Feb. 18, 2025

How to Stand Out in Business Through Authentic Branding and Networking | RR298

How to Stand Out in Business Through Authentic Branding and Networking | RR298

Success in business isn’t just about having the best product—it’s about building trust, mastering relationships, and knowing how to tell your story.

Paige Arnof-Fenn, founder of Mavens & Moguls, has worked with brands like Microsoft, Virgin, and The New York Times, and she knows that branding is more than just a logo or tagline. She shares how great brands are built from the inside out, starting with a solid foundation of values, messaging, and customer trust. Paige breaks down why networking is essential, how digital marketing has evolved, and why market research is key to understanding what truly resonates with your audience.

She also unpacks the balance between AI and human connection, explaining how to leverage technology while still keeping marketing personal and authentic. Whether you're an entrepreneur or growing a business, her insights will help you build a brand that stands out in a noisy world.


  • Learn why strong brands are built from the inside out, starting with clear messaging and core values.
  • Discover how to use networking to create meaningful business opportunities and long-term success.
  • Understand the role of market research in crafting a message that connects with the right audience.
  • Explore how AI tools can streamline marketing while keeping relationships personal and authentic.
  • Gain practical strategies for maintaining brand consistency across platforms and customer interactions.

Connect with Paige:

Website: www.mavensandmoguls.com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paigearnoffenn  

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Janice Porter:

Paige, Hello everyone, and welcome to this

Janice Porter:

week's episode of relationships rule. My guest today is Paige

Janice Porter:

arnoff Finn, and she is the founder and CEO of global

Janice Porter:

branding and digital marketing firm called mavens and moguls,

Janice Porter:

and is based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Her clients

Janice Porter:

include Microsoft virgin, The New York Times Company, Colgate,

Janice Porter:

venture backed startups as well as nonprofits. They run the

Janice Porter:

gamut, and she actually made me when I read your when I read

Janice Porter:

Paige's bio, I was a little intimidated. She graduated from

Janice Porter:

Stanford. She did. She also went to Harvard Business School. And

Janice Porter:

I'm like, What can I ask this woman? Alright, but and she

Janice Porter:

serves on various boards, and has served on various very

Janice Porter:

influential boards, is a popular speaker and common columnist who

Janice Porter:

has written for entrepreneur and Forbes magazine. Welcome to the

Janice Porter:

show page.

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Thank you, Janice, for having me. I'm super

Janice Porter:

excited to talk to you today.

Janice Porter:

Oh, absolutely. But there's so many things that

Janice Porter:

I'm like. Does this person really want to talk to me?

Janice Porter:

That's how I was feeling. But I do know that stalked you, yeah.

Janice Porter:

And I do know that, you know that we had a great first

Janice Porter:

conversation, and I really enjoyed it, and so I'm sure that

Janice Porter:

there are things that you can share with my audience that will

Janice Porter:

be useful, educational and entertaining as well. And I'm

Janice Porter:

going to start with a question that sort of says a lot in a

Janice Porter:

little bit, but I think, I think we'll start here. I know that

Janice Porter:

you back in the early days, you were in the big corporate world,

Janice Porter:

companies like Coca Cola and Procter and Gamble and you sort

Janice Porter:

of, what did they say bit? Oh, what did they say? Cut your

Janice Porter:

teeth, that you cut your teeth in those in those companies, and

Janice Porter:

that you worked also for Zipcar, Zipcar to Coca Cola, and if you

Janice Porter:

had to start completely from scratch today, no connections,

Janice Porter:

no brand recognition, what is the very first thing that you

Janice Porter:

would do to build A successful business and make meaningful

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Excellent question. So I think the number

Janice Porter:

one thing that I've always relied on is my network. And I

Janice Porter:

know you're big on relationships than I am, too. I feel like, you

Janice Porter:

know, I got great training. I P and G and coke are like

Janice Porter:

Marketing Boot Camp. I mean, you know, you are in the trenches,

Janice Porter:

and you are learning from the Masters P and G created the

Janice Porter:

concept of brand management. You know, you just work your way up

Janice Porter:

the food chain and you learn absolutely all the pieces. Is it

Janice Porter:

still like that today? I'm guessing it is, yeah, I was

Janice Porter:

there before the internet and digital marketing. So like when

Janice Porter:

I started at P and G, we would do a lot of market research. P

Janice Porter:

and G is probably the most data driven company in the world, and

Janice Porter:

market research to them was always statistically

Janice Porter:

significant. Like, you know, you would talk to 1000 or more

Janice Porter:

people, and, you know, do quantitative analysis and

Janice Porter:

qualitative you do focus groups, and, you know, it's amazing. You

Janice Porter:

get a lot of rich insight and data and information, but it

Janice Porter:

takes a long time. I mean, it could take six months, nine

Janice Porter:

months or longer, when you work for the startups, the zip cars

Janice Porter:

of the world, you don't have the luxury of time. If you waited

Janice Porter:

six or nine months to do research in a startup life that

Janice Porter:

kind of money left. Yeah, you'd have no money, and the market

Janice Porter:

would have shifted, and whatever you found wouldn't even be

Janice Porter:

relevant anymore. So it's just a very different approach, right?

