March 6, 2022

Episode #117 Shame and Guilt with Story of Hope #7 with guest Lois Hollis

Episode #117  Shame and Guilt with Story of Hope #7 with guest Lois Hollis

In 2021 I started a series of episodes that are all about sharing people's stories called "Story of Hope " these are to inspire you to take action in you're own life. This is a story of Hope Number # 7.

In this episode we cover:

She had migraine headaches for 30 years

Her heart wasn't working properly.

Was healed without medications.

Was asked to leave a Yoga Class!

Moved to get the help she need for her health.

Juicing Vegetables.

 Host- Amanda Elise Love

Amanda Elise Love is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who teaches women how to cook simple but delicious allergy-friendly healthy meals and to integrate a holistic approach through mind, body, and spirit. 

Amanda also has a long history of illness which culminated with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia at the age of 20 in 2010. Which caused debilitating pain and other aspects of her life because of this, she made it her life mission to teach others how to cook allergy-friendly food and lead a holistic life. She holds a diploma as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, certifications in gut health, culinary nutrition, and more. 

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Guest- Lois Hollis, RN, BSN, REV. is a shame guilt educator, counselor, filmmaker. Lois shifts our opinion on one of the most taboo subjects, shame and guilt. As a trailblazer, she helped create one of the first Kidney Hemodialysis Units in the USA in 1966. Today Lois establishes shame guilt as an independent study. Her 50 years’ experience in health, 15 years research, and counseling bring NEW knowledge of these misunderstood conditions to release us from shame guilt blaming. Lois’ first film, Out of Discord Into Harmony, was released in 2008 and teaches how to communicate with your inner self. Her new film I’M GOOD FILM, just released, makes shame guilt visible. Lois lectured at the Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, Temple University, and other conferences. She shares 3 books and gives us readings from the spiritual realms of the Akashic Records. These readings help us out the shame guilt abyss of unworthiness. She was given a death sentence at 55 and now thrives at 78. Lois shows us how.

Free e-book “Now is the Times”
Writings from Spirit to release shame guilt and stay positive.
Free 15 minute call

Soul speaks Healing information

”Out of Discord Into Harmony” 20 minutes

Communicating with your emotions and inner critic

“I’M Good Film” Shame Guilt becomes visible 15 min.
I’M Good Film Song 3 minutes.

Full length

FREE e-book Five-Hundred Questions Have One Answer
500 examples of shame guilt behavior
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