Sink or Swim with Jacqueline Perez | MDD42

Jack founded Kuel Life in 2017. Through her platform, Perez champions change, normalizing aging for women through curated content and women-driven brands. She joins Katherine on My Dead Dragon this week to talk about starting Kuel Life, being a parent having to do it all on her own, taking one step forward and three steps back, and finding out that nobody is coming to save her.
- You can rewrite your story at any time, you have the pen in your hand. It’s just up to you to decide what to write and when.
- Jack knows that she is not a victim anymore. Whether she’s lost the battle the day before, she knows she can get up and win the next one today.
- If we’re waiting for the thing we dream of to just come along one day, it won’t, and if it does, then it will never live up to the expectations we build up in our heads. Stop waiting for it to come along and go get it yourself.
- When you first do something, you don’t know how hard it should be. You need to have lived the experience to know how it should be done in an easier way.
- Sometimes we don’t need to sink or swim, we can float and take time to understand and comprehend our environment.
‘The wheels came off my life’
‘Sometimes that choice means that today you’re sinking, but tomorrow you’re going to swim’
‘What I’m doing isn’t working, I’m going to do something else’
‘It’s not a decision unless you’re acting on it’
‘A belief is just a thought on repeat’
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Jack founded Kuel Life in 2017. Through her platform, Perez champions change, normalizing aging for women through curated content and women-driven brands. The Kuel Life Community grows daily. With over 54 Kuel Life Industry Thought Leaders and 40 women-driven brands, Kuel Life offers women an opportunity to Share, Learn, Shop, and Play with Our Second Act Sisters!
Previously, she spent 20 years at Summit Strategy Partners, a San Francisco-based marketing and public relations firm, where she was a founding partner. Jack brings extensive, deep, start-up experience; having worked with hundreds of small to midsize companies. She is excited to finally birth her own start-up. Having earned an MBA from the University of Chicago, Perez carries a hard-nosed business understanding to the entrepreneur world. She is fluent in Spanish, and having worked with multiple international firms, has a clear grasp on cross-cultural influences. Jack’s passions include: spending time with her son, traveling to exotic, off-the-beaten- path places such as; Cuba, Jordan, Zambia, Bolivia, and Zanzibar. An endorphin junkie, Jack likes to throw heavy weights around, is an avid jump roper, and a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo.
Certified Transformational Life Coach, best-selling author and founder of Katalyst Coaching, Katherine Loranger asserts to the bold and determined that life is theirs for the taking.
For over 25 years, Katherine has been driven to spark lasting, heartfelt transformation for fearless and fierce souls in progress… working to research, study and implement results-oriented principles and programs to incredible success. Through her evocative and expertly-guided series of vision building and life mastery classes and workshops, heart-centred entrepreneurs, organizational leaders and dreamers learn to realign their efforts and energies with their soul’s purpose to design, build and realize their wildest dreams… igniting a world of limitless possibilities and changing the trajectory of their lives, their businesses and their relationships for the better.