Dec. 26, 2021

Gift 5: Love

Gift 5: Love

We are giving away 12 days of gifts. The idea is that we create a bridge from the Winter Solstice to the New Year! We chose 12 tools, ideas, and strategies that are all about ending this year and planning next year.

Each day, we will release an episode, and many of the days will have fun (and very useful) printables!

DAY 5 – Slow down and make space for love

Some of you all follow my process for creating an Advent calendar each year. I do not create ours from a religious perspective, but instead from a conscious decision to slow down. It acts as a reminder each day... The thoughts that show up each day, help us do this. And on Christmas day, the thought is always something about LOVE and putting that before presents and expectations. AND I always find the way I can do that as a mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend is to connect to my heart first, so I can connect to the sacred all day long.

I hope that today, you can take the time to listen to a meditation by Julie Hannon from Inner Peace and Wellness. Take 20 minutes to connect to your heart, to love, to open up sacred space in your home. Make sure to document what comes up. I will be starting my day with this as well!