111: Deep Dive: Emotional Healing & Intuitive Breakthroughs with Heather Driscoll

As we journey through life, we often encounter unconscious scripts ingrained in us by our upbringing. These scripts shape how we interact with ourselves and the world around us. At times, they serve as roadblocks on our spiritual journey and hinder us from reaching our fullest potential. In this exploration, we will illuminate these scripts, delve into the fascinating world of intuitive abilities, and discover ways to better navigate our emotions.
Scripts are embedded in us by the people in our lives, introduced to us by our cultures, and built on personal experiences. As we mature, these scripts become increasingly influential, dictating the choices we make, the beliefs we hold, and the paths we follow. However, by recognizing these scripts for what they are -- conceptual separators -- we gain the power to challenge and rewrite them.
I’m joined by Heather Driscoll, a certified life alignment expert and an intuitive guide adept at delving into the depths of one's personality to reveal hidden truths. By exploring her experiences, we provide insights into how understanding and tapping into your intuitive abilities can lead to emotional healing.
Embracing the age of Aquarius and evolving to new heights in our spiritual journey requires taking the time to do the necessary inner work. It's about focusing on transforming the self, processing past experiences, and re-defining our scripts. The more we do this, the more we are able to tap into our intuitive abilities, handle our emotions, and transform our lives. As we journey on this path, it’s important to take time, be patient, and treat ourselves with compassion and understanding.
We talk about:
- 0:00 Intro
- 0:43 Divine Timing and Intuition
- 2:34 Being dialed in in a different way
- 9:02 Balancing Spiritual and Human Experiences
- 13:22 The Power of Self-Reflection and Inner Child Work
- 20:20 Understanding Victim Consciousness and Self-Compassion
- 26:48 The Importance of Inner Child Work in Healing
- 30:13 Embracing Emotions as Information
- 35:58 The Power of Thoughts and Emotions in Shaping Reality
- 41:43 The Role of Intuition in Coaching and Personal Growth
- 44:20 The Importance of Emotional Work in Personal Transformation
- 47:17 Understanding the Connection Between Physical and Emotional Health
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- The Mystical Sisterhood Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood
About the Host:
Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy, healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops.
Connect with Heather:
- https://www.facebook.com/LifeAlignmentExpert
- https://www.instagram.com/lifealignmentexpert/
- https://www.lifealignmentexpert.com/
Connect with Maureen
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/maureenspielman/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mysticalsisterhood
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list
- Website: https://www.maureenspielman.com
- Upcoming Events: Mystical Sisterhood February 28, 2024 Event with Molly Rudberg
- Email Maureen at hello@maureenspielman.com to inquire about coaching, podcasting & speaking engagements
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00:00 - Sequence
00:02 - Introduction to Heather Driscoll: Life Alignment Expert
03:05 - Being dialed in in a different way
04:51 - When she first started being able to see spirit
09:34 - The Struggle: Balancing Spiritual and Human Experiences
13:53 - The Power of Self-Reflection and Inner Child Work
20:51 - Understanding Victim Consciousness and Self-Compassion
27:20 - The Importance of Inner Child Work in Healing
29:56 - Understanding Personal Healing and Growth
30:44 - Embracing Emotions as Information
32:09 - The Impact of Parenting on Personal Development
36:29 - The Power of Thoughts and Emotions in Shaping Reality
42:14 - The Role of Intuition in Coaching and Personal Growth
44:51 - The Importance of Emotional Work in Personal Transformation
47:48 - Understanding the Connection Between Physical and Emotional Health
52:53 - Conclusion: The Journey Towards Self-Alignment