March 16, 2022

Find Ease Part 4: It Takes a Village to Stay Accountable

Find Ease Part 4: It Takes a Village to Stay Accountable

"Who can you call at midnight?" - Danielle Laporte

We all have our strengths. We all are powerful but we cannot do it all alone. It takes a village. It takes the support of one another to help achieve our goals and dreams. In this last of the four-part series, discover how the external world that we live in can be stacked against our success, the importance of cultivating these relationships to overcome these obstacles, and finding the accountability in yourself and others to be the person you want to be.


  • Once you feel like you are coming into alignment, that is when you will start to notice and interact with those that can support that.
  • Create the most intentional version of your village. Because a village is made out of structures and people and systems and values and rules, you get to build it all.
  • Accountability is really about each of us individually, taking the personal responsibility to be the person that we are each called to be, and then finding the support to make that happen.
  • Discover the framework to build your own village
  • We may need different accountability within our different goals, so there might need to be a different village focus at different times.