May 22, 2022

Episode 129: Integrative Wellness with the Health Detective, Dr. Oksana Sawiak

Episode 129: Integrative Wellness with the Health Detective, Dr. Oksana Sawiak

In this episode, we can hear Dr. Oksana Sawiak's tips on what we should be doing every single day to have good teeth and good hygiene. She shared the connection between your health and the dental procedures you had done. You will discover Dr. Oksana's experience in her field and her patient's cases as she imparts practical pieces of advice on having good health and shares how to prevent issues arising from extractions, injuries, birth control pills, and even dentistry.

About the Guest:

 In 1989 Dr. Sawiak was the first woman in the world to achieve Master of the Academy of General Dentistry (MAGD). This honor is bestowed on dentists who have gone through a rigorous program of education and hands on trainings in a variety of fields related to whole body dentistry.

Dr. Sawiak, with her experience as a retired biological dentist and vast knowledge of toxicology, integrative medicine, and non-invasive healing modalities, gives you insight into what she calls “Mystery Syndromes”.

About the Host:

PEHS Intro/Outro:

You are listening to Physical, Emotional and Health Secrets with your host, Amanda Elise Love. Whether you're dealing with autoimmune problems, sleep issues, trauma, mindset blocks or any other health issues you are in the right place. In this show, we cover all of these topics and more. Amanda is a registered holistic nutritionist who teaches women how to cook allergy friendly, healthy meals and integrate a holistic approach into their lifestyle. She has made it her life's mission to teach others who are suffering, how to lead a more holistic life. We are so excited to welcome you to the show. Now let's get to improving our health.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Dr. Oksana Sawiak.

Amanda Elise Love:

Hi, everyone, my name is Amanda Lee slough and I'm a registered holistic nutritionist. And today's guest is please, you can say your name.

Amanda Elise Love:

That's a beautiful name. So how do you get started what you're doing today?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

How did I get started? Well, thank you for asking. My background is dentistry because I thought I was going into a health profession. And so eventually, after 10 years, I realized that I was not in a health profession. I was in real Phil and Bill profession. And I started looking outside of dentistry. And that's where I found biologic dentistry, through the International Academy of oral medicine and toxicology. And my interests also drove me further into nutrition into detoxification into toxicity into various other fields. So when I retired from dentistry, I then got my doctor of integrative medicine, and was able to retire into another profession of integrative medicine. And that's what I still do. I have my office is called the Sawiak Integrative Welness Institute. And here I pride myself on being able to uncover clues to mystery syndromes. So my clients have, namely, lovingly, the health detective. And I'm able to find causes for syndromes that people go to MDS and naturopaths and osteopaths, and cetera, et cetera. And they still don't get the results that they need. And so I'm able to dig a little deeper into the areas that I'm familiar with. And also find the connection between what I'm going to talk about today, the connection between your health and dental procedures, dentistry you had done.

Amanda Elise Love:

Yeah, and I would love to know, like, what is like our first step that we should be thinking about when we're with our dentistry?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Well, first of all, I would say, ask questions. Ask, is there fluoride in that? Rinse? You don't want fluoride? Is there mercury in that filling? Is there palladium in that crown? Are there any metal fillings in my mouth now that could react with the braces that I'm going to put on? Is my jaw joint healthy? If it's not? What can be done about it? What is the sterilizing solution that you are asking me to rinse with? What is in your injection? Is there epinephrine in the local anesthetic? Because if there is, you may end up with reduced blood flow in the area where the injection went in, and eventually can cause what is called a cavitation, which is dying of the bone and an infection in the bone. So there are many things that dentistry does that we'll be touching on today. But things that we are not aware of. And if you go to a biologic dentist, they are more aware of it than the regular dentist.

Amanda Elise Love:

What's the difference between them?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

A biologic dentist will look at the materials that are used at the health of the patient first, and at the saving of teeth a second, rather than first. Regular dentistry they require their dentists to save teeth at all costs. And that means doing a root canal during surgery during whatever to save a tooth. However, you save a tooth with a root canal and as far back as Western prices in the 1920s root canals were proven to be toxic to usually being infected. And we've since found out that they also block acupuncture meridians. So acupuncture meridians go through a muscle, and Oregon and a tooth. If that tooth is dead, like in a root canal or an abscess, if there's infection around it, if there is toxic filling in it, it can clog that meridian. And for instance, I have not seen one case of breast cancer that didn't have one of those teeth on the meridian on that side in 40 years that I've known about this.

