janice Porter:

though, a little bit of someone slamming her that it wasn't her

Janice Porter:

theory in the first place, and that she didn't, she didn't

Janice Porter:

acknowledge this woman, and it was actually a Canadian business

Janice Porter:

coach that I saw talk about this, I'll say I tell you

Janice Porter:

offline, but it was just interesting. So it kind of put

Janice Porter:

me off for a minute, so I'm not really sure, but anyway, it it's

Janice Porter:

only one side, and I don't know that you know whether it's true

Janice Porter:

or not, but I did find it fascinating that the theory has

Janice Porter:

been around for a long time. But yes, I think that's the next one

Janice Porter:

for me. So thank you. Thank you for this. I appreciate time. I

Janice Porter:

appreciate your thoughts on networking, on the power of

Janice Porter:

building authentic relationships, and about

Janice Porter:

building referrals. And it's all it does. It takes practice. It's

Janice Porter:

it's, it's a, it's a muscle that you have to keep honed, and you

Janice Porter:

have to keep practicing so we can always get better, right? No

Janice Porter:

matter how good we are at networking. Things change, and

Janice Porter:

so we have to go with the flow, and we have to learn the new

Janice Porter:

ways of doing things. So

Linda Walters:

things for certain, I'll just leave you

Linda Walters:

with this is. That if you're a business owner, yeah, if you're

Linda Walters:

a business owner, one thing I can guarantee you is that you

Linda Walters:

will never stop networking. As long as you're a business owner,

Linda Walters:

you will continue to meet people, collect friends,

Linda Walters:

collaborations, referral partners. It's part of the great

Linda Walters:

part of being a business owner is that you get to keep

Linda Walters:

connecting, right? And, yeah, so networking is always part of the

Linda Walters:

part of the strategy, for sure, absolutely

Janice Porter:

well, thank you for that. Thank you. Thank you.

Janice Porter:

Thank you. So thank you, Linda. It's been an insightful

Janice Porter:

conversation for real relationships and community

Janice Porter:

driven networking is, I know it's top notch, and it is

Janice Porter:

inspiring. So if listeners want to connect with you or learn

Janice Porter:

more about lead tribes, where's the best place for them to reach

Janice Porter:

you, and I will put it in the show notes. Oh,

Linda Walters:

awesome. Yeah, absolutely. Lead and

Linda Walters:

then, of course, right on there is my direct cell phone. Anybody

Linda Walters:

could text me and call me. I'm always looking for leaders, you

Linda Walters:

know, the ones to step up and want a tribe and the support of

Linda Walters:

a tribe so that there's no more solopreneurship. I think being

Linda Walters:

solo is just, you know,

Janice Porter:

okay, perfect. And, yeah, so thanks again, and

Janice Porter:

thanks to our listeners and remember relationships rule in

Janice Porter:

business. So go out there and build authentic connections and

Janice Porter:

watch your network work for you. Stay connected and be

Janice Porter:

remembered. You.