Jan. 17, 2025

Designing Your Life: Mandates, Mindsets, and Making a Splash

Designing Your Life: Mandates, Mindsets, and Making a Splash

Welcome to the 400th episode of Real Money Talks!

This milestone episode Loral is joined by her “family of choice,” Glenn Morshower and Ken Walls, for a candid and inspiring conversation about life, success, and the power of designing your future.

Together, they tackle the myths and toxic beliefs that hold people back, share personal stories of resilience and breakthroughs, and explore how to embrace your divine mission to create a and leave a meaningful legacy.

Loral's Takeaways:

  • Life’s Recipe for Success: Glenn introduces the metaphor of a "life recipe," emphasizing the importance of selecting the right ingredients (choices) and eliminating those that no longer serve your purpose.
  • Mandates and Action: Ken and Glenn discuss the concept of internal mandates—divine nudges to act—and the critical role of massive action in transforming your life.
  • Confidence Through Clarity: Build confidence by writing goals daily, designing your life intentionally, and staying grounded in your mission.
  • Breaking Free of Toxic Beliefs: Loral, Glenn, and Ken dissect harmful myths like "nice guys finish last" and "don’t get your hopes up," offering empowering perspectives to replace them.
  • Generational Confidence: Ken shares a heartfelt story about instilling confidence in his daughters through daily affirmations—a powerful example of shaping a legacy.
  • The Power of Present Tense Thinking: Glenn’s poignant reminder: “If you were charged with the crime of being in love with your life, would there be enough evidence to convict you?”
  • Gary’s Story: Ken’s touching tale of a mentor who lived every day with gratitude, even during his final moments.

Meet Glenn Morshower:


Meet Ken Walls:


Are you ready to shed limiting beliefs and take control of your destiny?

Meet Loral Langemeier:

Loral Langemeier is a money expert, sought-after speaker, entrepreneurial thought leader, and best-selling author of five books.

Her goal: to change the conversations people have about money worldwide and empower people to become millionaires.

The CEO and Founder of Live Out Loud, Inc. – a multinational organization — Loral relentlessly and candidly shares her best advice without hesitation or apology. What sets her apart from other wealth experts is her innate ability to recognize and acknowledge the skills & talents of people, inspiring them to generate wealth.

She has created, nurtured, and perfected a 3-5 year strategy to make millions for the “Average Jill and Joe.” To date, she and her team have served thousands of individuals worldwide and created hundreds of millionaires through wealth-building education keynotes, workshops, products, events, programs, and coaching services.

Loral is truly dedicated to helping men and women, from all walks of life, to become millionaires AND be able to enjoy time with their families.

She is living proof that anyone can have the life of their dreams through hard work, persistence, and getting things done in the face of opposition. As a single mother of two children, she is redefining the possibility for women to have it all and raise their children in an entrepreneurial and financially literate environment.


Links and Resources:

Ask Loral App: https://apple.co/3eIgGcX

Loral on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/askloral/

Loral on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/lorallive/videos

Loral on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lorallangemeier/

Money Rules: https://integratedwealthsystems.com/money-rules/

Millionaire Maker Store: https://millionairemakerstore.com/

Real Money Talks Podcast: https://integratedwealthsystems.com/podcast/

Integrated Wealth Systems: https://integratedwealthsystems.com/

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Loral Langemeier:

Oh, yes, we do both.


I said pre record or live on social. Yes, both. Well, like, it's not program right now, but I can just push it. Okay. So see,


Well, hi, candor, hey, Glenn, there's Glenn. All right, brother, I'm hanging up the phone.

Loral Langemeier:

How are you? Two kids, we're good.


You are here. We are good. Hang on. Let me I don't have zoom on my computer, so I'm doing it from my browser.

Loral Langemeier:

Wow. Glenn, like a different human with that beard? Is this a new, like a sophisticated look? He's


supposed to shave it, dude, what are you doing? You're muted. You're muted, by the way,


yourself over there.


I said it's only sophisticated, if, for whatever reason, I appear to be sophisticated.

Loral Langemeier:

Sophisticated today. Are you guys ready for, like, so much fun? Can be those 400 Well, 400 podcasts, that seems like I'm really old, like, how who has 400 things

Ken Walls:

and keeps doing I've done over I've done over 600 old


people. For the most part, what? For the most part, it's old people.

Loral Langemeier:

Well, you're the one who planted the seed. I did. I did. I opened that door and you just jumped right through it. Happy New Year, gentlemen. Happy


New Year. Happy New Year.

Loral Langemeier:

So can we go for like, an hour? I mean, I know you two are used to ran. That's


what my wife said on her wedding night.

Loral Langemeier:

And then what happened three minutes later,


and then I gave her three of the best minutes she's had of her life,


and here she is, 46 years later, still waiting for the remaining 57 minutes i

Loral Langemeier:

No, my God, dude, okay, I have a huge surprise at the end. I want to talk to you guys about, but we'll roll. So I was thinking, like, I mean, you guys tell me what would make especially, you know, Ken, if you've done over 600 you are, like, way better at this than I am. So what would you do?


Um, I think, hang on, real fast, I'm going to I'm making a couple of adjustments. Since I don't have zoom on my computer, I have to use the browser. Well, I


grew this look for a movie. I figured, yeah. And it went well, and I've gotten nothing but praise. Are you a pro or you are a no,

Loral Langemeier:

I can go either way. I'm kind of a pro right now. I'll be a pro for a while.

Ken Walls:

I'm not. I hate it. Can I hate it?

Loral Langemeier:

What movie was it like you're being like some president?


No, actually, it's the best movie of my entire life. We shot it in Portland, Oregon. It's called in spite of ourselves, and I play a dying Alzheimer's patient. Wow, yeah, it's a really touching story. And I thought, let me get some hair on my face.

Loral Langemeier:

Have you ever had a beard before?


Yeah, not like this one. This is the longest my facial hair has ever been,

Loral Langemeier:

and how's killing about this? Does she like it? Not like it? She's crazy


about it. This is the longest my hair has been in 24 years. I haven't used a comb since the Carter administration. Situation.




I'm using a comb now.

Ken Walls:

Oh, my God, you

Loral Langemeier:

have these little beard kits and, you know, trim kits so you can manscape it and all these things. Hell yeah.


I think this is what the whole show needs to be about. For your 400th show, is my beard.

Loral Langemeier:

Here's where I was thinking. And I text you guys. You were cricket. I didn't hear back from you, for God's sakes, but I love season

Ken Walls:

you Well, he was teaching, ah,

Loral Langemeier:

oh. And then we did have the holiday. You know, there was some things in the middle, I'll give you some grace. But what I was thinking is doing something, because I love when you talk about, you know, life's a recipe, right? So what's the recipe of life? Success? You leave the rest of chance, you know? And then we just play with a lot of, you know, like, I want to ask you guys, like, do what you love and the money will come like all you know how Glenn, you had that whole list at one time in Savannah. Of all the things that the funny, stupid things that people say that are absolutely irrelevant and make no sense.


Are you talking about the not so fine nine? Oh,

Loral Langemeier:

is that? What is it? Yeah, or the toxic 12? Yes,


you're talking about. Don't get your hopes up. Yeah, things like that. If you know, get them, get them down. Be sure to lower your hopes.

Loral Langemeier:

So I think stuff like that, right? Does that work with you? Too? It can. I mean, anything works. And we just play. We just start talking and having fun and and the output is get you 2025 should be the best life of every like this is our 25th anniversary of our big table. My son's getting married, my daughter's graduating. I'm gonna be an empty nester. I turn the big six. Oh, I mean, 2025 is going to just rock the house. It's a whole new chapter.

