Season 1

Aug. 21, 2022

Episode 142 - The Simplicity of Healing with Cancer- Lisa Warner

Lisa found herself facing cancer. Where the rubber meets the road. Remission mean's that they are looking for it to come back. She wanted to know how to heal her own body. Didn't want to face cancer or any other disease again...
July 31, 2022

Episode 139 - Acid Reflux , Diabetes-Improve These Conditions with Food

This is a packed episode with Dr. Jarita. Dr. Jarita got into this because she had health conditions such as high blood pressure, anemia, and acid reflux. She was working at a wellness center and the herbalist got her on a k...
July 24, 2022

Episode 138-Saliva Testing with Hormone Health- Melissa Deally

Melissa was in the corporate world for 24 years and 7 years ago she was let go. She was given no word of thanks and 1 hour to clear out her desk. When big fish bought little fish. That is when she decided to never work for a...
July 17, 2022

Episode 137 Overcoming Arthritis - Story of Hope #7 Shiraz Baboo

Shiraz's health journey started in college with he had arthritis. Sometimes his jaw was in so much pain that he had to sip meals through a straw. After 20 years of dealing with this excruciating pain. He was talking to his d...
June 26, 2022

Episode 134: Optimize Your Pelvic Health: Unfolding Facts with Dr. Betty DeLass

Are you having chronic pain and discomfort in your body? You might have overlooked your pelvic health. Join Dr. Betty DeLass as she shares interesting facts about your pelvic health. She shares how people should think differe...
June 19, 2022

Episode 133: Autoimmune Diseases: Triggers and Treatments with Whitney Morgan

Don't miss this chat as Whitney talks about her health journey fighting her autoimmune diseases in the past. She shares how gluten can trigger some autoimmune diseases and how to test gluten sensitivity. Listen to this chat a...
June 12, 2022

An Organized Kitchen Is Organized Health

An organized kitchen is a healthy kitchen. Listen as Amanda talks about each task you can try to make organizing effective and health-supportive. Learn the effective ways in organizing your kitchen and making it accessible fo...
June 5, 2022

Building Health or Disease: Eight Keys to be on The Right Path

Are you building health or disease? Amanda talks about the importance of discerning what foods or substances we put into our body that can either build up our wellness or build up illness. Amanda shared the eight keys to cons...
May 29, 2022

Episode 130: Overcoming Boundaries for Healing and Self Love with Anaiis Salles

Anaiis Salles shares her experience as she faced a challenging time in her life when she had a serious health problem in which she almost died. We get to hear about how the combination of spirituality, self-empowered healing,...
May 22, 2022

Episode 129: Integrative Wellness with the Health Detective, Dr. Oksana Sawiak

In this episode, we can hear Dr. Oksana Sawiak's tips on what we should be doing every single day to have good teeth and good hygiene. She shared the connection between your health and the dental procedures you had done. You ...
May 15, 2022

Episode 128: Celebrating 3 Years of the Podcast

For the past three years, Amanda has shared her journey with you in this podcast venture and it is not done yet. Listen as she discusses how the podcast has evolved from day one, her highlights including many of the guests t...
May 8, 2022

Episode 127: Are You Surviving or Thriving? Understanding Your Gut Health with Judy Hahn

Amanda welcomes Judy Hahn of Hahn Holistic Health to today’s podcast. After a life threatening structural issue with her spine and being told there was only one option, Judy became her own health advocate and found an alterna...
May 1, 2022

Episode 126: What Makes A Food Processed

How much processing of food makes it Ultra-processed? What does that even mean? In this episode, Amanda explores the NOVA classification of processed foods; Unprocessed, Minimally Processed, Processed, and Ultra-processed. E...
May 20, 2019

Episode 5 --Insomnia It Worsens The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia

Insomnia- It Worsens The Symptoms of Fibromyalgia Welcome to the podcast Fibromyalgia Real Solutions with Amanda Love. You are listening to episode 5. By the way, you can listen to this podcast wherever you are in the world ...