Amanda Elise Love:

Wow, that's amazing. So

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

it's not something just to slough off. But so many people say, Well, I had this root canal because I had a toothache. Was that tooth? abscessed? I don't know. The question you need to ask the dentist is tooth abscess. If the truth is accessed, the only two things that you can do is remove the tooth or your root canal. And if you're really healthy, and you take care of everything else in your life, and that tooth is needed, because it's vital for the bite, or to carry a bridge or something like that. Okay, haven't done. But what I suggest as well, is had ozone could around that tooth, four times a year, three days in a row. Okay. And that will at least mitigate a little bit of the toxicity and the infection that you have with that.

Amanda Elise Love:

Okay. And like you mentioned, so what about like, a lot of people, we go to our dentists like once a year, and stop, right?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

There's no problem in going once a year. The problem is, if you go once a year, but you've caught a gum infection, okay, you may have a problem with your gums.

Amanda Elise Love:

What about cavities?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Cavities are also only an issue if you eat the wrong things and have the wrong bugs in your mouth. So children who get a lot of decay are usually children whose mothers will lick a spoon and then get them some food from the same spoon and transfer Strep mutans, which is the main bacteria that causes cavities. The other issue is the frequency of eating sweets. And this doesn't have to be candy. This doesn't have to become the worst case of bombed out. The cage t that I've seen in a family of children of five children is a raw vegan family.

Amanda Elise Love:

Oh, wow.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

The children had access to fruit whenever they want. And just enough sugar from the fruit brought it their teeth out, because it was the frequent. So when I tell people, okay, it's Halloween, you're not going to be able to stop the kids from eating candy. However, you do what I did, because my kids graduated from high school with no cavities. And that is you see, you can have all the candy you want all the sweets you want, once a day after seven, nothing the rest of the time. So the first day they will gorge themselves on it. They'll make themselves sick. And they'll probably be hyper for the rest of the evening. But eventually, they'll have one or two and you're happy because they know that they can have them. You're not denying them totally. You are mitigating the number of exposures. And they say Oh, I can have all I want and that makes them feel empowered. So the parent then has to deal maybe with some hyperactivity after the child over eats the sweets, but it doesn't last. They might you know, after a week's novelty is worn off. And so the same thing with fruit, especially dried fruit like raisins. You don't put them in the lunchbox. You put cheese you put carrot sticks, things like that in the lunchbox not sticky fruit. Yeah, those are things to reduce cavities in adults. It's a matter of oral hygiene and infections. But lumps are my specialty, or were my specialty. I don't do any dentistry anymore, of course. But gum disease is not the amount of time you brush, or what you brush with. Matter of fact, some of the products that you brush with are so toxic that they kill your immune system, especially fluoride, chlorine, the chlorine, Exedy, etc. But if you catch an infection, especially a parasite infection, from the last person you kissed, or the last time your dog kissed you, or somebody sneezed over your salad bar, or whatever, you know, you had an airplane ride, and that recirculated air would infect you, that parasite will remain in your mouth until you get rid of it. And in our day and age, we think that parasites are not something North Americans carry. Well, North Americans carry about 300 average per person. Wow, the people around the equator, they carry about 3000. And our ancestors, they used to D worm, their kids and their pets and their animals, spring and fall. Don't do that. That's one of the detoxes that I do in the office. Because I have microscope, I can find what the infection is under the microscope. If it's bacterial, we can do some simple things, whether it's colloidal silver, or aloe vera, or some essential oil, mouthwashes or whatever. But if it's a parasite, it has to be a full body treatment. Because your parasite doesn't stay in the mouse. Unless you don't swallow. Right? Yeah, that needs to be addressed as a full body infection. And gum disease causes many, many other problems, everything from arthritis, to Alzheimer's, to digestive problems, to brain fog to all kinds of things. The endocarditis in the heart that can be caused by bacteria from your mouse. And those are things that dentists think can be cleaned away, and can be rinsed away. Unfortunately, that's not so you can temporarily do that with ozonated water with hydrogen peroxide with whatever other agents you want to use. But that's not going to clean it all the way down the entire tract of the body.

