An Organized Kitchen Is Organized Health

An organized kitchen is a healthy kitchen. Listen as Amanda talks about each task you can try to make organizing effective and health-supportive. Learn the effective ways in organizing your kitchen and making it accessible for a productive and healthier lifestyle.
About the Host:
Amanda Elise Love is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist who teaches women how to cook simple but delicious allergy-friendly healthy meals and to integrate a holistic approach through mind, body, and spirit.
Amanda also has a long history of illness which culminated with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia at the age of 20 in 2010. She holds a diploma as a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, certifications in gut health, culinary nutrition, and more.
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You are listening to Physical, Emotional and Health Secrets with your host Amanda Elise Love. Whether you're dealing with autoimmune problems, sleep issues, trauma, mindset blocks or any other health issues you are in the right place. In this show, we cover all of these topics and more. Amanda is a registered holistic nutritionist who teaches women how to cook allergy friendly, healthy meals and integrate a holistic approach into their lifestyle. She has made it her life's mission to teach others who are suffering how to lead a more holistic life. We are so excited to welcome you to the show. Now let's get to improving our health.
Amanda Elise Love:Today I'm going to talk about how to organize your kitchen and effective manner before you do a club that your cupboards drawers, pantry fridge and freezer. The first step is to make sure you have the tools in place to put your kitchen back together. One way to do that is to have a place where you keep your masking tape your merman marker pen scissors, twist ties and rubber bands. This can be a jewel or a shoebox a basket or a glass container. Just pick one that will help keep you organized, or storage items that will help keep you organized would be assortment of glass jars, assortment of bins, boxes or baskets, glass containers for large amounts of produce storage and reusable produce backs. The food cupboard cleanup. Now I'm going to talk about what we do to organize the cupboards. The plan is to take away the foods that affect us that are not so healthy. So then we can add in all the healthy food that is going to affect us in a positive way.
Amanda Elise Love:So your first task is take up every single thing that is in your cupboard. It's also great to see the things you might have forgotten about because they've been sitting at the back of your pantry. And also this helps you to see all that you have in your pantry.
Amanda Elise Love:Task number two, making wise decisions. Think about this. If you don't have that fit in your house, then you will have to indulge key foods in the house that is healthy and supportive. And not foods that are not real foods, but are just processed junk. processed junk is not what you need to be having around.
Amanda Elise Love:Task number three, ditch it, reusable, disposable, or donate recycled food dishes and equipment that you have not used in last year. check expiration dates and discard food that are past their prime, or that you just want to ever touch bow to do better next time which means that you will buy just what you need. And use what you will buy.
Amanda Elise Love:Task four, make it easy. This is not always easy, but when you keep things orderly ensures you'll always find what you need. When you have out the items cut up and ready to go. This will help me to think I need to use that food in the fridge and not go out for those meals or order takeout. It's also great because then you're less likely to eat ice cream, or go out and Chip binges. Not that you should have that in your house. But it helps you to have those healthy foods cut up all ready to go so you could snack along while you're preparing your dinner. Make sure to store your food properly so stays fresh. This helps with making your meals taste good. And it saves you money.
Amanda Elise Love:Now it's time to get your kitchen ready. Now are you looking forward to keep busy in the kitchen to make the kitchen one that is organized and productive. You're going to start with decluttering and creating a space that is a haven for you to work and, and it's also relaxing. So that way you can get put great love and energy into the foods you're creating. What is the kitchen is a crazy mess, then you automatically are going to feel stressed out, which is not good for when you're cooking and your health. Yeah, you can renovate and create the kitchen of your dreams like your Pinterest board, but most can't do that. So I'm going to give you the next big thing. I want you to follow these decluttering tips. I want you to enjoy this process and you could post the pictures of your organized kitchen in the Facebook group that I run.
Amanda Elise Love:Task number one, open the doors. This can be extremely hard. That's okay. Just know that this is something that has to be done. Begin by opening all the doors and drawers in your kitchen, pantry and closet wherever you have stuff that needs sorting.
Amanda Elise Love:Tasks two. Take a look around. Take a moment and gaze at all the stuff I know A lot of stuff, and that's okay.
Amanda Elise Love:Task number three. Now that's actually the sword a toss in the middle of your kitchen place to open cheese and newspaper, a trash can, or recycling bed and a donation box. Also, you might want to have on hand and assortment of baskets, trays, elastics. Mask, a tape and a marker to help you with your sorting and tossing.
Amanda Elise Love:Task four. Looking at your kitchen layout. This is where you have to think smartly, how does the layout work? Where are you working and moving around the most think about what you might need in those areas. It will help you determine where you put stuff and how you might have to reorganize it. Take it out zactly Do you need a new your sick? Examples would be a trash bag loves cleaning supplies. What do you need your stove? Where do you keep your plates glasses in relation to the table you eat at or the dishwasher and sink. This is something you have to think about and plan according to what makes your life easier with the organization of your kitchen.
