Year End Recap: What Lessons I Learned in 2020 | PA12

What a crazy wild ride this year has been. None of us would ever have predicted we’d be living and navigating through a pandemic. Although this year was a shitstorm we learned so many lessons along the way. I’d love to share with y’all a year-end recap of what powerful lessons I’ve learned and how they've helped me become a better person.
In today's episode, we'll be learning about:
· DUMPSTER FIRE: Although most of us felt like this year was a total dumpster fire. I see it as throwing all the crap that no longer serves us into a dumpster and setting all that crap on fire.
· SHEDDING LIGHT: What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Although this year has challenged us in ways we never thought possible, We’ve become stronger.
· MINDFUL: Becoming more mindful and present has helped me move from more gratitude for everything i have (not what I don't have) Moved from to lack to appreciation
· PROCESSING: Big lesson I’ve learned on a next level was to properly process and feel my emotions. When a feeling comes up gain awareness, accept, and move through life challenges.
· WEIGHTED VEST: Leaving the weight of my shadow self and darkness behind me. Learning how to face your demons and setting them free.
About The Host:
Melanie is uberly passionate about all things mindset, nutrition, and wellness. She's been deep diving into the wellness industry for over six years. She's learned to master her craft while working with others to get to the root cause of what's holding them back from their goals and bigger vision.
Melanie currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Oliver, and her son, Elliott. She enjoys being in nature, taking care of her house plants, reading, and snuggles with her boys.
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