Dec. 6, 2023

How To Create An Aligned And Abundant Life By Changing Your Thoughts With Steffani LeFevour

How To Create An Aligned And Abundant Life By Changing Your Thoughts With Steffani LeFevour

Steffani LeFevour joins us today on Episode 50! Steffani is a Happiness and Mindset Coach with over 20 years of experience working one-on-one with clients and leading groups and speaking on stages the world over! Steffani is here to share her expertise of the importance of our thoughts. Quantum physics and science has shown that everything is energy and that the Universe responds to our energy and our thoughts. She shares tools to foster your awareness of what types of thoughts you are having and empowers you to believe that you can change your mind to live a fully aligned life, overcoming whatever obstacles you feel are in your way!

EPISODE TAKEAWAYS (what you’ll learn):

  • The power of our thoughts and their key in creating our reality
  • What we can do to overcome our limiting beliefs
  • How complaining stands in the way of getting what you want
  • Rewiring the brain for positivity
  • What are soul contracts and how to they apply to our life

About The Guest:

Steffani LeFevour is the world’s top Happiness Coach, best selling author, international speaker, master at manifesting, fascinated with LOA and all things spirituality, reader of books (about high performance, personal growth and novels, just not my jam) student of quantum physics, amateur bio hacker/athlete/wellness guru. Oh, she’s also a wife and mother to two crazy kids.

Steffani is here on this planet to help women find more daily happiness. To help them custom design and create a soul happy life that they’re crazy about. When we get happy, healthy and own our soul experience, anything truly is possible. Steffani believes that owning our soul assignments and surrounding ourselves with the right supportive women helps us find the most joy along this human journey. And that anything truly is possible!

Find Steffani Here:



About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.

Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram: @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

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Maureen Spielman:

Do you believe that your thoughts contribute to

Maureen Spielman:

the reality you are experiencing? Do you feel that

Maureen Spielman:

your thoughts are separate and what you think doesn't affect

Maureen Spielman:

your reality? Well, today's episode and it's a celebration

Maureen Spielman:

because it's episode 50 is with Stephanie LeFevre. Stephanie has

Maureen Spielman:

been a mindset and happiness coach. For over really 20 years,

Maureen Spielman:

she's practicing the art of how we can cultivate thoughts that

Maureen Spielman:

are correlated with the reality we are interested in creating.

Maureen Spielman:

Our thoughts are way more powerful than we've ever been

Maureen Spielman:

led to believe. So today, we're going to be talking about the

Maureen Spielman:

power of your thoughts, their key and creating your reality,

Maureen Spielman:

what we can do to overcome our limiting beliefs, how

Maureen Spielman:

complaining stands in the way of getting what you want, and

Maureen Spielman:

rewiring our brains for positivity, and a little bit

Maureen Spielman:

about our soul contracts, and how they apply to our lives. So

Maureen Spielman:

I'm so excited to welcome you into Episode 50. And if you want

Maureen Spielman:

to learn more about what's going on in the world of mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood, you can go ahead and sign up for my newsletter, it's

Maureen Spielman:

within the show notes. You can either do that with the link in

Maureen Spielman:

the show notes or by going to Maureen And

Maureen Spielman:

subscribing to our newsletter. It'll have information about

Maureen Spielman:

what's coming up in terms of programming courses that are

Maureen Spielman:

being offered, and all sorts of goodness related to both my

Maureen Spielman:

guests and my own personal work. So welcome. Let's go have fun in

Maureen Spielman:

this episode. Hey there, welcome to mystical sisterhood. This is

Maureen Spielman:

your host, Maureen Spielman. I started the show to highlight

Maureen Spielman:

the intuitives, healers and other courageous women that I've

Maureen Spielman:

met along my journey and continue to meet. Through

Maureen Spielman:

amazing interviews, I seek to ask insightful questions to

Maureen Spielman:

uncover ways in which you the listener can apply the wisdom

Maureen Spielman:

and knowledge to your own life. I believe that we're all in this

Maureen Spielman:

together. So sharing healing and joy, and bringing community

Maureen Spielman:

together is both my passion and purpose. If you'd like to learn

Maureen Spielman:

more about the mystical sisterhood community I'm

Maureen Spielman:

building, please visit www mystical See you

Maureen Spielman:

in the episode. Hello, and welcome back to mystical

Maureen Spielman:

sisterhood. This is your host, Maureen Spielman. And today, it

Maureen Spielman:

is my distinct pleasure to be sitting with Stephanie LeFevre,

Maureen Spielman:

who happens to be less than a mile away from me in her own

Maureen Spielman:

home and my community. And we met a few years ago, when you

Maureen Spielman:

move to town, Stephanie is a happiness and mindset coach, she

Maureen Spielman:

has been in the business. And well, I've got some questions

Maureen Spielman:

about that. Longer than most coaches, you know, she, I'm

Maureen Spielman:

thinking that Stephanie really got into the field before it was

Maureen Spielman:

this really blossoming field. So you've seen it as you've gone

Maureen Spielman:

along. In your own practice, you've coached individuals, and

Maureen Spielman:

groups, all over the world. You've spoken on some really big

Maureen Spielman:

stages, and you've written a book. And that is, you are a

Maureen Spielman:

badass mom, which is just a really great title. You're the

Maureen Spielman:

creator of many, many different groups, which we can talk about

Maureen Spielman:

too. But I said to you, when we were setting the intention that

Maureen Spielman:

you're a person that I look to, that is spreading your messages

Maureen Spielman:

and your purpose and your work in the world. And you're doing

Maureen Spielman:

the commitment to your own practices in your daily life,

Maureen Spielman:

probably pretty much moment by moment. And so let's just jump

Maureen Spielman:

in there. Welcome. And I had a question about, you know, how

Maureen Spielman:

you first got into the coaching industry before it was like it

Maureen Spielman:

is now but I don't know, where does it feel right for you to

Maureen Spielman:

start? Stephanie? Yeah,

Steffani LeFevour:

um, yeah, I guess I got into the coaching

Steffani LeFevour:

industry through my own life experience, and through my

Steffani LeFevour:

desire to figure life out, you know, and I'm a natural person

Steffani LeFevour:

that like, love to teach what I was learning. So in my 20s, when

Steffani LeFevour:

I first discovered personal growth and self expansion, and

Steffani LeFevour:

like A Course in Miracles and Tao ism, and Wayne Dyer, and all

Steffani LeFevour:

of that goodness that was out there, I was like consuming it,

Steffani LeFevour:

and had to teach it in order to bring it to another level. You

Steffani LeFevour:

know, learn and teach and learn and then teach, so I wasn't As a

Steffani LeFevour:

coach back then, but I was coaching anyone that would

Steffani LeFevour:

listen. And it's so funny because I saw my brother sent me

Steffani LeFevour:

a card that I wrote to him when he graduated high school. So I

Steffani LeFevour:

was like, a sophomore in college, and the card that I

Steffani LeFevour:

wrote to him, so I must have been 20. Like, I was young, when

Steffani LeFevour:

I went to college, I must have been 20 at the time, and the

Steffani LeFevour:

card I wrote to him was like, you know, believe in yourself,

Steffani LeFevour:

like you can be and do and have anything you want in life. And

Steffani LeFevour:

this step of graduating high school, like, I'm so proud of

Steffani LeFevour:

you, and you are meant for great things. And you and I was

Steffani LeFevour:

reading it going, Oh, my God, I was 20. It was what I was just

Steffani LeFevour:

launching into this stuff. But I know that that was there, like

Steffani LeFevour:

that rock was there. And I was trying to like discover it and

Steffani LeFevour:

figure it out and break it open and play with it. But like that

Steffani LeFevour:

was there. I was shocked to see that. But I think the people

Steffani LeFevour:

closest to me, are surprised because that seed was always

Steffani LeFevour:

planted. Hmm.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that. You know, I noticed on your

Maureen Spielman:

website, too, that you said something like, I've always been

Maureen Spielman:

a happiness coach or something a lot. What did you mean by that?

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, I


mean, that's similar to what I was just saying, like,


I've always been a happiness coach, that seed was always


planted and much to my family or best friends dismay, because,


you know, they'd be like, Oh, here she comes again. You know,


like, I say, my, you know, everyone agrees that I've always


been a happiness coach, except maybe my sisters, but they're my


best clients. Because I think I was always striving to find out


what happiness was for myself, you know, like, what does it


look like? So I was hiking up a mountain of happiness, and


coaching other people along the way, like, you don't come to


happiness coaching, by having a perfectly happy life, from the


habits coaching, because you've endured a lot, you've been


through a lot of trauma, you've experienced a lot of hardship.


And so you've hiked up a really grueling mountain of have that's


really steep that's got a lot of wind and hail, and it's dark,


and you're alone a lot. And that's how you get up the


mountain. Because you've had to, you've got lost along the way,


too. Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

And I think that's a big reason people are

Maureen Spielman:

attracted to you, because you're always telling that the more

Maureen Spielman:

vulnerable side of things, the real side of life, alongside the

Maureen Spielman:

messages of you really can have it all. And so I hear you saying

Maureen Spielman:

that where you came from, and the experiences you had when you

Maureen Spielman:

were younger, were hard. And it was really pulling yourself from

Maureen Spielman:

those places and learning new ways, new tools to implement. Do

Maureen Spielman:

you just hit us with yourself? So you could I want to feel a

Maureen Spielman:

different way.


Yeah, I mean, you're so right, you can have it all. Even


coming from a broken family, you can have it all with a father


who's an addict, you can have it all with a negative husband, you


can have all with, you know, kids going through challenges,


you can have it all with no money, like you can figure it


out, even amongst the big hard challenges in life. Yes, yeah.


And I appreciate when any of my mentors or coaches are not only


very real about life challenges, but show me how to get to the


other side of them, but also apply them to right now. Like, I


don't want any coaches that like don't have any struggles in


life. Yeah, because life still gonna happen, you know, are


still going to have a hard time at school, we're still going to


have a neighbor that gets mad at us for parking our car the wrong


way. We're still going to have Yeah, beaut among in laws or


something, right. Yeah, that's life, like we signed up for it.


So I'm talking about all of that, because I'm not trying to


live like without any of that. I'm trying to embrace it all,


like, love it all, by even the gifts in it all. And to a point


where you're like, Bring it on. Yeah. Yeah. Saying yes. Can be


ready for and pull out my tools and use. Because yeah, I think


my proudest thing is like creating for myself, the toolkit


that I need in order to hike around and keeping those tools


sharp, and like you said, using them every day in different


ways. Oh, there was a board meeting about schools and the


schools are closing, what tools do I have for that, you know,


oh, the teacher that like really doesn't get my kid and it's


creating a lot of hard times. What's my tool for that? Oh,


husband's really worried about money and he's spiraling out of


control. What's my tool for that? Right? Oh, I'm feeling


really overwhelmed running a business and managing my


household. What's my tool for that? that like the toolkit is,


the really powerful thing is like having that foundation of a


tool and having it sharp and ready.