Speaker 1 00:06:10
If you have been joined this episode, come join me in my Facebook group physical emotional health secrets with Amanda love. Where there are trainings every Thursday recipes and more.
Amanda Elise Love:Task number five, pick a door and a door and just start with a drawer a cupboard or door slowly at a time and move from one to the next. And doubt. Do you want your and then work through it a little bit and then go ahead with some and then go to the second door. Finish one drawer at a time. A clockwise direction might be a handy guide to help you flow through the full space and also will allow you to skip over the tougher spots. It will help you to stay on task rather than going from here to there. You want to be productive as possible. Listen to music as you do this and use your non toxic cleaning supplies. As you go through all of this. You will also be listening to this podcast as you are working through this kitchen organization. questions to think about as you're going through this process are how have you do I use this Devere then it's time to get rid of it. You're working retaining a space to be relaxed. Ask yourself if I've never used it, then that's the time to remove it. Do it quick like a bandit. Did you only use it once. That means you don't need it. Except if it's things like baking stuff like mold, cookie cutters, stuff like that. Have I used in the last month, then you should keep those items. You want to keep those items close by but not necessarily in sight that I use it yesterday. Those are key items. Those are important to your healthy kitchen and make sure they're clean and where you could get to them easily as they are the most important for you to make meal prep easier.
Amanda Elise Love:Task six. Start cleaning, clarity, space and eternity it's time to empty this space with everything and start your non toxic cleaning supplies. Put newspaper on the floor did dump out the whole drawers remove all the food products from your cupboards. Now start sorting what you need to keep what needs to be buying what needs to be recycled and the things that can be donated, they'll be afraid to give away. If you have any tools, appliances or such things they can't remember when you last use it it's time to free yourself and gift them to someone else. A donation bin is a great way to cleanse and feel good knowing it's going to a new home where it will get better use Adelphia the toss when it comes to working in your kitchen. And our Thanks for stepping catch it often less is more for a staff up give it a good old wash and dry in need. So be crisp and clean as new and extra tips. Now here's some suggestions of how you might think about organizing all the stuff in your kitchen to avoid the junk drawer situation and help you know where the goods are when you need them. Harrison my favorite strategies. The clear container basket strategy is a large clear container or baskets are great for storing things that are often used together. This could include your baking supplies like measuring cups, spoons, cookie cutters and other related tools. This opens up doors space for you and allows you to take out this box when you need easily find everything in it and tuck it away when you're done.
Amanda Elise Love:Use the top shelves for the IRS you can't or don't want to part with the router use stick around Those on the higher shelves are the toughest to reach spots at the back of the deeper cupboards
Amanda Elise Love:Stacking. I'm not a fan of stacking a whole bunch of stuff, I often find them less inclined to work to get to the stuff on the bottom. Be sure to organize your bowls, pots and pans in a manner that makes it easy to get to them
Amanda Elise Love:Appliances. If you never use your juicer or make smoothie because they're hidden in the back of a dark cupboard payments time they sell the light of day and your toaster and microwave a coffeemaker will take a backseat to silence appliances will help support your health goals and make those easily accessible.
Amanda Elise Love:Your cupboard cleanout. Knowing you have, ingredients you may want to use in a meal. This includes spices, oils, flowers, grids, Cetera, know where things are, and keep them organized and labeled.
Amanda Elise Love:The way you should keep isn't house supported. This is a simple yes or no answer. How long has it been in your cupboard fridge? If you don't know the answer is too long. What was your attention when you purchase the product? Why has it not been used? No way You don't need How long has it been there? Is it house supported? Do you believe you will use it get rid of what you don't need and shouldn't have can be done in it green bind, recycled now you've established what you'll need to keep an organized it's time to take that organization seriously.
Amanda Elise Love:So get your kitchen equipped. These are a few staple tools you'll need to have ready to rock your kitchen endeavors. As you get your kitchen cleaned out. It's time to ditch what you don't need that stuff what you do and make it all totally accessible.
Amanda Elise Love:Tools you are going to need chopping knife, paring knife, a bamboo cutting board, two to three mixing bowls, 1 soup pot (stainless steel), one small medium sized pot (stainless steel), blender or a hand blender. Greater microplane, measuring cups, measuring spoons. Pyrex dish, cookie sheet, steamer baskets, Sieve, vegetable peeler, assortment of mason jars/storage containers appliances, blender, food processor, spiral slicer and spice and coffee grinder.
Amanda Elise Love:I hope you enjoyed this episode this was a packed episode how to make your kitchen organized and if you ever need help with this this is something that I can help you with as a registered holistic nutritionist so don't be afraid to reach out.