Janice Porter:

And I think talking to the customers critical learning from

Janice Porter:

your kind of primary, secondary, tertiary audiences. But I think

Janice Porter:

just leveraging your network is so important, because whether

Janice Porter:

you're working for a small company or a big company, your

Janice Porter:

network kind of, can point you in the right direction. They can

Janice Porter:

make key introductions. They can serve as a sounding board, kind

Janice Porter:

of, you know, create an ecosystem around you to make

Janice Porter:

sure that you've got your cheerleaders and butt kickers

Janice Porter:

and kind of you know your tribe around you to say you know

Janice Porter:

you're you're asking the right questions, or you're really

Janice Porter:

missing the point. Or what about this? So for me, it really does

Janice Porter:

come down to having a network of people that know you. You and

Janice Porter:

trust you, and you trust them, and you know that you can kind

Janice Porter:

of take baby steps and learn and connect your way to success.

Janice Porter:

So if you come across a new a new prospect, a

Janice Porter:

new client, that that you can see they need that kind of

Janice Porter:

strategy to grow their business, but they don't have it yet. They

Janice Porter:

don't have a huge network. What do you do? You teach them? How

Janice Porter:

do you show them what strategies to use to help build their

Janice Porter:

network? And what would you what would you recommend to them?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: So great brands are really built from the

Janice Porter:

inside out. So before you can go out and kind of have your coming

Janice Porter:

out party and introduce yourself to the world, you need to make

Janice Porter:

sure you've built a solid foundation for your for your

Janice Porter:

business, for your brand. And I think it's very natural when

Janice Porter:

people come to me, or are introduced to me, they, you

Janice Porter:

know, they have this idea of like, here's, here's what I want

Janice Porter:

to be, or, you know, here's, here's my goal. And the analogy

Janice Porter:

I always use is, you know, if you're building a house, I

Janice Porter:

understand that you want your third floor to be a master suite

Janice Porter:

and have all these amazing features. But before you get to

Janice Porter:

the master suite with the, you know, spa bathroom and

Janice Porter:

everything, you've got to have a great foundation to the house,

Janice Porter:

and the first floor has got to be solid, and then you want a

Janice Porter:

good second floor, and then you get your kind of, you know,

Janice Porter:

fabulous, you know, master suite and brands are that way too. You

Janice Porter:

need a very solid foundation from the get go, finding the

Janice Porter:

right value proposition, the right words, the right pictures

Janice Porter:

to tell your story. Who is your audience? What motivates them?

Janice Porter:

You know, what makes them tick, what's going to be compelling to

Janice Porter:

make them ask questions, to buy, to click, to convert, and if you

Janice Porter:

haven't done your homework, if you haven't done your research,

Janice Porter:

you're not going to know where to start. And you're not going

Janice Porter:

to know where to kind of plant your, you know, put your stake

Janice Porter:

in the ground so that you can start with your core your core

Janice Porter:

values, your core messages, and kind of build concentric circles

Janice Porter:

around that. And kind of, you know, grow your audience. But

Janice Porter:

you gotta start kind of with one or two things that you stand

Janice Porter:

for, that you own that that real estate in your customer's brain

Janice Porter:

belongs to you, so that every time they have a problem, that

Janice Porter:

your product or service can help them solve, that they think of

Janice Porter:

you first. You

Janice Porter:

know, it's really funny when you were saying that,

Janice Porter:

when you were saying you need to have that strong foundation

Janice Porter:

first. I wasn't even thinking just marketing, I was thinking

Janice Porter:

that within your company, yes, you have to have your strong

Janice Porter:

values and your and and be true to your core, because that's

Janice Porter:

what has to it comes across if you are or you aren't right. But

Janice Porter:

I was also thinking you have to have exceptional customer

Janice Porter:

service. You have to have people that really care and believe in

Janice Porter:

your brand, that work for you, if you know, if you're not a

Janice Porter:

solo on entrepreneur, and those things are just as important,

Janice Porter:

because they are representing you,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: right? They're an extension of your brand. And

Janice Porter:

if it's not consistent, or if you do have different values or

Janice Porter:

different messages, it can be very confusing, and it you know,

Janice Porter:

people buy brands they know like and trust, and the way to do

Janice Porter:

that is to again, zero in on those core messages that really

Janice Porter:

resonate, where you can emotionally connect with your

Janice Porter:

audience and be consistent in everything that you do, because

Janice Porter:

the consistency and the repetition is what gets people

Janice Porter:

to remember you and think of you. And if you're spread too

Janice Porter:

thin, or you're you're, you know, on one platform, you're

Janice Porter:

kind of this personality, and you have a different persona

Janice Porter:

here, and you know, they're not going to know which version of

Janice Porter:

you is going to show up. And that's not a way to build a

Janice Porter:

relationship, because you want to know that the person cleans

Janice Porter:

up well, and that every time they show up, you can count on

Janice Porter:

them, right?

