Dec. 23, 2021

Gift 3: Complete

Gift 3: Complete

We are giving away 12 days of gifts. The idea is that we create a bridge from the Winter Solstice to the New Year! We chose 12 tools, ideas, and strategies that are all about ending this year and planning next year.

Each day, we will release an episode, and many of the days will have fun (and very useful) printables!

DAY 3 – Complete

Amy Ahler’s has been using and teaching this tool since the late 90s! I have been doing it for about 5 years. I am so excited for you to do it this year, and next year, and the year after that. 

It is one of the most effective ways I have found to feel complete about the year and TRULY move into your desires for the next. 

My advice. Listen to the episode with Amy. Print out the workbook we made to take you through the process. Schedule some time to go through the process. It is A LOT to take in in a single day. I will be waking up extra early for the next few weeks to do my own deep work, and this is part of that process. I will walk through the steps for 3-5 mornings.

When you get into some of the goal setting gifts (coming up), it is great to have this handy to remember where you are.