Ken Walls:

Trump got elected.

Loral Langemeier:

What? And Trump got elected in


in 2024, Ken, let's clarify.

Ken Walls:

Well, he's going to

Loral Langemeier:

but he's going to take the podium very shortly. Yes, in our life, we'll get back to some normalcy, and gas and oil prices will actually finally pay me some good cash flow checks. So do you guys like, want to rant on around those topics, like recipe. I mean, it's wonderful


when can't Ken and Glen rant about anything. We can rant we can


always love with, with talking about my absolute detest of his beard. Can we start there?

Loral Langemeier:

Yeah, we can do that. It'd be kind of fun.


Yeah, Ken I'm going to have Jill put you in the corner.

Loral Langemeier:

Yeah, Steve's going to, Steve's going to mute you if you get too out of control here.


Good, good afternoon to you.

Steve Lemus:

Hey. How's everybody doing? Hi, Kendrick,


yeah, we're well. We're always well, good to see you.

Loral Langemeier:

We'll keep it kind of close to an hour. But also, we're not on any timeline. We're going to re air this all over. It actually goes live the 400th podcast on the 17th in the morning, Friday morning, as it comes live. So next Friday.


Yeah, beautiful. Congrats on your 300 people. Congrats on your 399 previous

Ken Walls:

Yes, congratulations.

Loral Langemeier:

So funny. That's a funny little


chapter. I don't think you can plan these things. I think you just go, you turn it on, and then we, we get turned on.

Loral Langemeier:

Oh, see, I like that. So let's start recording, because that's the stuff we gotta talk about. Because I don't believe in this was planned. I remember when Steve came to work with me, there was a moment like, I don't remember Steve. You remember, was like a year or two in, and we were in a marketing meeting, and he said, You just make all this shit up, don't you? It's like, yep. And if we throw it on the wall, it works. And if it works, it works. If not, you say, oh, that didn't work. And you keep moving on. You throw some more shit on the wall, something six, and then away you go.


Yeah, and that's how you assemble. What does work is when it sticks. Then, usually, if you throw it against the wall again, it will stick that second time, something new. Well, no, I really mean that, like if it sticks, then it has staying power. And then you can recycle those ideas, because they've been proven to be effective. And if they fall off the wall, when you try them again, they typically fall off the wall again. We keep looking for different results. It's so ridiculous.

Loral Langemeier:

Okay, we're in the we're in the we're in the zone. Steve, let's hit a record, and then we'll do a play down a couple seconds, and we'll go,

Steve Lemus:

okay, oh, it looks like we're already recording. So we're good. Let me just go live on socials, and then

Loral Langemeier:

that could be, like, a funny bumper before, like, the, what is it called, Glenn, and can you win the movies too? Like, what's it called? When the they give you the bloopers, an outtake? The outtakes, like, those are the things that that were recorded but aren't aired, but are hysterical when you just, like, you're supposed to, like, kiss somebody on the movie, and then you both die laughing in front of each other, and he's like, Okay, let's try that again.

Ken Walls:

That happened to Glenn and I once, we were supposed to kiss,


we were supposed to kiss in a movie, and we just, we just started laughing. And I started laughing the moment Ken's tongue came out of his mouth.

Ken Walls:

That is funny, dude.

Loral Langemeier:

Guys are awesome. Alright, you guys ready?


Here, we roll. Oh, we're streaming. Are we live somewhere? We are live.

Loral Langemeier:

You can go to live wherever you want.

Ken Walls:

Oh, man, I would have, I would have borrowed Glenn's comb for my hair, if I would have known we were going live.

Glen Morshower:

Good afternoon, good evening and good morning. Welcome to the Loral Langemeier Show. Loral is your host, and good evening. Madagascar,


I love you. Let me tee it up.

Steve Lemus:

Oh, hey, wait one second. I think I was trying to go restream, but it won't let me go. It says we're live, but I don't think we are. Let me double check something really

Ken Walls:

now, streaming live on custom live streaming service,

Ken Walls:

it says we are, and I'm just checking restream.

Ken Walls:

I can show you guys a much easier way to do this.

Glen Morshower:

Okay, Ken is a pro. I only look sophisticated. I'm really worthless beyond that.

Ken Walls:

Oh my God, dude, this, this gonna be the craziest episode she's ever had. Probably, I'm kidding, this will be fun,

Loral Langemeier:

okay, Steve, we ready. Happy New Year, honey.


Happy New Year.

Ken Walls:

Yeah, how you were talking to her, my bed, yeah,

Loral Langemeier:

near my other honey. I know honey one, and honey too.

Loral Langemeier:

What's funny is Glen and I have known each other for so long, and all of a sudden Ken comes along, like he's just another sibling been in the conversation the whole time.

Ken Walls:

That's true. That's kind of how we started out as friends. We just immediately engaged each other as brothers and compadres.

Loral Langemeier:

It's true. Tell the kissing application. Is there

Ken Walls:

a lead in video or anything, or you just start talking moral? No,

Loral Langemeier:

I'm going to, I'm going to, there's a whole lead in I'm going to do. And there's a whole video in front of it,

Ken Walls:

but I'm going to leave. Are you on screen alone when it starts out?

Steve Lemus:

Steve, no, it's all, all of you. So it'll be like a Yep, a trifecta,

Ken Walls:

yep. I just want to know at what point I need to begin looking handsome. So I need to start looking handsome immediately. It sounds like

Steve Lemus:

Yes. Alrighty. You guys ready to roll? Here we go.

Loral Langemeier:

Hey, welcome back. This is Laurel, and we are at the 400th episode of world's Real Money Talks. No and I have my besties. They're like, I always, you know, I just said before the show, Glenn is like a sibling, and then Ken comes along, and he's like another sibling that's like, oh, you belong to our family too. And so weird.

Glen Morshower:

I feel like a third wheel.

Loral Langemeier:

So welcome all of you. And this is a podcast about money, making it, keeping it, investing it, using a team and just overall success principles. So today we're going to start our conversation with the recipe of life. And Glenn, you always have this amazing conversation, and by the way, you need to look handsome right now, just a cue on that. Okay, well, so explain recipes of life, from the standpoint of, you know, everybody's got one it, either you're allowing it to happen to you, or you actually have designed it a little bit.

Ken Walls:

Well, I'd like to quote Mr. T at this time, alright, and say, either be somebody or be somebody's fool. That's what Mr. T said, and I really loved it, what he said it and and I think it's true, you either be somebody or you're going to be somebody's fool. Somebody else is going to determine your own destiny, if you don't take time to map out with heightened intentionality and specificity. And. And discipline and follow through. Follow through being the biggest of all of them, because you can have fantastic plans, but the absence of follow through will create a dead end for you. So as long as, and you know, I'm going to kind of approach this from a little bit different way, because I want to tie this in Laurel and congratulations, honey, on your 400 shows. Congratulations. That's fantastic, and its commitment and follow through once again. So here we are, first week of January, now beginning officially the second week of January. And we've got people that have done it once again, which is that they've gone into the new year with their set of resolutions, or a resolution, maybe singular, and I'd like to shed some light on why those don't work, because maybe those resolutions are tied in with money. Who knows. But the idea is that the calendar is going to wave a magic wand over your life and that suddenly everything is going to get dramatically better. There's the wand. There it is. Thank you for acting that out. It's going to get better than it was. Am I the only one who doesn't have a wand? Apparently, I'm offering this wonderful lesson and I'm wandless. I'm

Loral Langemeier:

going to send you one. I actually have one similar to my lovely one, so I'll send you one. So back to you about the magic wand and follow through.