Janice Porter:

You know, I was just thinking when you said

Janice Porter:

that, though too, that when I go shopping, whether it's food

Janice Porter:

shopping or clothes shopping or whatever, I am a brand name

Janice Porter:

girl, and I tend to always want to buy the brand that I'm used

Janice Porter:

to and or that I feel comfortable with, or that I've

Janice Porter:

had success with all the way along. And I have a hard time

Janice Porter:

with new different. And also I have a hard time this is off

Janice Porter:

topic in a way, but the. But I have a hard time with going to

Janice Porter:

the local grocery store, for example, which happens all the

Janice Porter:

time now. And this where I live, the grocery store, there are

Janice Porter:

options. There are definitely options, from Safeway to the

Janice Porter:

local big conglomerate here where I live, it's over weighty

Janice Porter:

foods, is what it's called, and they have different brands, a

Janice Porter:

low cost brand and normal band and a higher end brand, and but

Janice Porter:

when you go into the let's say, the middle of the road store,

Janice Porter:

the shelves are now completely their label and the brand names

Janice Porter:

aren't there. They're squeezing them out of their shelves, and

Janice Porter:

it drives me crazy that I don't have a choice. So because I want

Janice Porter:

to go back to the, you know, the I mean, they certainly still

Janice Porter:

have like Heinz ketchup and all the Procter and Gamble brands,

Janice Porter:

but they definitely have their front and center, their brand,

Janice Porter:

and I just feel like they're making it. They make me angry,

Janice Porter:

because I don't have the choice. What do you say to that? Because

Janice Porter:

that's one way the world's going.

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Yeah. I mean, unfortunately, I think that's

Janice Porter:

kind of the times we live in right now. You've got the

Janice Porter:

branded products, and people are willing to pay a premium for a

Janice Porter:

brand, for a PNG brand, because, you know, every category they

Janice Porter:

compete in they're probably number one and sometimes number

Janice Porter:

one and number two in the same category. So you're willing to

Janice Porter:

pay for the Tide detergent or the Crest toothpaste or the

Janice Porter:

Pantheon shampoo Oil of Olay, because, you know, like you

Janice Porter:

said, a brand is a promise of a certain experience. And you

Janice Porter:

know, if you buy the products that that you like, these

Janice Porter:

branded products, you know they're going to deliver for

Janice Porter:

you. And the risk is, if you buy something that might be cheaper

Janice Porter:

or that might look like it in the packaging, like a knockoff,

Janice Porter:

but there's something different about it. Either the scent is

Janice Porter:

different, or it just doesn't clean or do as well as it as the

Janice Porter:

other brand, you know, it's it falls apart in some way. But I

Janice Porter:

think in these inflationary times, where you hear a lot

Janice Porter:

about shrinkflation, you know, a lot of companies are downsizing

Janice Porter:

their products and charging you the same but giving you less,

Janice Porter:

and they think we're stupid that we don't

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: not fooling anybody. Like you notice you go

Janice Porter:

down the aisle and you're like, Wait, where are the things I

Janice Porter:

want? Where? And you know, you may have to do a little more

Janice Porter:

work looking online and buying them through Amazon, because you

Janice Porter:

can probably still get them, even if they don't have the

Janice Porter:

shelf space. But I think from the retailer's standpoint, the

Janice Porter:

reason why they're doing that, they're private labeling a lot

Janice Porter:

of those categories, because they're going to make more money

Janice Porter:

doing it right. So it's an economic decision, and I guess

Janice Porter:

in this day and age where so many people order so much

Janice Porter:

online, they're just trying to, kind of, you know, get their

Janice Porter:

tentacles in so that, if you know, if they can convert people

Janice Porter:

that are looking for brands they don't carry anymore, maybe

Janice Porter:

they'll get some spillover and make a little more money,

Janice Porter:

right? I know. I'm sorry I had to sidetrack

Janice Porter:

there, because I decided so networking is a huge part of

Janice Porter:

success in business, and we know that because we we care about

Janice Porter:

relationships. So what are some effective strategies for

Janice Porter:

building authentic relationships, both online and

Janice Porter:

in person, that you recommend to your clients?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: So, you know, I'm kind of old school. You

Janice Porter:

know, for me, that that's saying your network is your net worth

Janice Porter:

is 100% true for me. You know, when I started my company, when

Janice Porter:

I hung out my shingle, my very first clients came from my

Janice Porter:

network. You know, I, you know, went to great colleges, got a

Janice Porter:

great education, but at the end of the day, it's the people that

Janice Porter:

I met at those great institutions that have not just

Janice Porter:

been lifelong friends, but they've, you know, recommended

Janice Porter:

me for jobs. They've referred business to me. I don't think a

Janice Porter:

week goes by in my life where I don't, you know, check in on

Janice Porter:

people from the network I'm a very gregarious, extroverted

Janice Porter:

person, so networking. And I grew up in the Deep South, and

Janice Porter:

I, you know, in New Orleans, of all cities, which is a very

Janice Porter:

social city, and someone wrote an article on me, and I told

Janice Porter:

them, you know, all the fancy degrees and pedigree are great,

Janice Porter:

but I swear, growing up in New Orleans, where it's a very

Janice Porter:

social city, and you're always talking to people, and multi

Janice Porter:

generational you know people invite you, your parents

Janice Porter:

friends, and you know your grandparents friends. You know

Janice Porter:

people are always interacting. And I think that experience

Janice Porter:

growing up in the Deep South, where people. Telling stories

Janice Porter:

and sitting on the porch and drinking tea or going out for a

Janice Porter:

beer. That probably prepared me better for business than all the

Janice Porter:

fancy degrees, to be totally honest. But I think, you know,

Janice Porter:

not everybody is extroverted, and I get that some people get a

Janice Porter:

lot more nervous. I mean, I would say, Don't stress yourself

Janice Porter:

out with this concept of, oh my God. You know, I don't like

Janice Porter:

networking. It feels fake. Or I, you know, it makes me nervous to

Janice Porter:

walk into a hotel ballroom with a lot of people, and I have to,

Janice Porter:

like, shake hands and give out business cards. I try to get

Janice Porter:

people to kind of reframe the concept of networking and think

Janice Porter:

of it more like you just want to have a few interesting

Janice Porter:

conversations. You're not there to collect business cards.

Janice Porter:

You're there to kind of meet people, and you might make some

Janice Porter:

new friends, or find out about some new groups or some new

Janice Porter:

hobbies or something, and you probably have more in common

Janice Porter:

with people than you realize. So don't think of it as you know,

Janice Porter:

this kind of overwhelming, you know, mountain that you have to

Janice Porter:

climb. If you have friends that are in the same kind of work

Janice Porter:

field issue or has have the same interest, you can have a

Janice Porter:

networking buddy, go with you to an event, and sometimes that

Janice Porter:

takes the pressure off. I always say, if you're nervous walking

Janice Porter:

up to people you know, go stand in line at the bar or go over

Janice Porter:

where the food the food is on the table. And that's a really

Janice Porter:

natural way to talk to people you know. So what brought you

Janice Porter:

here? How do you know this group or, you know, oh, I just tried

Janice Porter:

that. I thought that our derv was so good. What else do you

Janice Porter:

like? Where do you live? You know, you can make small talk in

Janice Porter:

a way that makes it feel more natural and not so

Janice Porter:

uncomfortable. But I really, I feel like it's more like making

Janice Porter:

friends, and that you're talking what, you know, ask open ended

Janice Porter:

questions. So what do you like to do? You know? What do you do

Janice Porter:

for fun? What's your favorite movie? Or, you know, and people

Janice Porter:

love talking about themselves. And the funny thing is, in a lot

Janice Porter:

of ways, when you are, quote, networking, if you ask good,

Janice Porter:

open ended questions, people end up doing 90% of the talk and and

Janice Porter:

then, then you ask for their business card. You say, This has

Janice Porter:

been so great. I don't want to monopolize your time, but I'd

Janice Porter:

love to follow up. Here's my card. You swap cards, and that

Janice Porter:

person walks away feeling like you are so interesting, and the

Janice Porter:

truth is, they did 90% of the talking. I know, I know it's

Janice Porter:

beautiful. It is, and so people don't realize it's really not

Janice Porter:

hard to do. And what when you do get someone's business card, or

Janice Porter:

if they do follow up with you after that's like gold, because

Janice Porter:

you know they've opened the door, you are now invited into

Janice Porter:

their inbox. You can follow up. And I always say the follow up

Janice Porter:

and follow through is so important totally. If you meet

Janice Porter:

someone at an event, or you're sitting next to someone and at

Janice Porter:

an airplane, or however you end up meeting somebody you know,

Janice Porter:

just dropping an email or sending a LinkedIn request and

Janice Porter:

saying, I had such a great conversation with you, I'd love

Janice Porter:

to stay in touch. It doesn't take a lot. You don't need to

Janice Porter:

write an honors thesis, and when you ask those open ended

Janice Porter:

questions, people spill out so much information. They just

Janice Porter:

moved to a new town, or they are looking for a new card, you

Janice Porter:

know, and they were talking about electric vehicles or

Janice Porter:

sports cars or whatever. If you see an article or you listen to

Janice Porter:

a podcast that's related to something you talked about, and

Janice Porter:

you just send them a link, or you send them a white paper or

Janice Porter:

whatever, and say it was so nice chatting with you at that event.

