Ep 62: Moving Past Your Family Money History with Michelle Arpin Begina

According to my guest Michelle Arpin Begina, there’s a very big difference between income and wealth. I couldn’t agree more. Too often families are caught up in a spending pattern to create an illusion of wealth, when in fact they’re struggling...
According to my guest Michelle Arpin Begina, there’s a very big difference between income and wealth. I couldn’t agree more. Too often families are caught up in a spending pattern to create an illusion of wealth, when in fact they’re struggling financially. In this week’s episode, I talk with Michelle about the complex relationship she developed with money as a child through her family experiences, what change you really need to focus on to improve your financial situation, and how to use your life’s successes unrelated to money to meet your financial goals.
About the Guest:
Michelle’s earliest memories from childhood all relate to money. And yet, the stories and lessons learned from different branches of her family tree couldn’t be more dichotomous!
Michelle has used the money lessons from her life to rethink how financial advisors and their clients have traditionally worked together. Rather than thinking of her role as a gatekeeper of portfolios, she sees real value in being a gateway to personal financial freedom.
To support her clients on their unique wealth journeys, Michelle is a technician of financial planning, investment, and wealth management. But what differentiates Michelle from other financial advisors is that she has spent the last two-plus decades studying the unconventional, non-financial aspects of life satisfaction, financial therapy (it’s a thing), behavioral bias, choice, and decision advising.
She believes we all need to examine the money stories, scripts, and lessons that affect our financial psychology so that we can rethink what we know about money to have more of it.
Michelle lives in Wyckoff, NJ with her husband, Mike and sons, Alex and Nick. She is an avid photographer – her sons are her favorite subject!
Connect with Michelle at:
Website: https://www.michelleab.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.arpinbegina
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michellearpinbegina/
Twitter: @Michelleab17
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellearpinbeginacfp/
About the Host
Janice Scholl helps moms navigate the money and career transitions that come with the different stages of motherhood through her work as coach, speaker, workshop facilitator, and host of The Money, Career & Motherhood Podcast. Janice is passionate about helping mothers gain confidence and understanding about money, career & business topics as they relate to motherhood and family – the way many women actually think about money. Her key areas of focus to help mothers succeed are navigating maternity leave, career breaks & transitions, and values-based budgeting.
Sign up for a FREE 30-minute strategy session with Janice here.
Visit the Money, Career, & Motherhood website, Facebook page, Facebook group, or on Instagram.
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