Glen Morshower:

So we've all seen Sleepless in Seattle. Well, I'm wandless in Dallas. So here's the thing, the calendar is not going to repair your life. The calendar itself is not going to make your life better. The fact that it's January officially is neutral. Is not good, it's not bad, it's just neutral and it's a new month. So I heard someone in my class, and I I steered them differently when they said this. I heard someone say, New year, new me. And I thought, actually, you know, it's the reverse. It's new me, New Year. So if you have a new you, then you will have a new and better and different year. But the year itself is not going to magically get better. This whole human foolishness of hoping, wishing and wanting endlessly for change. I want change. I hope for change. I hope it'll get better. We're going to be so much better in 2025 Well, I don't know, are we, and it's up to us, and it all comes down to one thing and one thing only, and that's the implementation of better choices, nothing more life is a compilation of choices. If you make better, different and better choices, you'll have a different and better year. Money is one of many areas where that will reflect itself to be an accurate approach to living. Make better choices. You'll have a better year that, I'll promise you. Ken walls knows more about this on this subject, yeah,

Loral Langemeier:

Ken, jump in here.

Ken Walls:

I don't do so my my prior to meeting Glenn, and Glenn becoming my greatest mentor of my entire life. The

Loral Langemeier:

checks in the mail, Glenn like, don't worry. Don't worry.

Glen Morshower:

That was Ken walls being really nice. So

Ken Walls:

Glenn No. Glenn has been a like, a mentor, a brother, a friend, like, we're, he's, he's literally, like, we're, like, he's my much older brother. It's crazy. So anyway,

Ken Walls:

it's interesting how, in recent months, he's added the term much. I used to just be his older brother, but now it's much


older, so I look Grant Cardone is a friend, and he's a mentor. And I met him in 2014 and I was already doing very well in life, you know, as far as financially and everything else, but he really helped me remove blinders. I didn't even know I had, and the way that he helped me do that is see that I was still flying under the radar of life and and, you know, he talks about the the new year, new me thing, and the the resolutions, and I probably, at some point in my life, had written resolutions, but now I write my goals down in the morning, and I write them down at night, every day, every single day, 365 days a year, 366 on Leap Year. So and the whole thought process behind that, which makes sense, because repetition is the mother of all teachers. The whole thought process is, well, if I write my goals, and I'm designing my life literally every single day by doing that, and I do it 730 times in a year, as opposed to the person who writes. Stem resolutions, or whatever, maybe things to get at the grocery

Glen Morshower:

store, right or what? Or maybe their full plan is just things to get at the grocery store. That's the extent they write down.

Ken Walls:

That is the, I would say, and this is going to be, I mean, also I think what is the number? 71% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Yeah, I would say that probably 90% of most people, that is the extent they spend more time planning their vacations than they do planning their lives and and I, I think that that, you know, for me, it's like I and I've gone stretches of time without writing those down. And guess what happened? I lost track of where I was going, you know. So it's so vital to me to I have a notepad right next to me at all times that I can, and when I get up in the morning, it's the first thing I do. And before I go to bed, even if I can't hold my eyes open, I write down at least five things that I, you know, five of my goals and and, you know, affirmations and stuff. So it's important to me to design my own life well.

Loral Langemeier:

And I love that you guys are both using resolutions. We're making fun because I have a whole like spoof about, you know, are you getting results or resolutions? Because resolutions go away that I want to loop back to the recipe. I want you to bring in that conversation, because we're going to, we're going to pull, pull it all apart, make fun and all right, our goal for the outcome of this all of you listeners, is to give you some different recipes, some different strategies, some different ways of thinking through 2025, and beyond. So you get different results. So the recipe, you design it or it's happening to you. Like, I say that with trust, you guys will like that. Like, I you know, death is inevitable. It's going to happen. So you're either going to let the courts decide how it goes, or you're going to have a trust and you're going to design your life and your legacy. But there won't be a legacy if you don't design it. So I use that conversation a lot. There's a recipe to it, and people hate to think of, oh, I don't want to think, well, you're going to so let's talk about the recipe, they could shift today after this immediately they can. So I'm

Glen Morshower:

going to read from not Betty Crocker's cookbook, but more showers cookbook. I'm going to read from more showers cookbook, because I wrote this recipe. This is real. I wrote this and I posted it. I don't know if you saw it. I posted it on, I guess, the second of January and and it's, I think it's so succinct that I'd rather read it than try to encapsulate so time to design a deeply satisfying year. Here is your recipe for a wonderful 2025 it begins with a clear vision of what you are ready to experience in your life. Notice I didn't say what you wish, what you want, or what you hope, what you are ready for, what you're ready for to experience in your life. Line up all of the ingredients that when put together, create that outcome. Make sure the portions are correct for even the best recipes can be destroyed by too much of any one ingredient. Eliminate this is probably the biggest one in this recipe that I've been coaching for years. Eliminate all ingredients that conflict with your recipe. Preheat your metaphorical oven of expectancy to a higher temperature than it was set to last year. Place the ingredients into the oven and know that you no longer need to hope for, wish for, or want a better outcome. You are cooking that better outcome now, and the idea is to do everything in present tense. There's a saying in metaphysics that will do is not doing. And I'm going to let everyone chew on that for a moment, because you got a lot of folks that will talk about, I will do this and I won't do that, and but will do is not active. That's something that's down the road. And it's interesting how when we will do something, it continues to remain down the road. Instead of the Power of I Am in present tense, I am doing this now. I am receiving this now. Plans are underway. Now, everything is always now. What are you doing about it now? Well, you know, in the fall of 2620 26 i Okay, we know that'll come at some point. We don't know if we'll be here for it. But what are you doing to create that outcome, and what is operating as a contrarian in that recipe I have, I have people. That are experiencing results they can't stand results they're dissatisfied with, and in their hand they're holding the very thing that is creating that result that they don't like. So it's not a great, big mystery. The usually the problem is within arm's reach, whatever the problem is, whatever the hitch in the giddy up is, whatever the thing in the way is, it's closer than you think, and it's not. If you have someone who knows anything about manifestation, and they get the details of your life, they're not psychic, they will be able to predict with great accuracy the outcome of your life based on how you live it. Just look at the way someone lives their life and tell them their future. And I will tell you that you'll certainly be right in the upper 90% time. You may not be right 100% of the time, because we know that flukes are real. They exist, but the largest percentage of the time, everything responds to a recipe. Why does it look like it looks because the ingredients are in place for it to look that way. Have you ever seen it rain on a cloudless day? I haven't. I've never seen that. So it takes clouds to have rain. And I want, I want to hear from Ken on this, but I want to tell you that the first time Ken and I ever went out to dinner, we ate in a little French place called La Madeleine. You may have heard this, and Ken called the waitress over, and he said, I would love a quickie. And I thought she was going to slap him, and when she stormed off, I turned to Ken, and I said, Ken, it's pronounced quiche. I uh, so there's that so,

Loral Langemeier:

So Ken, talk a little bit about that time that I want you to add. Like, what I see all the time working with people with money is they have ingredients that they are so attached to they don't get them out of the recipe. So it's not about adding more Fauci to the pile. It's not about more and more and more. You also have to pull some things out that absolutely are not working for

Ken Walls:

you. It is,

Loral Langemeier:

yeah, stop those things because they're a little safety nets. They're a little but if I continue to do this, always work for me? No, that's actually the things that's been holding me back. So Ken, weigh in on all this?

