May 15, 2022

Episode 128: Celebrating 3 Years of the Podcast

Episode 128: Celebrating 3 Years of the Podcast

For the past three years, Amanda has shared her journey with you in this podcast venture and it is not done yet.  Listen as she discusses how the podcast has evolved from day one, her highlights including many of the guests that she has interviewed, and what she has in store for the future. 

Whether you are a long-time listener or just discovering this podcast, we thank you for the support and look forward to continuing to provide the education you want and need to become the overall healthy person you want to be.

Episodes Mentioned

Episode 1 - Podcast Expectations (Fibromyalgia Real Solutions with Amanda Love)

Episode 2 - The Pit… My Story

Episode 3 - Your Immune Health, Your Gut, and Fibromyalgia

Episode 16 - What in the Dickens is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist?

Episode 38 - First Guest Interview with Tiffany Flatten (Thyroid Expert)

Episode 47 - Emotional Detox ~ Sherianna

Episode 51 - Purpose, Driven Healthy Life -Jaya Jaya Myra

Episode 100 - CELEBRATING 100 Episodes /My 32 Birthday with Matty Lansdown

About the Host:

Amanda Elise Love is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who teaches women how to cook simple but delicious allergy-friendly healthy meals and to integrate a holistic approach through mind, body, and spirit.

Amanda also has a long history of illness which culminated with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia at the age of 20 in 2010. She holds a diploma as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, certifications in gut health, culinary nutrition, and more.

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You are listening to Physical, Emotional and Health Secrets with your host, Amanda Elise Love. Whether you're dealing with autoimmune problems, sleep issues, trauma, mindset blocks or any other health issues you are in the right place. In this show, we cover all of these topics and more. Amanda is a registered holistic nutritionist who teaches women how to cook allergy friendly, healthy meals and integrate a holistic approach into their lifestyle. She has made it her life's mission to teach others who are suffering how to lead a more holistic life. We are so excited to welcome you to the show. Now let's get to improving our health.

Amanda Elise Love:

I'm so excited to share that this podcast hit three years as a May 2 2022. In this episode, I want to share highlights of the past three years as also examples of episodes I feel you should listen to that you might have missed in the last three years. When I decided to start my podcast was because I was not sure how to get on Edit podcast. And I realized that there needed to be a podcast up by Rebecca fibromyalgia. So that was who I was primarily focused on working with till recently, a month before in April 2019 as part of the mastermind, and they had a weekend in Palm Springs, California. There I told them that I was going to be doing a podcast as I was thinking of doing one at this point. That's also when I learned that Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is May 12. So I thought perfect. I will launch it that within a month I'd launched the podcast called Fibromyalgia Real Solutions with Amanda left with the first episode called podcast expectations on May 2. And you might be wondering, as in the podcast called Emotional Health secrets with Amanda Elise Love. Yes, there's more of that later on. In this episode.

Amanda Elise Love:

Episode Two The Pit my story is where I talked about my journey with fibromyalgia and this came out May 5 2019. Here's a sample of that episode The Pit my story. My name is Amanda Lee slug I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 10 years ago, which influenced my decision to enter the field of nutrition. Now I'm a registered holistic nutritionist, the long slide into the pit through all my empathy to the age of 20. I was very ill for eight to 10 days at a time my temperature would elevate to over 104 degrees. I was toxic and the pediatricians and other medical professionals did not know why. I would only recover, only to struck down to get every four to six weeks later, my daily struggle to overcome this mysterious illness was beyond comprehension. I was distraught, and my family was distraught as they fought this mysterious illness over and over again. Then it happened I fell into the pit. Now a new round round is belch Cialis became a ball. It's included a rheumatologist, physical therapist, chiropractor, anti loneliness facilities Pain Center and acupuncturist. I recommend checking out this episode if you want to hear the rest as this is one of the most popular and it's close to 2000 listens.

Amanda Elise Love:

Episode Three, your immune health gut and fibromyalgia at May 5 2019. Here's an example of that episode, the strength of our immune system and its ability to function properly gives us the power to ward off disease and infections. So let me say that again, the strength of our immune system and its ability to function properly gives us the power to ward off disease and infections. When you have a weakened immune system, the result is an increased susceptibility to every type of illness, and particular autoimmune disorders. So where is the system and what is it, the immune system is compromised of a network of cells and tissues that are always searching for pathogens to destroy that causes harm. When an invader is encountered, the immune system mounts a defense such as when our white blood cell count rises when a person has appendicitis.