Maureen Spielman:

Because, yeah, you can't find


a tool and use it once and expect to be good at it. You


know, you don't learn how to play the guitar one day and be


expect to be good at it. Now, after 100 days of playing guitar


a lot better you learn a language and speak one word and


expect to be good at it. After 100 days of practicing the


language, you'll be good. So using that toolkit all the time


keeping all these things sharp, yeah, but really, really helps


you to get challenged solution challenge solution challenge


solution, like getting that as small as possible. I thought of


it one time was sharing with my the ladies in my inner circle,


like it's the game of Chutes and Ladders, you know, if you're my


age, you get the game of Chutes and Ladders. And you're not


trying to have you know, no ladders, no climbing up, no work


and only shoots. You want the ladders and the shoots to be


shorter and shorter and shorter. So that when you fall down, you


can climb back up quick. You can climb back up quick. So yeah,


well, ladders. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

I love what you're saying it's so valuable,

Maureen Spielman:

because what it reminds me of is how we really get no training

Maureen Spielman:

when we're young. So we're, we're trained, we're conditioned

Maureen Spielman:

to know that if we study the Spanish for 100 days, we will

Maureen Spielman:

achieve it but no one's telling us. There's this whole area,

Maureen Spielman:

which is really most of our lives, that we there are things

Maureen Spielman:

out there we can do which are being uncovered more and more

Maureen Spielman:

every day. But that they're there for us to practice and

Maureen Spielman:

use. And I think your point to saying it like it is like

Maureen Spielman:

Stephanie saying, Oh, I was triggered in traffic. And then

Maureen Spielman:

what did I do? It's not like you're sitting on a mountaintop

Maureen Spielman:

like what the you know, Namaste like, oh, no, you get someone

Maureen Spielman:

cut you off, or you know, something didn't happen the way

Maureen Spielman:

you thought it was gonna go. So there's so many lessons in this.

Maureen Spielman:

But I think that that's a big takeaway is, hey, we're not

Maureen Spielman:

expected to know this at all. So I am when I was preparing just

Maureen Spielman:

for today and thinking about, you know, looking at your body

Maureen Spielman:

of work, and going further back and thinking about those authors

Maureen Spielman:

that lit you up at first. That's that's how it sort of begins,

Maureen Spielman:

right? And someone's got to be the first person to light that

Maureen Spielman:

fire. And even if it's saying, This is how I was triggered last

Maureen Spielman:

week, and someone says, What do you say, you know, are saying

Maureen Spielman:

the universe really supported me? And someone said, What do

Maureen Spielman:

you say, you know, it really, that's how it begins? So


yeah, and usually in small, incremental changes of


that of what you say, would you say and like leaning into that,


because it's you. It's not like I was trying to I'm writing my


second book right now. And I was trying to pinpoint, like, the


hero's journey, like the moment when and like, I can say, Oh, it


was reading a return to love by Marianne Williamson in 1992, is


what really opened me up to all this, but it wasn't like, oh,


the door was closed, and then it was open. You know, it was like


that book, and then that book, and then that little self


acceptance, and then that little ceremony and then that led to


that book, and then it led to that, you know, meeting with


more people that were into that. Yep, one degree shift after one


degree shift after one degree shift. And you start


experiencing a completely different trajectory. Right?


Yeah. But um, but yeah, it's all of those little ones you say?


And oh, I heard that. I heard that three times. So now I'm


going to follow that. Yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

Yep. The i i know there's a themes that are

Maureen Spielman:

your guiding who would you say? Have been your biggest teachers?


Um, I would say Neale Donald Walsch. And his books


have conversations with God. And I've worked with him many times.


Now. I was on a board with him and he is definitely like,


resonates with my soul. And

Maureen Spielman:

yeah, I was gonna say what was so profound

Maureen Spielman:

about those books? Well,


it's funny, I had a lot of resistance to them before I


first read them in my like, late 20s Because they had the word


God in them, and I wasn't religious, and I was very anti


religion. And then the first time I heard them, I listened to


it on cassette tape. A friend loaned him to me that tape on my


walk and then I was flying to Colorado to visit a friend and I


press play, and everything that it said in conversations with


God book one about spirituality, and about it's nondenominational


and about like our souls journey. I was going Yes. Oh my


gosh, yes. So it just so resonated with my soul. Well,


I've never heard anything like that in church or religion or


anywhere from anyone until I listen to that

Maureen Spielman:

cassette. Well, I'm going to insert

Maureen Spielman:

something before you go to your next teacher, because when I

Maureen Spielman:

went through my health journey, that's what I call it five years

Maureen Spielman:

ago, you gave me Conversations with God. And I was still at

Maureen Spielman:

that point. My relationship with God, my religion, what I had

Maureen Spielman:

grown up with, I had largely put Catholicism to the side, but me

Maureen Spielman:

and that word, God, were not really jiving, you know. So I, I

Maureen Spielman:

looked at it, and like you said, I didn't really get it. It

Maureen Spielman:

couldn't translate for me. So recently, and this is what I

Maureen Spielman:

love about all these books, because I tend to pick them up

Maureen Spielman:

too. And I'll pick them up. Two weeks, two months, two years

Maureen Spielman:

later, I'll be like, I read this, and it will speak to my

Maureen Spielman:

heart and soul again. So recently, my son was moving into

Maureen Spielman:

an apartment up in Madison, and my dad a few years back had

Maureen Spielman:

given us two shorter bookcases and I said, Hey, Ben, do you

Maureen Spielman:

want to take one of these bookcases? Sure, Mom. And it was

Maureen Spielman:

down here in the basement. And I took the books off it and

Maureen Spielman:

conversations with God, like, flies out, implies out and I

Maureen Spielman:

said, Oh, and because I've healed my relationship with the

Maureen Spielman:

word God. And no longer Do I see any of those really words in a

Maureen Spielman:

dualistic sense anymore. It's more about oneness. So then I

Maureen Spielman:

could read it now. Really, it's more it's probably five years

Maureen Spielman:

later. So thank you. Oh, isn't such a good example of literally

Maureen Spielman:

a book flying off now?


Yeah. That's so funny. I don't even remember giving you


that book. Yes. Yes. Was that book one? Or was it I think,

Maureen Spielman:

I think it was a different one.


It might be here, it was probably what God wants or


the one about

Maureen Spielman:

me, this one back here is home with God, and

Maureen Spielman:

a light and a light. It's right here. Yeah. So but that was that

Maureen Spielman:

seed, but that was also there for me to then this many years

Maureen Spielman:

later, to serve. Because I remember my good friend Alicia

Maureen Spielman:

asking me in the Akashic Records class, it was the same question.

