Warning Signs That You’re Burning The Candle From Both Ends | PA23

How many of us are constantly pushing ourselves way beyond our threshold? I'm talking pushing and going till you feel burnt out, resentful, angry, and frustrated. It's crazy how this style of living has become a new normal for many of us. Today I want o help you see if you're burning the candle from both ends and how to stop this behavior in its tracks.
In Today’s Episode we’ll be Learning About:
· RUNNING ON FUMES: A Lot of times, we are running on fumes, and it can easily be a subconscious act that we're not aware of.
· BITING OFF: More than we can chew has become a habit for many in this day and age.
· MAKING SPACE: For self-care and honoring yourself is crucial for staying sane in this busy push and go world.
· UNLEARNING: The patterns and habits we've created with undesirable ways of living needs to be addressed and looked at from all angles.
· CREATE BOUNDARIES: Creating boundaries for yourself, friends, family, and loved ones is crucial to feeling your best.
· BRAIN DUMPING: Take the time and space to brain dump all the jumbled thoughts that swirl in your head and give yourself permission to set them free.
· RERCALIBATE: Give yourself the time and space to recalibrate how you use your time and energy.
About the Host:
Melanie is uberly passionate about all things mindset, nutrition, and wellness. She's been deep diving into the wellness industry for over six years. She's learned to master her craft while working with others to get to the root cause of what's holding them back from their goals and bigger vision.
Melanie currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Oliver, and her son, Elliott. She enjoys being in nature, taking care of her house plants, reading, and snuggles with her boys.
Find Plant Ahead on Social Media:
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Free Guide to Meal Prepping + Being More Mindful: www.plantahead.co/freebies
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