Janice Porter:

We talked about XYZ, and I saw this article, and it made me

Janice Porter:

think of you. I hope this is helpful. That's all you have to

Janice Porter:

do, and it's not cheesy, and it's not inauthentic. It shows

Janice Porter:

that you are listening, that you are processing, and people

Janice Porter:

genuinely appreciate that. So I think you can be your own worst

Janice Porter:

enemy, people that think they're terrible at networking. I almost

Janice Porter:

always disagree. I think that if they looked at it from a

Janice Porter:

different perspective, I think they'd feel better about it and

Janice Porter:

realize it can be a lot more fun, it doesn't need to be

Janice Porter:

stressful. Those

Janice Porter:

are all great tips, and a lot of them I talk

Janice Porter:

to clients about too and and in the last few years, what I'm

Janice Porter:

finding is that with with my LinkedIn training, that I. When

Janice Porter:

I'm showing my clients, once we've got their profile up to

Janice Porter:

snuff and even doing their profile, I try to get them to

Janice Porter:

put a few things in there that become actual rapport building

Janice Porter:

or conversation starters, that people if they're actually

Janice Porter:

listening and actually reading the profile they can pull out

Janice Porter:

and start a conversation with. And a lot of people don't do

Janice Porter:

that, but it sure shows if you've paid attention by looking

Janice Porter:

at their profile, if you bring those points up and sometimes,

Janice Porter:

yeah, it's the

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: same on a resume, you know, putting it

Janice Porter:

things that you enjoy doing, you know, I love jazz music, or I

Janice Porter:

practice tai chi or whatever. That's always a great place to

Janice Porter:

start. In an interview, you know, someone says, you know, I

Janice Porter:

see that you enjoy blah, tell me more. Or I do

Janice Porter:

too. And even you know, to the extent of you know,

Janice Porter:

you were on a sports team all the way through school and

Janice Porter:

university and maybe even beyond, shows that you work well

Janice Porter:

with the team, shows that you, you know, have stick to

Janice Porter:

itiveness and that kind of thing. I once had my daughter,

Janice Porter:

one of my daughters, took piano all the way through school, to

Janice Porter:

the point that she was actually teaching younger kids when she

Janice Porter:

was in grade 12, which was really cool 12th grade, and

Janice Porter:

which is really cool. And she's a beautiful pianist, but one of

Janice Porter:

her, the other students that her teacher taught, young man came

Janice Porter:

to her, came to the teacher one day and said, You know, I'm

Janice Porter:

applying. He was now finishing university, and he said, I'm

Janice Porter:

applying for jobs. He said, Do you think I should put on here

Janice Porter:

that I took classical piano for like, 12 years and blah, blah.

Janice Porter:

She said, Absolutely, absolutely. Because, again, it's

Janice Porter:

that stick to, and that got him a job as a CA student back in

Janice Porter:

the day, because it showed what you know, his his, as I said,

Janice Porter:

stick to itiveness. Because commitment, yeah, commitment,

Janice Porter:

right, and all of that. And so these things don't go by the

Janice Porter:

wayside if you be proud of them, whatever it is that and you have

Janice Porter:

them there in the right places, then it pays. You can pay

Janice Porter:

attention to that. Oh,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: when I was a hiring manager once, you know, I

Janice Porter:

got hundreds of resumes every time I posted a job. And one

Janice Porter:

woman on her resume, she had studied in Italy, and she was a

Janice Porter:

big foodie, and had worked in a rest in a series of very good

Janice Porter:

restaurants that I had eaten at. And, you know, a lot of people

Janice Porter:

technically have they're very competent. They have all the

Janice Porter:

skills. But when something catches your eye, I thought, Oh,

Janice Porter:

I've got to interview this, right? And she ended up getting

Janice Porter:

the job because she was not just technically competent. We had so

Janice Porter:

many things like her interview. She was so nervous interviewing,

Janice Porter:

and we ended up talking about, I had studied in Italy. I, you

Janice Porter:

know, I'm a big foodie too, and I thought this is someone I want

Janice Porter:

on my team, because she's great and she's fun to hang out with.

Janice Porter:

Exactly You can teach the skills. It's the other

Janice Porter:

piece that the the unknown and the and the off screen stuff,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: the culture and chemistry matter so much

Janice Porter:

when you're in an intense job, you want to work with people you

Janice Porter:

enjoy spending time with, because you spend a lot of time

Janice Porter:

with your work colleagues. Exactly.

Janice Porter:

Okay, so let's, let's shift to today a little

Janice Porter:

bit, because I'm curious to hear your opinion on this. So AI and

Janice Porter:

automation tools are everywhere today in marketing, and you said

Janice Porter:

you were old school. So I'm curious to know, how can

Janice Porter:

business owners, in your opinion, leverage these tools

Janice Porter:

while still maintaining authenticity and personal

Janice Porter:

connections with their audience?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: So, yeah. I mean, it's amazing how quickly

Janice Porter:

AI has gone from, you know, being something in the movies

Janice Porter:

that seemed, you know, yeah, 50 years away, to like, it's

Janice Porter:

dominating the news. And seems like they're new AI tools every

Janice Porter:

week, I know. And this week, in particular, the Chinese came out

Janice Porter:

with one cheaper and faster. And our stock market, yeah, and our

Janice Porter:

stock market reacted not so well about that. Yeah, it affected a

Janice Porter:

lot of the technology stocks, because the US thought they had

Janice Porter:

cornered the market on AI. And it turns out a lot of people are

Janice Porter:

working on it too. So I'm a big fan of technology, and I am not

Janice Porter:

an AI expert by any means, but I am definitely playing around

Janice Porter:

with chatgpt and Claude and perplexity I've only. Logged on

Janice Porter:

to the the newest, the deep seek only once. I have not I'm afraid

Janice Porter:

to. I'm afraid to. But, you know, I feel like you have to

Janice Porter:

put your toe in the water. And you know, if you need to read

Janice Porter:

about it, you can go to webinars or podcasts. I think they're

Janice Porter:

great tools for brainstorming. I think there's a lot of things

Janice Porter:

you can do to kind of, you know, you know, leverage the

Janice Porter:

technology to generate ideas, to kind of jump start things, but

Janice Porter:

the big risk is, I don't want my clients or people to rely on it

Janice Porter:

as a crutch, because it does make a lot of mistakes, and I

Janice Porter:

feel like it kind of it turns into like a sea of sameness. And

Janice Porter:

to be a brand, you know, you have to know what your value

Janice Porter:

proposition is and what's unique, special and different

Janice Porter:

about you, and you need to reinforce those things in

Janice Porter:

everything that you do. And what you and I can do that the robots

Janice Porter:

can't, is we can put emotion into our into our web copy, into

Janice Porter:

our emails, into our promotional material, sharing your

Janice Porter:

experience, your your origin story, your back story, the ups

Janice Porter:

and downs, the twists and turns, showing your vulnerabilities,

Janice Porter:

where you made mistakes, your excitement, your enthusiasm,

Janice Porter:

that doesn't come through with with Artificial Intelligence,

Janice Porter:

it's very hard they use kind of generic examples that are out

Janice Porter:

there on the internet for anybody to see and use. And so I

Janice Porter:

really feel like in this day and age, it is so critical, you

Janice Porter:

know, as I said, if you're not a brand, you're a commodity. And

Janice Porter:

if you're a commodity, you're going to compete on price, and

Janice Porter:

that is a downward spiral, because you can't charge a

Janice Porter:

premium for a commodity, for a generic product or service. So

Janice Porter:

leverage the technology to jump start your thinking, you know,

Janice Porter:

generate a lot of ideas. You know, you can if you're stuck on

Janice Porter:

a certain, you know, benefit or feature of your product or

Janice Porter:

service, you can use it to kind of, you know, kind of give you

Janice Porter:

that kick start, to get you thinking, but really tap into

Janice Porter:

why people emotionally connect with With you, your product, or

Janice Porter:

service, and tap into that, because without those war

Janice Porter:

stories, those kind of warts and pimples and all the the things

Janice Porter:

that you know you can really relate to, show your humanity.

Janice Porter:

Don't be scared to show something worked or didn't work

Janice Porter:

and right? Show your energy show your excitement, because people

Janice Porter:

do not connect with facts and figures and data, they connect

Janice Porter:

with the stories and the human element, and so that's where you

Janice Porter:

can really shine and stand out and really connect with your

Janice Porter:

audience. So learn to love AI, but, but don't, don't get stuck

Janice Porter:

too much,

Janice Porter:

right? I think, I think, right now, I was having

Janice Porter:

this conversation earlier today, I think it's a great tool, but

Janice Porter:

it is a tool, and it's important that you understand

Janice Porter:

how to teach it who you are

Janice Porter:

and there are. I know that I've been playing around with this a

Janice Porter:

lot, and I've learned a lot over the last few months about how to

Janice Porter:

make chat work for me, but you have to push back and you have

Janice Porter:

to give it more information about you before it will speak

Janice Porter:

in your voice, right? And and limitations, yeah, and even then

Janice Porter:

you have to add those personal touches and stories. But it can

Janice Porter:

jump start, as you said a lot of things, and I think it's

Janice Porter:

fascinating. I really do, but I think, like I was saying also

Janice Porter:

today that I've been seeing some there's a lot of marketers on on

Janice Porter:

line that are saying, get my, you know, 500 chat prompts and,

Janice Porter:

you know, to get on their email list. And here's a really good

Janice Porter:

prompt, you know, put prompt in the in the chat to to get it

Janice Porter:

from me, and so on, and they're using it, but what they're Miss,

Janice Porter:

what the danger of what they're doing is that they are creating

Janice Porter:

those people that are going to use the system in the vanilla

Janice Porter:

stage, right? They're not going to make it. They're because

Janice Porter:

they're not being taught that they're just being given a

Janice Porter:

prompt. And so, yeah, it's fast. Naming, but I do find that it's,

Janice Porter:

it's you got to, you've got to be up on it today. You don't

Janice Porter:

want to be left behind, right?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: But you know it, if you're not careful, you

Janice Porter:

you end up on the lowest common denominator, and that's a very

Janice Porter:

dangerous place to be when you're trying to build a brand.

Janice Porter:

What I've said to my clients over and over is AI is great and

Janice Porter:

artificial intelligence, it is important to understand. But the

Janice Porter:

AI that really pushing my team on are authentic interactions.