Ken Walls:

Well, I, you know, I'm, I'm very transparent, so I'll just say it. I'm a recovered alcoholic with over 22 years sober, and, you know, I had been incredibly successful in building a company in my mid to late 20s, and then I drank all of that away and became homeless after building a multi, multi million dollar company. And you know, for the longest time, I wanted to make sure that everybody knew it wasn't my fault. It was everybody else's fault, if you'd if you had had the childhood I had, and, you know, yada yada yada, all the, all the BS that we we use as excuses, as human beings, to justify or rationalize our behavior. That I think is 99.99% of the time based on the programming that we've received as a child from other people, other other whether it's parents or or educational institutions or maybe clergy, a Church or whatever. But we, we, we have these programs running, and I, for the longest time, I had this program running that told me I needed to drink every single day, and the only way to drink all day is if you start first thing in the morning. And so that was my motto, like, otherwise you're an


underachiever, bud.


I mean, right, that no, no. And so look, he's, he's acting like he's looking at me. So, so we, we do that when we're on the ken and Glen show side by side, I'll be like, dude, Hi, I'm Ken and I'm, no, it's, I'm Ken, and I'm glad, yeah, so. But you know,


because it is good stuff, buddy in all charity, this is really good stuff. This


is where I think most people fail, is they're not willing to deep dive and look at what program they have runny I understand the metaphor of the recipe for sure, but I despise cooking, so it doesn't land with me, but, but I know I stop so, but I listen. I think that if, if we, you know, if you're not getting the results that your heart does, I don't think God made a mistake by putting anybody here. He didn't go, Well, hey, I'm gonna, I'm gonna put so and so on the planet and just watch them struggle for an entire lifetime so they can go to their grave with their music still in them. I think that that God does not make mistakes like that. I think God said, Hey, I'm going to put each and every one of you on this planet, and you're going to have a divine I literally have it written down on my little whiteboard on my desk. I am on a divine mission. And last night, I watched the movie Reagan. By the way, I highly recommend that movie. It's so good. But I watched the movie Reagan and and and one of the sayings that that he's had, which I have written down, and I'm going to write it every day for the rest of my life, is clarity is power. And Glenn said something just a little bit ago about that when you when you're really super clear, and that's something that I've struggled with, quite honestly, and I think a lot of people have, and the only way you're going to get super clear, I think people sit around and they wait on, on their their their angel to show up, like, Like the Virgin Mary had, or something like, like the angel's going to show up and going to tell you, Okay, this is, this is your mission. Bob Proctor, talked about that, you know, there's or in the movie The Secret, what's his name? Neil Donald Walsh, yes, thank you. He says, he says, it's not like God has this magic chalkboard where he says, you know, Ken walls, handsome Feller, you know, it's not, it's, it's, it's, you design your life. God is indifferent, I think. And I think, but, but I do think that he sent us here to make a freaking splash in the universe, you know, and, and most people are sitting around running old programs, and they don't want to take a look at the stuff that that was implanted, implanted into them.


I like stuff. I like that

Ken Walls:

stuff. Yeah,

Loral Langemeier:

we're gonna make you a t shirt and glad


stuff. No, I just so I think that you gotta, you gotta interrupt your programming. And, you know, I had Brian Tracy on my podcast, and he's, he's like, write it down. Write it down. Write it down. And, and he changed my life 35 years ago. So when Mark Victor Hansen said, Hey, here's Brian. He wants to be on your show, I was like, Oh my God. But I said, Brian, you know people are going to hear everything you're saying. They know that they can design their life. They know they need to write this down. They know they're good and but 99% won't ever do it. Why? How do you change them? And he goes, you can't. And I go, No, I don't want to hear that. I want him to change. He's like you. People have to want to change before they change. And, and so you know it? I find it, and I know Glenn does. We've had very long and deep discussions about this very topic that people are just freaking stuck in old programs, and they don't have to be. They can, they can change it, and they can do it in a in an instant.

Loral Langemeier:

Yeah, you know one, one angle that I take for people in that is, I always, you know, ask an audience, how many of you want to help other people? What 99% of them will say, Absolutely, I want to help other people. So then I flip it and Glenn, I know you've heard me say this is I'll say, then, why are you sitting on your arse, since we're having fun with these words,


artisan stuff, yes, and stuff, but why are

Loral Langemeier:

you sitting there and being an emotional entrepreneur, acting like you have a company and you haven't even got two clients or 10 clients or 100, so in your stuckness, you're being selfish. And Bob Proctor taught me this. He said, nervous energy, selfish energy, because you're worried about yourself. So while you're worried about yourself and your own stuff, right then you're actually ripping people off because people need your divine What'd you call it Ken, divine mission they mentioned,


and you called it emotional entrepreneurship, which is like, Wow, what a great term. That's a great tool. They're

Loral Langemeier:

not an engaged entrepreneur. They're not like marketing and really out changing lives. If you say you're going to change life, then change a damn life. Like, stop sitting there going, but I need the perfect path, and if I don't know what it is, and if I don't know steps one to 10, I can't move. I said, that's the say yes and figure it out. Figure the more stuff out. Like, figure it out. Like, start walking, but standing still and stagnant is. Ever going to change your life? So a lot of times, I've gotten people to shift by looking at their behavior from, you know, not shaming them, but saying you're ripping people off, and you're lying to yourself, because you say you want to help people, but you aren't doing anything. There's no marketing, there's no sales, there's not even an offer. Don't say you're a coach, you're a consultant, or you're a whatever, and you've never had an order, like, you've never even had $2 like that's just saying you want to do it, and again, you're not serving anybody's life while you're staying stuck in your own selfishness. What would you guys say to that? That's a little harsh, but I think a lot it's


harsh at all. I think it's very frank, very real, very truthful. And you know, if people could interact with each other, and certainly they can, but if they were willing to do that with the with the bluntness in terms of feedback of a belt, have you noticed how a belt never lies to you like that's all I want in my friendships, is people with the honesty of a belt. When I put I'm not talking about a belt.


Can I talk about your beard? Then right now, you've


you've already made so many derogatory remarks. I'm crystal clear that if you were gay, I would not be your love interest. I'm already clear

Loral Langemeier:

on that you couldn't even kiss each other in a movie. I


know it's in the way. Now, if I could get back to my meaningful point about a belt, sorry, so the idea is that a belt never lies. We're not talking about beating someone with a belt. I'm talking about the belt around your waist. It never lies. It never fabricates. It never soft pedals. It tells you you're the same. You've gained weight or you've lost weight, and it does it unemotionally. And you know, so what do we do? We go get rid of the belt if we don't like the one that's telling us the truth, we go replace it with a bigger belt that'll lie to us. And think about it. That's what people do. They get rid of the belt. It's, it's interesting. So I think this can weave into, by the way, I'm just feeling good, I'm feeling light hearted, I'm feeling playful. So accept my giddiness, because it's, it's it's been, as you guys know, we had a few key losses, big ones at the end of the year, of people we love and cherish, and the ship continues to move on, and we've got our jobs to do. And one of our dearest friends I know, I know because I knew him so well, would be handing us the torch and saying, Please carry on with this same mission, the same mission that I was on. Well, it happens to be the mission that I've been on my whole life, so I gladly accept the responsibility of continuing, and I'm referring, of course, to Bob Donnell of continuing Bob's mission. What's that?