Maureen Spielman:

What's your relationship with God? Higher power source,

Maureen Spielman:

whatever you call it, and I'm like, I don't have any. And so

Maureen Spielman:

you know, it's like to be compassionate when any of us and

Maureen Spielman:

your students and you know, people I coach, when, when a

Maureen Spielman:

question is posed, and you don't yet have the answer. That's

Maureen Spielman:

okay. That's yeah, it's where you are. That's perfectly where

Maureen Spielman:

you are. So it's so good. Yeah, beautiful.


I had with Eckhart Tolle his work when it was first


introduced to me, I was like, on cassette tape back then, when I


first I was like, he talks so slow. How anybody understand


this, it makes no sense. What is he talking about? And later


coming to it, it was like dropped in downloaded, loved at


all. And it was the same book, you know, but years later, just


really resonated. Yeah, yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that. So and then, who else would you

Maureen Spielman:



Well, Byron, Katie is definitely one of the biggest


teachers and mentors, because I found her work 20 years ago and


got so it so taught me how to turn my thoughts around. It's


like, really psychoanalysis like, you can look at your


thoughts and you can work on it and change your thinking, change


your perspective and change your reality just from looking at


thought in such a powerful and profound way. So I went down the


rabbit hole, and I got trained as a facilitator in that. So I


was like, this can do this for me. I want to go as deep into it


as I can, and be able to help other people with it. So her


work is like the work for me. I love it.

Maureen Spielman:

I love it. Yeah. Yeah,


I love Marianne Williamson. And her


interpretations of A Course in Miracles and her first book are


returned to love. I just was the first book that ever that taught


me about love and forgiveness and to look at life from more of


a soul perspective. It was like a huge awakening for me because


I was like, what people are talking about this people are


doing this activism. And I really love Mike Dooley, because


he was my first sort of law of attraction teacher, coach,


Coach, like each of those people I've studied under and you know,


met and done work with personally they're not just


authors in my life, but authors. Authors in your life can do


that. But I developed even a closer more personal


relationship with their work than just their books, but yeah,


love them. Okay.

Maureen Spielman:

So then as you were going along your journey,

Maureen Spielman:

and kind of like getting into a lot of the work that you do, and

Maureen Spielman:

provide to people, okay, so this idea that our thoughts become

Maureen Spielman:

things, can we just start there and talk about our thoughts as

Maureen Spielman:

vibrations? And how, like, what is the kind of the sciency? Or

Maureen Spielman:

the foundation of the thought that we create our reality with

Maureen Spielman:

our thoughts?


I mean, quantum physics can be studied and says that


what you focus on you create more of, you know, in science,


there's the observer effect, what the observer is thinking


and expecting, most likely that observer creates. So, you know,


science backs. Spirituality now more than ever before, right?


And, yes, the fact that it's not on the cover of every newspaper


and magazine is shocking to me, because it is so proven that are


not just our thoughts, our thoughts, our feelings, our


beliefs, our stories, all of those things attract and create


more. So our thoughts create a reality, you know? Yeah, in its


basic form, it is what we think about, we place orders for we,


when we think we energetically align with the things that we're


thinking. And so in my world of this, and in my interpretation


of this, our thought puts out an order and our feelings attracted


back in. Okay, that's so you know, yes, we are, we are


thinking and feeling and thinking and feeling. And that


can get confused because I was just at tennis the other day,


and this girl on my tennis team said, Okay, Stephanie, like, I


need your, I need your coaching help. And I was like, oh, yeah,


what and we were just like running around doing a drill.


And she goes, You know, I needed to find a way to manifest, you


know, some more wins in my game, like, and I didn't know this,


but she'd had I sort of knew, but I didn't know the whole hit.


But she'd had a series of losses, right. And so I said,


Okay, what you know, like, I love it. When people ask me


advice, you know, I'm like, okay, great. What, what can I


do? And she was like, she was like, I need your coaching


around, you know, my tennis game. And I said, well, in its


simplest form, what you bring to your game, you'll get out of


your game. Right? And she goes, okay, yeah, yeah. And then she


goes, but, you know, I have a winning mindset. And I was like,


Oh, yes, yes. Here's the thing about our thoughts become


things. You can't just have a winning mindset. You can't just


think your way out of your feelings and your story, your


story, if the story that you're bringing is I lose, no matter


what happens, I lose. Yeah, have a winning mindset. You can't out


mindset, your story. So that's why that's that the it's yes,


all the things you thoughts, your words, your stories, your


beliefs, all of that creates, and we can't just out think


something thinking helps, you know, having a winning mindset


helps but but what I helped her get to, in a very simple


conversation, but what I was then I was thinking about this


later, and I was like teaching it to my inner circle ladies


afterwards going, Hey, this is a great thing that applied today


to tennis and here's how you can apply it to life. Um, you know,


what you what you need to do there is you got to change your


story. Yeah. So instead of just I think we oversimplify


manifesting in practice, when we go our thoughts become things


because she's like, my thoughts are on winning. I go, and I


think I'm gonna win. But the story that she's carrying with


her to that game is all the times I've lost Holy shit, it


better not happen again. I've lost a lot of lots and lots. I


have six loss of the no matter what court I play on, even if I


play people who I'm better than I still lose, you're carrying


that story. You can't out think it. So what I teach is you gotta


change that story. Okay, so what I said to her when she was like,


Oh, I have a winning mindset. And I was like, oh, okay, you


have a winning mindset. But your story is, I keep losing. I said,


what you got to do is you got to focus on your wins. So it's easy


in tennis, you know, the game and then set and then match,


right? So how many games did you win? How many sets Did you win?