Janice Porter:

That's the AI that's going to help you at the end of the day.

Janice Porter:

Because without that authenticity, without those

Janice Porter:

human connections with your primary, secondary and tertiary

Janice Porter:

audiences. You're not really going to go anywhere. It's

Janice Porter:

you're going to hit a dead end. People are going to lose

Janice Porter:

interest there. You're going to bore them. You turn into a sea

Janice Porter:

of sameness where you know you're not going to stand out.

Janice Porter:

People will not remember you.

Janice Porter:

All right, let's, let's jump off there. And just

Janice Porter:

before we end, let's talk about let me get into your head a

Janice Porter:

little bit and see what you're all about. So just basic stuff.

Janice Porter:

Do you read? Do you have hard cover books in your hand? Or do

Janice Porter:

you read online? Do you read on Audible? What do you do?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: So I love old fashioned books. Okay, I

Janice Porter:

thought, I don't read on a Kindle. I don't do books on

Janice Porter:

tape. I have always been a big reader, so I'm always reading

Janice Porter:

stuff. People close to me Give me books for the holidays or my

Janice Porter:

birthday. I am finishing up a book about JFK, and I love kind

Janice Porter:

of biographies and autobiographies. And the best

Janice Porter:

one you've read, what's the most interesting one, the one I'm

Janice Porter:

just about my the next book on my cue, which I am really

Janice Porter:

excited about, is the new Ina Garten book. Oh, I love her.

Janice Porter:

Everyone says, be ready when the luck comes. I think it's called,

Janice Porter:

yes, you're right, and I am really excited to read that.

Janice Porter:

Sorry. Go ahead. Did you

Janice Porter:

listen to her interview with um, Julia Louis

Janice Porter:

Dreyfus? Do you listen to that? Oh,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: yeah. I love her wiser than me. Yeah. Yeah.

Janice Porter:

Okay. I love I listened to every episode.

Janice Porter:

So did you listen to the one where she went to

Janice Porter:

Aina house and baked a cake with her?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Not yet, but she it's, I was gonna listen to

Janice Porter:

it right before I started the book. Yeah?

Janice Porter:

Do. It's hysterical, but it's a lot of

Janice Porter:

fun. Yeah? So you'll have to tell me how it is because I

Janice Porter:

think she's amazing, yeah, no, I love that. And she's authentic,

Janice Porter:

right? She's so authentic, and she makes no bones about the

Janice Porter:

fact that she loves to cook with butter, right, even today, and

Janice Porter:

how important she and her relationship with her husband is

Janice Porter:

I love it. Yeah, that's cool. Okay, do you watch movies? I bet

Janice Porter:

you don't.

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: I love movies. Okay, I was just thinking that

Janice Porter:

they're probably only two movies on the best movie list for the

Janice Porter:

Oscars that I'm gonna see. I have not seen any of the top

Janice Porter:

Okay, which ones I want to see the Bob Dylan movie? Yeah, and I

Janice Porter:

want to see conclave. Those two look really interesting to me.

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

I just watched conclave on Pay Per View and

Janice Porter:

very well acted. I love the cast, yes. But the

Janice Porter:

cinematography, or the, I guess it's the cinematography is

Janice Porter:

really interesting though, the the the angles, and the and the

Janice Porter:

wide angle views of of where they are, because they're in

Janice Porter:

this, like, big monastery kind of place, and it's like, not

Janice Porter:

that interesting. But that struck me, yeah, and the movie

Janice Porter:

is a little slow at the beginning, but it builds and the

Janice Porter:

interest grows. But there's one thing, and I won't spoil the

Janice Porter:

plot or anything, if I tell you this, that Ingrid Bergman, it's

Janice Porter:

her daughter. Isabella Rosaline, has this tiny little part, which

Janice Porter:

for which she was nominated as supporting actor. She's hardly

Janice Porter:

in it. I didn't quite understand that. That's my take

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: on that. I love her, but I'm very excited

Janice Porter:

to see both

Janice Porter:

of those. She was interviewed by Louis Julie Julia

Janice Porter:

as well, which is really good in this season's episodes. And

Janice Porter:

okay, so I know this is going to air probably around the time of

Janice Porter:

the Oscars. So it'll be, you know, some people don't even

Janice Porter:

care, but I love talking movies with people. So there's one more

Janice Porter:

thing I want to say. I haven't seen the Bob Dylan movie yet.

Janice Porter:

And interestingly enough, at first I was like, I really,

Janice Porter:

really, really want to see it. And then I've changed my mind. I

Janice Porter:

will see it, but I. Don't think it's as big a movie, other than

Janice Porter:

his performance. Okay? And to be honest, I was never a huge Bob

Janice Porter:

Dylan fan, so I didn't know

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: I'm a big Dylan fan. There you go. You're

Janice Porter:

my sister, yeah,

Janice Porter:

so you've got to see it, but I will see it for

Janice Porter:

his performance. And thirdly, there's a movie I said I wasn't

Janice Porter:

going to see, but I did see on my own at home on Netflix, which

Janice Porter:

is Amelia Perez.

