Mardi Winder-Adams - The D Shift

Joining us today is one of our amazing Podapalooza babies - Mardi Winder-Adams, a Certified Divorce Transition Coach. She decided to start her own podcast called The D Shift - Redefining Divorce and Beyond. It's all about how divorce doesn't have to be bad, it can be great, and we have the ability to control our lives moving forward.
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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!
Welcome to the official Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Popdapalooza at WWW.PODAPALOOZA.COM. It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast. You can learn a little bit more about this show. What makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to pod Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.
Michelle Abraham:Hey, Podapalooza is Michelle Abraham your house here today? And oh my gosh, you guys I'm bringing you another featured podcaster we have Mardi Winder-Adams Hey, Mardi, how are you doing?
Mardi Winder-Adams:Hey, Michelle, great to see you.
Michelle Abraham:Oh, so great to have you Marty's podcast is called the D-shift. And Mardi is also one of our amazing Podalooza babies we'd like to call them which means that when you went to a Podapalooza event, you had the idea for a podcast by the next event you had a podcast you came back as a featured podcaster I love it. So we're Kimberly and I have said started saying that our Podapalooza events are creating panda Podaplooza babies. And so you are one of our favorite pedophile is a baby. So, so glad that you're here with us today already. Tell us a little bit more about you and about the D Shift.
Mardi Winder-Adams:Well, I am a divorce transition coach. I'm a certified mediator and I have been working with women for probably oh gosh, I don't know because I if I said I'd be telling you how old I was. But for years and years and years, and I just really find that divorce can be a challenging point in life. But I think it's also a time with a lot of opportunities. So that's my focus is really to help people to move forward. And so at Podapalooza, the first one I came to, I just got so excited about the whole idea of podcasting. And so dope really deeply into it, you inspired me and the training and the whole day with all the speakers and all the great things that I experienced. So decided to start my own podcast called The D Shift redefining divorce and beyond. And it's all about how divorce doesn't have to be bad, it can be great. And we have the ability to control our lives moving forward.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome, and not always Mardi a great podcaster but I've also had you as a guest on our blissful parenting podcast, which has been awesome to hear you as a guest sharing your brilliance all about divorce and how you do make it so much lighter, you the support that you give in the the content you give, really, wow. If I ever needed to get divorced, it was so nice to know that there's someone out there that that knows like that can be that supportive. See, so many friends and family go through things by themselves and alone and feel like you know, they're being gouged by their lawyers or whatever. So it's so nice to know that there's someone out there that can be really supportive for people going through divorce and doesn't have to be as bad as it seems. Yeah, thank
Mardi Winder-Adams:you, Michelle. It really doesn't I mean, it's gonna be tough. I'm not gonna say, you know, there's no way you can just suddenly sprinkle some magic fairy dust on and make it all better. But it's it you know, it's a process, but it doesn't have to be negative, it can be a real positive starting point for people as well.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's so great to know. So now you're new to podcasting by has podcasts in some way or another impacted your life so far.
Mardi Winder-Adams:Oh, my gosh, I cannot tell you just just having a podcast and having the opportunity to interview people that are in related or even in the exact same divorce coaching field as I am has just opened up my my network like instrumentally I cannot I couldn't even quantify it, but it I have connections now with people in different countries, different parts of the United States, different parts of Canada. And I just feel now like if I need a resource for one of my clients or anything, I can go to my good old days Rolodex or, you know, spreadsheet or whatever, and just take a look at it and say, I personally know a person that I think would be a good match for you. And yeah, just the opportunity to talk to so many fascinating people and learn their skills has been the most powerful thing for me,
Michelle Abraham:having a bet to you like being able to reach out to other experts in your industry really starts to elevate you as the expert, the go to person too. So that's really great. I love the point that you brought up that you're even connecting with people that do similar to what you do that so collaborative and it's such a great way to to meet people through your podcasts you Yeah,
Mardi Winder-Adams:yeah, yeah. Well, my thought is everybody helps each other. That's the only way small business people grow. So and everybody I've met has had the same philosophy. So that's been really spectacular.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, you know, that's my that's my philosophy too. Like I think I think collaboration is the currency of the future or if not now already is the currency of business. So, such a great way to look at it. So now you started off as a palooza, guest you in on some podcast is so now you've had puck now you've been interviewing podcast guests as well. So what would be a piece of advice you would give to someone maybe coming to potplayer? As of this time, as a guest? What What kind of advice would you give them?
