Let’s Talk About Our Inner Critic | PA16

Let's take a moment to talk about that annoying voice in our heads that's always trying to sabotage the party. You know when you feel like you'd like to leave a relationship (or job) and something inside you keeps you holding on? Or when you want to lose weight but can't stop snacking on foods? Well, this episode is for you! I'll help you work on eliminating that voice inside your head and live the life YOU want.
In today's episode, we'll be learning about:
· INNER CRITIC + Negative Self Talk: We all get bombarded by the voices in our heads telling us we're not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, etc
· PROGRAMMING: We get programmed with stories and identities just like a computer system. It's up to us to allow those programs to run or not.
· WE MAKE MISTAKES: Sometimes, we have to remind ourselves that we're humans and make mistakes. It's about using our mistakes as lessons to help us grow.
· Habits: Look at the habits you've formed over time and ask yourself if they're benefiting you or not. If not, journal on them and get some answers as to why they started and how you can stop them.
· JOURNALING: Get your Journal out and start brain dumping behaviors, self-talk, and start to recognize and see patterns to stop what no longer serves you.
· IT'S NEVER TOO LATE: To start living life on a more positive note.
About the Host:
Melanie is uberly passionate about all things mindset, nutrition, and wellness. She's been deep diving into the wellness industry for over six years. She's learned to master her craft while working with others to get to the root cause of what's holding them back from their goals and bigger vision.
Melanie currently lives in Austin, Texas, with her husband, Oliver, and her son, Elliott. She enjoys being in nature, taking care of her house plants, reading, and snuggles with her boys.
Find Plant Ahead on Social Media:
Instagram: www.instagram.com/plantahead.co
Facebook: www.facebook.com/melanie.petrilli
Twitter: https://twitter.com/plant_ahead
Website: www.plantahead.co
Free Guide to Meal Prepping + Being More Mindful : www.plantahead.co/freebies
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