Katherine Burrows - The Write Connection

Katherine Burrows is a ghostwriter, book coach, and podcaster, helping experts and entrepreneurs make a bigger difference by getting their brilliant ideas into books. She has been on a panel as one of Podapalooza Guests Experts, she's also a Podapalooza VIP, and one of our amazing featured podcasters. Katherine is here to share her favorite moment at Podapalooza.
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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!
Welcome to the official Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at WWW.Podapalooza.com It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast. You can learn a little bit more about the show. What makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to pod palooza.com Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.
Michelle Abraham:Podapalooza is Michelle is here today with you and I've got Katherine Burrows with me today, Katherine. Hi, how are you?
Katherine Burrows:I'm well Michelle, how are you?
Michelle Abraham:I am good. So guys, Catherine is done everything in particular. She has been on a panel as one of our guests experts. She has been a part of PodapaloozaVIP where she's been interviewed by other podcasters and she's been one of our featured part of podcast portfolios of podcasters. That is a mouthful to say all bottom falling stuff. podcasters. And so glad that you're here with us today, Katherine.
Katherine Burrows:Well, thank you so much, Michelle, you have to create a special Podapalooza tongue twister for that one.
Michelle Abraham:Exactly. That's awesome. So Katherine, you are the big impact ghostwriter. So I love what Katherine is up to she's got a podcast called the right connection. And in her everyday work, she is a ghostwriter. Helping us podcasters. Especially take our podcast content and turn it into a book. And so Katherine, tell us a little bit about your program that you do that with. Yeah, so
Katherine Burrows:my program is called podcast to book Made Simple. And that's basically it's exactly what it sounds like. It's helping you make the process of turning your podcasts into a book, very simple, easy and take taking all the stress out of it for you. So we are there to guide you every step of the way, with detailed templates, lots of instructions, and relax, because you already have all the content.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's amazing. And you know, something Katherine, I were just talking about is that kind of the same five things that stopped you from, from getting going on podcasting is also the same thing that holds people back from from writing a book, which is usually like, like time, the money, the technology, the fear. Anything else, Katherine,
Katherine Burrows:you do they have content or not? I tend Yeah. Why would anyone listen to me or read so many other experts out there? How can I be different?
Michelle Abraham:Totally. And it feels like it's the same as podcasting. So if you're already a podcaster, and you don't have a book yet, you really have no excuse, we see that already conquered those fears of getting your podcast going. So really, Katherine is the magic one that will help us tie it all together here. So that really makes a lot of sense to go through cafe's process and just taking the content you already have on your podcast and turning it into a book. And that book is gonna really help your business and a lot of ways so that's really cool. And Katherine, tell us about your favorite podcasts, a favorite moment at Podapalooza.
Katherine Burrows:Wow, there were a lot, but just the realization, I think that so much could get accomplished all in one day. I did three interviews where I was the host interviewing someone. And then I also did two interviews or I was the guest being interviewed and just kind of getting all that done making those connections and I've even had two or three other people who we didn't have time that day to book but we've connected since. So it's just how much can be accomplished when all those podcasters get together all at once.
Michelle Abraham:Plus you are a speaker and you really did have a busy day that day. Or two. That's That's awesome. I love that you did everything everything that day. So do you have a piece of advice for maybe someone who's listening at home who haven't been to Podapalooza yet? How to prepare as a guest so what was something that you as a podcaster when you were interviewing people enjoyed a guest showing up like prepared with
Katherine Burrows:Yeah, just have like three main points that you kind of want to cover that are you know, fairly. I don't want to say generic but typical of your business questions that you normally get asked questions you know on your podcast when she that you have come prepared to answer those questions to talk about your business. Talk about your podcast. See all of that stuff? And just kind of I guess, think about what you want to accomplish. What do you want your call to action to be? What do you want people to do next?
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's great. Good feedback. Because, you know, oftentimes, I've heard people showing up to the interviews and police. I mean, like, Okay, I don't know what you want to talk about today. What do you want to talk about? Well, it's like, yeah, come with an intention of what you want to be known as an expert for what do you want to share? What's the content that you want? That's great, great advice for the podcast guests that are coming on as VIPs. So thanks for sharing that I Katherine, do you have a favorite moment in your podcasts and your own podcasts that you've had over a year over the years of having your podcast?
Katherine Burrows:Um, well, I recently, I guess, some were in the spring, did a series called Stepping into your authentic self. So a three part series. And it started out as like I'm trying to teach and coach others, whether they're clients or just people in my network, how to really figure out who your authentic self is, and then put that out there in your content, whether that's a book or a podcast, or any other content. But it really ended up becoming an internal journey of me, and how can I get more authentic with my audience? Because we always want to be walking the talk, right? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Me telling people how to get authentic, then the first thing that I really need to do is get authentic myself. So I really enjoyed that process for sure.
Michelle Abraham:That's awesome. And that's great to be able to share that with your audience, them showing your eyes that you're being authentic is I'm sure have some resonate with you even more, is have you had a moment in podcasting, or has podcasting changed your life in any way? Since you started it? I mean, not it doesn't change everyone's lives. But it's for some people, they have like had this like, wow, the one thing that's really changed for them from starting in a podcast.