Amanda Elise Love:

So, like when you have that, what can you do for it?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

we have a regimen that starts off with a kidney cleanse and a parasite cleanse. First of all I encourage about that's about cleanse may be nutritionally done, or through hydro colon therapy, or flushes with salt or with magnesium oxide, or maybe fast like the master cleanse. And once the gut is nice and clean, then you clean the kidneys, and then you go to get the parasites out. Once you've killed the parasites, you can then clean the liver. And many people, they first go for a liver cleanse because they were told they have a fatty liver.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Unfortunately, the liver cleanse is not going to work because all the exits are blocked. And so you need to clean the exits first. And other people will go and say, Oh, I've heard that. There's mercury in those amalgam fillings, so I better get the mercury out of my body. Well, sure, but how are you going to do that? If your liver is not going to process that? So we have an order of detoxification in our office that first you have to open up all channels, then you have to clean them and deliberate cleanses after the parasite cleanse is what does it only then can you go after heavy metals unless you are doing it through the skin and through the skin is your far infrared sauna or your ozone sauna? And then after you've got the metals out, will you be successful in getting rid of Candida? Until then, your Candida will keep coming back and keep coming back

Amanda Elise Love:

Can you tell people what can eat it is that they don't know what it is.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Candida is actually not an infection. Candida is a mold that grows inside you. Just like a mushroom on a tree. It's a fungus that its purpose is to break down the body. Once it's no longer needed, it takes us back to dust. And so if you have a toenail infection, that's mold or fungus, doing it topically, will not do very much because it's all through your body. So you need to go after the cause of it, which is your immune system that's been ruined by maybe heavy metals or by parasites or something else. So Candida is something that we frequently see nowadays, because antibiotics kill the natural balance in our gut. And Candida loves that because they overgrow like mad. And you ended up with everything from Crohn's and irritable bowel to display with these two headaches to whatever.

Amanda Elise Love:

And I would like to know, so how do you know like, what did you mean, you talked about, like you said, the jaw is healthy. What exactly does that mean?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

The jaw, when you have all your teeth in it, and there's no infection, the bone around it is intact. When you've had an abscess tooth, on an x ray, you will see a dark area around a tooth around the root of the tooth. That's usually how an access to this diagnosis. But sometimes you will see a hole in an area where let's say wisdom tooth was removed 30 years ago. That is a cavitation. And I can give you a couple of case studies about cavitations. cavitation can be as the result of a tooth that has been removed, but the ligament that was holding that tooth in was lifted. And that's something to ask your dentist do you remove the ligament when you remove a tooth? And when you get a you know you're in the wrong place?

Amanda Elise Love:

Oh, that's interesting.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Because biologic dentists will say, Yes, we scrape it out or we use a drill or whatever. Do you remove the entire infected bone. If you get round eyes, you're in the wrong place too. So those are things to prevent a cavitation from an extraction. But any root canal can cause a cavitation and the injury can person cavitation I've had my daughter was one good case. She had all her teeth, including her wisdom teeth. She was fit. She could lift 300 pounds.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Very, very fit girl tall, well built and no cavities. As they say I graduated my kids out of high school with no cavities. And but she had had a couple of falls, where she landed on her tailbone who also a whiplash accident car accident. She smoked and she was on the birth control pill. And she had a rotation from the back to the front of the job right underneath her teeth. So that's a case of an injury. Plus, things like birth control pills are extremely, extremely dangerous to the bone to our bones. The other one, of course, is dentistry and things like a broken jaw. So I had a case, his name's John. And he doesn't mind me using his real name. He had been losing the strength in his upper body for over six months, to the point where he couldn't open a door couldn't dress himself couldn't eat by himself.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

And the hospital where he was going was treating him psychiatrically. And finally, when he couldn't do anything for himself, they said go home and die. He somehow found us and I have a mission. GameCola Cavatappi that identifies cavitations by sonar. It's unfortunately, technology that has been abandoned. So they use Cone Beam X rays now, and there is a new ultrasound based machine in Germany know the fines. Sometimes I can see them on an x ray. But it's because my eyes trained from using the cabotage to identify these. So we found the wisdom teeth areas were infected in him. And that is the acupuncture meridian of the heart, and of the upper body musculature. So we treated that, at that time, we were treating it with ozone, and with rife frequencies. And within three months, he was back to work. So it's something that is very much overlooked. It's one of the mysteries syndromes that I that I talk about. And it is, unfortunately very common. So when people come and say, I have a mystery syndrome, nobody can find what's wrong with me and I have this this this, this, this, this, this. First thing I look at is their x ray, and see whether there may be cavitation.

