Nov. 28, 2023

Empowering Your Inner Journey: Grounding Techniques, Vibrational Practices, And Self-Realization On The Path Of Spiritual Growth With Kathleen Israel

Empowering Your Inner Journey: Grounding Techniques, Vibrational Practices, And Self-Realization On The Path Of Spiritual Growth With Kathleen Israel

Kathleen Israel joins us on this 34th episode for Mindful You. Carroll and Israel discuss ways we can ground ourselves wherever we are and the different practices to raising our own vibration. In this very fascinating episode we learn how to take responsibility for our buttons that get pushed. We must learn to let the spirit flow through us on our journey to self-realization.

About The Guest:

Kathleen Donnelly Israel has lived her entire life in San Diego CA. She raised 5 children with her husband of 48 years, Ron Israel. They were a team couple for World Wide Marriage Encounter. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Art from San Diego State University and studied Expressive Arts Therapy at the European Graduate School in Switzerland. She cared for her husband for the 17 years that he had Parkinson’s disease till he died in 2018. During this time, she studied spiritual healing from many enlightened thought leaders and teachers. She wrote her book about her travels on the Camino Santiago in Spain and about sharing her wisdom with those she met there. 

Find Kathleen Here:






About Alan:

Alan Carroll is an Educational Psychologist who specializes in Transpersonal Psychology. He founded Alan Carroll & Associates 30 years ago and before that, he was a Senior Sales Training Consultant for 10 years at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has dedicated his life in search of mindfulness tools that can be used by everyone (young and old) to transform their ability to speak at a professional level, as well as, to reduce the psychological suffering caused by the misidentification with our ego and reconnect to the vast transcendent dimension of consciousness that lies just on the other side of the thoughts we think and in between the words we speak.





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Alan Carroll:

Hello, everybody. And welcome back to the mindful

Alan Carroll:

U podcast. As we traveled together, into the realms of

Alan Carroll:

mindfulness, by meeting fellow travelers on the path, who share

Alan Carroll:

their stories share the critical events that altered their

Alan Carroll:

perception that opened up portals and awareness into this

Alan Carroll:

transcendental state of consciousness that we refer to

Alan Carroll:

as, as mindfulness. Today, today's guest, Kathleen

Alan Carroll:

Donnelly, Israel born and raised in San Diego, California Family

Alan Carroll:

was raised their family before that generation before that. So

Alan Carroll:

she has deep roots to this area of the United States. Kathleen

Alan Carroll:

shares her journey. And what you would refer to it as definitely

Alan Carroll:

an uphill kind of experience, not a downhill easy kind of

Alan Carroll:

experience, a lot of emotional suffering, physical suffering,

Alan Carroll:

and a lot of issues that she had to deal with. And she was able

Alan Carroll:

to create a transformational experience even though the

Alan Carroll:

environment that she was in could easily have taken her down

Alan Carroll:

a path of, of not that enlightened way more of a

Alan Carroll:

victim. And that's the way it is, that's the way it's gonna

Alan Carroll:

be. And she was able to pop through that experience in

Alan Carroll:

reaching a state of consciousness. That is very,

Alan Carroll:

very, very clear. And at the end of the podcast, she described

Alan Carroll:

some of the healing techniques that she uses. That was just

Alan Carroll:

Wow, very, very, very, very sweet to hear, and also

Alan Carroll:

wonderful to practice. So please welcome to the mindful you

Alan Carroll:

podcast. Kathleen Donnelly, Israel. Hello, Kathleen,

Alan Carroll:

welcome. How you podcast. How are you today?

Kathleen Israel:

I'm good. I'm happy to be here.

Alan Carroll:

Well, I understand you, you live out in California.

Kathleen Israel:

Yep. I've lived here all my life.

Alan Carroll:

Really? Well. You're born and raised in

Alan Carroll:

California, in San Diego. Right. Well, so you have deep roots in

Alan Carroll:

San Diego. You

Kathleen Israel:

wouldn't believe how deep the roots are

Kathleen Israel:

that I have. My some of my family came to build the Hotel

Kathleen Israel:

Del Coronado and yeah, my my husband's family. Were the

Kathleen Israel:

lighthouse keepers out at Cabrillo National Monument, the

Kathleen Israel:

lighthouse out there. So we're an old San Diego family on both

Kathleen Israel:


Alan Carroll:

Wow. So you go back a couple of generations.

Alan Carroll:

Right? Wow. That's, that's, I bet. You know, we're in the

Alan Carroll:

mindfulness business, you know, of conversations and building

Alan Carroll:

our, our, our mindfulness muscles. And I always I always

Alan Carroll:

had the thought that there's something about having deep

Alan Carroll:

roots, which gives you some sort of mental motional stability.