Ken Walls:

That's actually who introduced you, and I


That's correct, and that's why he's fresh in my mind. I am so very grateful to Bob for that, and Bob and Laurel and I had a lot of of interaction. But Ken, I want to I'm all kidding aside. I want to turn to you and say, Do you have any idea how genius what you just said was, and what Laurel just said, but I want to go back, because I'm not sure that you grasp the enormity of what you just said. And you were talking about your belief, your intrinsic belief, that God put us, and I'm quoting you exactly, that God put us here to make a splash, was the word you used. Yep, first of all, couldn't agree with you more. But let's, let's underline the genius here, because what that is, is that is a declaration for anyone who wants to write down notes. This would be a good time to write something down. The idea that that is a declaration of the regard that Ken holds for life. That is his overview. If you think about it, he wakes up. His predominant thought is, oh, yeah, I'm here to make a splash. So then that ox that operates as the motivating force, the driving force, up underneath all actions and all ideas that will be occurring to him, it is a reflection of that regard. If you have no regard for life, then you would just as soon extinguish life. You will misbehave. There's a really good chance you'll wind up in prison. It's an absence of regard for life, if you think about it, if you were to, if we had a time machine and you could rewind time and take most inmates, I did not say all, but most inmates suffer from a blatant disregard for life, most not being ugly, especially the murderers. How. Does it get that way? And it's because there's no inherent regard for life. So if you believe that you are here to make a big deal, because you are a big deal, which you are Laurel, which you are Ken, which you are Glenn, right? We're a big deal, but, but to be clear, this is not a dance of arrogance. You are no bigger nor smaller than anybody else. But here's your edge. Pay attention what? What's your edge? Your edge is that you know it. That's your edge if you know that you matter, and if you know unequivocally that we are here to make a splash that is a changed person, that's a person who lives a very different life. The average person, if you were to interview them and said, Tell me, do you do you feel that you're here to make a significant splash? Do you know what the average response? I know, because I've done these kinds of surveys, and I'm not all jacked up right now. This is just really the truth about humans. The average response is silence. The average response is no response. Do you? Do you feel that you're here to make a significant splash? They very seldom go, yes, and they very seldom go, no. What ensues is quiet, which means they haven't spent much time contemplating the potentiality of their splash. I'm not going Woo. Woo here. This is really significant. Like, how much do you believe your precious, unrepeatable life actually matters? How much do you believe it matters? Because if you really believe it. You're not just saying it for lip service or because it'll make you popular on the internet, right? You're saying it because you believe it. Then if you believe it, it will look like it in your life. We were taught when we were kids, If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands, right? So they didn't just say if you're happy, clap your hands, they said, If you're happy and you know it. So they were teaching us very, something very significant without really, maybe being crystal clear on that, but they were talking about the importance of knowing it. You can't just clap and be happy. You've got to clap and know it, and then you'll be happy. Know that your life matters. Then it will know that you're here to make a splash. Then you will right? It's all about, what do you know to be the governing truth of your life at your very core, what are your core beliefs about why you even breathe in the first place? And when you get real clear on that, the clarity with which you move through life will be identifiably stronger than what is typically seen in the world. And you're not competing with anyone else. It's just the way it works, and that is available to any human being that has ever breathed air, unless they think it's not

Loral Langemeier:

when Glenn, it reminds me of you know how many times you and I have been together, we've taken a walk. I'll never forget our walk in Savannah. We've had several walks and but it's interesting when you walk in a room, when I walk in room, Ken, we were soon to walk in a room together. I have a big invitation for you too at the end of our show, but we'll do that privately. We'll come back. But there's notoriously especially you Glenn, like, you'll walk into a room and people know it, and it's not like because you're here, like, ta da Glen, I'm here and I'm arrogant, like that is never who you are. When I walk into a room, people know it. You and I energetically, without saying a thing, can shift a room and your edge and that edge, I want to, I want to add a word. I want your feedback on this. It's not it's it's in addition to you matter, it's you have a confidence. And I'm going to say your connection to God is so solid that you know you're here. And I know the way I take it, it's an obligation, like I think the biggest sin is when you know you are here for a divine mission, which I was given mine really early. People say, how do you keep cranking out books? Because God keeps giving me material, and I just keep producing it. Like, I don't just say, oh, I need another best seller. It's like, it's time, and I've been called to do it. There's a calling in that edge and in that confidence. Would you agree with that? I mean,


100% and I have a term for it, and it's called internal mandates. That's what they are. They're internal mandates, meaning they are non negotiable. They're non negotiable. You go, Oh, I heard that. I heard that, yep, yep, that's a mandate, right? And then we act on it. And you got to act on your mandates, because, honestly, if you don't, you won't be punished. What will happen is you'll miss out. It'll feel like punishment. It's not punishment, it's feedback. That's all it is. It's so interesting as it will do you believe a big yard stick from above is going to strike you out of the sky? No, I don't. What will happen is, you were given a mandate internally. Actually with a certain measure of urgency, because that's typically how they show up. A mandate. Very seldom shows up casually, yeah, they usually show up with 911, yeah, I like that. Sure they they serve up with urgency and exclamation marks, right? So, and when you're given one of those mandates, if you don't take action, here's the problem. It isn't specifically necessarily the thing that you're told about. We're moving into really cool territory now. It's not just the thing you're told about. It's what that thing connects to. Oh, it's what it connects to. So it isn't specifically important that I meet Laura langmiyer, it's important because when I meet Laurel, we will discover and this happens so much with both of you. Let me just let me be real clear on how true this is for both of my friendships with you. Ken and I have different beliefs about things. We're not at war over it. We bring our different colors. So let's say that two people in these colors are not political affiliations. I'm going to use these colors because I teach with them. Laurel, you bring red, I bring blue. Again, not political These are just regular colors. Ken brings blue, I bring red. I can just as easily bring red to the relationship as I can blue. It doesn't matter. But whatever Ken brings and whatever I prefer red, then we'll stick with your political thing. Okay. So, so my point is this, that if Ken brings red and I bring blue, what Ken and Glenn experience is neither red nor blue. What we experience in friendship is purple and purple is beautiful. And now you can say, What's it like to be in relationship with Ken walls, and I would say depends. It's really good stuff depends. Well, what do you mean? It depends? Well, it depends on what color you are. And that's not a reference to skin color. All right, go deeper. I'm listening. Okay, so if Ken brings red and I bling bring blue, then we experience purple. Now watch this, the same man that brings blue. I merged with Laurel Lang Meyer, who decides to bring yellow to the party. And what I experienced with Laurel is green. It's such. I wrote a chapter about this years ago, called people as colors. So what's it like to be with Laurel? And I would say it's the most it's the richest experience of green I've ever had. What's it like to be with Ken? It's the richest experience of purple I've ever had, and that's such a beautiful thing. So I can't tell you that when you're together with Ken, that you will experience the purple that I experience, because it depends on what you bring to the party. And I just love that, because that teaches about engagement. People ask me all the time, what's it like to be represented by your agency? I don't know. It's great for me because of what I bring to the party, but I don't know what you're planning to bring anyway, school stuff about the way energy works.