How many points did you win yourself? How many shots did you


take? There? were awesome. Focus on that. I couldn't get you to


win more games. Because right now you're focusing on your


losses, even though there's all these wins, you're voting on


your losses. So you're bringing losses to the game. Yeah, it


feels like it's, yeah, it feels like it's to do

Maureen Spielman:

with the energy of it too. I'm, I'm

Maureen Spielman:

thinking about how you had put, like the top three things people

Maureen Spielman:

do to get in their way of manifesting. They say like, but

Maureen Spielman:

I, you know, I'm trying to manifest or I, I'm doing it, I'm

Maureen Spielman:

doing all the things. And the one that stood out to me was

Maureen Spielman:

complaining. And tell me about complaining. And


I mean, it is, if there's no one thing that's


stopping people from getting what they want, it's


complaining, because complaining has the energy of lack. It's a


thought about what you don't want. It has an energy that you


don't want, it doesn't align you with what you want, it aligns


you with what you don't want. Yeah. So every time we can play


an even if it's just, we're complaining, because it's, it's


the more comfortable thing to do, oh, the weather on


Halloween, it was so rainy, or whatever, we're in a vibration,


and alignment with things that we don't want. So stopping


complaining is a number one thing because we can't, you


know, out manifest our complaints, we got us

Maureen Spielman:

first. So I'm thinking of when we're in that

Maureen Spielman:

complaining role, there's two parts that come to me that it is

Maureen Spielman:

the victim mentality that life is happening to you and not for

Maureen Spielman:

you. But also there's that component of it, when someone is

Maureen Spielman:

holding the energy, let's just call it of complaining. It's

Maureen Spielman:

also the energy of wanting to process something. So what do

Maureen Spielman:

you tell to your clients that are how to like almost like,

Maureen Spielman:

either shift that energy or be with themselves and be with it

Maureen Spielman:

in a different way? Because I also think, habits we have,

Maureen Spielman:

whether it's you know, for me when I've had to break is just

Maureen Spielman:

spending too much time on the phone that gets in the way of my

Maureen Spielman:

doing my work. It but that's a habit, right? And I told myself

Maureen Spielman:

for a long time, Oh, you do it, you're doing it again, you're

Maureen Spielman:

doing it again, you're doing it again. So it was very lack

Maureen Spielman:

based. Making progress in it, by the way. But you know, that

Maureen Spielman:

example of just needing to go in and kind of change that like,

Maureen Spielman:

but I lost my train of thought a little bit there.


Right about complaining, what what what


people say when they say like, but I need to vent, right, yeah,


right, right. Yeah. Okay, but I need to vent, and it's healthy


to vent, and it's healthy to feel all my feeling well, and


sometimes I'm like, well vent away if you want more of those


things. But if you don't want more of those things, then don't


vent. Yes. And of course, the if you can't not, then the key is


keep it brief, very, very brief, as minimal as you can, and don't


give it a lot of emotion. So I do a Complaint Free challenge at


the beginning of all of my courses and training, because


it's the number one thing that we want to turn around in order


to start manifesting. And so during those Complaint Free


challenges we focus on there's always a way to vent or to state


something that is an observation or a fact, but not a complaint.


You know, if I have my kid at school, and he's having a really


hard time with a teacher, and I want to say to the teacher, I


feel like you're being extra hard on him. There's a way to do


that articulately without a complaint. If I'm like, How dare


you? You are so awful at this, like, that's a complaint, right?


I'm using exaggerated words, I'm getting into a feeling of


emotion of it. That's what we want to avoid. Yeah, but not


complaining doesn't mean that we just have to be a doormat and


like the sit around and take stuff we can be moderating. You


can say, You know what, um, I you know, to that teacher, I


feel like you're being hard on him. That's not a complaint.


That's an observation. It looks like to me in my experience,


that you're being hard on him. So what can we do in order to


improve this relationship? That's not a complaint. Like


people always end up saying like, yes, but if someone was


reading you, you can go no, no, you can be articulate. You can.


You can even be angry and not complain. You can say, this


makes me really upset if you're purposeful and articulate.


That's different than a complaint. A complaint has


motion a complaint has has a fixed mindset, you know, a


complaint does have a solution focus. So yes, we can change it


to be an observation or a statement or a fact is Have a


complaint. And if you must complain, you keep it really


brief. Oh, I'm so overwhelmed right now. lately. I'm so


overwhelmed. Oh my god. Okay. Let me shake that off. And let


me climb back up. And let me focus on what I do want. Because


brevity is is is magic when it comes to that kind of stuff


because we're never going to not complain, we're never going to


not have many pity party. We're never going to not go oh my god,


my husband is so negative. How is he even? How did I attract


this guy? We might still go there. But our the point and


goal is to keep it as brief as possible. Focusing on it,


because I don't want more of it. In order to the universe than


the order the universe goes, What's that your husband's


negative? Okay, cue the negative husband. Make sure that


everything she sees its own right. If he is Wait, she just


did it again. Make it bigger. Make it bigger. Make it before


working afterwards? Yes. Okay. She just said it again. Made


sure that he calls her and text her negative things. That's what


it's doing.

Maureen Spielman:

So it's a mirror. It's a it's it's an

Maureen Spielman:



Yes. It's an order that is immediately fulfilled.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh my gosh. It makes us laugh. Right. And but

Maureen Spielman:

would wear it but I'm hearing you saying and it moves someone

Maureen Spielman:

from disempowered to empowered. So the brevity, the brevity is

Maureen Spielman:



I like that. The friend who was you know, with the


tennis matches, do the match, make sure she loses like, yeah,


there's there's a story because I was talking to another friend


about there was a story that was like, oh, and I played with her


once. And it was like, we lost first match. And then we won the


second match. And then like something happened, where


literally, they got interrupted in the middle of the game that


they were up and they ended up losing like it was like the


universe conspired to make her lose. No, right. Like, that's


how powerful we are. That's how strong the universe listens to


our orders. It gets instantly delivered in a very powerful


way. So be careful what you complain about. Be careful what


you wish for, because it's all placing orders, right?

Maureen Spielman:

Mm hmm. And it's and to give ourselves

Maureen Spielman:

compassion, because it's all a retraining of, yeah, it's our

Maureen Spielman:

essential nature. We were born this way, and then trained away

Maureen Spielman:

from it. So it's remembering and relearning. Yeah,


and it's good to remember that we have like a


negativity bias. We are, we are wired for negativity. I hate


knowing that I but it's the facts. Like when I would, you


know, learn that and read books on that. I go, No, no, no, no, I


want it to be different. I want us to be wired for happiness. I


want us to be wired for positivity. But we're not


because, you know, we have this fight or flight brain and we're


wired to keep ourselves safe and to protect and to be suspicious


and to you know, be aware. And so we are wired for negativity,


we have to rewire ourselves for positivity, it takes work takes


tool. It takes consistency, it takes new habits. So I do find


some empowerment in that too, to go, oh, okay, I'm not broken.


You know, we are all this way. And yet, I am empowered to


change that. We have neuroplasticity, we can change


that wiring. But to know that, oh, this is how the computer is


hardwired? Okay, well, I can rewire the computer and I can


put in all this software, all these tools to make the


hardwiring different. That's good to know. And empowering.


Like you said,

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And that how we are also conditioned to

Maureen Spielman:

be hard on ourselves. What do you say to the person who's

Maureen Spielman:

like, got it? Got it? Because I think that's the nature of

Maureen Spielman:

learning, we learn something we get excited about it, we start

Maureen Spielman:

to practice it, we forget. And so is that is that just as

Maureen Spielman:

simple like, just pick it, give yourself that, okay, that's

Maureen Spielman:

where you are, pick yourself back up again, begin again. And

Maureen Spielman:

so, like that


you can't expect to play the guitar once every three


weeks, and then expect to be good at the guitar. I mean, it's


consistency is key in learning. You know, when we pick up these


personal growth books, or we take a course or we do a five


day challenge, it really comes down to how can I consistently,


you know, embed this into my everyday life? Yeah, and for me,


that takes, you know, the tools and the community and


accountability. I mean, accountability is how I have


achieved everything that I've ever desired. And accountability


doesn't have to look like getting a happiness coach or


joining a mastermind. It can look like having the right app


on your phone. That helps you consistent Do you have gratitude


every morning, that can be you know, the right online coach who


gets you working out every day? You know, accountability is the


key because we're so wired for the other thing, we can't expect


ourselves to always have the, you know, self discipline and


self motivation to do it all on our own. We all have those


intentions, right? We're like, Okay, I want to, I heard about


this new green juice, and I want to make it every morning, right?


Well, you got to go out, you got to buy the stuff, you got to get


the green juicing machine. But then you also have to work in


the new daily habits of how you're going to prioritize that


and make it an everyday thing. That takes a lot more work.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, accountability is key. And it's

Maureen Spielman:

possible. You know, I think that that's why I always see on your

Maureen Spielman:

Instagram, it's like the daily dose, you say, and it's kind of

Maureen Spielman:

like the things that keep you grounded on track. forward

Maureen Spielman:

moving, able to support yourself, support your kids

Maureen Spielman:

support women, everything. Yes, yes. Yeah, daily dose


of the tools, daily doses of the things that light


you up daily doses of reminding you of who you are, and your


power, daily doses of confidence, you know, daily


doses of challenge, because it creates change. Yeah, daily


doses is sharpening your tools.

Maureen Spielman:

I would say to when you when women begin to

Maureen Spielman:

learn when they're in your groups, or I don't even know if

Maureen Spielman:

you individually coach much anymore. But is it just so

Maureen Spielman:

beautiful to see the blossoming and then the opening and

Maureen Spielman:

transformation that occurs right before your eyes?


Yeah, it's why I do this, because I'm in it for the


transformation. I, you know, like, you don't get into this


work for the money, you don't get into this work for the


recognition, like you're in it for the transformation, like for


the women that go, oh, wow, like, my relationship is easier.


And I go, I would have responded years ago, like this, and now


I'm responding like this. And I'm teaching it to my friend,


and my family is noticing that I'm a different person. And, you


know, I used to create so much drama, and I used to complain,


and I and I don't even attract that anymore. And and now I'm


winning at tennis, I mean, such a big array of the how we


transform, when we start doing this work, yes, we start


manifesting our lives consciously, to be shaped about


what we want, right? We create a new roadmap, and we start going


down that road, it is beautiful and fascinating. And I have so


many stories of like, my clients over the years, like manifesting


really cool things. And you know, from like, one of my


clients who was a pilot, and she wanted to ultimately take


helicopter lesson training, helicopter flying lessons and,


and buyer on helicopter, and she put it on a vision board and one


of my masterminds and like, a year and a half later, she's


like, I just bought the helicopter that was on my


vision, like, some really tangible fun things like that.


And like I manifested a lake house, and to the things that


are like, my relationship was on the verge of divorce, and we've


never been in a better place. Or, you know, I look at my


children in a different way than ever before. Because, you know,


I used to be controlling and they used to trigger me and now


I just radically accept them for who they are. And I'm just such


a more grateful and loving mom, you know, those things aren't as


measurable. They're not like a big tangible thing, but they're


everything. When it comes to our life experience.

Maureen Spielman:

The the quality i Well, the fact that

Maureen Spielman:

you I was going to mention named your book, you are a badass mom.

Maureen Spielman:

And it's funny. I remember looking at some of your

Maureen Spielman:

material, like a while back, and I think I saw a video of you and

Maureen Spielman:

your husband with Dr. Shefali. Is that right? Was it like it

Maureen Spielman:

was some roundtable discussion? Like class with Oprah. Okay.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. And so then many years ago, you then look towards your

Maureen Spielman:

parenting, and I was, Oh, so you're raising your kids in this

Maureen Spielman:

home that's infused with a lot of consciousness. And how does

Maureen Spielman:

that go when you're raising two? You've got


two teens now. Yeah, 12 and 15. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

you see them. I mean, I know with my younger

Maureen Spielman:

son. Now, it's like all these messages are laid out on the

Maureen Spielman:

table, and he's listening, and everything we do is filled With

Maureen Spielman:

more intention than ever, so I think it's a beautiful message

Maureen Spielman:

to bring to the listeners today just about our children, and

Maureen Spielman:

where they are really needing this. And I don't know, if

Maureen Spielman:

you're seeing any changes within the schools these days, or


I wish I was seeing more. You know, we're raising


our kids with both, I would say, he both ends of the spectrum,


because my husband is so radically different than me. And


not that I'm better. And he's worse, we're not he has a very


different, more realistic, more hard knocks view on life. And I


have a much more, you know, open hearted, up level, limitless


spiritual perspective, right. And so what I think is so


beautiful is my kids get to see that, and they get to choose


where they want to fall along that spectrum. You know, I mean,


imagine only giving them this side, I think that'd be


beautiful. But that's their only giving them this side, my


husband think that's what they need, because this probably


raised children. So I love the fact that they get to see both.