Amanda Elise Love:

If you have been joining this episode, come join me in my Facebook group, physical and emotional health secrets with Amanda love, where there are trainings every Thursday recipes, and more.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

The other case, was a young boy, he was 16. At the time, he came to me six foot three basketball player at the age of 13 and a half, he started having seizures, unpredictable, random seizures. And his mother had gone to anybody and everybody that she could to find out what was causing this because he wasn't born with them or anything like that. And couldn't find anybody and he was on heavy medication could not predict when these seizures would happen. Sometimes they happen on the basketball court, sometimes when he was walking across the street. So the father had already signed the okay for a frontal lobotomy. But the mother said, let's try this one thing. And I found a cavitation going like that. This is called the Triangle of Death in dentistry, because from here, anything that is infected can and does go straight to the brain. And so we started treating him by this time, I had developed a protocol called the Nico protocol, which involved ozone and rice and laser, and polychromatic lights. And for two years, we treated him and he was draining from his nose, from his ear, and also from the bottom of the spine. In two years, he became totally free of all seizures. He's now playing basketball for a major university in the States. Wow. So what had happened to him he had never had any tooth removed. He had never had any surgery, except one spot right there. That was to release the muscles so that his teeth would come back together. They didn't remember having a an infection in there. But obviously, it was something that got infected. Got into the bone. Yeah. And then into the brain. And it was a brain abscess that had caused all this of the seizures.

Amanda Elise Love:

Wow, that's quite a story.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

So it's a case history that I share because people say I've never had any dental work done. And he hadn't had any dental work done except for that one procedure. And I guess that's why they call me the health detection.

Amanda Elise Love:

That's incredible. I have a question you mentioned. Why is birth controls so bad for? Because we don't think about that so many women are on birth control.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

The World Health Organization has classified birth control pills as worse than smoking.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

There are a lot of side effects from them. Dr. Northrup really has a very good show book on that. But it creates sluggish blood, so you end up with blood clots very easily. It does something to your hormones where you think differently. Women on birth control pills actually are attracted to the wrong kind of men. They're usually attracted to the non marrying kind.

Amanda Elise Love:

That's right.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah. And also your I see a lot of cavitations in people that have had the birth control pill and smoked.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

So, there's a whole list of things that I can send anybody that's interested. Yeah, no, I can't remember all of them.

Amanda Elise Love:

Well, I'll put them in the show notes. And people could find it that way. That but what is something we should be doing every single day to have good teeth and good hygiene and that maybe we're not doing?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

One of the things is avoid most commercial toothpastes. Okay? Think about what the label says on your crest or Colgate if swallowed by a child called poison control. That's on every toothpaste. If a baby cannot swallow something, it's too toxic for you to put in your mouth. So the first thing is finding a safe way of cleaning your teeth. There are many good toothpaste you can make your own, you can go on line and find out what is safe. In the States. You have the dental herb company, and I highly recommend their products because they're all natural, very effective. And they taste good. And they kill as much bacteria as a topical product can. They're unfortunately not available in Canada because Health Canada has said that they can't send anything to Canada that doesn't have French labeling on it. So I have to smuggle it in.

Amanda Elise Love:

Well, what about like the black toothpaste the chart? Is that good

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Your coaches base it's fine, but you don't want any fluoride in that toothpaste. You don't want any sodium lauryl sulfate. You don't want any chemicals that you don't know what they do. So some some of them are very safe, but not very effective.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

So like Nene toothpaste is very good. Anything that has clove oil in it, or essential oils like the essential oil companies have their toothpaste without fluoride but with essential oils, those are good. So you can find a lot of them. But if you have a parasite infection, you're not going to get rid of it with with toothpaste or mouthwash. Right. Saltwater is a very good mouthwash, hot saltwater. If you know how a leech when it attaches to itself to your leg. You put salt on it and that's go. That's because it's a parasite. And parasites don't like salt. You can use aloe vera can use various kinds of things. But unfortunately, the worst infection which is the amoeba hides very deep in the crevices of your gums, and very, very difficult to reach. So that's why you have to do a whole body cleanse and we use the holdup clerk cleanse which is available in her book called a cure for all diseases.

Amanda Elise Love:

That sounds like an interesting book.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah, it's an excellent book Chivo quite a few cure for all cancers cure for all diseases, and it's all herbal stuff.