Loral Langemeier:

Ken, I want you to weigh in on the mandates, because I want to stay on that for a little bit, because I think we call them and to your programming conversation earlier. Why do, I mean, it's like this. I mean, you know you're running right? The undertones of program. You've been given a mandate, right? I also heard you, Glenn, you just talk about whispers, right? So you've been given, you've been downloaded, and it's like this. People like, do they not receive it? What's your give some interpretation. Because I think everyone to all of this conversation has a mandate, and there needs to it. It's like, and almost resistant to it. It's like, it's so interesting to watch people, which is part of the recipe of not getting what they


want. It's the it's again, it 100% goes back to the programming I Glenn, you were talking and you reminded me of somebody that I think I've actually shared this with you before. I'll share it with Laurel and her audience. When I back when I first got sober, I was maybe three years sober, and and I met this guy. His name was Gary, and and a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Gary was the president of the humongous Medical Association in the state of Ohio. And, and I was like, Wow, man. Like, there's every walk of life in these meetings. It's crazy this guy. And, and so I was, I remember Gary would if you walked up to Gary and you said hi, and you shook his hand and and said, I'm I'm Ken. He was, I'd say, who are you? And he'd say, my name is Gary, and I am having the best day of my life. How are you doing? That's literally his response to everybody that would say, Who are you or how are you doing? Yeah, and people would make fun of Gary, and he was, he was a bit eccentric in his own ways, but he was always having the best day of his life, always, and no matter what the circumstance, he was always having the best day of his life. And and in fact, Gary went to testify in front of Congress one time and for the medical association he was the president of and he literally decided I'm going to wear all white, and I'm not talking about just like a he wore a white top hat, a white shirt. He had a white t shirt on under it, a white overcoat, a white cumberbund, a white like white pants, white shoes, white socks, and had a white cane. And that's what he walked into Congress dressed as to testify. He was the most incredible human being I've ever known one of and and he got he couldn't believe in God, but he knew he had to believe in a higher power. So he chose Harvey, the six foot, three and a half inch invisible rabbit from Yeah, that was his higher power. Harvey was his higher power than Harvey. So Gary ended up with stage four cancer, and he was laying in the brand new wing of the James Cancer Hospital at Ohio State University, and he was in this beautiful new wing that they had just built. And a friend of mine, his mother was one of his nurse was one, is one of Gary's nurses. And on, on one particular day, she walked in and Gary was not doing well. And she said, Gary, how you doing? And with all of the energy he could muster up, he opened his eyes, and he said, I'm having the best day of my life. Not only that, I get to be here with all of you amazing nurses and doctors in this beautiful new facility. And I just can't think of anything better than that. And Gary passed away an hour later, having the best day of his life. And he would always say that, like he would, and he became my sponsor for a while, and he would say that was his tag, is I'm having the best day of my life. And not only that, I get to be here with you, Laurel. And I can't think of anything better than that, because he said, If you really live in the moment right now, and you are fully engulfed with the person that you're talking to, and you don't worry about all this bullshit going on out here, your life is 100% going you're going to be happy. And so I'll never forget that about Gary. And actually, at his he wouldn't have he didn't want a funeral. He wanted a celebration of life. He planned all it was planned. I mean, playing to the T there were 1000s of people that showed up, 1000s, and some of them were haters of his too. They. They talked so much crap about him and and he but everybody that showed up got a button with a photo of a big a big rabbit that said, I'm having the best day of my life. Everybody got that button. He was just an amazing human being. And I think that when, when you you know what? Gary? Gary, when he got sober, he realized that he he avoided death and and he said, You know, I'm not, I'm not living in that old shit that everybody wants me to live in I'm I'm, I'm taking on a whole new persona, just like actors do Glenn, I'm taking on a whole new persona, and I'm going to live the best day of my life, every single day of my life. And I think that that is the the mandate that we've been given. That doesn't mean every moment of Gary's life was perfect, but we've been given a mandate to come here and be happy, joyous and free, and most of us are caught up in a bunch of BS programming that we shouldn't be


well. The beautiful thing is, he was grooming his mind. He was programming his mind to be in the present moment of gratitude at all times I'm having the greatest day of my life, which, which really takes you off of the roller coaster. If I'm having a great day, I'm having a terrible day, I'm in the gutter like that's boring. Have you ever? Have you ever been tight with anybody who, when you call them, you're afraid to ask them? How? How they are, because it's so all over the place, and I don't want that roller coaster ride, right? So Ken, I love that story of Gary. If you have a short interview, this one's not one. But if you have a short interview where someone only has like, 10 minutes to interview you, I want to give you the condensed version of the Gary story, having just heard it, I'm going to tell you how to tell that story differently, and that's where you tell who Gary was, that he always had this saying, and one day, on the final day of his life, Gary was in a traffic accident, and he went flying through the windshield, and he was laying there bleeding to death, and the the paramedics walked up to him and said, Sir, how are you? And he said, I'm having the greatest day of my life. And he rolled over and passed away. And the moral of the story is, wear your seat belt when you're riding around with Gary.


I Oh, God, Glenn Gary would actually laugh at that. You would laugh at that. He would definitely laugh at that. That's so talk

Loral Langemeier:

about the toxic 12, or some version of that, Glenn, because in the context of the Divine missions we're all given the internal mandates that, are they happen? And don't you guys think they happen on a regular basis? Sure,


and more so when you rehearse, when you rehearse, your cooperative attitude with them? Yes, they occur more frequently, and

Loral Langemeier:

you participate and actually take action on them. Yeah, otherwise, it's just this traffic jam behind you and you wonder why your life feels so clogged, just because you haven't done anything besides look at the overwhelm and stay in the drama. So I thought this would be that point of the some of the talks, I wanted to go through all of them, but the biggest ones that people continue, they absolutely make no sense, like my funny one with money. Money doesn't grow on trees. Well, marijuana does. And I go marijuana, so I get money from the marijuana, but the actual dollars in the plant, the dollars in the money doesn't go on the tree.


How can it not grow on trees when it's freaking made of trees, right? You know? Yeah. So there, there are several and I'll tell you the reason that I I paid attention, because all of these toxic 12, and there are more, but I typically run through the toxic 12, the reason that I started coaching that was on a mandate, right? So I was just open, receptive, responsive and obedient. I was paying attention and and I started thinking when I heard someone say something that was utterly nonsensical yet very common, like I hear people say that all the time, like, I couldn't care less. That means you care. The correct saying is, I could, right? People say, Excuse me, let me. Let me. Start over. People say I could care less, no, it actually means that you care. If you say I could care less, that means I care, but if you say I couldn't care less, that means I've reached the absolute basement of caring. I couldn't care less, I'm at the bottom of caring. So that's a saying that most people get wrong. But here, you know the reason that that, that I coached it, there's a reason. The reason is because I think people almost being the operative word here. I think that people almost have no shot. I've been opening with this recently. They have no shot. They had a shot in the maternity ward because they were born into neutrality, but then they were promptly pummeled by all of this bullshit in the world, pummeled. It's all over the place. It's in the raising of people. Let me ask you this, if you ever met a fellow that was from Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Laura, would you fault him for sounding like this. If he was raised in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, born there, raised there, would you fault him for sounding like I'm sounding right now?

Loral Langemeier:

I actually like how you're sounding because No, but


would you fault the person never why?

Loral Langemeier:

Because I'm open to conversations, cultures. I love my son went to Georgia so and boy, my soon to be daughter in laws from Georgia. I I love the South. I love that. I wouldn't fault anybody from Australia. I just like, went skiing, yeah, you never


know, right? You made some money. Sounds like this. You never know, right?

Loral Langemeier:

It's brilliant. It may be beautiful all the different.


