Eugene Mandelcorn - Featured Guest

Since 1970s, Eugene Mandelcorn has enjoyed a storied career in screenwriting, filmmaking, distribution & producing. His innovations have led to a whole new genre in film known as Solution Films. He would like to encourage you to join Podapalooza, "Do it, experience it first, and then you'll get more involved to it."
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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!
Welcome to the official pot of Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast, you can learn a little bit more about the show, what makes them tick, why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.
Michelle Abraham:Hey Podapaloozaians, I'm Michelle Abraham, one of your hosts for the Podapalooza, the podcast. I am joined here with Eugene Mandelcorn. And Eugene, how are you today?
Eugene Mandelcorn:I'm fine. I'm fine.
Michelle Abraham:Great. You're here. We are glad that you're here and we are talking today about Podapalooza, obviously. So for those of you who don't know what Podapalooza is I'm just gonna give you the quick little rundown if you've been listening to this podcast you probably know about Podapalooza is already you've heard some of our featured podcasters some of our podcast guests who are VIPs. You've heard from Kimberly and I who are the hosts of a and now today we're going to talk to Eugene about being a general admission so he's coming as an is an air spectator at PPodapalooza, which means you get to stay in the main room all day and listen to all the different guests experts we have speaking on different topics all day long, from eight in the morning till six at night, and all the way to the love fest at the end of the day where we can gratitude and appreciation to each other at the end of the day. It's a long day, this the main room and that's where I am most of the day. So I love the main room, although I'm getting a little bit of FOMO. But everyone talks about how much fun the auditorium where all the interviews are happening. They're all saying how much fun it is there and Eugene and I didn't get to go there. So, but we know how much fun the main room is too. So Eugene has been at all of our Podapalooza so far. And so thank you for being such a loyal Podapalooza in Eugene and want to turn it over to you. What has been your favorite part of Podapalooza? Why why particular is a Why have you been coming to Podapalooza?
Eugene Mandelcorn:Well, because I always like to hear what's new and different and different people's viewpoints. And hearing different people speak on different topics is very interesting to me for a number of reasons. One, I like people, I want to find people in the show business industry, you know, but also I want to feel fine people who are able to solve problems that we face every day. And I think that's something that you really hear a lot at Podapalooza, who people that are are coming to new ideas and ways of solving problems.
Michelle Abraham:Now that's true and dear to your heart, because you have invented a whole new genre of film in cinema. And it's the first year you created the first ever solution film in history of cinema, which is cool. So I know I can, I can see how much you value that forward thinking in those different ideas. And so if you want to share with the audience, just a little bit about your, your film and what you're doing in your film.
Eugene Mandelcorn:Well, we invented a new genre of film, which is called the solution genre. And the solution film does more than just entertain or make you forget about your problems, it actually offers possible solutions to the problems that you face every day. And it's very hard to advertise his film. So we actually invented a replacement for the for the trailer, which has been around for over a century, we invented an interactive, immersive video game where you're interact with the characters in the film. And you also are immersed in the story of the film. So you get a bigger, stronger feeling them than the trailer could ever give. So we invented that too. So we were changing everything.
Michelle Abraham:You are changing everything. So forward thinking so that's awesome. And we appreciate you being such a big supporter of Podapalooza and I'm sure you've met some really incredible people. Since you've been there. Do you have a favorite Podapalooza moment that you've experienced over the last few times you've joined us?
Eugene Mandelcorn:Yeah. So, there was a one of the Podapalooza speakers. I think she might have also been, I'm not sure a interviewer, but her name is Tammy gross. And she had the wow factor. Wow. You know, that's how she she that's one of the courses that she keeps it's, it's called the wild. And it's how to people to to become or think of themselves as being part of the motion picture industry. You know, even if they're the what they teach or talk about has nothing to do with the motion industry as itself because they have a story that's so important. And she and I got to know her. And she has become one of the members of our studio. We have an international studio without borders or walls that specializes in solution films.
Michelle Abraham:So yes, we love Tammy. Tammy is one of our Podapalooza babies which means she came to Podapalooza got inspired and decided to start our own podcast and came back as a podcaster. The next part of Podapalooza Tammy is pretty awesome. And we love her. And so I'm glad that you brought her up as someone that you loved her presentation in the wow factor. So that is awesome. So yeah, it's Tammy super cool. And we have so many other really cool people that we've also interviewed had on stage. We had Steve also from podcast magazine, this past part of Elisa, we've had James Malin, check the big money speaker. We've had podcast panels of other podcasters who come in and share their expertise and knowledge with us. And it's been a lot of fun. So Eugene, would you share with us as some a piece of advice for someone who's coming to Podapalooza for the first time because people may not know there's no actual lunch break and there's no bathroom breaks, you got to bring your water bottle and stick to the stick to the computer screen with us for a long 10 hours which goes by like that. So any advice for people who are coming to Palooza this time?
Eugene Mandelcorn:Well to have an open mind, because you're going to hear a lot of new ideas and hear a lot of new presentations and speakers. It's it's really, it is I wish I had been able to attend even more of it. But I'm pretty busy. So have meetings outside and I couldn't attend it all the way through. But at the very end, it's great to when everybody gets together and talks about what happened. And if you pay a little more, you can get a recording of it so you can see anything that you missed, because you get an inkling at the end sometimes of everything that went on and what you miss right now because we have to eat okay. And I have meetings, I have quite a few meetings for my studio every week. So that takes up a lot of my time.
Michelle Abraham:Right and so for someone who doesn't want to miss anything, and wants to still take bio breaks and have a lunch in there, then it's great to buy the recordings because you get all the recordings of all the all the speakers and all the presentations each time. So each time we do Podapalooza, we try to bring new speakers, new presenters. So if you guys know of anyone who is wanting to speak on something to do with podcasting or speaking, please send them our way. We're always looking for new speakers to take our stage up how to Palooza also new podcasters to take the stage. And we are featured podcasters where they get to interview people in the editorial all day long. And of course, we are always looking for people to become VIPs. And you get to then have the recordings of the episode and be interviewed that day on podcast. And of course like Eugene and I were always looking for people to be in the main room with us as well. So you can enjoy the speakers all day long. So we're always looking for people and Eugene, any last words of advice for anyone who's thinking about coming to Podapalooza hasn't been yet.
Eugene Mandelcorn:Well, first of all, do it experiences first. And then maybe you'll get more involved the next Yeah. But I have one question for you. Because I know that people who are just listening to us can't see my background, which is a poster from a feature film that we shot during the pandemic. But I have always wanted to ask you Michelle, you almost always have the same background. It's like a wooden panel. You know, yeah, horizontal panels. And I was just wondering, why did you pick that background? What is the reason? It is my
Michelle Abraham:real background? It's my backyard. I live in an office for those who can't see it. I'm sure Oh, this is my office. So I have a wow. Oh, wow. Oh forest. Yeah, so my little office is in the middle of the forest. That's my way here from Wow.
Eugene Mandelcorn:I used to have I used to spend three months a year in Cannes on the French Riviera, three months, a year. And I used to do presentations from there. And I would have the real background through the window of the place I was staying. And people always thought it was fake.
Michelle Abraham:When I sit down, but I have a trees in the background. I was like, that's a fake background. It's actually so it's actually soundproofing stuff, so I should get some branding on there. But at least you know, it stays the same for soundproofing. And because it's not a green screen. I can't put one a fancy one like yours on behind me yet.
Eugene Mandelcorn:I have a saying that there are three things that you have to know to be successful in the entertainment industry to know what they are, oh, what is that? marketing, marketing and marketing. And I'm marketing 24 hours today. When I'm sleeping and dreaming about marketing,
Michelle Abraham:that's great. So everyone in now you can see Eugene's background, but it's his far as movie. Lead the way so go check out lead the and it's spelled L E E D the way so
Eugene Mandelcorn:no, he the leedtheway
Michelle Abraham:Okay. Please, move. So Eugene, thank you for joining us today. You've been in a fabulous guests and we hope to see you again at the next part of Podapalooza and for those of you guys listening, if you've not got your tickets for product, please yet head on over to that is felt Podapalooza that is a hard one to solve a fun one to say so, Podapalooza .com Get your ticket there. And we make sure you go check out Eugene's film and lead the way as well. They sweat Eugene for being with us today. Bipartisan museums. We'll see you again next week.
Eugene Mandelcorn:Thank you, Michelle. Bye bye.