Alan Carroll:

Especially when times changing. And I'm wondering if that's your

Alan Carroll:

experience Kathleen have out there in California for

Alan Carroll:



Yeah, it's, it's really nice to just know you're going


when you're on the freeway and stuff like that, you know, when


I go visit my kids in Texas, I'm like, Ah, where am I went to


eighth north. And here in San Diego, the oceans, the oceans on


the west end, the mountains are on the east. So you know,


there's not much outstanding, Mexico south and you know, the


rest of the US is north. Very good. But I think having a


grounding technique, it's really good to no matter where you're


at, you can just ground yourself. And I think that's


really good. That

Alan Carroll:

when you ground yourself because grounding

Alan Carroll:

grounding is a is a major concept and mindfulness and

Alan Carroll:

presence is is being grounded. And so when you when you talk

Alan Carroll:

about grounded, it gives give the audience an experience or

Alan Carroll:

recommendations of how you can ground yourself, no matter where

Alan Carroll:

you are.


Wow, this is my grounding technique. My daughter


doesn't like it. But anyway I, this is what i do i Okay, I sit


quietly and I I imagined from my feet coming up through my body,


a fountain going out my head. And then I imagine that again,


only it's going out my arms. And then I imagine it again, I what


I do is I take my heart, and I go down to my feet. And I bring


that up through me. And I go up to God, in that way.

Alan Carroll:

I did it as you were, as you were talking, and

Alan Carroll:

it's a wonderful visualization.


And then I like to ground myself, I make my feet,


my from my feet goes down into the earth. Oh, yeah. And then


and then the earth comes up through me. That's the part my


daughter doesn't like she said, she didn't like the earth inside


her. So anyway, whatever.

Alan Carroll:

Well, I look at the Earth is Mother Earth. So

Alan Carroll:

then I came from Mother Earth, so I shouldn't be upset by

Alan Carroll:

Mother Earth. I liked the feeling of as you described it,

Alan Carroll:

there's there was a pattern to it. It wasn't just random. It

Alan Carroll:

was a pattern in which I, I know had the head and then the arms.

Alan Carroll:

And then then then we went, went to the heart, I believe and then

Alan Carroll:

down to the down to the feet then up again.


They heard up to God. Yeah, it's almost

Alan Carroll:

like I can see the cross in my, in my the

Alan Carroll:

Catholics, sometimes they have the cross of grounding

Alan Carroll:

themselves and anchoring themselves. Okay, so when you

Alan Carroll:

ground yourself wonderful technique, thank you for sharing

Alan Carroll:

it with us. I still have tingles from it by it. And how often do

Alan Carroll:

you use the technique? Is it something that you do regularly

Alan Carroll:

in order to use what's your experience of using the

Alan Carroll:

technique also?


Well, I actually do Theta Healing. And so I do it


when I do Theta Healing. And then if, if I just want to go up


to God, and I want to, I want to commune with God. That's how I


do it. And, and then when I get up to God, I announce myself,


I'm Kathleen. And then I, it's a technique, you know, like, if


you want to be close to God, it's really good to have a high


vibration in your body, and your spirit. And so I work on having


a high vibration all the time. And then and then when I go up


to God, I can get, I can get closer to God, I don't know, you


know, this is just how I explained it. Because when I


have a low vibration, God has a very high vibration. And it's,


it's like hard for me to get up there with my low vibration. So


I try and keep my vibration high.

Alan Carroll:

As you speak, an image comes to my mind, and the

Alan Carroll:

images of the hot air balloon and the hot air balloon wants to

Alan Carroll:

go up. But there's two ways to make the hot air balloon go up.

Alan Carroll:

One way is more hot air. The second way is to throw the

Alan Carroll:

ballasts off. And the ballasts are the things you're holding on

Alan Carroll:

to. And so I would say that the low vibration folks are holding

Alan Carroll:

on to something which keeps them anchored. And a higher vibration

Alan Carroll:

means you're unloading stuff at some level of reality, making

Alan Carroll:

your lighter and lighter and lighter so you're not going to

Alan Carroll:

hurt yourself as your vibration intermingles with higher

Alan Carroll:

vibrations, you can't go from zero to 100 You got to go to

Alan Carroll:

2345. And so you it's not bad that you can't contact God from

Alan Carroll:

a low vibration you have to practice. Yeah, there has to be

Alan Carroll:

a practice Do you have a practice that you follow? And


I have different things that I do to raise my vibration.


One of them is praise, like praise like Glory to God in the


highest type of praise. I I knew this this lady. She was just


kind of the age that she was older than my mother. She was my


mother's babysitter when she my mother was a little girl and so


was I was a woman already but I got to know her as an older


woman. And she told me that she just writes down praise words


all the time and she just wherever she is she goes out Oh


praise God for this beautiful tree type of thing you know, and


she has had this big long list of praise God stuff. And that


really impressed meet you. And so I have now that now that I'm


an older woman, I have time, you know, I'm not all busy with my


children and stuff like that I have time to do stuff like that.