So my point is this, the reason you wouldn't fault them is because the only reason they sound this way, well, the only reason they sound this way is because of environmental absorption, right? It's the only reason they didn't think it up. And in the maternity ward, they damn sure didn't go, Hey, I'm a little bit. But I sure could like it if somebody would adopt my butt, right? They don't do that. They don't do that. They learned how to sound that way. So the world is loaded with fear and doubt, which is why people have obtained that accent, the accent of fear and doubt, which is very much just as prevalent as the accent of the region they're from, be it Tallahassee, maybe it's someone like this, right? They sound like they're from New York because they were raised there. Nobody born and raised in Texas has ever sounded like this, ever, right? Ever. And Texas is a big state, but nobody born and raised in Laredo Texas has ever said, I think I'll run for the presidency, right? That we don't see that. So my point is that if you are pummeled with a dialect, you will obtain that dialect, and if you are pummeled with piss poor teachings, you will obtain those as your belief systems. So one of them is, don't get your hopes up. Well, what are we supposed to do walk around with low hopes, right? If you walked into a restaurant, would you call the waiter over and go? Excuse me, we've never been here before, but we were looking over your menu, and we're very interested in you bringing us this low hope platter, right? Who would order that? You would never order the low hope platter. And it goes on and on and on. And there's so many of them, you know, I'll, I'll, I'll believe it when I see it. We hear that one a lot. I'll believe it when I say, No, no, you'll see it when you believe it. So we were told the exact opposite of what's really true. So that that keeps us in speculation, that keeps us in doubt, that keeps us in fear to say, well, you're gonna have to show it to me what you can't envision something on your own. Right? We've been trusting to breathe our whole lives. And I haven't once seen air, have you? So I've been believing and breathing in the invisible my entire life. So it turns out the invisible is what keeps me alive. The thing I can't see is what keeps me alive. Hmm. So we don't have to see it to believe you don't have the greatest wife in the world. You know, she just did. She just brought him in for me. She's brought them in for me and handed them to me. She heard me downstairs ranting, and came up. So I'll just, I'll run through these really, really quick. How about it's too good to be true, it's too good to be true. It's too good to be true. So then good is up here and true is down here, so it must be alive. It's good because it's too good to be true. Since when can't good things also be true. Things. That's an example of being pummeled by a false belief. Nice guys finish last. Think about that one. What a tremendous disincentive to be a nice guy. So you're told when you were a kid, you know, you be nice, you be nice in the world. Make sure you live with love in your heart. You live nice. And then, on the other hand, we're taught, but nice guys finish last, which is why I think people become jerks. I think it's one of the reasons, because they were told that the nice guy finishes last, and I don't want to finish last, I know that much, so I guess I'm not going to be a nice guy. I'm making these very, very fast time heals all wounds, really. Have you ever been to a family reunion? Yeah, it doesn't heal all wounds. That's nonsense. Forgiveness is what heals wounds. Uh, Real men don't cry. Oh, so let me get this straight. Apparently, God accidentally installed tear ducts in men. That was a cosmic accident. Anyway, there's there many of them, but that's why I say I think people have it rough. I do think they have it rough, because they are pummeled between birth and the age of awakening right, where they decide to make a statement, to not be a product of their societal input. I think that's a decision you have to make, where you go. I'm not going to speak with this accent anymore. Society has taught me how to expect mediocrity, and I do not claim mediocrity for my life. Well, good, then you're going to have to shed a whole bunch of crap before you can ever get back to the truth like there's a whole excavation mission that has to dig in and realize I've spent so many years believing this and this and this and this and these were, they were downloads from family, friends and society. And I don't want to curse any of those people. All I want to say is, it's gone. It's gone, and then proceed. So that's a quick view of the toxic Troy. I didn't do all of them, but I gave the audience enough to get a sense of belief systems that are operating within you that you may very well not even be aware of, that those belief systems have control of your steering wheel in your life, and you don't. So you gotta go grab the steering wheel back and say, That's bullshit. That is not the truth. I am not a fear based human being. And I no longer will say those things because I don't agree with them.

Loral Langemeier:

I agree. I want to go one other place, where heading up on on an hour, and we don't have to stop right at the hour. We can keep going. But what's interesting is, I hear the toxic 12 and how you talk, and I know, you know, we're in the same kind of era of being raised now we have this new generation. It was never more shocking than when I came out in 2022 with this book, right? The kids book, right? And what it's really I should, you know what the name of it should have been, not make your kids millionaires. It should have been parents Wake the hell up because parents put their head in the ground. And I want to apply this back to the toxic 12, because I think there's a new input. I don't think so I know. So I'm having 18 letter and it's called social media. It's called Tiktok, so somebody can text me and say, can now let's pick on Glenn. Actually, I like his beard, but you don't. So you can say, Glenn, I hate your beard. And if you weren't secure in your mandates and who you are on your mission, or you're like you'd feel like all day long. So this next like young generation, I'm gonna call it the under 30. They live their life by these, these inputs that are like the toxic 12, but they come through Tiktok, through Instagram, through just people saying bullshit about each other that affect their whole life. So you think that's done a huge like, what do we what do we talk about in the first part of the show? Write them down. Do you know most kids don't know how to write? They don't teach cursive anymore. Oh, they don't. I know it's crazy anymore. The shoot, I mean, like, yeah, give some input to like, the parents who are raising those kids and those inputs, because those inputs make the toxic 12, in my opinion, look like a kindergarten game. It's rough out there for this next generation being raised by technology.


I have a, I have a 19 year old daughter, and I have a 14 year old daughter, and, yeah, and I, you know, and I'm, I'll be 57 in July, so I'm, you know, that's so I'm 56 Why am I? Like? No need to get old. You still have


your teeth, son, quit complaining,


right? Got your hair, and you're


good. But I think that so. But you know, my, my 14 year old daughter, can do we have time for me to tell another quick story. It's, it's the, probably the best

Loral Langemeier:

one, in the context of these belief systems are being even so, more contaminated than I've ever seen. Like it shows, this is, yeah, it's, it's


this. This this is the most this is, this is probably the most valuable story that you've ever had somebody tell on on your show. Oh shit,


I'm gonna sit up straight. Well, Glen Glen Glen knows.


Glenn knows both of my daughters, and and and and Abigail. Glenn will tell you, is perhaps the most confident little 14 year old. She's 44 going on 14. She's unbelievable, and she's won national championship and dance competitions twice. And anyway, so one day I come out of my office at our old house, and the bottom of our staircase was right outside my my double office doors and and I come out, and my daughter had already told me good night and gave me a hug. And I come out, and I hear my wife upstairs in her bedroom, you know, tucking her in and saying her prayers with her. And they do this prayer. It's Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep may angels watch guide me through the night, and blah, blah, blah, and I don't know the whole thing, but at the end of the prayer, and I just stop and I'm listening, and she's probably, at that point, maybe nine years old, when this happened, when I heard this, and I stop and I'm listening, and then at the end, my they, and they're saying it in synchronicity, and and I hear, I am happy, I am confident, I am strong, I can do anything. My body serves me well. I'm all these, these affirmations, and it was beautiful. And I'm like, and I hear all the all of this, and I'm like, I I teach that stuff. That's unbelievable. My wife's finally catching on, and so, so I'm like, so I go on, and my wife comes down later, and I said, Hey, I heard you doing the affirmation and the prayer. Dollars with Abigail. How long have you been doing that? And I'm expecting to go, Well, I heard you on one of your live streams teaching that, and so I just started it recently. She said, since the day I brought her home from the hospital, and I said what she said every day, every night and every morning, we do that prayer every day, twice a day, since the day she was born, brought home, and I was like, Well, that explains a lot about my daughter's confidence, because between the ages of zero and seven. And I don't know who I you know, so many people talk about that, but between the ages of zero and seven is where we develop our life long attitude, our program, so to speak. And you know, my 14 year old daughter, like confidently, will look at you if you said, Do you know what you're going to do when you grow up? She's going to, yes, I'm going to be a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader. I'm going to law school. I'm going to be a very, very wealthy attorney. I'm going to own a house on the beach in Florida. I'm going to own a house. I mean, she has it mapped out. She knows, and she'll say it confidently. So I didn't have that. And I think that as a parent, if, if you're not giving that just that, that you don't have to worry about this a personal opinion. Don't worry about the college shit. Don't worry about all of that, because I think it'll all take care of itself if you and I'm not saying don't plan for college, I'm saying, Don't worry about whether they're going to go to college. Worry about instilling that confidence from zero to seven, and when, when they have that confidence, there's nothing for them to overcome, like it's there already. They don't have to overcome bad programming. So that I thought that that was honestly the when I heard and they still do it every day, every morning, every night. I love it. It's amazing.