And, you know, as much as I want to empower my husband, in his


strength to be the best version of him that he can possibly be.


I'm not necessarily trying to get him over here, you know,


because I don't know that that would honestly benefit my kids


in the long run. I know that they chose me and John, for


this, both sides.

Maureen Spielman:

It's a continuum, right? I love that

Maureen Spielman:

and you and you modeling seeing him, then he's gonna see you

Maureen Spielman:

more. So it's a beautiful blending. I like that you

Maureen Spielman:

pointed it out and said that because I think a lot of people

Maureen Spielman:

are living with a partner whose it seems polar opposite, but

Maureen Spielman:

it's not the way we need to look at it. It's different styles

Maureen Spielman:

coming in, we're coming from different families, how can we

Maureen Spielman:

respect each other and plan them and at the same time, use your

Maureen Spielman:

voice for what's most important for you? Right?


Right, I hope and the that I am modeling for my kids,


radical acceptance, and boundaries, like balance between


radically accepting them and everyone in my life, I radically


accept everyone exactly as they are, and the boundaries to keep


me safe and sane, and to fulfill my greatest life, you know, so I


hope I'm modeling for them those boundaries, and that they're


learning that within, you know, how to have radical acceptance


up for, you know, their teachers and their coaches that might,


they might love. And they might hate, radical acceptance for


their friends exactly as they are. And the boundaries that


like, if that doesn't work for you, you leave the friendship,


you know, that doesn't. You know, if the coaching doesn't


work for you, but you want to stay on the team, you got to


learn how to how to deal with your coach, you know, yeah, um,


yeah, I mean, I hope I'm modeling all that my kids are.


So I've never loved this parenting journey more than I do


at teenagers. Yeah, it was my favorite. And I don't know if


it's just because of all this work that I've done for so long,


but I can't get enough of them right now. I love it. And


they're so not easy. And they're not. I love it. I'm so ready for


every challenge that is coming up. And like, it's just really


great. I know,

Maureen Spielman:

I was I was thinking of them when we were

Maureen Spielman:

talking about your greatest teachers, because our kids are

Maureen Spielman:

our partners our own Oh, yeah. They're all our best teachers,

Maureen Spielman:

aren't they? Right?


Yeah, all three of them, put them up to the top of


the list of all that.

Maureen Spielman:

Like, not Wayne Dyer out of the way.


I went are gone. On those three. Oh, yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

So good. I do. I do think it's because of the

Maureen Spielman:

work that you've done that, that you're enjoying these

Maureen Spielman:

relationships so much, because that's, I think, where I came

Maureen Spielman:

from, I had a real lack of boundaries. And I wanted to do I

Maureen Spielman:

knew from when I had the kids, I didn't know anything about

Maureen Spielman:

conscious parenting. I had a friend who she's the director of

Maureen Spielman:

smart love Family Services. I've said this before, but it was all

Maureen Spielman:

like, really about just unconditionally loving your

Maureen Spielman:

children. And to put it in a nutshell, and I wanted that so

Maureen Spielman:

badly, but I didn't have the skills to do it. So I, I went

Maureen Spielman:

through a lot of my life not knowing the skills and that's

Maureen Spielman:

okay too. Because even if we find ourselves and our kids are

Maureen Spielman:

in their 20s, or wherever they are, it's never it's always the

Maureen Spielman:

right time. I don't want to say it's never too late. It's always

Maureen Spielman:

the right time to begin learning something new, and relationships

Maureen Spielman:

can shift and transform at any time. I agree. I agree with you


guys, this story about the relationship. The


relationship relationships, in my opinion are not beyond the


laws of manifesting. We often think they are like, Oh, well,


my husband is like this, or my kids are like this. And so I


can't change them. No, you can change the story that you have


about their relationship with them. And when we change that


story, we change our reality, they absolutely look very


different. And did they change? Or did we change? Like, who


knows, or, you know, they soften or we soften. But the reality


with that person can change when we're willing to change our


story and see things differently.

Maureen Spielman:

There's a lot in there to unpack. I was gonna

Maureen Spielman:

say, you know, with relationships, whether it's

Maureen Spielman:

someone's partner, or it could be a sibling that someone's kind

Maureen Spielman:

of having conflict with? What's your idea about soul contracts

Maureen Spielman:

and, or, you know, someone, a friend you've had for a long

Maureen Spielman:

time, that's not really working well for you anymore. Like, how

Maureen Spielman:

do you feel like soul contracts is this idea that, you know,

Maureen Spielman:

they are writing a book


right now called Soul assignments. So I have a lot to


say about soul contracts. But I guess, similar. In my


experience, Soul assignments are some pre assigned things that


our soul decided to experience in order to advance our soul. So


I had a soul assignment to sign up to be with my dad, my mom and


my dad, I believe all of our parents, all of our, you know,


parents we choose for the progression of our soul. So we


choose our parents for soul assignments. I had a soul


assignment to lose my sister at a young age, right? That kind of


big, like, overwhelmingly traumatizing heart experience


can't be anything other than a soul assignment. It happened for


me, that happened through me. So that I might, X, Y, and Z, you


know, exploring spirituality and like, learn about loss at a


young age, like know how to grieve and help other people


grieving. So we have certain soul assignments, like my


meeting, and my meeting my, my kindergarten bestie, you know,


and having many decades of a friendship with her was a soul


assignment and divorcing her on my 50th birthday was a soul


assignment. So I believe we have soul assignments. And there's a


difference between a soul assignment call it a soul


assignment or a soul contract whatever. And soul creation.


