Laban Ditchburn - Become Your Own Superhero

Meet Laban Ditchburn, our featured podcaster for today’s episode. Laban is the host of Become Your Own Superhero Podcast, and known as The World’s Best Courage Coach. He’ll share with us his favorite Podapalooza moment, and what we can expect in coming to Podapalooza Event.
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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!
Welcome to the official Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast, you can learn a little bit more about the show, what makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to pod Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.
Michelle Abraham:Podapalooza this is Michelle Abraham your house here I am bringing you one of our past feature podcasters leaving Detroit and leaving how are you?
Laban Ditchburn:Good to see you. Michelle Seto as they say in Espanol.
Michelle Abraham:Nice to see you too. So leaving you've been a part of our first few podcast pod Palooza events, and they were crazy. Let's just put it this way. The first few were crazy. So tell us about your podcast, first of all,
Laban Ditchburn:become your own superhero. So often we rely on external forces to validate us or to go and do the rescuing. I think it's about time that we reclaimed our power and became our own superhero. And that was the idea when I named the podcast in May of 2020. And I just loved the idea of reclaiming your power. I did that through conquering all of my demons, you know, the drinks and drugs and the gambling and the philandering lawyer the stuff and there's nothing more satisfying than reclaiming your power. So become your own superhero.
Michelle Abraham:Absolutely. Yeah, I love the name of it. And I love what the the meaning of it right like you know, you can't get very far unless you become your superhero love it. So you have been a feature podcaster and PATA palooza. And if you would give us a little bit of advice for someone who has not really been before, but is coming what can they expect when they come to Potter palooza?
Laban Ditchburn:Clear the whole day, clear the whole day and put yourself in a position where you can actually not be distracted by external sources like this. It's so valuable from a knowledge point of view that if you're going to get distracted, and you know it's okay to get up and walk around and do your thing, but like, it's a big day, it's intense, particularly if you're one of the podcast hosts like you've got to give a lot of grace to the podcast host because it's an intense day, right? And it's becoming way more streamlined and managed. You guys do an amazing job as the result, but turn up thirsty for knowledge.
Michelle Abraham:Yes, awesome. thirsty for knowledge and patients, patients as we navigate the crazy day. So you have had interviewed tons of people on your podcast from the event when a guest shows up? What's a piece of advice you'd like to give them? Yeah, to make the interview even more even better than it could be? Well, it's
Laban Ditchburn:a really good question. Look, I've been really stunned at the number of the people that I interviewed were virgin guests. And I was really blown away with how good they were. And I think that had something to do with the fact that I was able to ask open questions. So what I would say from their point of view, do do long before you get to Potter palooza. Do your best at practice telling your story to friends and family so that you comes across way more natural, even the best motivational speakers on the planet. The most rehearsed Alright, in case you didn't know that. And the better you can tell your story without the getting caught up and trying to put an extra detail like less is more. My father used to say smile. Less is more and who gives a rat's ass
Michelle Abraham:like you did already. Less is more than smile and I like the smile too. because not a lot of people know that when you smile. It's audio only you're smiling people can hear your smile. Oh yeah, people can hear my alright.
Laban Ditchburn:Yeah, like me so serious. Like it's part of palooza. It's not like it's not like death row. I think live a little.
Michelle Abraham:Right. Yeah, I think that's a great one too. Cool. So why do you have a favorite particle is a moment that you've experienced over the last few events. Do you know sure you have some funny ones.
Laban Ditchburn:By I can't remember her name off the top of my head. But I interviewed a lady who was a first ever podcast guest spot. And she really opened up this ties into the former question about what what advice I have for people that know me, I share unabashed I, what people think of me is none of my business. And I'm, I'm really good at dealing with, with what I've overcome. So I'm comfortable with it, because I talk about it a lot and holds no dominion over me. So if you really want to connect with an audience, like get used to practicing vulnerability, but this particular lady shared some D staff, and she she started crying and, and but when we finished, and we stopped recording, she just said to me leaving that like, that was the most extraordinary moment in my life. Like, I've never shared that with anyone. And you know, what a great moment to be a part of and I've since seen her go on. She's created her own podcast and is being guested on other ones. And just, you know, she's just transformed into this amazing butterfly from this caterpillar of confidence. So any part of it that I can play, I'm privileged.
Michelle Abraham:Oh, yeah, what a cool moment. That's really exciting. It's really cool to see some people come to the event with the idea that they know interested in podcasting, to then come back the next event via podcasts or and be a part of it all is so cool. So let's see. Super exciting. So, one more question for you before you go. I want to know, what is it about being a podcast, I guess, are both cat podcast hosts. So any advice for a podcast host to make the day even better day than it could be?
Laban Ditchburn:I think being super well rested going into it don't come in from an all nighter. That's not what I did. But but if you're going to do and show up, like make the most of the opportunity, like you will be completely wiped out by the end of the day. And it's not because of the actual physicality. When you asking questions when you're a podcast, as you very well know this, Michelle, like, energetically, it takes quite a lot from you, right to manage and ask questions and be engaged that you know, takes a lot. So prepare as best you can to be able to deal with that and don't plan anything afterwards. Like, just enjoy and bask in the moment. And it's a really unique, amazing opportunity. And one I'm really grateful for.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's awesome. I remember I booked something the next day another speaking engagement the next day. I was like what the heck am I doing? I'm like gonna have a day off after you get to have a day off of rest after product Elisa, especially in being a podcaster you're interviewing so many people you're intently listening to and you're engaging for so long. Takes a lot of energy for sure. Well, they've been well thank you so much for sharing with us some of your insight today. A little bit about your podcasts and your experiences that part of Palooza we are grateful for your involvement. You've been a rock star and one of our most sought after podcasts. podcasters people I feel everyone's ticking the box to be on your show. So sure you get a long line of people.
Laban Ditchburn:Thanks a lot of fun and you guys are doing amazing work. So don't stop.