So I, I went online and I was like, Oh, I'm gonna find all the


praise songs. And so I went online, and it just seemed like


all the praise songs were supplication. Or, you know,


thanking, they weren't necessarily praise. Whereas


gratitude is very powerful. Praise is more powerful, more


higher vibration. And so I, what I did was I just went through


all the songs and wrote the actual praise parts down. And so


I, it's quite long, actually, it takes more than five minutes to


listen to it at night, but I, I read it into my phone. At night,


when I go to bed, I, I push my praise thing and listen to it.



Alan Carroll:

is that something is that a link that can be

Alan Carroll:

created? So people could link it and get that that Rolodex of

Alan Carroll:

praise songs?


Um, well, you know what, it wasn't just the names


of the songs, but the words in the songs. So I was just trying


to think of what, what is actual praise. And so then I went to


the songs, I went through the, you know, different parts of the


Bible and found actual praise words. And I, yeah, I wrote them


down. I don't know, I play it to myself, I, I am not a


professional, you know, talker. The

Alan Carroll:

idea for me is I'm, I'm a, I'm a big fan of the

Alan Carroll:

Course of Miracles. I find that to be a very fast vehicle, to

Alan Carroll:

get you to that mindful state of consciousness. And, and one of

Alan Carroll:

the ways they describe things, is that what you what you paint,

Alan Carroll:

in your mind's eye, is projected out to the outer world. And it's

Alan Carroll:

the same. Yeah, and when when you in your mind's eye, I can't

Alan Carroll:

do it brings tears in my eyes, when you when you praise the

Alan Carroll:

Spirit of God, without you're praising the Spirit of God with

Alan Carroll:

it. But you have to give up. You have to give up your grievances.

Alan Carroll:

You got to give up your complaints about Yeah, without

Alan Carroll:

you have to practice forgiveness, as as a as a daily

Alan Carroll:



Speaking of forgiveness, I'm really into


forgiveness. I'm so into forgiveness that I don't even


feel like I need to forgive anybody anymore. Because well, I


could tell you the story about I have this story that I don't


know if God revealed it to me, or if I made it up. But anyway,


I think it's true. And so I think that before I came in as a


human, I was out in the universe with God and I was a low


vibrational spirit. I had a low vibration, and I had heard, and


I wanted to be close to God. And, and I had heard that if you


go into the earth and be a human, you can actually raise


your vibration by unconditional love. And so there I was, with


this low vibration, and I decided to come in and even


knowing that I would have parents that were really harsh,


and, you know, my life was harsh when I was young. And so I came


in anyway. I mean, it was, it was troubled from the get go.


And just through my life, I was just a really sad person. And I


didn't realize why I had come here. And so I just, you know, I


just, you know, it's like, the worse it gets, the worse it


gets. Because what you think about you bring about and if


you're thinking about the sad stuff in your life, which is


what my life was, then you just make more of it. And so,

Alan Carroll:

on to an important concept about cocoa say that

Alan Carroll:

couple of times there because that's a major insights. So

Alan Carroll:

please repeat it slowly so the audience can really savor it.


Um, I don't remember exactly. Right. So I, I wanted


to raise my vibration. And I, when I got in here, I didn't


remember that you don't remember. And so I was had a sad


life. People were mean to me all my life. And the more the more I


you know, the worse it gets, the worse it gets. So, if you're


what you think about you bring about so I was thinking sad


things all my life, you're thinking things in your mind.


Yeah. And so I was bringing in sad happenings in my life.


Because when you think about your bring about so that was


that was what I did in my life. So

Alan Carroll:

did you figure out a way of changing your thinking?


Yeah, so Well, I remember when I was, you know, I


was I always wanted to be close to God.

Alan Carroll:

I vote for that one. I imagined every everybody

Alan Carroll:

in the audience was for that one.


Yeah. And I, I used to tell my sad story to people. And


some lady one time she asked me, why don't you make up a better


story? And I said, well, it wouldn't be true. The fact is


that all the sad story is just evidence of what I had brought


into my life with my sad story. So So anyway, I am. Okay, so I


married Ron Israel. Wonderful man. And you know, and I just


attracted all the terrible stuff from this poor man. And and so


he got Parkinson's disease, and I had to care for him. He got it


in 2001. And he died in 2018. So the first 10 years, he was okay,


he could move could do stuff. But in 2010, he, he couldn't


move on his own anymore, and he couldn't talk anymore. And so,


from 2010 to 2018, I was his total caregiver. And so I had to


be home, right? And so I used to, in the evening, go in and


listen to healers online. And I, I really believe that God led me


to my healers online. I would Darius bear Zonda, he has


healers on his show. And so I would go on there. And I would


like buy their program or something. And then I would do


the work. And then after a while, it got not interesting


anymore. And God would send me another one. And then I would


study their stuff. And so what I think what's happening is God


was raising my vibration a little bit at a time. And so


when I, when I learned all that stuff from that healer, then my


I had been raised up to the top of their teaching, and God would


send me another one. And so through that time, I found out


how, how to be happy. And what was wrong with my thinking. It


didn't realize that worrying is like, making up a sad story. And


then believing in it, and going with it. And in reality, there's


endless possibilities. So, you know, that's

Alan Carroll:

the rest. Wonderful. That's that's, that's

Alan Carroll:

really as sweet as sweet sounds you made. They're very, very

Alan Carroll:

sweet. Making it up. Very nice.


Yeah, we do. And we could make up a good story. And


the fact is that when we make up these sad stories about the


people we love, we're actually cursing them by sending bad


vibrations in their way, which is the if they're doing


something exciting, and maybe we would perceive as dangerous, but


it's what's there for them in their life. And if we think bad


things, we're not helping them out at all. If we could make up


a good story for them and and send them good vibrations. And


in order

Alan Carroll:

to do that, you have to sort of realize that the

Alan Carroll:

first thing that you were going to send to them probably is not

Alan Carroll:

the healthiest thing to do. So I'm going to go to another thing

Alan Carroll:

that I'm going to send to them and this one is packaged in love

Alan Carroll:

and and so it's the ability to catch yourself before you before

Alan Carroll:

you pull the trigger on the on the reaction and then come over

Alan Carroll:

here then have the higher vibration choice About for the

Alan Carroll:

high for the sake of the higher, you have to give up those lower

Alan Carroll:

thoughts, which feels good to the ego, however, is not good

Alan Carroll:

for the being, which is that that higher level of, of what

Alan Carroll:

you're talking about that vibration in which in which I

Alan Carroll:

believe is a state of non judgement, there's no judgment

Alan Carroll:

there you there's no right or wrong, which turns out to be the

Alan Carroll:

very first lesson in the Course of Miracles is that you look at

Alan Carroll:

everything you see, and nothing has any meaning. And if nothing

Alan Carroll:

has any meaning, then it was no judgment. But how do you do

Alan Carroll:

that? Because everything has meaning. So


the thing is that when we've had some adversity in our


lives, we're kind of tracking for adversity, you know, it's


like, we're like, oh, okay, I don't want to have that happen


again. So we're just like, you know, intent on that sort of


thing. That's not helpful. Because of the possibilities


that exist for us in our life. You know, we're, we need to, it


takes a while, it really does. You can't just do it. But after


a while, you get used to having a positive outlook. And, and


that lady who told me I should make up a good story, she was


right, I should have. But anyway, was the story that you


made up? Well, gosh, my father was an alcoholic, rageaholic


child molester. And you know, it, that my mother was ignoring


the whole situation, because she had six kids, she used to read


like six books a week, we go to the library, and she bring her


big stack of books. You know?

Alan Carroll:

What, that was your story. That's, that's, that

Alan Carroll:

is a story in which you wouldn't have a wonder why you chose to

Alan Carroll:

be incarnated into that family. And my understanding is you

Alan Carroll:

chose you chose it in order to learn something had to happen in

Alan Carroll:

order to raise your vibration. Naturally, I


attracted it, I attracted it. With my low


vibration, so

Alan Carroll:

um, so your journey has been to get out of

Alan Carroll:

the pain and out of the suffering comes the comes the

Alan Carroll:

lotus flower, out of the mud comes the lotus flower. So your

Alan Carroll:

enlightenment comes from that? The the experiences earlier

Alan Carroll:

which you chose as a spirit to do, I think that's what you're

Alan Carroll:

saying. Yeah.


And the fact is that unconditional love is a very


high vibration. And you can't even do it unless you have


adversity. Because it's really easy to love the people who love


us. And you have to have adversity to do unconditional


love. And that's the that's the sweet spot there. So that's why,


you know, have you heard of how oponopono

Alan Carroll:

sounds Hawaiian? But no, I have it. Yeah,


it is Hawaiian. It's a Hawaiian healing technique for


the family. And it's like magic. I mean, mystical. And so what it


is, is, it's this, it's kind of like an incantation or a prayer.


But um, so this is how oponopono you say, I love you. And it's, I


love God, God loves me. God loves that or the person. The


other person loves God. And if you can say it, I love them.


They love me but if you can't say you don't have to. Okay, so


I love you. I'm sorry. And it's not I'm sorry I did anything but


I'm sorry the situation exists between us. And then it's please


forgive me. And it's not because I did anything but please


forgive me for what's going on in me that caused me to attract


this. So I have a button that this person pushed in me and it


made me hate them. Because it hurts so deeply, like you say


from my childhood are something so um, and then it Thank you.


Thank you for showing me this so I could heal because if I didn't


have this pain inside of me, I didn't I wouldn't know where I


need to heal. So thank you for showing me this so I could heal.


And then the big I love you again. I love God God loves me


God loves the other person, you know the person loves God. And


through that, you can. The thing is with people is we have a bind


with people. We are they are bound to us we are bound to


them. And it looses the binds that we have with the people


that blankety blank ruin our life type of thing. You know, we


have a bind with them and they're on So anyway, it



Alan Carroll:

you said it loosens the the connection that

Alan Carroll:

you had with that story. Now the story is getting further away.

Alan Carroll:

And the influence the story has on your beingness gets less and

Alan Carroll:

less and less as you create more and more space for it to be

Alan Carroll:

further and further away. And pretty soon Hey, it's just my

Alan Carroll:

story. Is that?


Yeah. And also, the fact is that I'm taking


responsibility for our buttons that get pushed. I think that's


like something you you talked about earlier. So I so instead


of being a victim, I'm not a victim, I realized that I


attracted this out of them, they're just doing what they do.


You know, and it hit a button inside of me that made me have


pain. So then I can, I can just do I do the whole oponopono I


mean, when I learned the whole oponopono I was doing it all the


time. I

Alan Carroll:

can spell it, I want to know how to spell it.

Alan Carroll:



Oh, no.

Alan Carroll:



you can put a one of those. Anyway, a line thing


above the second hour or something.

Alan Carroll:

Okay, all right, I think Google is good enough to

Alan Carroll:

figure that one out. Yeah, that's really a sweet one,

Alan Carroll:

because I close my eyes again. And when as you're doing it, the

Alan Carroll:

the forgiveness of the unforgivable is, is a struggle

Alan Carroll:

for the ego, which is in the is it was, which is, nd I will

Alan Carroll:

never forgive for what they did. To me, I will never ever forgive

Alan Carroll:

it. And so the ego is not going to relinquish the forgiveness.

Alan Carroll:

And so it's for you to be able to experience that breakthrough,

Alan Carroll:

when you realize that the forgiveness is causing you more

Alan Carroll:

problems holding on to whatever you're holding on to, if I want

Alan Carroll:

to be a higher level person, you have to you have to be able to

Alan Carroll:

have no hatred at all, you can't you can't go to a higher

Alan Carroll:

vibration if you have hatred to anything in the movie. And so

Alan Carroll:

what you're saying to me is that you've you, you push through

Alan Carroll:

that, and I realized that could go on, I


realized that it's my responsibility to take care of


my buttons. And the deeper it hurts, the deeper the button is


in me. They, you know, and I, I just, and so that's why I don't


feel like I need to forgive anybody because I attracted at


all, even as a baby, even as a child. I attracted it all in.


And it's not in a shame way that I attracted it. What it is, is I


just honor myself as a valiant spirit who decided to come in


here anyway, even knowing I would experience the stuff. And


I honor my valiant spirit who came here to raise my vibration.


So there's no shame. There's no shame in how oponopono

Alan Carroll:

right? Yeah, right. What a what a wonderful

Alan Carroll:

way of, of it's trying to create a mental story that frees you

Alan Carroll:

from the past. And I know in the NLP world, they call it reframe.

Alan Carroll:

How can you reframe it, and the if you can reframe it, you lose

Alan Carroll:

the it's like, you, you realized you you break through a box or

Alan Carroll:

something happens on a mental prison that you had is no longer

Alan Carroll:

there. Because you figured out another way of interpreting it,

Alan Carroll:

which is a much more positive way that to be to be


Yeah, we all need to take responsibility for what's


going on in us. Not in a shame way. At all. Only in an in a


learning way. In a in a loving way. Yes. Like especially like


those people that are just ruin your life then if we the only


the best thing to do with them is to love them. Because


anything that's lower than love is just hurting us. You know,

Alan Carroll:

anything lower than love is just hurting us.

Alan Carroll:

There's we've been again, the Course of Miracles says there's

Alan Carroll:

two types of thoughts. There's attack thoughts, and there's

Alan Carroll:

loving thoughts. That's it. So either you are loving when you

Alan Carroll:

speak you're loving vibration. You you You praise you praise

Alan Carroll:

comes out of you, about the world around you, and you praise

Alan Carroll:

the flowers and you praise the trees. And that's beautiful.

Alan Carroll:

Because when you praising it, you feel an energy that comes

Alan Carroll:

through you, you have power of praising is that's a that's a,

Alan Carroll:

that's a high level vibration power. So why not use it? Well,

Alan Carroll:

I don't deserve the praise. Well, I just tried to pray

Alan Carroll:

simply praise one thing and see what happens. You


know, the I don't deserve part is is just like I


wonder what that's made out of? You know? The? Yeah. When,


because we are divine beings. And anything that isn't love


isn't really us. You know? And so we can, we can be fooled, you


know, to think stuff that's not love is us. But it's not so, but


it's like Jesus said, you know, forgive them they know not what


they do. He knew what, what it was like to be human, you know,


to be lost in our thoughts and, you know, just confused and


listen, and maybe we listened to the wrong stuff for a long time,


and we don't know which way is up anymore.

Alan Carroll:

That's right. Lost in our thoughts is a good way of

Alan Carroll:

describing your thoughts are just like a monkey mind has been

Alan Carroll:

used to describe as lost in thoughts, your thoughts are

Alan Carroll:

constantly going all over the place and you and how do you

Alan Carroll:

settle the thoughts? How do you make the leaves that we're

Alan Carroll:

stirred up? How do you make those leaps? Just settle down,

Alan Carroll:

settle down, settle down. So you know you're in a more leafless

Alan Carroll:

environment, less leaves.


Yeah, I think that loving ourselves is really key


for that I have in the past. You know what Wayne Dyer talked


about this thing that you can do, and your body can just like


start at your toes and just love every cell in your big toe, and


then go to the next toe. And just like it's a great thing to


do when you're asleep, you're trying to sleep and you can't


get asleep. And you just start at the bottom and just love


every cell in your body. And one time I was I really was having a


hard time sleeping and I was listening to Wayne and so so I


did that for several nights. And you know, maybe I would get up


to my elbows or something and then I would fall asleep. But


when that it got through my whole body and I loved every


cell in my body. And the next day, I was driving up 54th


street here to El Cajon Boulevard. And the alcohol


Boulevard is like a very eclectic street you got anybody


anybody could be walking down that street. So this like guy


who was very disheveled is walking across the street and I


was just sitting there all of a sudden I realized how much I


love this guy. And I was just watching the way is you know his


clothes hung on his body or I was just looking at his face and


I was like I just love that guy so much and I just thought you


know what I think when you're all loved up it's easy to love


other people like if you're if you're in a deficit of love for


yourself then it's hard to love other people but anyway, I was


all loved up because I had started at my toes and gotten in


my head and and it was with a lovely it was a lovely


experience actually.

Alan Carroll:

Oh lovely is a sweet way of describing the

Alan Carroll:

miraculous it's yeah, it's the flow of the realization that the

Alan Carroll:

Warner Earhart described something he described it as a

Alan Carroll:

you you don't need to go looking for love when it's where you

Alan Carroll:

come from the Course of Miracles would describe it as God cannot

Alan Carroll:

do for you what God cannot do through you so there's so

Alan Carroll:

allowing yourself to be the spokesperson for the Spirit

Alan Carroll:

allows that spirit to flow through you and you can I love

Alan Carroll:

the praise thing is third time has come up but but to you, you

Alan Carroll:

what's the word you want you prime you prime the pump by a

Alan Carroll:

little bit of praise, a little bit of praise and a bit of

Alan Carroll:

praise. And pretty soon it's like you're painting a picture

Alan Carroll:

of heaven in your every moment now. is a is a divine moment of

Alan Carroll:

presence. So the guy with a shovel does walking across is a

Alan Carroll:

Whew. That's a that's a that's a big deal.


Yeah, it was was lovely. Oh, boy. Oh,

Alan Carroll:

boy, you're you are you're getting your you it

Alan Carroll:

took you a while to get there. But I know I


was I wish I had started earlier but I didn't get


it. I just didn't get it until, you know, Ron was sick and I had


to add to be here, you know. So that's the gift of Brian's



Alan Carroll:

Yeah, to be able to, you know, look at it that

Alan Carroll:

way. It's like, wow, this, other people could look at it

Alan Carroll:

differently and physically, mentally and emotionally, they

Alan Carroll:

would just, you know, they have to carry that, that burden of

Alan Carroll:

victimhood, and you're able to release it. And now, you're,

Alan Carroll:

you're flying, you're flying through the space?


Well, you know, if you are in a committed relationship,


and it's death do us part somebody's gonna be kicking here


as somebody sometime you know. And so I just was grateful that


I was the caregiver, not the sick person, you know, I felt


like I had the better half. And I was grateful for that.

Alan Carroll:

I people who want to reach out to you will, will

Alan Carroll:

have all your notes and headshots and links and things

Alan Carroll:

like that in the show notes. And how can people just right now

Alan Carroll:

reach out to you and connect with you and the gifts that you

Alan Carroll:

are in the world?


