Do you know where to start when it comes to finding an attorney who is good fit for you and who has experience dealing with any unique situations or issues you may have? Jennifer offers suggestions on how to do just that, inc...
Are you unsure of the difference between physical and legal custody, and how physical custody relates to parenting time and child support? Do you wonder if your children can, or should, decide where they want to live? Would y...
When you hear the words mediation, litigation, collaboration, are you clear about what is involved with each process? Jennifer explains the different options available to you during divorce, helps clarify the pros and cons of...
Learn about some of the most common financial mistakes made during divorce. Understand the importance of thinking about life going forward after divorce and especially about your housing options. Learn how to create a budget ...
Amy discusses important things to be aware of when dealing with your finances and your divorce. Learn the difference between budgeting and cash flow and why both are necessary. Learn how to begin collecting documents that you...
Katie shares valuable information about different types of abusive relationships including physical, verbal and emotional, financial, and digital. She explains some of the reasons people abuse and also some of the reasons peo...
During a divorce process, there are 3 big areas that need to be resolved. Children, Cashflow, and Property Division. Jennifer will discuss each of these Big 3, sharing insights and specifics issues to be aware of that can hel...