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Oh, I've heard great things about it. So

Janice Porter:

interesting. I've heard that I think

Janice Porter:

it because it's going to win everything, but I

Janice Porter:

don't know why, because it's so different. Well, I guess because

Janice Porter:

it's so

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: different, but wasn't parasite so different,

Janice Porter:

and it won everything. Like,

Janice Porter:

yes, but so was okay, the other one. What is it?

Janice Porter:

Everything about every Well,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: everyone, every time, yeah, I couldn't

Janice Porter:

watch that all the time. I didn't watch it either. No,

Janice Porter:

and it won stuff too. But parasite was good. I

Janice Porter:

enjoyed that. This one is really interesting, so I'll just leave

Janice Porter:

that with you until after and see if you see. Oh, I love this.

Janice Porter:

Thank you for the tip. Oh, yeah. So fun. So two last questions.

Janice Porter:

One, I like to ask people what they feel about curiosity. Is it

Janice Porter:

innate, or is it learned? In your opinion? And there's no

Janice Porter:

right or wrong answer. And secondly, what are you most

Janice Porter:

curious about these days?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: So for me, I think it's in my DNA. I think I

Janice Porter:

feel like I have an insatiable curiosity, and when I look at my

Janice Porter:

parents and grandparents and great grandparents. I think it's

Janice Porter:

just in me, okay, awesome. But I think for some people, maybe

Janice Porter:

it's a learned habit or response or not, or not, exactly, yeah,

Janice Porter:

um, so for me, curiosity. I love the word. It makes me happy. It

Janice Porter:

makes me smile. I mean, it brings up so many kind of

Janice Porter:

interesting thoughts, because it just leads to good things. It's,

Janice Porter:

it's, for me, when I think of it, it leads you to fun and

Janice Porter:

adventure and opening your mind. And, you know, I guess how I as

Janice Porter:

most entrepreneurs, probably feel like they have a growth

Janice Porter:

mindset. You're always learning and experimenting, and that's

Janice Porter:

all driven by curiosity, and like I said, asking people open

Janice Porter:

ended questions I am Gen genuinely curious about like,

Janice Porter:

what they do, how they do it, where they came from. So for me,

Janice Porter:

being curious, and you know, having genuine curiosity, like

Janice Porter:

nothing bad will come of that, like it will only lead to good

Janice Porter:

things in your life.

Janice Porter:

And do you have one thing right now that you're

Janice Porter:

very curious about? Well, you said you carried about

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: everything, absolutely everything. I mean,

Janice Porter:

I'm a big sports fan. I'm I live in Boston. My husband and I are

Janice Porter:

season ticket holders for the Celtics. I'm curious why they're

Janice Porter:

so hot and cold this season, like they won the championship

Janice Porter:

last year. They should be more motivated and qualified this

Janice Porter:

year than ever.

Janice Porter:

And they Yes, and they're doing the Toronto

Janice Porter:

Raptors beat them last time they played. No,

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: it's they've lost some really winnable games.

Janice Porter:

So, you know, I'm curious about that. I'm curious about the

Janice Porter:

climate and all the crazy things that have already happened this

Janice Porter:

year. You know, I grew up in New Orleans. New Orleans has had

Janice Porter:

more snow than we've had here in Boston. I mean, you know, I have

Janice Porter:

cousins in Houston, Texas and Pensacola, Florida. They've had

Janice Porter:

more snow than we've had here in Boston. That should not happen.

Janice Porter:

No, it's very strange, for sure. Yeah. I mean, I'm curious about,

Janice Porter:

you know, so much that's going on in Washington, and most of

Janice Porter:

that drives me crazy. And I think I try and not get too

Janice Porter:

curious there, because I don't want to drive myself nuts

Janice Porter:

Exactly, yeah, you have to, yeah, I'm curious about a ton of

Janice Porter:

things. I hope I never get Alzheimer's, because I feel like

Janice Porter:

my synapses are always firing. I

Janice Porter:

hear you. This is wonderful. So lastly, where can

Janice Porter:

my audience find you?

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Well, thank you. My Website, mavens and

Janice Porter:

mobiles.com, and LinkedIn, that you are way better at than me,

Janice Porter:

but you can find me on LinkedIn page, on often, and you know, if

Janice Porter:

all else fails, because my company has an ampersand. My

Janice Porter:

last name has a hyphen. One of my clients always says she

Janice Porter:

Googles page and mavens because that's all she can remember, and

Janice Porter:

then I pop right up because of search engine authorization.

Janice Porter:

With a name like mine, you really do find me if you Google

Janice Porter:


Janice Porter:

that's. Wonderful. Thank you so much.

Janice Porter:

This was delightful, and I appreciate the time you spent

Janice Porter:

with us and your wisdom. And to my audience, thank you so much

Janice Porter:

again for being here, and remember to stay connected and

Janice Porter:

be remembered.

Janice Porter:

Paige Arnof-Fenn: Thank you. Janice, this was great. You're

Janice Porter:
