Ep 61: Positioning Yourself as the Best Job Candidate with Career Coach Claudia Miller

Whether you’re searching for a new position while employed or looking to return to the workforce after an extended career break, it’s hard to break through the hundreds of other candidates looking competing for the same positions as you. Those...
Whether you’re searching for a new position while employed or looking to return to the workforce after an extended career break, it’s hard to break through the hundreds of other candidates looking competing for the same positions as you. Those returning from a career break have the added challenge of figuring out how to position themselves as a top candidate while explaining their break. In today’s episode, I talk with Claudia Miller, who was ranked as one of the most innovative career coaches by Business Insider. She shares her insights and actionable tips on everything from how to position yourself to negotiate the salary you’re worth, getting your resume past the ATS (applicant tracking system) and into human hands, and how to structure your resume if you’re returning to the workforce after an extended break.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- The three audiences you’re writing your resume for
- The importance of a skills-based resume
- How much time hiring managers spend looking at a resume and how to optimize in that time
- How to find inroads at companies even when you have no contacts at the company
- What percentage of qualifications you should meet to apply for a job
In this episode, Claudia mentioned the following resource for resume writing:
About the Guest:
Claudia Miller is a Career and Negotiation Strategist and she helps serious professionals secure dream jobs, with dream salaries, at their dream companies -- including fast-growing startups, rockstar midsize companies, and Fortune 500 and Tech Giants like Amazon, Google & Facebook. Some even received salary increases of up to $50,000. Business Insider selected her as one of the Top Most Innovate Career Coaches of 2020 and her work has been featured in Forbes, MSNBC, Yahoo! Finance as well as other major news outlets.
Connect with Claudia at:
Website: https://www.claudiatmiller.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claudiatmiller/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/claudiatmiller/
Live Resume Review: https://www.claudiatmiller.com/events
Complimentary 30-min consultation meeting link: https://meetings.hubspot.com/claudia52
About the Host
Janice Scholl helps moms navigate the money and career transitions that come with the different stages of motherhood through her work as coach, speaker, workshop facilitator, and host of The Money, Career & Motherhood Podcast. Janice is passionate about helping mothers gain confidence and understanding about money, career & business topics as they relate to motherhood and family – the way many women actually think about money. Her key areas of focus to help mothers succeed are navigating maternity leave, career breaks & transitions, and values-based budgeting.
Sign up for a FREE 30-minute strategy session with Janice here.
Visit the Money, Career, & Motherhood website, Facebook page, Facebook group, or on Instagram.
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