You know, when after, I mean, I studied a long time


online, with all those enlightened thought leaders. And


when Ron died, I thought, wow, I really know some stuff now that


really elevated my situation here on Earth. And I thought I'd


like to share it with people. And so I wanted to write a book


about it so I could share all the things I learned. But


anyway, after Ron died, I walked the Camino Santiago de


Compostela. Just 500 miles across northern Spain and walk



Alan Carroll:

miles. Yeah, I did. Yeah. And


so it's a big deal. So I want this 500 mile track


pilgrimage. I am a Catholic. And so, you know, it's a Catholic


thing, although only about 30% of the people who walk the


Camino are Catholic and do it for spiritual reasons. Sure. But


anyway, um, after I got home, and I thought it was time to, to


write the book, I thought, oh, gosh, I was really reluctant to


be teaching because I didn't feel like an authority. And so I


remembered that I told all those things to people on the Camino.


So I actually wrote my book about walking the Camino and


telling people those things along the way. So um, so my book


is wisdom on the camino, a spiritual journey, sharing


forgiveness and possibilities to inspire the rest of your life by


Kathleen Donnelly, Israel. And so it's a real I've got a really


killer cover. I know you can get it on online too. But

Alan Carroll:

the cover get hold it up. Yeah, this is


the cover. All right. And it's like me going forward


and standing there too. It's kind of anyway, I don't know if


you can see it. Beautiful. Designer, do you design it


yourself? Oh, no, as a matter of fact, I am a graphic designer.


That was my, you know, my job. I got a degree, you know, and


stuff and, and I tried to make my cover, and then I got


somebody to make a cover for me, because nobody liked the one I


made. And I loved it. And so, um, you know, I have a lot of


friends. So I just showed it to them. And anyway, I let them


decide which one was the best cover. And it was so funny


because my sister in law loved the one I designed to, and I


loved it too, but I couldn't use it because nobody else liked it.

Alan Carroll:

So well. It's nice to be able to formalize your

Alan Carroll:

thoughts in the book form. So it's available for people who

Alan Carroll:

want to access in the in the book form the wisdom that you

Alan Carroll:

have experienced at As you have been riding down the river, and

Alan Carroll:

your river had a lot of rapids, a lot of ups and downs. And it

Alan Carroll:

sounds as though you've, I've stabilized you've, you've gone

Alan Carroll:

through on, hopefully you, you've gone through the major.

Alan Carroll:

And now you still might have stuff going on. But your ability

Alan Carroll:

to manage it mentally is you've been transformed to be able to

Alan Carroll:

manage the river differently than you did for the first part

Alan Carroll:

of life. Now, you still issues come up, but they're just issues

Alan Carroll:

now. They're not deeply mentally disturbing. I imagined,


right when things get really awful. I think, Oh, what


was I thinking that brought this in? You know? And, like, I just


went, um, I went on a trip with my sister in law. And she was so


gracious to go with me. I wanted to go to Dollywood. But I didn't


want to go alone. And then she came, even though that's not her


thing. She came and it was, was so lovely. But um, yeah, I


couldn't hardly handle her personality sometimes. And, and


that, you know, it was so blatant to me that I had


attracted anything I didn't like about her. So. And also

Alan Carroll:

notice that so So yeah, this was recently and you

Alan Carroll:

had the like, you're watching the movie of Dollywood. And the

Alan Carroll:

person you're with and you're able to see that in the past,

Alan Carroll:

you would have judged it this way. But you're able to capsize

Alan Carroll:

boat and you're able to right sided up quickly. That's exactly

Alan Carroll:

what mindfulness is about that ability to right side the boat

Alan Carroll:

quickly, not that you're not gonna get capsized. It's just

Alan Carroll:

that How quick can you get back again? And I bet love has a lot

Alan Carroll:

to do with it.


Yeah, well, it allows the love, you know, and to


realize, like, when you like think somebody is like, evil or


something. That's just not true. Because they're a divine being


also, you know, and, and I did notice, like, that she had


anxiety. And the things that were showing up that were


uncomfortable for me were caused by her anxiety, you know, and


so, I mean, how could I fault her for that? I mean, you know,


we just have anxiety. So, yeah, so, no, I don't need to forgive


her. And, and I care about this. Yeah. I attracted everything. I


attracted everything I didn't like, and I attracted all the


good things too. I did. So, yeah.

Alan Carroll:

Well, it's a, quite a, quite a journey that

Alan Carroll:

you have been on. And it's quite a journey that you took our

Alan Carroll:

audience on today. Really, it's a it's a, it's the journey of

Alan Carroll:

self realization, of the journey of the bridge from the ego to

Alan Carroll:

the being, that lower vibration, heaviness to a higher vibration

Alan Carroll:

of lightness. And being able to articulate the thoughts be able

Alan Carroll:

to express the the love and the forgiveness is those are, those

Alan Carroll:

are higher level thought forms. When you're talking about praise

Alan Carroll:

and forgiveness all the time. It's like that's pretty cool.