See, if someone had Laurel's confidence, they would never need college,


right? It's true. It's the truth. Because,


if anything, and that has nothing to do with Laurel, going or not going to college, but one of the things that a really evolved person runs into when they get in large institutions is they feel stifled by limitation, by the presence of limitation. So I love that. Ken, that's a great, great story. Yeah, thank you. Hey, Laura, before we close, can I throw uh, one little thing out there that I've been talking about recently, and you've not heard me talk about it because I haven't done one of your events since I started talking about it, and that's what I the subject of value creation. You know, we hear this word in wellness circles. We hear creating value, providing value. This is not new. You've heard it ad nauseam. So has Ken So being a value provider. So it occurred to me that the difference between celebration and depression, whether you're celebrating your life or you're depressed, is based on whether or not you participating actively in your own worth, your own value, being fully utilized. So I'm going to ask it everybody write down those two words side by side, fully utilized, stepping into the fullness of your intended purpose. And I'm going to give you an analogy to explain this, which is so freaking gorgeous. So professional baseballs are made in Costa Rica. Take my word for it. You can look it up if you don't believe they're not designed here. They're made in Costa Rica. So this is a made up story to illustrate a point about two baseballs that were on an assembly line being made for professional baseball use, but as they shipped them to the United States and brought them out of packages, one of them in 1998 liberals, 98 when Mark McGuire broke the record that Roger Maris had said in 1961 of 61 home runs hit in a season. And that year, he not only broke the record, he shattered the record. So on the day that he hit his 70th seven zero, he beat it by nine runs, something that had stood for 40 years, and he beat it by nine runs on that day when he hit that 70th home run. This is so picturesque. I love this, and I love how simplistic it is that, as the baseball was traveling to Mark's bat, he played for the St Louis Cardinals. As that baseball was traveling to his bat, that ball was worth approximately $10 and a few seconds later, when it went over the wall, that ball was worth $3 million same ball. Now watch this adjacent to that ball. Ball on the assembly line was another ball that's intended use was to be played baseball with. However, it wound up in Cynthiana, Kentucky, back behind someone's washer, right in the utility room, and it fell down there, and it's got cobwebs all over it, and it is not being used in anybody's baseball game. It's just sitting behind a washing machine. And it occurs to me that this is what happens with human lives. You either claim the purpose for which you were made, and you step into the fullness and there, and only there will you find your value, put yourself into play according to your purpose for which you were designed, and you watch and see, I'm going to tell you that is an instantaneous cure for depression. It will go away. It's called the law of proper usage. You are being intentionally utilized according to your design. And I have gotten more feedback on that simple story about two baseballs than any other lesson I've ever taught in any of my workshops. And I want to make sure that gets said in here, because once you decide to go ahead and pitch yourself towards home plate like you were intended, I'm speaking obviously a metaphor, but when you agree to be the baseball that you were designed to be, then watch how quickly all of these other things, including money, will fall beautifully into alignment because you're in your purpose, and as long as you're stepped outside of your purpose, those things will always be an extreme hardship because you're out of sync with your design, get in sync, watch the magic happen.

Loral Langemeier:

So what a beautiful summary. I love that. And so like wrapping up some of the points. For those that are listening, knowing your divine mission, listening and taking action on your mandates, I think the mandates are one of the most powerful things. That's for me, that's one, if I think of all the things we've talked about, knowing when a mandate comes and moving on, it is one of it's just, it, just, Thank God I've just done it. And so you're going to find your way through this. And as you as we wrap this up, what are the parting words you would say we've given so many nuggets. I mean this, if anything, I would say Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat. Listening to this, there's probably 1000 nuggets in there. Which one applies to you? Which one can you take action on? Because it's a lot to unpack. What would your parting words be? Gentlemen to our audience on this. Go ahead.


In in 2016 I started writing my first book. I was I'm a high school dropout. I didn't finish 12th grade. I almost did, but they informed me that in 10th grade I didn't get a biology credit. And I was like, yeah, that class sucked. I didn't go. And they're like, Well, you needed that credit, you moron. And and so I said, I said, well, and they wanted me to come back for a whole year to get one credit. And I said, that's that just doesn't work for me. So I walked out. Now, I have had a lot of college graduates work for me over the years, some Well, we won't get into to that. But look, I had a teacher tell me I would an English teacher tell me I'd never amount to anything. I have a chapter in Mark Victor Hansen's biography about me. Bob Proctor also has one. There's one about me, and there's, there's, there's, you know, not a lot of other people have full dedicated chapters. You know, I've written eight books, and that teacher that told me that has written zero. So back in 2016 I was having doubt about my my my book, whether I should write it, continue writing it. And as I mentioned, Grant Cardone is a friend of mine and a mentor of mine, and, and here's what probably the most motivating thing anybody has ever said to me. I said I was talking to him, and I said, I just don't know if I don't know. I mean, me write a book. I mean, I do websites, and, you know, I Why should I write a book, and he goes, Don't be a little bitch. So I wrote my book, and it became a best seller, a number one best seller. You know, I think it just takes action when you have those that Wayne Dyer wrote in his books about the 100th monkey syndrome, how everything's out here in the ethos, and every one of us have the ability to grab a hold of it and tap into it and go, we've all walked through a store and saw something on an end cap and went, that was my idea, right? Like, wait a minute and and it's because it's all. Out here, we all have the ability to go within and find that that power that God gave us, and, and, and, but the the difference between successful people and people that look at and judge successful, successful people is the the level of action if you're not taking massive action, like if you're not going, you know what? I need to read Laurel's book, and I need to read it now so my kids have a freaking chance go buy the damn book. And don't just get the book and think you have some shelf. Help get the book, open it and read it and focused and and schedule your time to do it, but take massive action in your life, and use look, you know, Glenn and I did some live events, and I had some, I had some bracelets made up that say, Don't be, or no, it was with somebody. But I had some bracelets made up that say, don't be a little, you know, what on them. So I passed


my pastor gave me one of those. Ken,


right, right? But I think it is. It's about, you got to take massive action. And you know that's, that's what stops people, I think, from really having it all. Glenn,


that's beautiful,


buddy. That was beautiful.

Ken Walls:

Thank you. I appreciate it beautiful.


I will make mine very succinct, and that is this, if you were charged with the crime of being in love with life, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Loral Langemeier:

I think we end on that. That's very beautiful. You said we I actually want you to repeat it and have everybody write that down.


If you were charged with the crime of being in love with your life, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Loral Langemeier:

And I think we just got about a big period on my 400th podcast. Gentlemen, are a blessing. What an honor. Laurel. Thank you, my dearest friends. I love you guys. You're amazing, and I want you to hang on for one minute. We can do I have a big ask, and it's going to be a fun one. I love my brother, Ken, right there. I love him like that brother. He's our new brother. He's like, my new adopted brother. I didn't know it was from a like, you know, from another mother, and all of a sudden he showed up in our relationship. Glad. I'm like, There's a third word, like, Oh, I gotta, I have a second brother. Like, you


know, you know, I'm, I'm honored to be in this I really am. Thank

Loral Langemeier:

you. Appreciate you guys. So we're going to end, Steve, I'll put some bumpers on that in a moment. Um, so here's my ask, gentlemen, he is ready. We still recording, yeah, we're done, yeah, we'll put bumpers on


later. Oh, okay, we're live on YouTube still. Yeah, looking at it. It's on my

Loral Langemeier:

phone, so we have to wrap up on that. Debo, yeah, let


Steve. Let Steve kill the live feed first next,

Loral Langemeier:

before you guys say yeah.