Amanda Elise Love:

That's great. And what do you any recommend flossing and making sure people do this

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

as long as the floss doesn't snap through between the teeth. This is why I like the little floss ones. You can saw through so that you're not snapping and cutting it comes easier than themselves by floss. There are other ways of getting in between the teeth are a little brushes and depending on how much of your gum has receded already, too. So if you have a lot of recession you're going to your floss has not been to be as effective as one of those that are interproximal brushes. So those are things that you can get your dentist or hygienist advice on On, but to prevent your gums from going away,

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

You have to make sure that you are infection free. And you know, it's people say I don't know how I got that now I'll ask the sushi. I love sushi. Okay. Then when I go to have sushi I have my parasite cleanse before and after my meal because I know that also She's infected. Because if it's done in a sushi place, they also do sushi, sashimi is rubbish, all raw fish nowadays is infected. So therefore, I enjoy my sushi, but I protect myself.

Amanda Elise Love:

Right? And that's the thing you have to be aware while you're putting into your body. The food could affect you.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah. So, you know, our grandparents, they, they weren't their kids and their animals suffering and we've abandoned that. Too bad because we need to get rid of our parasites.

Amanda Elise Love:

Yeah, we, we don't we don't think about it. That's right.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

And so when people come to me, and they have these various mystery syndromes, we start off with looking at the mouth. There are other things, of course, if we looked at that is pre vaccination history, for instance, there are vaccines, they contain mercury, all of them do. They in the form of thimerosal. They have foreign DNA in the form of aborted fetal tissue. They have aluminum. The jab that we're now has spike proteins. Actually, that's not a vaccine because it doesn't have any attenuated virus in it. It only has spiked proteins, luciferase, which is a tracking mechanism, and the graphene oxide and aborted fetal tissue that affects our DNA. So I don't know why people would want to take it, but that's their choice. So it's very toxic. The most toxic people that I see are the ones that have had a full lifetime of vaccines, and then have had flu shots every year. And all the shots that are being promoted like the, the hepatitis and the pneumonia and the shingles and all these others. The more vaccinated they are, the more toxic your body becomes. And they're not doing well.

Amanda Elise Love:

Yeah, we don't hear about that. We don't hear about people, and the vaccines and them. And the side effects and stuff. We just hear about like, in the US, it's just a lot of commercials about like, go get your shingles, if you're over the age of whatever.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Well, Big Pharma has taken to advertising straight to the consumer rather than through the doctor. And so people think that the advertisements are medical advice. They're only pharmaceutical advertisements, they're not medical advice. And I really have a problem with the commercialization of Big Pharma. As we know, most of the drugs that are made are made from petroleum. And the reason that big pharma pushes these drugs so much on people is because the oil magnets want to make more money. And so, for instance, one thing that they did is lobby the government to get rid of hemp. Hemp Oil was what the original cars ran on. But the company that owned the oil fields are not going to say the name decided to lobby the government to get rid of him so that they could sell their oil. And how they did that is they got the government to name him marijuana. And so we lost a very valuable resource in hemp oil and in hemp products that we are now in Canada bringing back a CBD and whatever Yes, If you smoke it, you'll get high. But if you use CBD oil, you'd get a lot of benefits. And hemp oil is very useful for a lot of things. And it's cheap. But Big Pharma decided that they are going to create their own markets, right? So they started making pharmaceutical products out of oil, and even replacing vitamins with oil based chemicals. So I don't know if you have a company called Jamison and misstates. I've never heard of that. Okay. But in Canada, it's all pharmaceutical grade rather than natural grade vitamins. And it's sold everywhere. And people think that they are getting a very nutritious, nutrient dense supplement. Right. But anyways, what happened was, these oil companies weren't happy enough with that. So they decided to fund medical schools. And once they funded them, they demanded a voice in the curriculum. And the curriculum in the medical schools changed from curing the cause of a problem to mitigating symptoms. So now, medicine isn't even allowed to go after the cause. They don't care what the cause is, they only care that the symptom is. So that's how you have cortisone, that suppresses the immune system to get rid of symptoms of an immune system being under attack. And then they advertise this drug, ask your doctor if this drug is right for you. And people are under under a hypnotic trance when they're watching television anyways.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

So they ended up going to the doctor and saying the system is good for me. And the doctor gets a rebate from the pharmaceuticals, that he prescribes therefore, sure, prescribe that way. And that's what our health system has deteriorated into.

Amanda Elise Love:

Yeah, it's we're not getting back to the what is the root cause of why you're sick and dealing with it? We're just going to mask the symptom.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah, that's the whole basis of medicine is find the cause and cure it or eliminate it or something. But if the only tools that you have is poison it, burn it, or take it out? Then that's all you do.