Alan Carroll:



and, and you don't even need to forgive, you know,


forgiving yourself is what, what's important. And also


realizing it's not about shame. When you forgive yourself. It's


not about shame. It's about getting closer to God and loving


when you when you forgive yourself and taking


responsibility and so you don't have to be a victim. I hate it


being a victim. I'm not a victim anymore. At all.

Alan Carroll:

How is shame and guilt connected? Are they the

Alan Carroll:

same word? I feel guilty about what I did I feel ashamed about

Alan Carroll:

what I did I feel embarrassed about what I did. I feel stuck.

Alan Carroll:

I did. Oh


my gosh, oh my gosh is so that is such a big piece is


okay, so I would do something and I would be mortified that


No, somebody noticed what I did. Like I'm just going to tell you


one time I was I was at the Old Globe Theatre and I had this


skirt that the bottom was uneven. And so I I, you know, I


went to the restroom, and I was making sure all my parts of my


skirt were down in the back right? Now walked out. And this


lady came up to me and told me that my skirt was up in my


waistband. And I thought I had, you know, I mean, there, I was


walking in front of all those people. And I was just like, so


mortified, like, I could die. Right? Ah, and then, and then I


realized that I congratulated myself for being there. Because


if I had stayed home, and just been by myself, I wouldn't have


had that happen to me. So I congratulate it and honored my


valiant spirit that was out there in a situation where it


could be embarrassed. And, and so I got over it right away,


like boom. And, and it, it seems kind of silly. But I mean,


that's the kind of thing that I used to always just be so


embarrassed all the time about everything. And now I'm like,


Yeah, okay, well, if I had stayed home, I wouldn't have had


that problem. But I'm congratulating myself for being


out there. In a situation where I could experience that. And


that's it.

Alan Carroll:

That's, that's an important idea. Because I God's

Alan Carroll:

not gonna knock on your door and say, Oh, hi. Hi, how you doing?

Alan Carroll:

Kathleen? Would you want to get enlightened? No, Kathleen has to

Alan Carroll:

open the door, go out in the community, put herself into

Alan Carroll:

circulation, put herself into participation. So the gifts of

Alan Carroll:

God, it's better. It's easier to give it to you when you go out

Alan Carroll:

there rather than hide act fight at home. And so that's

Alan Carroll:

wonderful. Because that's a testimonial to the the person

Alan Carroll:

that may be reluctant because I don't know what's on the other

Alan Carroll:

side of the door. You know, yet, you know, you're you're a

Alan Carroll:

testimonial that God's on the other side of the door.

Alan Carroll:

Wonderful. That's beautiful. Well, we have taken a lot of

Alan Carroll:

time today. I loved hearing your your stories.


Your thing? Well, one more thing. You're absolutely.


Okay. So in my book, right across from the table of


contents, I have a gift for my readers. And people, like I


shared my pictures with my friends on Facebook. And they


said you got to put your pictures in your book. And I'm


like, yeah, and then it'll be $50 for the book. And so I made


a website with galleries and portfolios of my pictures per


chapter. So you can like, go across from the table of


contents, you have to double opt in and says read this first. And


then you know, and then you can see the pictures while you're


reading the book.

Alan Carroll:

That's technology working. Yeah. The books

Alan Carroll:

available on Amazon, Amazon. Yeah. Well hold it up again. So

Alan Carroll:

in case people somehow are able to take a there. Let's let's

Alan Carroll:

just hold hold on, because I'm going to take a picture of it.

Alan Carroll:

So I have it. All right. Oh, look at that. Okay. Perfect.

Alan Carroll:

Perfect. Okay.


So, when I wrote the book, I actually wrote down my


teachings. And then I wrote who I, I wrote who I told them to,


and then I arranged it in a timeline on the Camino.

Alan Carroll:

Wow. Well, it's, it's been, it's been a wonderful

Alan Carroll:

experience, Kathleen, I appreciate it. Use a wonderful

Alan Carroll:

guest. sharing, sharing, unlimited sharing, open sharing,

Alan Carroll:

enjoying enjoying the journey free to go here to go there.

Alan Carroll:

That's wonderful. Because you got to be a light, flexible to

Alan Carroll:

be able to do that. And that's a characteristic of I think the

Alan Carroll:

higher level you go is the vibration, the more flexible

Alan Carroll:

that you become. Thank you, God. Thank you very much for being a

Alan Carroll:

guest. And thank you very much for the opportunity. Be being

Alan Carroll:

with you today. And I'll say goodbye and have a joyful,

Alan Carroll:

blessed day. Bye bye, you


will to Alan. Bye. Bye bye