Like, I created this friendship with you and I, I don't know


that we had a soul assignment. I know, we created this because


you're like minded. Right? I created some other amazing


friendships to come into my life when I divorced that friend,


because I had a desire for friends that met my standards.


Yeah, you know, and she didn't meet my standards anymore. I


created the house, I now live in and built it. It wasn't a soul


assignment, you know, for me to have this house or build this


house, right. And I created this job that I have that I do is


coaching and teaching. You know, it wasn't a sole assignment.


Like maybe I have a sole assignment to be an author. But


I created the job that I now have. So I think we have the


soul assignments, but I don't think we are victim to them at


all. I think the key is to recognize our soul assignments,


radically accept them, and harness the power of them, and


find the gifts within them. So that every soul assignment good


or bad, we see the gifts in and that gives us power to then


consciously create soul creation. I love it. It's

Maureen Spielman:

inspiring. I'm excited for the book.


Yeah, I'm gonna finish it by the end of this year, and


I'm going to shop it around to publishers. I have a book agent


that's really excited about it. So that's big. Yeah. And it's


happening through me like as much as I like sometimes I go, I


don't know it's a lot and I can't and I try and pump the


brakes and it just goes so yeah, yeah. Well,

Maureen Spielman:

I think that one time when we were spending

Maureen Spielman:

some time together you had mentioned how in the beginning

Maureen Spielman:

of the day you'll you know, say like a invitation or you know

Maureen Spielman:

what it what am I meant to learn today or what am I meant to know

Maureen Spielman:

today or what's meant to kind of even channel through me today?

Maureen Spielman:

And I love that I love that kind of just I always think about it

Maureen Spielman:

like yeah commute, communing with the universe, right where

Maureen Spielman:

we're at. We're conversing we're relating and it's fun.


Yeah, sure. me how? Yeah, yeah.

Maureen Spielman:

So, to this conversation, I don't know if

Maureen Spielman:

there's anything that comes to mind as we kind of close things

Maureen Spielman:

out that we haven't I know, there's just a million things

Maureen Spielman:

that we haven't covered.


Yeah, well, we covered a lot of good stuff. Really


exciting. I mean, I think the bottom line is that we are


conscious creators. And, you know, I say to my kids, every


night, you're the light, you're meant for greatness you can be


and do and have anything you want in this life. You know,


because years ago, I was like, why am I not embodying this into


my family? Am I not saying this to my children? Why am I not


being this, I'm doing this with these women over here. And then


I'm going to my kids get in bed, come on, get off the lights.


Disconnect here. So that's, that's the big message, right?


We are the light, we're meant for great things, we can


consciously create anything we want, we can be and do and have


anything we want in this life. Now, I think the journey is just


to be reminded of that all the time. In that space.

Maureen Spielman:

Beautiful. Thank you, you know, I know when

Maureen Spielman:

this episode airs, we're going to be right at the beginning or

Maureen Spielman:

in between the holiday season, it'll be right in the beginning

Maureen Spielman:

of December, is there any special message you give to, to

Maureen Spielman:

women as we or any individual listening that as we close out

Maureen Spielman:

the year or ways we can bless or just anything that's a tradition

Maureen Spielman:

to you at that time of year, I love the how we see endings and

Maureen Spielman:



Um, I don't know. I mean, I'm constantly focusing on


how I can gain power through reflection through wisdom and


through service. And I know at that time of year, we're more


focused on service than ever before. But like doing that, all


the time, I love the end of the year, because we can reflect and


look at what went well, and what didn't like I've done that for


decades. And I do that within my programs and stuff. What went


well, what didn't What do I want to do less of what are we going


to do more of right, and then planning consciously planning


the next year, because people don't do that, then they spend


more time planning one vacation, and they don't plan their year,


or their five years or their life. So I really, really,


really encourage you, anyone to to plan more of your days,


planned your years plan your life, because otherwise years go


by and we don't do this. I agree. Look at the end of the


year as a beautiful way to reflect and to plan, you know,


for the future so that we can make this life everyday life


more sacred. It's available to us if we're just awake to it.

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah. Thanks for spreading your message is

Maureen Spielman:

love it. Where can listeners find you, Stephanie?


They can find me on Instagram coach with Steph with


two apps. And coach was is my website. And I have lots


of free courses and stuff on there.

Maureen Spielman:

Well, and I may have said it early in the

Maureen Spielman:

podcast today. But I love your Instagram because that you you

Maureen Spielman:

really do give a lot of takeaways there like short and

Maureen Spielman:

sweet. But you can just take them and go apply them to your

Maureen Spielman:

life practice. I'm trying them out, pick up your kid from

Maureen Spielman:

school, play with it any any of the above. And I think that's

Maureen Spielman:

really helpful. And I think that's what people are really

Maureen Spielman:

looking for these days. So it's a good Instagram coach.


Thank you. Okay, well, thank

Maureen Spielman:

you. And thanks to the listeners for

Maureen Spielman:

being here as always, and we'll see you in the next episode.


Thank you. You're so great at this was awesome.


Thanks, Stephanie.

Maureen Spielman:

Thanks for listening to this episode of

Maureen Spielman:

mystical sisterhood. If you love what you heard, please visit

Maureen Spielman:

Apple podcast and subscribe and leave a review and share with a

Maureen Spielman:

friend if you're called to do so. To learn more about my one

Maureen Spielman:

on one coaching programs, or join the mystical sisterhood

Maureen Spielman:

membership, visit Maureen or mystical

Maureen Spielman: Thanks so much. I'll see you in the next

Maureen Spielman:
