Elaine Starling - The Abundance Journey

We are joined by the amazing Elaine Starling, The Abundance Journey Podcast host. Elaine is also an international TEDx speaker, bestselling author, coach and mentor. She has been a featured podcaster in the last two Podapalooza in a row. Let’s hear some tips and tricks from her on - What can a podcaster do ahead of time, in order to have a great interview experience.
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Podapalooza! It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun!!
Welcome to the official Podapalooza podcast. That's right. We're the official podcast for the hottest newest podcasting event out there. You can take a look at more information about Podapalooza at WWW.Podapalooza.com It sounds hard to spell, but it's easy to say and it's so much fun. Let me tell you about this podcast. So we are interviewing our particular is a featured podcasters That's right, I've heard of Lou's that are feature podcasters are gonna be interviewing VIPs all throughout the event. And each podcaster is going to be featured on this podcast. You can learn a little bit more about the show, what makes them tick why they started their show, and they're gonna give some great tips to how to be a great guest on their show. You too can be on their show when you go to pod palooza.com Buy your VIP ticket. All right, let's do this.
Michelle Abraham:Wonderful. Podapaloozians How are you today? Michelle Abraham, your host of the potter Palooza podcast, the official Podapalooza podcast and you have not joined us for a part of Podapalooza yet, you gotta go over to Podapalooza.com Get your ticket for the next part of Elisa. Today I am joined by the amazing Elaine Starling from the abundance Journey podcast she is a been a featured podcasts are the last two Podapalooza in a row. She's absolutely amazing been one of the favorite podcasters people have heard. So I wanted to bring her on today. There's always a big lineup for the lane show. So wanted to bring her on today. So you can learn a little bit more about her show. Go listen to it, subscribe to it, give her some some love so that you can be prepared when you can be a guest on her show. The next possible is maybe maybe if you're a good listener, so make sure you get to get your ticket first. And then second of all, Elaine, tell us a little bit about your podcasts. What can people expect?
Elaine Starling:Yeah, I love doing a podcast. I love the abundance Journey podcast in particular, because the abundance journey is an analogy for your life, your life is a journey of abundance. And so I really wanted to be able to showcase all the different kinds of ways that abundance shows up for you and your life and how you can take advantage of it. So some of the podcast episodes I do are just the explaining some key concepts for you that will make your life easier and better. And some of them are interviews with a guest. But the key thing that I do at the end of every single episode is I activate abundance, because I want you to do that too. So yeah, it's a lot of fun. And I love doing the podcast.
Michelle Abraham:I love it. I love the structure of your show is set up so uniquely and it's set up so that everyone gets tons of value from each of the episodes, which was great. So when you're coming on to Podapalooza, and you're looking at guests, and you're selecting guests for your show, what kind of advice can you share with our guests so that they're showing up in a way that you're like, yes, they're prepared, there is gonna be a great interview, what can they do before ahead of time, in order to make sure that's a great experience.
Elaine Starling:You know, it's important to have real clarity about the difference you can create for your clients, your prospects, your ideal prospects, it makes a huge difference when you can explain this is the kind of pain that the people I worked with usually start with, and here's where they end. So kind of a before and after, because then it gives me more clarity in what you're doing. And sort of the reason why you're so passionate about helping this kind of person. That's really what I want to get into is your WHY story, why it's important to you to serve people at this level. And I really look for people who are interested in being of service, they're not desperate for clients, and you know, just trying to work the system kind of thing. They're truly showing up from the highest and best possible place to be of service and to help other people. That's when you get the most business. That's when you really turn on the tap. And so I'm looking for people who are that level of awareness that they show up to serve.
Michelle Abraham:Love it. And I know we both share that, that that in many ways that as one of my values as well. I just think that's awesome. So that's super cool. And that's really great advice for someone who's coming to a show to be a guest make sure you understand and have enough clarity on around your messaging of what you want to do in your, in your in your journey with people. So that's great advice. Thanks, Celine. That's really helpful. Now what about if you have someone listening here is going to be a first time podcaster at Podapalooza, what would what kind of advice would you give them?