Mardi Winder-Adams:I think just be as flexible as you can. And just have fun, any interviews. The best interviews that I think that I have done have been ones were literally like this, we just had a conversation, you know, where you're not trying to sell something or promote something or, you know, kind of manipulate the conversation, but just kind of go with it and just just have fun. It because it doesn't have to, again, doesn't have to be scary. It's actually really fun. And you may find that you want to have your own podcast after leaving, I'm sure some people will.
Michelle Abraham:It's a little bit of a thing that you get hooked on them. And you're like, Yes, this is so much fun. I want to do more of them. That's actually the reason I have three podcasts myself. So yeah, it's really good. Yeah, have so much fun with it, you want to do more? So now you we've heard a little bit about the type of guests that you have interviewed on your show so far. Are there any particular guests that you're looking for, I've had the pillars of
Mardi Winder-Adams:my my focus is on I work with women. So anybody that has any kind of business that deals with supporting women, helping women, women, entrepreneurs, business owners, whatever they want anything kind of in the women going through transition and divorce kind of stuff. area, perfect for my podcast.
Michelle Abraham:I love it. I love it. And it's so such a diverse amount of people that you could have on your podcast, because really, that's what we say to our podcasters are coming. It's like you can like spin it however you want, right? anyone's really applicable. When they come on the show, you can really spin into an episode that makes it great for your audience. So
Mardi Winder-Adams:can I just threw in the shell, I'm always I'm always happy to have males as guests too. You don't have to be a woman to be a guest. Because sometimes it's nice to hear a different perspective. So yeah, right.
Michelle Abraham:Absolutely. Yeah. And I think that's important to say because when you see women then might people might think that you just have women as women, I guess. Awesome. So now that you've been podcasting for a little bit now, any advice for people who are sitting at home so thinking about podcasting, what would you say
Mardi Winder-Adams:to them? The old Nike thing, just do it like just just do it. It's fun. I mean it it's really not scary the technical stuff especially if you work with you know, somebody you or somebody, they can't do stuff. This is really simple. If you can run a zoom thing you can do a podcast.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, I love it. I mean, my one of my mentors James Martell is the late James Arnold now he used to show me when I was a telephone with a dial up internet connection with a microphone recording device to the phone. It was like super complicated back 15 years ago when he started so we're so lucky. Now that's a lot easier. Nifty got the we all know how to use Zoom now so don't have to send a microphone to your podcast guests in the mail anymore because they know how to think and know how to use Zoom which is awesome. All right. Well, thank you so much, Marty. This has been so much fun to having you on any last words of advice for people out there whether or not they're attending police or not anything last that you want to leave them with whether it's to do with your podcasts or to do with your experience in podcasting or political ism.
Mardi Winder-Adams:No, but I will say get out to PATA Palooza if you can even if you just come and listen to the speakers if you're not comfortable maybe with getting interviewed yet. That's okay. Come and listen to the speakers. You get a wealth of information.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. Yeah, agreed to we got so many great speakers lined up in that main. Net main stage area and if you upgrade to VIP, you get to have those recordings, you can go back and listen to them later. So Mardi, thank you so so much. We're looking forward to having you coming up on Podapalooza. Thanks for spending this time with us and getting to hear a little bit more behind the mic of what you're all about and what your show is all about. So thanks so much for being with us today.
Mardi Winder-Adams:Thanks Michelle.
Michelle Abraham:Have a great day guys and Podapaloozians is out there. If you're not registered for the upcoming event, please head on over to Potter and we will see you there.