Katherine Burrows:Yeah. So you and I have chatted a little bit before about how tight I was to my script and to the written word when I first started my podcast, and I really wanted to, as a writer first, you know, plot everything out and have every word selected, and in a specific order. And, you know, just because I took so much time crafting it and like it was, you know, this beautiful piece of writing. And that's okay. But when we are speaking on a podcast is a very different medium and a different audience and a different way of consuming content. And so I've learned to let go of that script and become much more spontaneous, which has really boosted my self confidence. I've never really considered myself great at being spontaneous, or witty, or, you know, kind of like, I have no problem getting up, I would speak you know, in front of 10,000 people in a heartbeat as long as I get to prepare my speech ahead of time and, and have it but if you just said, okay, here, Catherine go and talk about like, how to play golf. I would that's like my nightmare, right? Just like, kind of like what
Michelle Abraham:I did read to you before the podcast. Okay, Katherine, we're just gonna go.
Katherine Burrows:Used to be so scary for me. And now it's like, okay, well, like stories about golf, if you want, but so I just I've learned much more to roll with it. And that's helped me with other things, too, like networking events, you know, to be more able to participate in conversations and to put myself out there more. So it really has changed my life.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. That's so cool. You know, that's interesting. And as you were saying that I was like, oh, that's why I have a problem going from being a podcaster, to putting things down on paper is because, you know, I'm not scripted on the podcast. And that would mean I'd have to commit to words on the paper.
Katherine Burrows:But if you get them in the wrong order, follow like the process properly. There's not as much of a process with podcasting. And you know, and I love that I love that it's very spontaneous. I love that we have these amazing conversations with people. And they sometimes go in places that we didn't really expect, right? But these amazing insights come out of it.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah. And how cool how complimentary doing both of those things are like to each other. Yeah. And the the amount of like, human growth and potential that comes out of like, oh my gosh, like your own personal development is massive. Then you get behind the microphone, or behind the pen is our writing both of those combined together. That's awesome. Yeah, so cool. So now you've been a feature podcaster as well as part of Hulu. As as well as being interviewed, and so we asked you how someone could show up for an interview as a guest for you in a great way which you shared, which is awesome. Now, how about the other way around? What would you say to someone who is going to be a podcast? Or how would you give them any piece of advice on how to prepare to make the most of that day?
Katherine Burrows:Um, tell me a little bit about your podcast and what your goals are and what you want from me as the interviewee like, you know, is there a topic overlap that you want us to touch on? You know, what length? Are you planning the interview to be like, some are only five or 10 minutes, and some are like 2025 minutes. So it would give me a good idea of how to answer my questions. If you're you're aiming for.
Michelle Abraham:Yeah, that's a good idea. So as a podcaster, when the guest comes on, you know, how that little pre chat with them, letting them know what your expectations are, will help also that I think that that will not only help you set the expectations for them sticking within the time, amount of time that you have, how allocated for the interview, but also staying on track, and then also probably set them at ease and helps them relax and just be themselves and the interviewer to probably helps your guests prepare well, too.
Katherine Burrows:Yeah, well, and if you think about it, you know, if you said, Tell me how you started your podcast, well, I could answer that in 30 seconds, or I could answer that in five minutes. Or I can answer in 10 minutes, like depending on how much detail you're looking for. So knowing that overall kind of timeframe helps you know, how much detail and then you don't kind of go through the first two or three questions and realize, Oh, we've used up all our time and we didn't get to those last couple of questions.
Michelle Abraham:Right Yeah, that's a great point. And so will you be joining us for the next part of police as a feature podcasts are putting you on the spot here Katherine
Katherine Burrows:so many people all at once and lady took me a couple days afterwards to that process at all but
Michelle Abraham:yeah, like wow, that was a busy day. Yeah, that as you said at the beginning, it was a productive day you got lots done
Katherine Burrows:to have all those people coming together and have all those connections and meeting new people and great conversations and yeah, it's just a great event.
Michelle Abraham:Awesome. Well, we're so grateful to have you and looking forward to having you again at our next paddock police that coming up in October. And you know Katherine, I think it's so cool that you are a VIP, a podcast host and and a speaker all in one and we would we love that you're coming back again for another another part of Palooza with us so we're grateful for you. What I would love our audience to do is go listen to your podcast. Guys go listen to Kevin's podcast is the right connection. Spell like how you write WRITE Katherine. And, and how give her a review give her some love on her podcast. Listen to what Katherine talks about her on her show. And then you can also then be prepared for when you be a guest on her show at Podapalooza Kevin up Hey Katherine anywhere else you want to send them to learn more about what you're up to what you do.
Katherine Burrows:Sure. My website is Katherineburrowscreative.com So you can find my podcast there you can find information about my ghostwriting, and a little bit about me and you know what I do
Michelle Abraham:so awesome. Any other words of wisdom for our listeners out there today?
Katherine Burrows:Um, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, whether it's creating your content, having those interviews, or joining a new event like PATA Palooza because it's all worth it. And that's the way we grow is stepping out of our comfort zone.
Michelle Abraham:Oh, yes. Oh yes, we grow but we do that don't. So well. Thank you so much for joining us today. It's been awesome panna palooza. Ian's go check out her podcast and refer to the show notes for all the links that have been shared today. And until next time, we'll see you later. Go out there and have some fun.