Elaine Starling:Oh, this is fabulous. It's such a great playground. And I like to use that term playgrounds agree we're bigger. Absolutely. people show up and they're having such a good time. They're so excited. They can't wait. It's gonna be a blast. And when you show up as a podcaster and you're creating this As the safe space for the guest to be brilliant, and that's your job is to bring out their brilliance. It really helps if you've got a few interview questions in mind for your own podcast if you've got a structure for your own podcast, because then you can kind of gently guide the guest through the structure that you have. And just reinforce what they said. So if they didn't quite hit the mark, you can just repeat what they said in a slightly different way. So it really serves your audience, because that's what you're trying to do. And that's what they want to do. They just might not know exactly how to do that the way you want to. So it's a collaborative experience. And make sure that you approach it is it's gonna be a blast, it's gonna be so much fun. You don't have to know exactly how it's gonna go. In fact, the stuff that's kind of an oopsie is often the best conversation because you both start laughing, you're like, you have more fun. And when you're having fun, you give the listeners the audience permission to have been to pod Palooza is fabulous. It's one of the best places for podcasters to be,
Michelle Abraham:Oh, that's awesome. That's a great testimony to how much fun you must have in your rooms when you're so great. I heard you see that advice on a call once and I was like, that is so smart. And that is exactly your you know, show you show up. So that you're you your job as a podcaster is to make the guests shine, and feel amazing and feel relaxed and by by being relaxed yourself and having fun and just gonna put everyone at ease. And it's gonna be a great experience. So I love it so good. One of the other things I wanted to ask you about a you're pulling your own podcasting journey, how has our it has podcasting, it all changed your life in any way,
Elaine Starling:Big time, big time, I found podcasting to be incredibly valuable, because it helped me organize my thoughts. You know, you want to be able to have a dialogue with someone, especially if you're interviewing them, and have it be really of high value to your audience, to your listeners. And the structure that I had to understand and put together for my podcast made all the difference in actually how I communicate with my clients to. And it's been a really, really powerful tool for me to nurture an audience who doesn't know me from anybody. And they get a chance to understand how I work, how I operate who I am, they get me and a lot of people are very interested in working closer with me. And so they sign up for my program, the abundance journey, six week experience that takes you behind the scenes so you can understand exactly how life works and how you can work life. So you enjoy it the most.
Michelle Abraham:I've heard many great things about this program. I'm excited to let people check it out. And we're gonna send people to where they can find out more about it from here, too. So, Elaine, where do you want to send them to?
Elaine Starling:Yeah, please visit my website, the abundance journey.com Awesome.
Michelle Abraham:I know I've heard from some of your, your your experiences in the in the in the six week program of like the good results people are getting and how much funding is to teach to you and that's like, it must be like, that's when you're really in alignment with what you're doing like you absolutely love it. It's like so exciting. I know I feel bad about what I do too. Well, I
Elaine Starling:love it because kind of like you with podcasting and teaching people that podcasting. As I am taking people through the abundance journey, I tell them look, I'm in the jeep with you. I'm going over the same speed bumps, the same pit panels, I'm going to the same scenic overlooks. And it's been really fascinating because every time I take other people on the abundance journey, I expand. I experienced exponential growth every time I'm collaborating with other people. I'm a fellow traveler. It's we're all on the same adventure together. And it's just been amazing. Amazing, amazing and so much fun.
Michelle Abraham:So much fun. So we're hoping that you're gonna come back and join us again at the next part of Palooza coming up. What has been your favorite part of Palooza moment to date?
Elaine Starling:Oh, man, I really love the segment at the very end. Yes. Yes. Fabulous. I love the segment at the end, when everybody talks about the things that they enjoyed the most for the day. And they acknowledge each other because you know me with activating abundance, I want to make sure that you're acknowledging, appreciating and celebrating those are really really big base for me. So you're really following that last segment. That's why I love it the most.
Michelle Abraham:Yes, we celebrate all the great wins for the day and everyone talks about gives acknowledgement to the podcasters and that it's a big kind of the big love fest at the end of the day. And it's funny after a 10 hour day you think people are like okay, I'm gonna goodnight. You know, no, people just keep hanging on like our like to, like when we're cutting off this. It's the first one like Okay, goodbye, everyone can go and record About a year. And yeah, it's one of my favorite parts too. So that's awesome. All right, Elaine. Well, thank you so much for joining us today. This has been fabulous getting to chat with you. Part of cuisines out there. Please go and check out a lengthy abundance Journey podcast leave her review, subscribe to her show so that you know what to expect if she begs you to be on her show at the next part of Palooza so if you haven't got your tickets yet, head on over to Potter palooza.com Our next part of Palooza is coming up not too long away from now. So we'll see you there and Elena will see you there too. You can we didn't have any again. Great. Take care. Bye. Bye.