Amanda Elise Love:

In the first year, I published 22 episodes ranging from sleep to stress to many other topics in between. And these were all solo episodes. Also I want to talk about one other episode from that first year. I feel that you should listen to called what and the Dixons is a registered holistic nutritionist and this is episode 68. I'm a registered holistic nutritionist who works with women who want to gain back their health. So what role do I play in regards to your health? This is an interesting area to discuss because of the misunderstanding of the ways that I can help improve your health first As a graduate of the kinis go natural nutrition. I've tried to recognize the interaction between the mind, body and spirit, which is specific to each person, and each must be addressed in order for the person to regain good health and well being. CSN and graduates are nutritional consultants who typically believe that by identifying a client's symptoms through their health history, it will identify eight health deficiencies that we pride, individualized health plans, which include nutrient dense Whole Foods, lifestyle recommendations, and actual source supplements in order to bring the client's health back to a state of well being.

Amanda Elise Love:

If you have been joined this episode, come join me in my Facebook group physical emotional health secrets with Amanda love, where there are trainings every Thursday recipes and more.

Amanda Elise Love:

In the second year, I went from 25 to 60 episodes, talking about many topics such as thyroid health, sugar, pelvic pain, and more. Also, my second year, I had my first guest Tiffy flaten, a thyroid expert come out on November 29 2020. My second guest interview with Leslie Talberth had a nonprofit with fibromyalgia, and this was in December of 2020. Here's a description of that episode, diagnosed with fibromyalgia. At the age of 14 years old Melissa spent over 20 years declining in the medical system with no hope of improving. She was clinically bed bound with severe pain, brain fog, fatigue and stomach issues. And 2016. She found health again through biohacking functional medicine a books by Dave, Dr. Dale Bredesen, Dr. Terry Wallace and Dr. Ben lunch, he figured out her personal 36 bearable formula that helped to get our brain back, decrease pain and made laundry possible again, and Melissa had to do this on our own. But through health coaching, you can have someone as your guide. Then my third guest was Sherif Ana, and she was episode 47. It was motional detox.

Amanda Elise Love:

My next episode was with Jay Jay Jay Moray, talking about purpose driven healthy life. And now it's February 28 2021. And here's what we talked about her story with fibromyalgia. You were set up for success in the beginning, studies are showing Lyrica is bad for our health. God doesn't give you more than you can handle and learning how to work with the breath. And this was talked about in her book. And at that point, it took off from there with guest experts. And now out of the 128 episodes, there are 63 episodes with guests and 10 more are already recorded. Also, in this past year, I went from 60 to 128 and 2021. I published 56 episodes, with 17 solo episodes and the rest guest.

Amanda Elise Love:

But the most important episode to come out in the past year to me was episode 100, which came out January 5 2020 22, called celebrate my 100th Episode my 32nd birthday. And that episode Maddie Lance did with a podcast how to not get sick and die. interviewed me on why I started my podcast, how long it took to launch my podcast just over a month. And what I'm looking to do this next year, thanks to Maddie, I was inspired to reach that goal because I heard him say that he had that goal with he first started his podcast. And that was the first episode of his I listened to. And that was his 100th Episode back in November of 2020. After he interviewed me for his show, that's when I decided I was like, oh, I should have that i i should have that goal. And that of March of last year, I was nervous to ask him because I had only known him for a few months at that time. But he said of course and it turned into an awesome fun podcast interview. And there's no one else I would have done it with. And that Rebecca men got to listen to that episode if you haven't. And thank you so much Maddie. Like no matter what like that episode is like a very special episode to me.

Amanda Elise Love:

The podcast changed names twice late last year I didn't like the name fibromyalgia, real solutions with Mandela, it didn't fit the podcast anymore as I was having incredible guests come on and their topics were not about fibromyalgia, I really struggled with changing the name and that he said it was a mindset thing that I was dealing with. I also had people liking the name Cooking with Love with Amanda love Tim bit chimi that fit either so at January I changed it to covering all aspects of holistic health with Amanda love. Then April 2022, I changed it to physical emotional health secrets with Amanda Lee slep I feel like physical I don't mean working out but fiscal years is the your whole being emotions are your what you're dealing with all the time, and how secrets cover what tips my guests and I are going to give you the title of the podcast is going to be around for a very long time.

Amanda Elise Love:

Going into this third year, I wanted to professional podcast cover as I just had a picture with no words and it's gotten us this far, but it was time to set it up specially with 128 episodes. I also had a voiceover done for recording my intro my outro and music and I'm so happy with the results. Other important information in September 2020 I went to doing weekly episodes every Sunday and that is where the podcast is taken off. As I've always skipped one Sunday since last year I was around 30,000 listens in May 2021 And now I'm at 60,241 and I want you to know I will continue to bring you amazing guests but I will be doing more solo episodes this year. And I want to just say thank you all to those who have listened for the past three years or just have started listening recently. The podcasts would be nothing but out you I hope you check out those episodes that I mentioned and they will be in the show notes and I appreciate you all so much for sharing listening leaving a review and sending me your thoughts and I will continue to bring you a new episode every Sunday. Thank you so much

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