19: Using Social Media to Grow Your Online Business with Amanda Walljasper

Today's guest is Amanda Walljasper, from Southern Minnesota. She's a successful brick and mortar retail business owner who has used her passion for helping people to get healthier, to motivate her in her business pursuits for the last eight years.
Due to Amanda's fondness for small business in prospering small towns, she's been pushed to pursuing growing her business online, as well as in her retail locations, recently expanding her business with The Daily Apple Online now too.
Amanda has made it her mission to share how she uses social media in a creative and resourceful way, to grow the online side of her business. She really took a leap of faith when she left her job as an Elementary Spanish Teacher, to buy a health food store and she's been taking similar leaps ever since!
Amanda has become aware, through her own process of growth, of the challenges that many entrepreneurs and small businesses are faced with. She really hopes to share her mantra, part of which is never giving up with groups of dream-chasers, for many years to come.
Amanda is also available to be booked as the Speaker at your next event! You can contact her at www.thedailyappleonline.com or find her on Facebook or Instagram.
The Daily Apple Stores are in Worthington, Minnesota and in Storm Lake Iowa.
Amanda's special offer promo code, to get 15% off your next entire online purchase at The Daily Apple Online- Use the code grow at the checkout
Today Amanda talks to Ursula about:
•The tough shape that her first store was in, when she bought it and that it was really an all new experience for her, never having been in retail before.
•How she realized that the sales numbers were never going to allow them to keep the doors open and what she did to double her sales really quickly, in order to pay back her loans.
•That her second business took a little bit to grow, as it was all so brand new.
•What gave her the courage to keep going, in spite of the 'no's' for the loans.
•The great vision and potential that she saw in her first store.
•How her store has transformed and evolved into what she envisioned.
•That she had to quit thinking small and really believe in herself and develop confidence, to grow to the next level.
•How hard it was for to move beyond her initial limiting beliefs and how things have really changed now.
•How important it is for her to give back.
•How the steps unfolded for her, to find the money to grow her business.
•Her determination to carry on, even though she didn't really make any money in the beginning.
•Breathing new life into her business with advertising and marketing, initially using print advertising in the local newspaper and radio advertising.
•The really great benefits of using social media as a marketing tool.
•Some tips that Amanda shares with her customers about taking great care of your body. Eat well! Listen to your body! Drink lots of water!
•Why she really recommends hiring a Business Coach, to help you grow your business.
•How Coaches have really helped Amanda the most, with marketing strategies and finding what was holding her back.
•Connecting with like-minded individuals as a key to success.
•Getting in touch with somebody positive, when things are looking down.
•What Amanda loves so much about small businesses.