Amanda Elise Love:

Is there any like specific any other like tips that we should be doing daily, like with our toothbrushes is the electric wire better than

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Electric toothbrushes that rotate, actually push more infection under the gum, so I don't like those. Yeah, the sonic brushes I prefer because they extend the effect of the toothbrush beyond the bristles. There is a tooth brush called an ionic toothbrush. And that is a manual one that I like because it has a semiconductor in its handle. That creates negative ions. Negative ions are attracted to positive ions and kill them. Positive ions is your infection, your inflammation and your trucks. So the ionic toothbrush is my favorite. And a manual one is just as easy to use as an electric one unless you have mobility problems. So that's toothbrushes, toothpaste and mouthwashes. I tell people, watch for isopropyl alcohol and mouthwashes. That is a poison. It's denatured alcohol. And unfortunately, it's in most hand sanitizers. Yeah, so nurses are coming down with liver cancer because by how the Clarkes rules, there is a toxin and there is a parasite. The two of them will create a certain type of cancer. So liver fluke, plus isopropyl alcohol equals liver cancer. Nurses are coming down with it by the droves and look at what they're doing instead of washing their hands every five minutes. Through cleaning, they're sanitizing your hands and much more from COVID.

Amanda Elise Love:

And I'm sure yeah, like you said, because of COVID like hand sanitizer is everywhere, and stuff. And we're told to wipe down everything now even more than

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah, and they use isopropyl alcohol instead of ethyl alcohol, which is your strongest vodka. So it's something that in the States I think is more accessible. It was the, the alcohol or the ethyl alcohol that is so 99%. The other thing is when you go and have a blood test, the swab they use is a scribble. Ask is that isopropyl? Thank you, I won't have it. Bring your own little bottle of vodka and say, Please use this or please use hydrogen peroxide.

Amanda Elise Love:

Okay, that's a really great tip.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Yeah, these are things that we need to think about. Okay, how can I protect myself today? What am I going to do? What are my choices. And this is something that I'm teaching a lot through my, through my app, I have an app called the Health detector. And it's free. And there are a lot of things like that tips like that, that I have in there. Or people can call me and I can have anything from a complimentary 15 minutes to a full consultation by so that's something I love to do. I'm passionate about spreading the message of health and of empowering everybody to know what to ask for. Big Pharma doesn't care about your health? No, it doesn't. And your medical doctor has been programmed. And your dentist has been programmed. So how are you going to choose properly if you don't know exactly, yeah, like fluoride, for instance, it has dumbed down our kids by 30%. The IQs have gone down.

Amanda Elise Love:


Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Since since that's horrible, the water Hashimotos and other thyroid problems are endemic. Every fourth person coming into my office is on thyroid medication. And that's because when the thyroid doesn't have its main nutrient, which is Iran, and it's looking for something, it reaches for something that looks like iodine, and that's your chlorine, your fluoride. And when it absorbs that poisons itself. So how many people do you know that have nodules, or hypothyroid, or they've got goiter. Those are things that, unfortunately, fluoride causes. So that's one choice that you can make at the dental office, you can say, I'm not going to take the fluoride treatment. And it has been proven that the only way to really worry that fluoride works is by putting it in a varnish on the surfaces. That one is safe, but not fluoride rinses. And certainly not these things in the trace. When I used to use fluoride, I remember kids getting nauseated and bringing up afterwards, didn't realize I was poisoning them so badly. So fluoride is a big, big problem. Chlorine that was used in the chlorine gas was used by the Nazis to kill the soldiers in the trenches. And yes, that's what we're using instead of ozone or other ways of sterilizing our water. But if you can get that out of your water before you drink it, you're going to be much healthier. And people say, Well, I have a reverse osmosis system. Reverse osmosis is great, but it takes all the minerals out. So then you need to re mineralize your water, or else you're leaching minerals out of your body when you're drinking it. And of course, I recommend half an ounce for every pound of weight that you have. That's a lot of bleaching or a lot of fluoride that your body undergoes.

Amanda Elise Love:

Thank you so much for this interview. I will put all that information in the show notes and everything like that. Is there anything else you would like to share?

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Well, I have lots of other things but That's another time.

Amanda Elise Love:

Yeah, we'll definitely have you back.

Dr. Oksana Sawiak:

Thank you.

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